Behold The Kickmen is a football (or soccer, if you prefer) simulation for everyone who hates the sport, or, at the very least, remains totally clueless to its global appeal. Created by Dan Marshall of The Swindle fame – who readily admits he knows nothing about football and thought it would be fun to see what kind of game he could come up with – this rather silly rival to the likes of FIFA and PES casts aside the basic rules that have governed football for decades and replaces them with its own.
For example, the pitch is round, not rectangular, and the ball bounces happily off its sides, Speedball 2-style. Goals scored (or "done", to use the game's parlance) from distance are worth more points, and the offside rule has been changed so that, if you happen to be on the wrong side of the pitch when the timer runs out, you're sent off "for a crime against football". Scoring has the added benefit of earning you a big, sloppy kiss from the referee (or 'Umpire' as he's known here), while going into extra time literally involves picking up clock icons which appear on the pitch to extend the length of the match. It's utterly bonkers, and refreshingly original to boot.
Behold The Kickmen's unorthodox approach extends to the game's writing, which is downright hilarious. Hardcore fans of the sport might turn their noses up at the fact that it so mercilessly pokes fun at "The Beautiful Game", but we lost count of the number of times we laughed out loud during gameplay; the constant demands to "do more goals" than the "enemy" team never grows old, and the story sections – which chart your star player's rise to the top of the league, his rivalry with a bully from another team and his quest to discover exactly what happened to his deceased father – feature some of the funniest dialogue we've read in years. While humour is very much down to personal taste, we think you've got to be pretty mean-spirited not to at least raise a smile whilst playing Behold The Kickmen.
Skills such as dashing, passing, aftertouch and precision tackling are all unlocked as you play the story mode (an optional 'Ultimate' mode gives you these from the start, however) and the cash you earn from "doing goals" and "winning the sport" can be used to bolster the core stats of your team. It's a shame, then, that the game itself doesn't quite hold together as a cohesive and enjoyable experience once the laughter abates. There's no two-player option – which should tell you right away this isn't your typical football game – and the action is so random and chaotic that wins become losses in the blink of an eye.
Your players control sluggishly and struggle to hold onto the ball at the best of times, whereas rival players of middling skill are capable of running straight through your defenders without losing possession. Passing – which is denoted by a line which shows exactly which player you're going to target – is hit and miss, too. Your opponents rarely exhibit the skill required to score, however (even when faced with an open goal) so as long as you make use of the handy side-step ability and pass the ball regularly, you should come out on top; chaining together flashy moves means you earn more cash, so it's certainly encouraged. Shots on goal – which you can charge up for increased power, a process which also decreases their overall accuracy – have a tendency of going in much of the time, as long they're relatively close to the target.
The often frustrating controls and totally random gameplay elements do tarnish the experience somewhat, but we still had a whale of a time playing Behold The Kickmen. The cutting humour goes a long way to making it an enjoyable romp, and the story mode holds your interest via its funny narrative and the attraction of ploughing cash into improving your team. While it's never going to challenge legitimate soccer simulations on the market, we're glad it exists; as much as we love the sport, it does take itself far too seriously. For £2.99, you could do a lot worse.
Comments 34
The title alone makes me smile every time I see it.
This takes me back to a simpler time. Small boys in the park, jumpers for goalposts...
I’m constantly baffled why football is referred to the beautiful game. It is dull, overly long, slow, boring and played predominantly by wimps.
@DevlinMandrake Playing a game of Wembley or One Bounce. Great times.
I may try this if I had extra spare change from my Trails of Cold Steel III purchase.
@DevlinMandrake Chris Hansen gonna stop by your place like "why don't you have a seat over there?"
In your opinion, the opinion of who likes it is wildly different.
The players are not strictly wimps, they go down to get a free kick or penalty, an over react to make sure it's seen(the amount of fouls you can suffer and never get if you don't go down is horrifying), admittedly they go down far too easily a lot of the time, but they are not wimps per say.
Some call it game management, others cheating. I'd rather football be honest so lean to the latter.
@Shinobi1Kenoby this is simply what we do here in Europe: we like our football teams and trance music!
@Shinobi1Kenoby because it's deeper than most other sports from a tactical standpoint, by virtue of having low scores as opposed to basketball or American football.
I for one find these two incredible boring and uninteresting: just because they score more points more often doesn't make it more entertaining to me; on the contrary, it kinda dulls it. Goals are awesome moments of celebration precisely because of their relative scarcity.
Different strokes for different folks.
Funny writing in a setup like this is a piece of pish. If the gameplay doesn't hold what's the point?
Wall ball or 3-and-in were always favourites, down my way.
@Shinobi1Kenoby @SoManyHaveDied
I'm guessing neither of you have seen Ron Manager on The Fast Show then?
@Shinobi1Kenoby it's not really for me either, but I see beauty in the simplicity and how there are virtually no barriers to entry as far as equipment or size of individual.
@Shinobi1Kenoby This might give a little context to @devlinmandrake's comment...
Thanks for that. It's still brilliant after all this time.
Man, I want to give this a shot and at 4 measly bucks, this is quite tempting. But the “sluggish controls” brought my impulse buy to a screeching halt. Update the controls and perhaps add 2 player co-op/competitive and I’m in.
