The Nintendo GameCube launched in Japan in September 2001 and a couple of months later on 18th November in North America. Unlucky Europeans wouldn't get their hands on it until the following year, but the wait was worth it for one of the best-looking video game consoles of all time. The NGC (sorry, GCN) is a beautiful, compact piece of kit.
Eschewing the jack-of-all-trades direction of its contemporaries, the console concentrated on doing just one thing well: playing games. Its striking indigo colour, big chunky 'A' button, cute little discs, and infamous carry handle ultimately worked against it in an era of sleek, all-in-one multimedia machines, but it was a powerful little box of tricks that played host to a fabulous library of games. This was the last time Nintendo put itself in direct competition with Sony and Microsoft in pure spec terms before changing tack with the Wii.
We asked Nintendo Life readers to rate their favourite GameCube games, and the result is the list of 50 games you see below. The ranking is formed entirely from each game's user rating in the Nintendo Life Games database. However, unlike other static lists, this one constantly evolves to reflect ratings from Nintendo Life users, so you can still participate.
We've done this for a growing number of Nintendo consoles, so if you're interested be sure to check out the best Nintendo DS games, the best 3DS games, the best Game Boy games, and even the 50 best Switch games — each and every one a fluid list that can change over time. Try rating the games in them, too!
If there's a game bubbling under the top 50 that you'd like to rate, feel free to find it using the search tool below and give it a score out of 10. That's enough waffling, though. Let's dive in and see your picks for the all-time 50 best GameCube games...
Note. In order for games to become eligible, they need a minimum of 50 User Ratings in total.
50. Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (GCN)
The first 'mainline' DK game following the end of Rare's stewardship of the character, and an under-appreciated gem from director Yoshiaki Koizumi and the EAD Toyko team that would go on to make Super Mario Galaxy, Nintendo is at its best when it's doing something no one else would do — and a platformer you play with a pair of bongos is something you're unlikely to find elsewhere. Yes, you control Donkey Kong Jungle Beat using arguably the best/silliest official controller ever made. You can play with a standard GameCube pad if you want, but it's best to keep the neighbours awake with this one.
You move DK by hitting the drums or clapping, which is detected by the bongos' in-built mic, bounding through the 2.5D levels collecting bananas, bashing baddies, and building combos to score 'beats'. It's short, but brilliant fun and is superior to the (still excellent) Wiimote-controlled New Play Control! version because bongos beat motion controls. Always.
49. Killer7 (GCN)
One of the infamous 'Capcom Five', Suda51's Killer7 launched for the GameCube back in 2005 and, in time, became a cult classic. It revolves around the titular group of assassins and a noir-heavy story that delves into governmental conspiracies and murdering lots of folk, naturally. It's an acquired taste, that's for sure, thanks to its slightly stilted on-rails, first-person gameplay that blends gunplay and puzzle-solving with eye-catching cel-shaded visuals.
It's an intoxicating mixture and one that makes for an unforgettable slice of video gaming violence and adventure. Even if you don't jibe with it, you certainly won't forget Killer7.
48. WarioWare, Inc: Mega Party Game$! (GCN)
A remake of the GBA game WarioWare, Inc: Mega Microgames!, this home console version added multiplayer to an already brilliantly unhinged concept of microgames that mashes together tiny tasks with a time limit to produce a hectic, hilarious experience. It feels like R&D1 were unchained and allowed to vent their bursting creativity, channelling it into a game without being encumbered by the usual Nintendo 'polish' everyone expects, which gives this game (and the wider series) a remarkable and unique feeling of freshness.
47. Sonic Adventure 2: Battle (GCN)
This enhanced version of the Dreamcast original might not be everybody's cup of tea, but it throws enough winning elements into the bag to outweigh its less-than-brilliant facets. With the multiplayer and the Chao Garden accompanying the main game, there's certainly plenty to do. It won't win over naysayers, but it's hard to find a purer expression of 'gotta go fast and-to-hell-with-the-consequences' than this. In many ways, Sonic Adventure 2: Battle is peak 3D Sonic — with everything that entails.
46. SSX Tricky (GCN)
1080° Snowboarding might have had one-on-one contests, but it (and other games of the time) took a more serious approach to video game snowboarding. SSX Tricky on the other hand was built around the idea of Boardercross, a sort of Motocross variant that pitted a group of boarders against each other at the same time. Consequently, this slickly produced game had a little more of an irreverent, 'fun' personality with a focus on arcade style thrills and spills over the precision and 'realism' of Nintendo's take on the sport. Looking back, it's a breath of fresh air compared to EA's offerings on Nintendo consoles these days.
45. Chibi-Robo (GCN)
Chibi-Robo is difficult to describe because it doesn't neatly fit into any particular category or genre. It's part-platformer, part-adventure, part-amiable helper game which mixes in elements of Toy Story as you work to help the Sanderson family solve their everyday problems. The eponymous altruistic robot himself is a charming little chap who's starred in several games since this GameCube introduction (and he also has the most devastatingly cute amiibo imaginable), but he's never quite reached the heights of his debut here. Lovely.
44. Mario Smash Football (GCN)
Proving that there's little that the portly plumber can't turn his hand (or foot) to, Next Level Games' Mario Smash Football (or Super Mario Strikers in the US) offered solid soccer action in a colourful package with Mushroom Kingdom residents brightening up the beautiful game and adding a little flair and excitement to proceedings - no nil-nil draws here! The polar opposite of the simulation-style that 'proper' football games were going for, this is a fast-paced five-a-side frenzy that did well enough to get a similarly satisfying sequel on Wii.
43. Sonic Mega Collection (GCN)
Bringing together the best of Sonic's Mega Drive catalogue (and Sonic 3D Blast), this disc also includes Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine, Ristar and Flicky for good measure (plus Comix Zone and The Ooze in Japan). Originally a GameCube exclusive, an even larger collection was eventually released on other consoles named Sonic Mega Collection Plus with more Sonic goodness from the Game Gear, as well as the Japanese exclusives above. A shame these weren't included originally, but the games you really want were here and Sonic CD and a bunch of other rarities would come along in the Sonic Gems Collection, so after watching him for years on rival consoles Nintendo gamers could gorge on blue hedgehog on GameCube.
42. Resident Evil 2 (GCN)
Squeezing RE2 onto N64 required a Herculean effort, but this is essentially a port of the PlayStation version with very little in the way of bells and whistles. The greatness of the base game shines, of course, and arguably makes it worthy of placement here, but anyone expecting a REmake-style overhaul was left sorely disappointed by this barebones version. Resident Evil 2 is a great game, though, however threadbare the presentation.
41. Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness (GCN)
The follow-up to Pokémon Colosseum, Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness released in 2005 and had you catching Shadow 'mon and 'purifying' them. Using the GBA-GC link cable, it was possible to connect any of the Game Boy Advance mainline entries to XD for battling and trading and, although it didn't change things significantly from its predecessor, it still provided a decent 3D Pokémon experience before the mainline games went into the third dimension.
Comments 250
Gamecube is my favorite console (SNES close 2nd) . Many of what I consider the best games of all time are on this list. WW is an excellent choice for top game. Viewtiful Joe 1 and 2 remaster please.
