We continue our Bayonetta 3 walkthrough guide with the first chapter proper. Get ready for lots of battles and a ton of collectibles!
On this page: Bayonetta 3: Chapter 1: Scrambling For Answers Walkthrough - All Collectibles
Bayonetta 3: Chapter 1: Scrambling For Answers Walkthrough - All Collectibles
Destroy 3 Obstacles While Sliding On Gomorrah - During the opening sequence of the Shibuya, Tokyo section of Chapter 1, simply blast three incoming obstacles with Gomorrah.
Pick Up A Hamburger - During the time puzzle sequence at the start of Shibuya, you'll see this hamburger sat to the left just as you approach the downed Homunculus.
Stand Atop An Iconic Shibuya Landmark - As we've detailed with pics below, on the main street in Shibuya, right after Verse #7 jump from the roof on the left onto the train car that's suspended in mid-air over the street. Then make your way to the roof of the curved tower building in the centre of the area, and then up onto the sign here on the right, and finally hop across onto the highest point of the structure.
Defeat 5 Stratuses Inside The Train Car - In the interior train car sequence, simply beat 5 enemies to complete this one.
Defeat A Pannus Without Causing It To Split - These enemies split several times as you fight them, but if you assault them quickly enough you can defeat them before they get the chance.
Verse #1
The action kicks off as soon as we're out of the opening cutscene here with a battle against a selection of Homunculus enemies.
Medallion Shard #1
Directly behind where Verse #1 takes place. Walk over and jump down beside sea to the defunct automaton, attack it to reveal the shard.
Figure Box #1
Right out to the western coast in the very first area, as pictured below, there's a hidden ledge to drop down onto to grab this first Figure Box collectible, and a handy lift to take back to the topside when you've got it.
Once you've grabbed the medallion shard, the figure box and completed Verse #1, head on around the bend that takes you into a cutscene and up to another area of this first chapter.
Treasure Chest #1
This very first chest is hard to miss, sat right in the centre of the upper level, smack it a few times to open it up and receive some goodies.
Treasure Chest #2
This one's right up the back of this upper area to the far left side from where you found the first chest. Smash it to start a quick time trial that revolves around the large tree nearby and you'll grab a prize for your efforts.
Verse #2
Easy to spot your first one of these sat right in the middle of the open level. This first combat challenge asks you to use Gomorrah's bite attack 3 times and rewards you with a Broken Witch Heart, four of these will increase your overall health permanently.
Echoes of Memory #1
Inside the tower off to your right from Verse #2. There's a cracked portion of wall on this small tower to attack and break inside.
Card Pack #1
Off behind the tower where you just found the first Echoes of Memory, this card pack is sat on a tree branch.
Card Pack #2
This one is sat on a high ledge to the immediate left of the waterfall in the centre of this area.
Treasure Chest #3
Moving up and around past the waterfall in this area, this chest gives you access to instant recharge of Gomorrah magic, useful for the next battle.
Verse #3
Kicks off in the area just above the waterfall, where you destroy the orb to reveal a magic source. You can do this whole fight with just Gomorrah.
Treasure Chest #4
Behind the Summon Barrier that's tucked away behind the waterfall in the centre of this opening area. You'll need a key, which is in the area just above the waterfall after the Verse #3 battle. There's a Broken Witch Heart to nab for your troubles.
Treasure Chest #5
Hiding off to the left on a cliff just as you pass through the temporal door in this chapter to enter the final area with the Multiverse Portal Generator.
Once we hop in the portal generator, we're whisked off to the Chaotic Rift for a short trip.
Verse #4
This one takes place right in the middle of the main route through the Chaotic Rift section, you can't miss it.
Once we're done with Verse #4, we'll hop in another portal that transports us to Shibuya. Let's go!
Verse #5
This verse is comprised of the Gomorrah slide sequence and rooftop battle that kicks off our visit to Tokyo.
