Hey, remember when we made a list of the Best Cat Games On Nintendo Switch? If you're a cat person, you were probably more than satisfied — but what about the poor, forgotten dog people? Fear not, folks. We have you covered, too. In fact, it was a lot harder to narrow down the Best Dog list, although we won't pretend to know what that means, since we don't want to starts a cats vs dogs war in the comments.
So, here they are — the best dogs, and the best dog games, that you can find on the Nintendo Switch!
Grapple Dog (Switch eShop)
Grapple Dog is one of the most refreshingly unfussy platformers we've seen in a long time. It's digital popcorn — chocolate covered popcorn, to boot. Naturally the central mechanic (other than, well, being a dog) is the titular grapple. This allows you to traverse the game's perfectly-sized levels using said hook to swing from ceilings, build momentum, attach to enemies and Donkey Kong Country-style cannons and generally add a whole layer of mechanical complexity while maintaining extremely simple three-button controls. Real dogs can't grapple, but we'll let that one slide.
Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl (Switch)
The only game on this list to attempt to unite the warring factions of cat and dog with the diplomatic inclusion of Catdog, All-Star Brawl makes this list purely because it's funny to have a game that's on the Best Cat Games list, and the Best Dog Games list for the same character.
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EarthBound (SNES)
When you first start out in Earthbound, you are given the option to name your party, who default to Ness, Paula, Poo, and Jeff Andonuts. But there's a fifth character you can name — Ness' family dog, whose name defaults to King. You might assume that King would therefore accompany you on your travels, and he does, for a time. Sadly, that time is about five minutes. He spends the rest of the time at home. He is, nevertheless, a good boy.
Okami HD (Switch eShop)
Okami is one of the most iconic dog games on the Nintendo Switch, so of course it's on here. And we won't be having any arguments about whether Amaterasu is a dog or a wolf. All wolves are just big puppies, and even goddesses love a belly rub.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)
ACNH has a fair few dog villagers in its lineup, from the adorable Goldie to the slightly scary mummified Lucky, but the most iconic dogs in the game are its NPCs. Isabelle, of course, is the golden (retriever) standard, with her floppy little ears and her wagging tail, but KK Slider, Harriet the hairdresser, Digby the real estate agent and Harvey the hippy are all canids, too. The cats don't have nearly as many NPCs, so we can venture a guess at Nintendo's favourite pet...
Chicory: A Colorful Tale (Switch eShop)
Chicory: A Colorful Tale was originally called Drawdog. Did you know that? Obviously, that title didn't stick around, but the titular dog did (they're just called Pizza instead).
Phogs! (Switch eShop)
What's better than a dog? Two dogs. What's better than two dogs? One dog with two heads. At least, that's the case in PHOGS!, a chaotic physics-puzzler with a wiggly dog-snake. Play it co-op for the best, most frustrating, most hilarious time.
Wargroove (Switch eShop)
In Wargroove, an Advance Wars-type turn-based strategy game, you can play as a general... who is a dog. And all his units are dogs. And when they get destroyed, they don't die — they just run away. As the devs themselves said:
"Whether they are clad in armour or are missing bits of their flesh, one thing remains the same – the Dog unit is always a good boy."
Overland (Switch eShop)
Of all the post-apocalyptic media out there, there are only four that we can think of that get it right. One, Fallout 4. Two, I Am Legend. Three, Tokyo Jungle. Four, Overland. What do these have in common? You have a puppy sidekick. That's the only way to survive the apocalypse! Everyone knows this!!
Undertale (Switch eShop)
This is the only game on this list that is made by a dog, because creator Toby Fox's avatar is... a small, white dog, called "The Annoying Dog". He also appears prominently in Undertale, as a foil for the character's plans. He's very cute.
Comments 37
Sorry to post this random question in here.
But I am wondering if anyone could tell me, has the Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Special Edition been up at the nintendo Store? Because I have not heard anything and I don't know if I missed it or we are still waiting or is not coming.