My Top Thirteen Gamecube games :
(Bold = i have the games)
1. Harvest Moon Magical Melody (7/10)
2. The Sims Bustin' Out (7/10)
3. Muscle Champion Kinnikuto no Kessen (7/10)
4. The Sims (7/10)
5. Paper Mario The Thousand Years Door (7/10)
6. Hello Kitty Roller Rescue (6.5/10)
7. Kao the Kangaroo Round 2 (6.5/10)
8. Crash Bandicoot Wrath of the Cortex (6.5/10)
9. Bomberman Generation (6.5/10)
10. Super Mario Sunshine (6.5/10)
11. Billy the Hatcher and Giant Egg (6.5/10)
12. PK: Out of the Shadows (6.5/10)
13. Pokemon Channel (6/10)
Y’all did Kirby Air Ride dirty
@Anti-Matter Where’s all the M rated games?
A little sad none of the Gamecube Harvest Moon games made it, A Wonderful Life has always been one of my top Gamecube games.
Very happy both Baten Kaitos games made the list, though! I personally preferred Origins but the first game was wondeful too. I really hope the seires gets a reboot at some point in the future.
I still can't believe Ocarina of Time was only available with Wind Waker pre-orders.
We have indeed spoken
It’s a good top ten. But is my vision correct or did Killer 7 not even make the top 50? C’mon lovely people we can do better than that. One of the most innovative narratives for the time.
Odd to see resident evil 4 so high on this list when the Wii added so much to the title gameplay'wise.
Totally forgot about the Zelda collections. This isn't what I would have expected but I'm glad to see Wind Waker do so well.
Just a great console and a beautiful Saturday. The sun is shining
Some of these in top 20 really are overdue for remakes and hd ports already
Another reminder that I really ought to play Paper Mario: TYD and Eternal Darkness at some point. Unfortunately, unless Nintendo start re-releasing their gamecube library and/or whoever owns the rights to Eternal Darkness release a remaster/port of the latter, I'll probably never get the chance.
On another note, is Skies of Arcadia really that good?
Resi 4 should have been 1st
I think I’m possibly alone in wishing more people rated P.N.03. Loved that game despite it’s repetitive nature- almost felt like a rhythm action game in the combat at times and a really satisfying thing to play
Should be Pikmin 1 over 2
Luigi's Mansion not in the top ten? puts foot through monitor screen, sends Nintendolife the bill
Surprised not to see Super Smash Bros. Melee at number one I know a lot of people that only bought a GameCube just for that game alone
Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader was my best game for GameCube game IMHO. Metroid Prime would be a close second and then Twilight Princess and then Windwalker. I would have rather seen a poll rather than one person's opinion. Today in the day of HD remakes, Resident Evil for GameCube may have been the first and made that game even better.
Great to see thousand year door at 4, well done all!
My top 3 Gamecube games will always be:
1) Metroid Prime
2) Eternal Darkness
3)Timesplitters 2
Ports like OOT/MQ and the Collector's Edition have no place on these lists IMO. They always steal the show, when they are just rereleases. I guess, at least OOT Master's Quest was a new experience for us, but still.
Animal Crossing, Paper Mario TTYD, and Twilight Princess are my favorite GCN releases. Sad to see Animal Crossing didn't get ranked too high. It was the largest highlight of the GCN for me.
This was my first home console and so I have very happy memories of many of the games on this list.
I know some people don't like it because of the disruptive Power Moves, but I really like Mario Power Tennis. There's a really good game of tennis underpinning it all in a lovely and wacky Mario universe.
Alas, none of my friends had any of the TimeSplitters games, so our main multiplayer FPS was 007: Nightfire. I didn't think all that much of it, but maybe that's because I was rubbish and lost every time...
No Kirby Air Ride or Gotcha Force? This whole thing is invalid.
Not a bad list, but...
No Kirby Air Ride?
Pikmin 2 over Pikmin 1?
Metroid Prime over Metroid Prime 2?
You guys are weird.
Oh, and collections shouldn't really be on this. Neither ports like Resi 2. In my opinion.
Whoever’s downvoting Wave Race: Blue Storm - ‘What are you thinking?!?’
This has to be the only Nintendo console that has a third party game rated so high on the list! Good for RE4!
There are a lot of games lower down that I was initially annoyed by them being so low, but when you consider just how many truly quality games the GC had it's inevitable that some will get pushed lower than seems fair (though it always pains me how disregarded Sunshine is, and the lack of Pokémon Colosseum is a real oddity imo).
Was pleasantly surprised by the Zelda collectors and Master Quest ranking so high though.
Also, regarding Tales of Symphona; "although the plot might be a little workaday if you're at all familiar with the genre, there's a lot to love here". I'd actually argue it's one of the best storys in the Tales franchise; the way they subtly show the effects of racism in its varying forms, as opposed to battering you over the head with dialogue about it, means that by the time you meet the overall 'villain' you completely understand his motives. It's a really effectively told story, especially compared to some of the more recent games. Xillia for example recycles a lot of Symphonias plot points but the accompanying story is so convuluted and needlessly dense that you very quickly tune out. That's why the HD port was so disappointing; with a little love and attention it could have been the best Tales game, instead it comes across as lazy.
@Krisi "The Mega Man collections and Sonic are on it, but not the Zelda one?"
Zelda Collectors Edition is 5th, OoT Master Quest is 6th
I love the GameCube. It would be nice to get some of these great games on Switch, or Switch 2, or maybe Switch 3. It's like Nintendo is waiting for every fan to give up hope.
Wow... no Killer7? It was so innovative and original, with a really bold narrative. I'm really surprised to see it missed out completely. I'm still hoping for the remaster to hit the Switch.
@Krisi @Riderkicker @DayOfLavos
Kirby Air Ride is a wildly charming and fun proof-of-concept, but it had a laundry list of issues. Like Pokémon Snap, though, it more than deserves another outing.
And not a few technically-minor ones that keep a franchise from working like Meteos where Brabbit was a pain in multiplayer, the story and characters were just a touch too strange, and the controls didn't survive technological advancement and consumer preference.
Metroid Prime is much, MUCH better than Prime 2.
Pikmin 1 vs. Pikmin 2 is debatable since they're very different, but I can definitely respect ranking Pikmin 2 over 1.
Skies is a wonderful classic JRPG that feels like a 16-bit classic with a 128-bit coat of paint. The game has a colourful cast of characters and a unique, charming world that is fun to explore.
With that said, the encounter rate is atrocious. You get in random battles constantly, including when you're flying your airship. A HD remake that tweaked the encounter rate / sped up battles would be an easy 9/10. As is, it is still a worthwhile play through if you can tolerate constant random battles.
I love the GameCube and regret selling all my GameCube stuff nearly every single day. One of my biggest mistakes in life. I just want to play TTYD and Jungle Beat again. Long live the DK Bongos!
Gamecube has a ridiculously good library when you see a 3D Mario game relatively low then find it hard to argue against many of the games above it, even though it is a fantastic game in it's own right.
My own personal top 10 in no particular order would be
Luigi's Mansion
Mario Sunshine
Resident Evil
Resident Evil 4
Metroid Prime
Smash Bros Melee
Star Wars Rouge Leader
Zelda Windwaker
Eternal Darkness
Super Monkey Ball 2
I could write a top 30 and have little difference in quality between number 1 and number 30, the system was that good
@placidcasual another great game, definitely should have been on that list ahead of a few others as should Wave Race, frankly compilations shouldn't be on there
Gotcha Force, where are you Gotcha Force? ;w;
I can't avoid to wonder if it didn't make in the top 50 cause of how unknow it is or if this is just proof that the GameCube simply had way too many good games for some hidden gems to shine.