Sure, I too find it annoying that players repeatedly roll around the floor and cry in pain, since it interrupts the flow of the game. But I get that it's a strategy to influence the referee. Soccer isn't like basketball, where you get technical fouls for slapping someone on the wrist. And it's not like football and rugby, where physical contact is a formal element of the game, bound to certain rules. In soccer, the boundaries between what physical contact is allowed and what isn't are far blurrier and subjective. This means that, often, unless a foul is obvious to the referee, it won't necessarily get called. So many players exaggerate things, either to outright invent a foul or make it more visible to the judges.
As to the beauty of it all, it depends on what kind of pacing you personally enjoy. Football and baseball, for example, are built around short bursts of action interrupted by long waiting periods. Basketball, meanwhile, is very quick, but it all happens on a far smaller playing field. This means movements, both by teams and players, are comparatively more constrained, forcing rapid transitions in a reduced space. In soccer, meanwhile, you have the continuous flow of basketball, minus the quarterly breaks and timeouts, but the playing field is much larger, so movements tend to be slower and more scattered around. Also, since you're controlling the ball with your feet and not with your hands, you have to be more careful about things like passing and dribbling, since feet aren't built to hold onto things. Because of this, the skill ceiling, in soccer, is extremely high, which essentially means that, of all the big professional sports, soccer is the likeliest to devolve into a sloppy, unwatchable mess. The beauty comes from the exceptions, the great teams, the players with impossible ball control, which is what we're all watching out for.
Hope this helps you understand a bit more, if not agree.
'Perfectly-pitched humour'
2.99. Read review and bought it. And yes there are a few frustrating things with the controls but overall I’d be tempted to squeeze this up to an 8! With a few tweaks this could be a cult classic.
It is hilarious and takes a dig at money in football among other things.
But the game itself is actually massive fun. When you crank the speed right up its like playing Speedball and sensible soccer rolled into one. I absolutely love this game. It’s cracking. Also super soccer blast is worth a punt. A few quid more but a typical old school arcade footy game. I live these types of games and it’s good to that NL is giving them more coverage now.
Like the creator I have no interest or love of football. But gameplay wise this looks rather dull. So I'll settle for a let's play and save some cash
Real football fans don't like diving either. I follow the game in non league, and it hardly ever happens at that level, because it's so quick to be called out. We won't put it with it from our own lads, never mind anyone else.
Why do Americans always point to that as the reason they don't like football? So tedious.
@jarvismp yeah I'm tempted to dl both tonight
@jarvismp have you found any annoying glitches in super Soccer Blast? I read somewhere else that it would occasionally forget how many cups you've won.
@PapaMurphy Likely because non-watchers see someone like Neymar do it and assume that his kind of theatrics are rampant across the sport for the entire 90 minutes when that's not really the case.
@bozz absolutely true. Neymar is a wee fanny! 😆
More than one ball in play at the same time... Trust me, fixes ANY sport.
@PapaMurphy I haven’t yet tbh. But it’s a good old fashioned game that takes me back to the 80’s. Behold the kickmen is possibly my fave indie game this year. Hilarious and as I said in my earlier post- set the speed right and it become and absolute riot
@jarvismp I'll probably get both quite soon. Any half decent footie game, I'm in.
Agreed, rugby does have huge levels of tactical depth. Armoured Rugby For Girls may also have, but who would know? (probably the Netball Coach).
But I do agree with @clvr's point that because football is low-scoring, each and every goal feels more solid and important.
This game looks fun, and I'll probably pick it up just for the ridiculous sense of humour. At this price I can put up with some slightly sketchy gameplay for some arcade action with a great sense of humour. 2-player mode (even just single-event kick-abouts are really missing a trick for a fun/stupid party-game though).
@clvr The game is too low scoring and too often ends in ties.
I agree there's too much scoring in basketball, but baseball and hockey are a happy medium as far as scoring is concerned; and while there are a lot of points in American football, the number of times you actually score isn't that bad.
@AngelFox Not when the scoring system in Quidditch is absolutely broken. It's never a good idea when a single player in a team sport is nearly solely responsible for the outcome of at least 90% of the matches, fictional fantasy sport or not. Rowling is a brilliant writer, but the details behind Quidditch were not among her better ideas, and even she admits she grew tired of writing about it after a while.
sounds good, for 2:99 it will be no problem to try it out.
@BulbasaurusRex totally agree! I love football but I absolutely understand why it might not be someone else's liking, just as I can see why many people love basketball even though I don't find it interesting personally.
Btw hockey is a super cool sport!
I know little about it, but I would've liked trying joining a team when I was younger, as it's cool to warch and super fun to play.
Unfortunately my country's not that big on it lol
@FrowningCoach Ahahahah could you be any more pretentious and edgy? 😂 I hope you're not older than 12 lol
Look, there's a pretty legible "different strokes for different folks" at the end of my comment, which makes it clear it's my personal opinion and everyone rightly likes different sports for different reasons; if you didn't even reach that point and replied to me as if I heralded myself as the keeper of the absolute truth, well, the joke's on you for acting all grandiose while intentionally missing information. That's a pretty dumb move, if you ask me, since you rusk being ridiculed for replying to stuff you don't have the full context of.
So maybe read what you're gonna reply to beforehand, and get off your high-and-mighty perch.
Peace ✌🏻
i just saw gameplay it does'nt look great.
Maybe the funniest game I've ever played. Really enjoyable, surprisingly good in game engine too. The anti-FIFA
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