Thanks in advance
"but Palamutes are way more useful than Palicos, right?"
Best Turtle games next?
Pssst… if you like dog games you should check out Goodboy Galaxy:
It’s currently in development for GBA. A Switch port is planned. This list might need an update when it releases. 😉
Shouldn’t the tag line be goodest of girls and boys? Not all of these pups are dudes.
Honorable Mention: Kirby and the Forgotten Land! The new common enemy called Awoofy is a replacement for waddle dees.
They can be found around the game doing various puppy things like napping and scratching their ears.
I gave best boy Cerberus pets every single run long after I had him at max affection.
Five dogs in my pack!
How many dogs does everyone else have or like to have?
This article is Barking mad....
Amaterasu is a girl.
Dig Dog is worth a pop, pretty simplistic in its design but it’s challenging and fun.Think it’s under a fiver as well.
You forgot the ones in Breath of the Wild
This post sounds like it was paid for by Big Dog lobbyists to derail issues cats are facing today. I would like to speak with the manager. /s
(In all seriousness, I appreciate the shout out to gaming's best woofers, floofers, and puppos.)
Grapple Dog is fantastic, highly recomended, and the Super Rare Originals team are truly some of the most passionate and genuine guys in the industry, in it for the love of original indie games, not for the money. They deserve every success.
This game definitely have a dog on it.

Yay, Dark Souls got on the list this time!
Spoiler alert: You can help the doggo in the DLC, but otherwise the story is tragic.
@Diogmites What a hilarious concept!
Oh, also.
How could Nintendolife didn't mention PAW Patrol games and Cat Quest 1 & 2 on Nintendo Switch ?
Tales of Vesperia! You get a playable party member that's a dog with an eye patch and a smoking pipe!
I’m sorry if I missed it… and I don’t mean to steal the thunder from the doggies… best crab games on switch?
Now we're talking.
It is an absolute crime that a sequel to Okami hasn't been made yet.
@AlbertXi all we know is that it will be MyNintendo store exclusive and if you want it (in the UK) you have to sign up here and hope for the best.
The rest of us in EU has to work with NOE's other MyNintendo Stores to do something similar which is basically like saying "have fun buying it on Amazon" because NOE does not limit purchases to 1 per customer unlike in UK.
@KateGray Re. your Flame In The Flood paragraph, you've written 'stacked in your favour', where it seems it should be 'stacked against you'.
@RubyCarbuncle Actually there is one. Okamiden for DS. But a third game would be great.
@Doctor-Moo I know about that. That's a DS spinoff and not a true sequel. I would like an actual follow up to Okami where you play as Amaterasu again.
Okami is amazing I hope and pray that they will make a sequel to this game it is such a great game and very beautiful graphics/animation
Don't see any rural car parks in these games?
Where's Breath of the Wild? I know doggo Link is locked behind an amiibo but still...
Still no Nintendogs game for Switch... sigh
Dog Articles Thursday... wait Thursday is already taken!
@Yukidamaa they actually do have a sequel for Okami. It’s called okamiden. (Unless your one of those people that pretend it doesn’t exist)
Shout out to Metal Max Xeno Reborn, which has a Shiba Inu that rides on top of your tank like a big fluffy hood ornament and can be armed with big honking guns.
And to Kitaria Fables, where the town guards are all Doberman Pinschers.
Not officially released, I know, but Mother 3 has a cute puppy who fights alongside you in your party
Wargroove is one of those games on my backlog that I haven’t gotten around to yet and I never knew it had a dog general and unit. Now I’m even more excited.
I made an account specifically to address the severe lack of Fuga: Melodies of Steel on this list, as well as a review for the game as a whole.
A passion project for CyberConnect2 that doesn't get nearly the attention it deserves. Every character is a very likeable war orphan (both cats and dogs) that always have a chance of dying at any minute depending on how well you play the game.
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