I find it weird Rogue Squadron 2 made the list when Rogue Squadron 3 didn’t. Mostly because Rogue Squadron 3 had all of Rogue Squadron 2’s missions but with two player added.
Also #50 would be in my top five.
And Def Jam Fight For NY would have probably made my top 10.
"Playing as an overseeing guardian, the player interacts directly with the characters rather that ‘controlling’ them". I take it you never actually played either of the baten kaitos games. while yes, you do play as a "spirit" that the main character interacts with (many of the characters in fact stop and address the player at times) you do control the main character in the traditional sense where you drive them about and tell them what to do in battle.
@FullMetalWesker Nintendo owns it completely; SK made it for them, and they've been habitually renewing the trademark for years. Alex is a Spirit in Smash Ultimate for a reason.
And yes, Skies of Arcadia is fantastic.
@Roam85 Agreed regarding Four Swords Adventures. 4-player top-down Zelda = legendary.
number 1 is great but i thought Double Dash would have been higher.
The 'Cube was a fun system to experience in its time. The game that got me to buy the system is also what I think is the system's best game. That is Metroid Prime. That game exceeded all my expectations and all the hype, for me. I also found the controls to be so natural. They made perfect sense to me, perhaps more than any game from that period. Metroid with motion controls felt like a tremendous downgrade when I played it. Obviously, that's up to individual players what they like, but I hated Prime 3 because the controls didn't feel natural and constantly got in my way.
Wind Waker is my number-two game on the system. I thought Resident Evil 4 started out great, and got progressively less fun the more I played it. It devolved into QTE hell later in the game. Super Mario Sunshine and Zelda - Twilight Princess were also disappointments to me. I can see why people like those games, but they had issues that made it hard for me to enjoy them. But the system was great and I did get to play some great games on it.
@NotTelevision agreed. This is unacceptable.
Yes, I want a new Skies of Arcadia or at least a full on remake.
I also want Paper Mario: TTYD to be ported to Switch. I was an idiot back when it released. I was starting to get into Xbox and heavily into 3rd party games and a lot of them used full voice acting. When I was playing PM:TTYD and had to read so much text I was like, nah, I’m done with that, I want voice acting now. So I traded the game in.
Fast forward to today, and it’s so darn expensive that the only way I’ll get to play it now is if it comes to the Switch. 😞
@RushDawg No way. Prime had some things over Prime 2, but I felt that 2 was much more coherent and interesting. Not to mention first person platforming is just the worst thing ever, and Prime 2 has much less of it, and even then, you get the Space Jump MUCH sooner, making it much more manageable.
Pikmin 2 is great, and just like in the previous case, it definitely has stuff that's better than in the first game, but I feel that Pikmin 1 has much better level design and a better atmosphere. It's kind of a quality versus quantity case for me, as Pikmin 2 has much more content, but what 1 has is comparatively better and more interesting in my opinion.
Nintendo Life Community - “We love the GameCube, has me of the best systems ever!!!”
Also Nintendo Life Community - “Lets vote N64 games as the 5th and 6th best GameCube games ever”
@Anti-Matter if you expanded your horizons, you would have some 8s and 9s.
I do disagree on the gamecube version of soulcalibur being the definitive due to the controller. The GC controller is the best way to play smash, but soulcalibur really needs a traditional layout.
This list right here is why the GameCube has such staying power. You have Shmups, RPGs, Adventure games, fighting, horror, platformers and FPS games and all of them are amazing. The GameCube and Original Xbox get overshadowed by the PS2 in the popular discussion because... well I mean look at the sales of that PS2 in comparison more people grew up with it in comparison. But the GameCube will always be home to a unique, and fantastic library of games that people will always remember.
Wow this list is... bad
Crowdsourcing scores is messy, but valid to see what people really loved back in the day. No sense getting upset about aggregated nostalgia. I loved Bloody Roar, but had no illusions that most would give it the score I did.
I'm honestly surprised that neither Star Fox game for the GameCube made it onto the list. Sorry for the length of the comment, BTW.
Despite it being retooled from the unreleased Dinosaur Planet for the N64, along with the majority of the game being on foot, as well as it being very similar to The Legend of Zelda, Star Fox Adventures featured solid gameplay, memorable music, likable characters (some VERY likable, if you get my drift), and graphics that pushed the boundaries of the system's hardware. It stands as one of my favorites on the system.
Star Fox Assault did not have the solid controls as its predecessor, as one minor flick of the joystick could send you tumbling off a ledge, but it still had a killer soundtrack (played by an orchestra, no less!), great graphics, memorable characters, and a multiplayer mode that kept you coming back for more, even after you completed the notoriously short story mode.
I'd love to see remasters for these games, albeit with some changes:
For example, in Adventures, it would be nice to see Fox rescue Krystal earlier in the game so you can play as both, maybe with Fox taking to the skies in his Arwing while Krystal handles the on foot portions, as well as an actual boss fight against General Scales. Furthermore, you can have two-player co-op, either locally or online, where one person controls Fox and the other person controls Krystal.
In Assault, quite a few changes would improve the game. For one, tightening the controls so they're not as overly sensitive, adding 5-10 more missions in the story mode that expands on the Lylat System in a way not seen since Star Fox 64 (for example, infiltrating the ruins of Andross' base on Venom to find the plans for a weapon that becomes the Aparoid-destroying weapon seen later in the game), as well as an expanded multiplayer mode, with more characters, maps, vehicles, weapons, and the ability for online gameplay.
So, while not the best games on the GameCube, I feel they still hold up on their own, and could have easily made the list over some of the other games here, and they would be well-deserving of modern-day remasters that improve upon them to iron out the flaws of their original counterparts.
Let's see how many people agree with my assessment, of course.
@May_Nyan Its not a bad list if you could only have 50 GameCube games to play this is a rather nice list. Though I would probably take out RE2 and replace it with RE0, and add games like Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life, Killer 7, StarFox Adventure/Assult, Battalion Wars and Billy Hatcher. But, it's not a bad chunk of games and you will always have some odd choices on a list made by picks by hundreds of voters.
Though I did with they did not allow collections in the voting so we could get more games like the above on the list that were developed for the system.
Great list. Overall. I've got 2 game cubes under my bed but my new style TV wont allow me to connect it. Only allows for HDMI. Modern tech, eh 🙄. Its such a shame the wii U couldn't play cube games.
Another Gamecube list that features ports and retro compilations despite being on other consoles and no Star Fox Assault. People really don't like that game despite the decent amount of content it offered as well as control options. "Quality" list as usual, Nintendolife.
@Wexter That's my main problem with the list really, for example Sonic Mega Collection was great at the time but it's irrelevant now :/
Otherwise I just find the ordering odd
@electrolite77 How many Zelda games are already on this list?
There should be better guidelines when making a list like this.
@BakaKnight What gets me is how more folks were able to forgive the backwards jump/shoot buttons of the Mega Man Collection than get into Gotcha Force.
@KingBowser86 The Mega Man Collection had the jump & shooting buttons reversed. It was virtually unplayable to Mega Man vets especially since Mega Man Zero was still ongoing at the time. Yet that made the list & Kirby's Air Ride didn't? Come on, man....
Where's PN03 what a game
@Retron metroid would be my #1 too 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆
Prime 2 was a big step backwards. The dark world was a real slog for most of the adventure and too many bosses were located pretty far from the nearest save point. That's just bad design.
I actually found Prime 1's platforming enjoyable and pretty generous, so to each their own.