Treasure Chest #6
Off to your immediate left as soon as you start the Shibuya section of this chapter. Opens up a magic source for charging up your Infernal Demons.
Umbran Cat
Right at the start of the Shibuya section of this level. Head off to the left to find kitty hiding at the base of a building. Now try catching it!
Verse #6
Off to the immediate right as you start this area. This combat challenge requires you to blow kisses with Madame Butterfly. Receive your first Broken Moon Pearl as a reward.
Verse #7
This one's an unavoidable big battle on the main street of Shibuya against two large enemies.
Treasure Chest #7
Off to the left of the immediate starting area, clamber up behind the large billboard to find this one.
Time Shift Puzzle
Our first one of these in Bayonetta 3 and it's off to the alley up to the right as shown below, just as you start in the Shibuya area. Use the downed Homunculus by running into it as little Bayo, she'll push it over and then you'll need to do a quick puzzle.
Echoes of Memory #2
Here just shift the time forward so the parts of the collapsed building make a stairway for you to jump up and grab the Echoes of Memory #2.
Figure Box #2
In the same area as the time shift puzzle you'll find this one tucked in a corner.
Treasure Chest #8
Climb up to the rooftops from the street in the location below to find another chest. Smash it to start a time-based race to collect it's parts for a prize.
Card Pack #3
Once you've done the time puzzle up on the roof, head up onto the highest point on the billboard here, look across and you'll see you can fly over to the rooftops on the other side of the street. Head over to nab this pack.
Verse #8
Up on the rooftops where you found the last card pack. Here we get some classic Bayo enemies to face off against.
Figure Box #3
This one is right up the top of the central curved building overlooking the main strip. Climb up to the roof of the buildings on the left where Verse #7 occurs, then get positioned to jump to the train carriage that's hanging out over the road. From here float over to the curved building straight ahead, then clamber up the sign on its roof to then jump across and reach the highest point. You'll also earn a Bewitchment for doing this.
Card Pack #4
As shown below, hidden in a nook at the back of the central curved tower that you just climbed to the top of for Figure Box #3.
Verse #9
Inside the central tower as shown below.
Umbran Toad
As soon as you leave the tower area where Verse #9 takes place, you'll be able to hear the croaks of this toad, they keep quicker and louder as you draw near to it.
Treasure Chest #9
In the same small area where you found the frog, just after Verse #9. It's right up to the back here.
Verse #10
Once you've got the demon pulse from Rodin after a short cutscene, and before you break the ground open where the man is yelling, head off to the left to find this hidden away to the bottom of the road. You'll be rewarded with another Broken Witch Heart.
Card Pack #5
Once you're down in the tunnels under Shibuya you'll easily find this one round the first corner.
Verse #11
In the tunnels under Shibuya, you can't miss this one.
Figure Box #3
On the steps down in the large round area in the tunnels under Shibuya.
Umbran Crow
In the tunnels under Shibuya, you'll find the crow sat on some railings at the top of a circular room as shown below. Chase him down in your animal form to catch him.
Treasure Chest #10
In the same area you'll find Figure Box #3, in the tunnels below Shibuya, look out for the pipe leading off as shown below, fly over to it and follow the path to find this orb.
Treasure Chest #11
This one is right nearby our last one, at the bottom of the stairwell in the tunnels.
Verse #12
Another scrap you can't miss in the tunnel complex underneath Shibuya.
Echoes of Memory #3
This one is off to the left side of the large room where Verse #12 occurs, in the tunnels area.
Scurrier #1
Your first Scurrier is on the way out of the tunnels at the crashed train, the game will notify you of this first one and you'll get a fragment of Broken Witch Heart from it.
Verse #13
As soon as you leave the tunnels you'll come to this after a short cutscene.
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First comment lol
Hello ! For the « Pick Up A Hamburger » bewitchment, the burger does not simply sit there. You need to destroy a « Larger Burger » sign that’s quite high on the nearby building. It is like you said on the left before the down time homonculus. Once the sign broken, the burger will fall.
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