It's like the list was made by anti-Sonic fans who happen to love SEGA.
It's OK Sonic Heroes you'll always be #1 to me!
The fact that Paper Mario TTYD scored so high by the readers speaks VOLUMES as to how the first two titles fall in compared to later titles. I'm not impartial to Super Paper Mario and I HAVE played the later titles, but the original two hold a dear place with me and TTYD just improved on the predecessor in SO many ways. Mustve collectively dumped almost a thousand hours across several playthroughs throughout the years. I got it in my head at one point I could farm Amazy Dayzees and hit the level cap. I gave up somewhere around level 60 but I have SO many fond memories over the original entries in the series.
Timesplitters, Resident Evil, Zelda, so happy to see all these games here
I’m just going to take it since the game didn’t sale all that well, that’s why it is so low on the list because Bateman Kaitos Orgins is a top 10 game and one of the greatest RPGs of all time. To me, it was by far the best RPG on the GameCube and in that era. Also, F-Zero GX not in the top 10 😯. Again, got to be due to sales. Four big games that are missing in this are NBA Street 2 (or 1), NFL Street, Def Jam Vendetta, and Capcom vs SNK 2!!!!
Reveal 51-100!
@Riderkicker I didn't talk about the list's usage (look at all the Zelda on Top 10), I was explaining why Kirby Air Ride would have been rated so low by users.
I'm just pleased by the lack of games I'm not familiar. That DS vote broke my wallet, but nearly all of these that I want I either own or were planned purchases already.
@Woomy_NNYes You are probably from a different continent than Europe. Ocarina of Time was available to everyone here (Europe), not just by pre ordering.
Rigged, I demand a recount.
Florida failed me again.
Oh, wow. I'd say region exclusivity trikes again, but that was like 16 years ago. Craziness.
@Wavey84 I have seen you talk about lag before. I believe you said you hate emulation recently. I don't feel the same, but I respect your opinion on lag. The only reason I even bring that up is to make a point that what isn't an issue to someone could be a major issue to another, and it's not necessarily some imagined thing. I've been on both sides of it. I believe you know what you're talking about and it matters to you.
I will take your word that there is lag in the typical setup that hurts the game. I never measured the lag on that TV, so I'll assume it added some. But it was more than lag that led to my disappointment with Prime 3. They had to simplify the game due to the lack of buttons. I didn't like that. And I didn't like the motion controls in practice. I started on Metroid Prime with the Gamecube controller. Though others may disagree, the controls felt perfect for me. It didn't feel like I was using a controller. It felt so natural, it seemed like my mind was fully connected to the game. Motion controls constantly remind me of what I'm physically doing, and prevent me from fully getting into games. I hated having to mime actions like unlocking doors. I hated having to sit in a specific way to make sure the sensor bar picked up the controls, or end up spinning around(which happened to me a lot, the way I hold controllers). I didn't like the concept of the motion controls. I know others liked them in those games, but they took my brain out of the games. That was my experience. Since the series started on the Gamecube, I think it would have been nice if they had offered optional gamepad control using one of their classic controllers for those wanting an experience like the previous two games. Lower lag may have helped, but wouldn't have solved everything for me.
Still such a great console ! We had a discussion onthe gamecube, it's history and games on our podcast:
#5 and #6 have nothing to do here. They take up spots for actual GC games when those two are mere bonuses.
Eternal Darkness only in 9th spot? Clearly a lot of you must have missed out.
Shocked at this list. Ridiculous in parts.
Where is wave race for a start??
@May_Nyan That makes perfect sense to me! The ordering I'm fine with because that seems more based on how many times something was picked rather than a clear best-to-worst order. But, the number of straight ports (RE2) or collections of older games is disappointing. Rather than highlighting the truly odd and delightful gems, it does seem more grab-bag these are great games rather than great games of that generation. But, as a whole while not my top 50 GCN games, it is a rather solid collection of where to start for those new to the system wanting to maybe start a collection. I mean it has Ikaruga that alone is a win on this list!
Honorable mention for Alien Hominid, maybe the first indie game on a Nintendo system
I like how two of the top 10 are Ocarina ports lol.
TTYD all day long.
Very pleased to see Path of Radiance, one of my favourite games of all time and still my favourite FE game, on this list as well as both Baten Kaitos games. I still feel that the Switch would be PERFECT for both a Baten Kaitos collection, since I believe quite a significant part of the potential audience missed out on that one back in the day, as well as a PoR and a Radiant Dawn Collection, seeing as this still stands as one of the strongest "arcs" in FEs' entire saga, which is now more popular than ever with plenty of folks (esp. younger fans starting with Awakening) never having played this, which is a shame.
I'm not all that keen on double-dipping, something I avoided so far on the Switch, but I don't think I could resist neither Xenoblade nor TMS#FE nor the aforementioned FE and BK collections ... no, actually for the latter I am positive I could not resist. I don't have my Gamecube hooked up by default, and even though, I still have it around, the convenience of having (a visually improved) version of two all-time favourites right at hand would be irresistible. I'd actually pay full price for either one to be honest.
I've already played PoR a bunch of time, but just like Incubation or Baldur's Gate 2, it's one of those (tactic) games, I apparently never stop coming back to. Just pinnacles not just of their generation, but their entire genre.
Make it happen, Nintendo! Take my money!
The image for Super Mario Sunshine (not the box art) isn't even an official image from the game. It's literally just Mario from NSMB2 with a FLUDD attached to him. Does no nodody notice this? Why use a fake image?
I wonder if wind waker would still be #1 if it didn't get the wii u remaster?
Oh, and rogue squadron 2 all the way!
I was halfway through this top 50, big grin on my face, reminiscing about and agreeing with practically all the games on this list, already relishing the "fact" that both 1080 Avalanche and Wave Race Blue Storm were going to end up really high on this list, and then it all fizzled out when I reached the last page and... nothing? No 1080? No Wave Race?
Were there any ACTUAL GameCube fans and/or GameCube exclusive appreciators participating in this quest to rank the very best of them?
I think that it's no over-exaggeration to say that to this day Wave Race Blue Storm is still one of the best, if not THE best (semi-)realistic Jet Ski game ever made (not counting the futuristic ones), and 1080 games, both the N64 and GameCube outing got that real snowboarding feel SO amazingly right, that as a winter sports enthusiast, it totally brought me back into the spirit of the real thing, where SSX games were definitely also great, but still had a far more over-exaggerated, arcadey feel about them, and had a lot of unrealistic stuff in them. And snow felt great in the 1080 games.
All in all, great list regardless, but I'm still MASSIVELY disappointed that these two absolutely stellar classics weren't included. If you have a GameCube and you like racing and/or arcade games, then these are simply must-haves, and they shouldn't go missing on any list regarding the GameCube.
No offense, but the people that caused the lack of these two amazing games have zero taste or sense about what makes a console classic.
@electrolite77 I sensed a disturbance in the force there: may even be a lot of underlying desire for an N64 Classic Mini...
I thought Resident Evil 4 would be #1 for sure
Metroid Prime will always be #1 for me, and not just when comparing GC games.
I’m surprised RE4 is at #2. I remember all the buzz it had at the time and perfect scores, but didn’t think that still held today. Obviously I’m wrong. I’ll always prefer REmake to RE4, REmake perfected the old style of RE games.
Great list. Yes it includes compilations and ports, but unlike other lists, every single game here is excellant. Could easily have a Top 100 without a dud. Def Jam, PN03, Donkey Konga/Jungle, Lost Kingdom II, and Billy Hatcher, need some loving. Special mention to the R:Racing limited double disc edition which included the first ever release of Pac-Man VS.
Whoa, no Buffy in the top 50???
I almost forgot how many great games there were on this system.
My own list would go...
8. Wave Race: Blue Storm
7. Rogue Leader
6. Wind Waker
5. F-Zero GX
4. Resident Evil 4
3. Smash Melee
2. Super Mario Sunshine
1. Metroid Prime
Now when are we going to see a new Wave Race? And what about Rogue Squadron? Doesn't Disney like money?
Some absolute criminal rankings here. Sunshine and Luigi’s Mansion being in the 20s? A robbery.
Viewtiful Joe, Metroid Prime, Mario Kart: DD, RE4... the GameCube has absolutely incredible games, true experiences.
I'm sad my childhood game Star Fox Adventures didn't make this list.
@astrofan1993 I feel you. I rated Adventures 9 and Assault 7, so am disappointed the former didn't make top fiddy.
Don't know if anyone has mentioned, but Metal Arms was a solid hidden gem, also.
Te top GameStop of the Gamecube are easily RE4 and Metroid Prime. Wind Waker is #4
This list is a good indication as to why we’ll never get another Wave Race or 1080. Because as much as these games were highly coveted by “fans” and critics alike at the time, where is the love for them now!? How are they rated so low by the community when they are 2 of the best and most polished games on the GameCube...
Shame on everyone who rated those games so poorly.
@NintndoNik I think this list is a perfect example of what is wrong with a lot of entertainment: the blind loyalty to franchises. There's several games on this list that I believe would be considered mediocre if there wasn't a big Nintendo IP attached to it. And of course, not to pick on Nintendo or its fans, look at any other major publisher like EA or Activision (everyone calm down, I'm not talking about loot boxes). They went from having a wide and varied portfolio to a just a few core franchises that they beat like a dead horse. And the same thing is going on in movies.
Nice to see Sonic Mega Collection, Animal Crossing, and Mario Kart Double Dash make the list, those were favorites of mine I voted for.
Pikmin 2, Custom Robo, Kirby Air Ride, Naruto: Clash of Ninja 2, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, Pokemon Colosseum, Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, and Spongebob: Battle for Bikini Bottom would all be great picks too.
But if GameCube is only 17 in the UK, how can it enjoy the pub?
Tiger Woods PGA Tour is a superior game in every way to Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour. I know this community doesn’t rank sports games very high, but those Tiger Woods games are fantastic.
Metroid Prime is still no1 on my Gamecube list. It was ahead of it's time. A real one of a kind game that they still don't make today.
Love the Cube. I'm surprised its amazing library hasn't been mined more by Nintendo yet. The Switch is perfect for it. I wanna beat Baten Kaitos!!
Sad face. Crystal Chronicles didn't make the cut..
Oh well, Switch version coming out soon. Can't wait. ^^
@Ooyah Prob cuz it's garbage like most Suda games.
I can relate to this.
Would have put the 2 baten kaitos & ToSymphonia higher up, as well as MG solid, but glad to see so many great games made it anyway.
Fond memories
A great list! But my number 1 will always be Super Mario Sunshine. Spent too much of my childhood on that game.
Where on earth is Donkey Konga and Jungle Beat? Billy Hatcher? Sonic Adventure 2 DX?
In my opinion Twilight Princess is the winner but The Thousand-year Door really deserves to be high. Intelligent Systems did a wonderful thing back then with Mario characters and new characters and the game is consistent, long and entertaining from start to end. It's one of those games that is enjoyable all the time. Super Mario Sunshine and Resident Evil Remake deserve to be higher!
@RushDawg I respect your opinion but have to disagree. I enjoyed Prime 2 much more than Prime 1. In my opinion almost everything was better and was everything a sequel should be.
However I do see why some might not enjoy it,the difficulty being one of them.(Curse the Spider Guardian and Boost Guardian)
Wow, this is the worst Gamecube list I've seen. Because of the way it was created, of course. Killer7 and Resi 3 didn't make the top 50! Pikmin in place 27! Metroid Prime Echoes in place 17! And so on.
The Top 10 is wrong! It should something like this:
Metroid Prime
Tales of Symphonia
Eternal Darkness
F-Zero GX
Paper Mario
Resident Evil 4
Luigi's Mansion
Zelda - The Wind Waker
Viewtiful Joe
Baten Kaitos
Pikmin 2
(can be in any given order, as long as Metroid Prime is first place)👍
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door is the best game I’ve ever played period, so pleased to see it so high up the list! Well deserved.
Wow just an absolute amazing list of games! The GameCube was my favorite home console of all time, until the switch. Even then the switch is a hybrid and not purely a home console so the GameCube still has an argument imo.
@Woomy_NNYes's also available on Fleabay now!
I lol'ed when I read that Luigi's Mansion's short length (back then viewed as a negative) would today be viewed as a positive! Amazing how times change...
I own 22 of the games on this list. My game cube collection sits at around 60 games. Such a wonderful system that deserved more attention for the texture and sound compression that made those discs so amazing.
Shame none of the 007 games entered the top 50...
If I made my own top 5 GameCube games, I'd rank both 007: NightFire and 007: Everything or Nothing on there!
Top 3 should be METROID PRIME, WINDWAKER, and RE4.
Metroid Prime will always be the GC's crowning game for me, nothing else comes close to the magic of that game.
I can't see any other console beating the Gamecube as my fave console ever, it has so many of my fave entries in my fave series from Sunshine, Double Dash, Wind Waker, TTYD. Resi 4, Pikmin 2, i could go on, i think it's a shame Battalion Wars, XIII and Metal Arms didn't make the top 50 though, they definitely deserve to be there.
I'm sad that Star Fox Adventures didn't make the list. Am I the only one who absolutely loved that game?
Mario Sunshine at 23!? That is harsh people.
>4 slots in top 10 are zelda
we know the writers favorite franchise
I always find it dumb ranking games like this. It's like getting asked "what's your favorite anime". There's countless genres of games just like there are books, TV shows, etc, so ranking them all together is pretty dumb because it's more of a combined question of "what are the best games in each genre" and "what is your favorite genre".
My favorite games on gamecube in no particular order are:
@baller98 seriously
Read the top again. This is based on user's ratings across the site.
And that said, it's interesting that Wind Waker, a game so derided in its time for its different art style, is now a bonafide classic.
Honestly It's are rights to pick whats better..
@baller98 - Inexplicably absent.
@personauser93 Sorry, Metal Gear is Playstation (Sobs)
I bought a Gamecube for F-Zero (easily my #1 for this console), which is interesting because I didn't really like the original and never played the one for N64. I went on to discover many, many amazing games, most of which didn't make this list at all or are at best ranked much lower than I had hoped. Oh well, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but the fact that Cubivore didn't make the top 10 means everyone else's opinions are WRONG.
P.S. it wouldn't make my top 10, either, but I had hoped it would have been somewhere on this list. I am happy that Skies of Arcadia made it, though. Even though they forgot to finish the game (I was like 95% of the way through my game when my memory card died and erased my progress on ALL of my Gamecube games, which I assume was simply a cover-up so that I wouldn't see that they didn't get around to making an ending).
Good to see Metroid Prime so high (and Windwaker on 1). I expected Luigi's mansion to be higher. And Mario Sunshine should be lots higher!
Pretty good list, I remember saving up money just for Soul Caliber 2 on GC just to play as link, My top will always be SSBM though tbh since I spent years playing that game even after the GCN wasn't a new console anymore
Spongebob battle for bikini bottom was too good for this list
I'm sorry, but Killer 7 deserves to be in the top 50.
Doshin the Giant not in the top 10? Disgrace!
Man I love gamecube its one of best consoles along with n64 and snes with great games like smash bros melee, legend of zelda.
I really hope one day they will port some of these games on nintendo switch
It would be nice to see how different this list would be if all the games that have been ported elsewhere were removed. So many great games that are stuck on the cube. Weird not seeing the Star Fox games on here or Pokémon Colosseum and its sequel
When does NGC come to NSO? 20th anniversary would a great time for it. But I doubt we will get it any time soon …
For me my favorites would be (in no particular order)
-Super Mario Strikers
-Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
-Pokémon Colosseum
-Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
-Kirby Air Ride
-Metroid Prime
-Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
-The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (technically I played the Wii version, but it's still a GC game)
-Mario Superstar Baseball
-Luigi's Mansion
-Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
-Mario Party 5
-Super Smash Bros. Melee (I like it, but it's my least favorite Smash in the series. I recently replayed it after years and I can see various things wrong with it that I hadn't seen before)
-F-Zero GX (though this one might be my least favorite of my favorites. I mean, I really like it, but the difficulty sometimes is too much for my aging skills)
I'd include Eternal Darkness, I recently got it but I haven't played enough to determine if I like it as a favorite or not.
more love for mario sunshine <3
I know right?!
Excellent list. My favorite console to this day, and massively underrated. I can't imagine anyone looking at this list and not appreciating the wealth of titles exclusive to the console. Reading through this list, I said to myself "great game" to every entry. It's astounding. Probably the least appreciated title, especially because it's multiplatform, is Burnout 2. It remains the best racing game to this day. Most people didn't catch onto Burnout until Revenge, and to a lesser extent Takedown. Both are excellent. But they're all missing out on perfection. If you haven't played Point of Impact, you will be amazed if you get the chance. The game I feel is missing from this list is 007: Nightfire. It almost matches the brilliance of Goldeneye.
@NotTelevision lol I read this as "doth my eyes deceive me?", as questioned by the genie.
@TheRealKyleHyde Nightfire was excellent. So much fun. I commented about it as well before I read yours. Glad to see it has other appreciators. Let's setup friendlies somewhere.
Mario Sunshine at 48?! We must fix this, people.
P.S Glad to see people are giving Twilight Princess a bit of recognition.
@Placidcasual great username - SFAOK!
@Fandabidozi 64 and Blue Storm are technological masterpieces. No game has replicated their wonder to this day. And no game has dynamic level design. You're constantly adapting. It's probably the series I most wish Nintendo would make a sequel to because it's so unique and deserves a new entry.
While I'm thinking of it, two other games come to mind: Star Fox Armada and Smuggler's Run: Warzones. Is Armada as good as 64? Of course not. But it's easily second best and well worth playing in it's own right. Smuggler's Run is still one of the greatest racing franchises ever made. It's freaking fun as hell. Warzones is the worst entry in the series, but still awesome.
DDR Mario Mix
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
F-Zero GX
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Resident Evil 4
Timesplitters 2
Tony Hawk 3
Viewtiful Joe
This is my top 10. Still some of my favorite games of all time. Echoes is my #1 Gamecube game.
@justin233 Holy crap Jungle Beat. I feel privileged to have played Jungle Beat. That's how incredible it is. It's just excellent. The bongos work perfectly, proving that it's not the controller that matters, but how it's used.
@Kang81 Wii U, dude. Wii U. Most underrated console ever.
@RumblePak I loved Bloody Roar. Now that I think about it, that's probably when I first became a furry. I remember thinking Shina was sexy as hell.
Ah so many memories. Glad to see Eternal Darkness placing fairly high on the list. I'd love to play that game again, but it's ridiculously expensive now.
@AlienX ANOTHER GameCube game I need to catch up on. I guess I didn't have the means when it first released, and now it's $70
@Paraka Lol!
Nice list. The GC is still my favorite Nintendo console. But! We will never be as lovely as Alex from Nintendo Life.
@Jayofmaya I'm STILL waiting for StarCraft Ghost.
Not a bad list. A few things I may ebay and pick up.
@xmrmeow Holy cow is Mario Party 6 not on this list?
This list honestly makes me want to cry. I don't think games overall are worse now, but that's thanks to indies. First party titles cannot match what they once were. There are exceptions of course, like Ghost of Tsushima, but look at this GameCube list, honestly.
@ConanLives What has the Wii Resident Evil 4 got to do with the GameCube? The context is GameCube nothing more.
Great list. Glad to see Sunshine is very low on it (although it shouldn't on the list at all) - that game was awful. Never build an entire game around a gimmick like that. It's as if Nintendo had built a sequel to Mario 3 where you wear the kuribo shoe (a fun diversion) the entire game.
There are many things I think should have been higher when I first look at them, but then I realize that the top list of games is so jam-packed with incredible quality that it doesn't really make much difference.
Wait, is Paper Mario: TTYD on Wii U?
Is the store still up? If so I'm checking it out tonight.
I loved my Wii U, though admittedly, it doesn't get used at the moment.
@Meteoroid Yeah, RE remake definitely deserves to be higher, that game absolutely blew my mind back in the day. RE4 is also excellent, but REmake remains my fav in the series to this day.
@Gryffin I said Mario Party 4-7, as in 4 through 7 (4,5,6,7).
@Kang81 It is! It's time for me to buy it too. Get your Wii U games while you still can.
@xmrmeow right lol. I just meant that I hadn't noticed that they were missing, and 6 in particular is the best Mario Party.
One of these days I’ll get to play Chibi Robo….
I still haven't played my copy of RE4 .. and I have the chainsaw controller. Life flys by
This list is completely wack. I don't get it....
@Gryffin Oh yeah definitely one of the best. I think the Bowser and DK Boat board is my fav in the whole franchise
Hey, Four Sword Adventures moved up from #50 to #49 since the last posting.
Which is still weird because it’s my #1
@xmrmeow for sure. And I think the trap capsules added a lot of strategy. And it had the best collection of mini games. I don't think I've played a single Mario Party since, but from what I understand none can match up. It's really too bad.
Super Mario Sunshine at #48 😂
It is there early. It is Mario Smash Football
as someone who went from the N64 to the PS2 and Xbox, I'm sad I missed the GC. It had such a great library and it is an immense fracking shame that Nintendo does not seem to care about the GC library either. I'd love to have a reason to play these games on Switch
@Mando44646 you can find GameCubes pretty cheaply, and Wiis. You'll probably need an HDMI adapter now though. All of the best games are going to be really expensive though. Your best bet is to get a Wii U and buy them on the virtual console.
I would've put Metroid Prime in the first place. Not a bad list, though.
I owned 32 of these
I did not know that! Thanks for letting me know!
@allduhype I'm concerned that you used past tense...
My favorite console and time of gaming all-around, ever! Golden age of 3 big companies battling it out got lots of innovation and creativity!
Gamecube deserved to be so much better off through -especially next to the pitiful original XBOX.
Mine is still hooked up on a classic GXTV in the bedroom.
The Gamecube was my first home console. Used, with RE0, Windwaker, Freedom Fighters, Hitman 2, Luigi's Mansion...
And later some of my other all time favourites such as Killer7, RE4, P.No3, Eternal Darkness, Timesplitters 2 and 3, MK:DD, Mario Sunshine, Soul Calibur 2 with Link, Pacman VS, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, BG&E... And some other obvious ones, I'm sure that no matter how hard I think back or look through my collection that is not here in my current home, I'll forget some very important games.
Before that I had every Gameboy, but not even a tv (not complaining, just saying). I still love the Gamecube, and actually every Nintendo console that followed. They were always my main system, and very late in a 'generation' I'd get a Playstation to play some games I couldn't play otherwise, at a much lower price, and skipping all the 'hype' driven disappointments or thirteen in a dozen 'realistic' shooters, race games, sports games,... as those rarely appealed to me anyways (with the exception of games like Brothers in Arms, Spec Ops The Line,...). I guess even back then I was more interested in the games just outside of the 'mainstream'.
And also a PS2 later, to play more horror games, it was the genre's golden age.
Skies of Arcadia, so good.
In the past, whenever I've seen discussions of best games on the Cube, it usually comes down to RE4 and Metroid Prime. Usually, I see RE4 take the spot. It's always been popular. I always preferred Metroid Prime, and it has always been my favorite Gamecube game since I played it. Wind Waker was a reasonably-close second, but Prime was always the best thing in the system in my opinion. While Resident Evil 4 was very good in a lot of ways, I thought the game fell apart in the second half, especially with some really obnoxious and consequential quick-time events(QTEs). While they may have been clever to some, I've never been fond of that reliance on QTEs. I recall not liking other aspects of the latter stages of the game as well. When I still thought I liked the game, I could only replay it to a certain point and then realized I wasn't having fun anymore. Perhaps other people don't have this problem, but I do, so there's no way I could rate RE4 so highly. Metroid Prime on the other hand was a magical experience for me when I played it, and I've been able to replay it many times since. I always loved the implementation of the controls. When I played Prime 3, I thought the motion control really got in the way and it's the one entry in the series I didn't like. I hope they re-release that eventually with the option for button controls.
@sdelfin for the life of me, I cannot get through Prime 3. I've tried several times, but I've never advanced past a couple of hours. I guess I don't enjoy it. Maybe the level design is no good for me? I feel bad because I loved 1 and 2, and I feel like it's my fault that I don't enjoy 3, not the game's.
I’m impresswd by how many of these I’ve played. I think it’s only a handful that I haven’t.
@Sev_07 me too! Pokemon, Batman Beyond, Card Captors, Yu-Gi-Oh. Then I'd play Burnout 2. Does anyone else feel that they had good taste in games, even as a child?
@Gryffin yeah but prices on games are utterly absurd. Fire Emblem is ~$150 or more. I just want Nintendo to sell me their back library
Yeah for whatever reason critics tend to diss on prime 2 in favor of 3, but it seems that most people (myself included) believe that prime 3 is a little iffy. The atmosphere isn't as good and the game isn't quite as well designed. The worst part of the game is the first couple hours, so I encourage you to push through and make it to Skytown where the game just gets better. Nun-chuck controls are a little frustrating, but if you can look past what it doesn't do so well you can see how the game holds up even compared to the other two games. I had trouble with the first bit of prime 3, but once I got to the good parts I couldn't stop playing. 😃
What an amazing library. I miss this time of my life so much!! A game I loved a lot not here was: Freedom Fighters
@I_commented thanks for the encouragement. I think I'll give it another shot when the time is right. Always too many games to play am I right?
1. Metroid Prime
2. Resi Evil 4
3. Windwaker
Mario Sunshine being that far back just feels...wrong. It's lower than a compilation of old Sonic games you can play anywhere!
This list is proof that people don't know squat about videogames. Super Mario Sunshine down at number 47? It should be in the top 5. And where are Mr Driller: Drill Land, Gun, and Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy?
@Gryffin Too many! 😅
What I would do for a skies of arcadia return...
I haven't played it since the Dreamcast original release. I haven't touched it since, I'm afraid it would have aged very poorly. But a new coat of paint and interface update would be an instant buy for me.
wHeN ThE zElDa BoAtInG sImUlAtOr Is bEtTeR ThAn pIkMiN 2 AnD lUiGi’S MaNsIoN
Looking at this list again, it seems to have a few odd things in it, such as Super Mario Sunshine being in a surprisingly low position, (though I guess it's ranking is mostly due to universally high scores and it being generally considered one of, if not the weakest of the 3D Mario games), and the inclusion of re-releases like Zelda Collectors edition is also a bit suspect (but seems to be the norm here); but the thing that really throws me is Metroid Prime 2 not only ending up all the way down at 25th, but is apparently 'considered the weakest in the Prime trilogy'. Really? Has Prime 2 fallen in recent years, to the point where it's now considered worse than Prime 3? I dunno, maybe I missed something *shrugs *
Still, it's clear that Gamecube library is very beloved here, when the lowest placed game here has a score of 8.16 and over 5 titles have a 9/10 or higher.
@Bizaster should be way higher
What a first class hipster list this is. How Smash melee isn't first place followed by Wind Waker is beyond me.
Strange list. Sunshine in 47th? Metroid Echoes nowhere near top 5? Let alone top 10.
As of September 15, 2021 the top ten (without collection ports) is;
10: Eternal Darkness
9: Mario Kart: Double Dash
8: Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
7: Skies of Arcadia Legends
6: Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
5: Super Smash Bros: Melee
4: Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
3: Metroid Prime
2: Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door
1: Resident Evil 4
I only played (and own) five of them.
I was disappointed with the Gamecube at the time and still enjoyed playing my n64 so missed out on quite a few games but my top ten list is;
10. Eternal Darkness
9. Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II
8. Pikmin
7. Mario Kart: Double Dash
6. Super Mario Sunshine
5. F-Zero GX
4. Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
3. Super Smash Bros: Melee
2. Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
1. Metroid Prime
Twilight Princess I had on Wii. Others I’d like to add to my collection that could challenge my top 10?
Resident Evil 4
Timesplitters 2
Pikmin 2
Mario Power Tennis (was still playing n64 version)
Mario Golf Toadstool Tour (was still playing n64 version)
Viewtiful Joe 1 & 2 (have since added 1 but not played through)
Paper Mario (is it really that good?)
Luigis Mansion
Super Monkey Ball 1 & 2
Seriously? No "Star Fox Adventures" or "Star Fox: Assault?"
Say what you want about "Adventures," it was a solid game, with great graphics, tight controls, memorable characters, music, and locations. And it gave us the biggest furry mascot since Space Jam's Lola Bunny, and my favorite video game character of all time: Krystal.
"Assault" was also pretty solid, despite some touchy on-foot and Landmaster controls. Even if the campaign was short (which really was more or less standard fare for a Star Fox game), the multiplayer mode more than made up for it. I spent countless hours with friends at sleepovers just exploring the maps alone; we wouldn't even try to kill each other.
The lack of Custom Robo is very disturbing.
It's hard to imagine how Resident Evil 4 beat out EVERYTHING else.
And yeah, no Custom Robo? No Star Fox Adventures OR Assault? No Final Fantasy: The Crystal Chronicles? Boo.
Super Mario Sunshine at 47, ouch. D: I quite like Sunshine, a shame.
My favorite GCN game by a wide margin is Animal Crossing. Animal Crossing was the first game of its type I played and it was just perfect for me, who didn't always want action, but also wanted room to be creative and focus on characters' lives and the like.
I disagree that Animal Crossing came onto its own on the handheld. I have never played an Animal Crossing game as much as the GCN version. It was a really special game. It's dated now, but its charm sadly was never fully replicated in later games. and Animal Crossing sequels have always been a mixed bag. The only ones I can say are legitimately better games than the GCN version are NL and NH.
Otherwise, Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door, Twilight Princess and Super Smash Bros Melee are top notch. The GCN was a fantastic console. A shame Nintendo doesn't make them like that anymore.
@Gryffin Yeah, we're in the same boat with Prime 3. I didn't love the world design, but it's hard to properly judge it since the motion controls really get in my way. If they restored the pad controls, I'd love to retry the game and see if I like the stage design. There were other things I didn't love. They simplified the game to make it work with the remote's lack of buttons. And it was odd having a Metroid game with that much story via other characters. It hurt the sense of isolation a bit. But again, hard for me to just fairly since the motion controls bothered me so much.
Prime should be number 1, also rogue squadron ii, f zero gx, and remake are way down. Also where is sunshine?
@Kang81 oh no! I'm so sorry I just double checked, and the thousand year door is not on Wii U.
Boo! 😭
I know one of them is on there, I just don't remember which.
No one in the comments seems to realize that these are based on user-submitted scores, not official NL reviews/staff rankings or anything.
@BakaKnight gotcha force and ultimate muscle. 2 hidden gems right there.
❗️My Top 5️⃣ GC Games:
2️⃣True Crime 2: NYC
3️⃣True Crime 1: Streets Of L.A.
4️⃣Super Mario: Football
5️⃣Metroid: Prime 1
Zelda games taking the top? Woah...
Something's wrong with this list, it's missing Sonic Heroes.
1. Sonic Adventure DX
2. Sonic Heroes
3. Melee
4. SA2: Battle
5. Shadow the Hedgehog
6. Sonic Riders
7. Wind Waker
8. Mario Sunshine
9. Twilight Princess
10. Fire Emblem 9
11. TTYD
Priorities, man.
Im sure the data is sound but some of those release dates are off.
I distinctly recall PSO, Metroid Prime and Resi 0 all launching on the same day in the UK.
a sleeper title is GUN
wasn't reviewed on NintendoLife so makes sense not to have it on this list but one heck of a game even though it is short
No love here for a list without Battalion Wars
The quality in that library is immense.
Yeah and there’s still games not in this top 50 that I still love to play. The GameCube was the most fun I had with a console but I’d say a large part of that was I had less responsibilities and more friends around. Some others not mentioned that I sank a lot of time into are gauntlet dark legacy, 007 night fire and everything or nothing, X-men legends 1 and 2, wrestlemania 19, freedom fighters, nba street vol. 2, def jam fight for ny, to name a few.
Solid Top 10
Congratulations everybody
"The cube-ular console and its launch lineup was let loose in Europe on 3rd May 2022". Yikes! That's one heck of a wait for the Europeans to get their hands on the GameCube!
Totally agree with top 3, but feel Prime 2 and Mario Sunshine should round out that top 5
Thousand year door is not better than both wind waker, and twilight princess.
I was in the same boat as you with thousand year door. I recently played it for the first time, and it is a great game. But it is overrated. My main problems were the boring main story( side story’s were great) and after chapter three every chapter amounted to 90% backtracking. Except for chapter six. That is the exception.
Baten Kaitos Eternal Wings and the lost ocean is the best gamecube game for me. And then Paper Mario Thousand year door would be my second choice.
Also hello people who comes by this article in the future from the next repost. XD
Kirby Air Ride not being on this list is criminal. Also seriously disagree with Metroid Prime 2 being as low as it is (it's personally my favorite Metroid game).
This list is also a reminder that I still have to play Paper Mario 1&2, my two biggest holes in my classic backlog
I owned 14 of these.
Never has a feeling in my life been reciprocated than when i was in toys r us & the smash bros. Melee demo was there and I was able to play Pirncess Zelda.
My dad bought me a GameCube that very day. The amount of good times I spent with that game is irreplaceable.
@Axecon to be fair that teen titans game, Digimon rumble arena 2 & sims urbz should also be on the list. Multiplatform or not
Sad to not see either Pokémon Colosseum or XD: Gale of Darkness on this list, but not surprised either. I will fully admit I am super biased towards those games, as Colosseum was not only my first GameCube game, but my first 'game' period.
@baller98 They refered to it as "Mario Football" on this list. The rest of the world sees it different form America.
Nintendo should re-release Four Swords for free as part of the Expansion Pass. I mean the DLC is nice, but we should get at least one game a year. The base package got Tetris 99, PacMan 99, and Mario 35. Not many,.somewhat similar, but all bangers! Some suggestions would be Four Swords, Super Mario Run, and Mario Galaxy 2.
Metroid Prime is the highest rated game of the bunch.
No Killer 7 lol
@TheRealMr_Carpainter I picked mine up yesterday
No WaveRace Blue storm and 1080 Avalanche has put me in a bad mood.
Yu-Gi-Oh Falsebound Kingdom...The one that isn't another card game and is an actual RPG.
Paper Mario #1, really?! Hahaha. Glad it is apparently worth a lot of money now though...
Anyway, other than that, a good list.
I would have:
1. Resident Evil 4
2. Metroid Prime
3. F-Zero GX
4. Smash Bros
Also good but missing: XIII, Warioware.
The fact that 007: Nightfire isn’t on here ANYWHERE is an embarrassment
That was standard back then. We got the SNES, N64 and Gamecube six months after the US. The DS was 4 months later. Games were usually late or in cases like Super Mario RPG, Custom Robo or Excitebots never released in Europe at all. This modern Nintendo approach of simultaneous releases and no region locking is a big improvement!
I skipped this entire generation, to drink a lot. No matter how much I spend on gaming nowadays, it is always cheaper than my drinking was.
There is a mistake in the article conerning Metroid Prime. Shigeru Miyamoto WAS involved in the development. He was in constant communication with Retro Studios, and without his influence the game could have been just another generic shooter.
I’m embarrassed to say, but when I got my GameCube the first game I bought for it was Die hard vendetta. Lol
To be fair to it, I had fun with it at the time
That is true, especially at the end of the game, the combat can get tiresome. That and the amount of backtracking. But it is still an excellent game, just not one of the best of all time. It is third place among paper Mario games for me, behind oragami king and super paper Mario.
Where's Sonic Adventure 2 Battle?
Fantastic system, backed by an all-star library of games, the likes of which we've never seen since! This was the peak of Nintendo, and arguably of gaming in general.
As a bit of a flex: I picked up 42 of these top 50 titles back in the day. 44-45, if you count releases on other platforms.
At time of writing (after the announcement of the remake) TTYD is no 1!
I assume this is in part because of the high barrier to entry nowadays.
Hopefully Nintendo will get round to a Radiant Collection so I can finally experience that as well!
ugh people just think this game is the best. It's not here's why
1. making me repeat my steps its pain to walk somewhere "oh you need to go back and get this" its the whole Game.
2. painful walking speed and painful fights the game speed is fine the fights are mostly painful
( I have the real edition listen to me)
Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem. It needs a remaster! It needs a remake! It needs a sequel!
However, the IP is likely suffering endless torment in the void at the end of space and time. Can it be rescued? That in itself would probably be a lengthy and insanity-inducing quest.
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