Beat 'em ups have been a staple of gaming since the mid-1980s when Kung Fu Master birthed the genre in the arcades. It was arguably 1987’s Double Dragon which kicked off the golden age of the side-scrolling brawler, though, and some of our best gaming memories involve strutting down streets and getting into digital scraps, usually with a Player 2 at our side. There's a beautiful simplicity and accessibility to beat 'em ups that make for perfect local multiplayer fun. Whether side-scrolling, single-plane or top-down, pummelling the heck out of encroaching bad guys and moving on at the first flash of 'GO>' is the name of the game. Simple!
The fact that Switch is king when it comes to local multiplayer makes the genre a great fit for Nintendo's system, but what are the very best Switch beat 'em ups? The console has an ever-growing roster to choose from, ranging from re-released classics to homages or totally new takes on the genre. Below we've assembled a ragtag bunch of belt-scrolling brawlers for your enjoyment.
So, turn with your back to the camera, tie a sweatband around your head and crack those bare knuckles as we take a look (in no particular order) at the best beat 'em ups on Nintendo Switch.
Fight'N Rage (Switch eShop)
We kick things off with none-too-subtle callback to the likes of Final Fight and Streets of Rage (more on them later). Fight'N Rage was a wonderful surprise; an homage to the classics of the genre that didn't die under the weight of its retro references and reverence. Whether you rock the optional CRT and scanline filters or not, this is one of the best beat 'em ups on the system, old-school or otherwise.
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Castle Crashers Remastered (Switch eShop)
If you're after something that's not dripping in pixel art but which does boast tight controls and co-op brawling content to rival the arcade classics, Castle Crashers Remastered is just the ticket. Updating 360-era original with cleaner visuals, improved performance and extra content, The Behemoth's irreverent humour and sharp, colourful art style is matched with frantic four-player co-op gameplay that makes it a great option for Switch gamers. Just slide off the Joy-Con and you're good to go.
Streets of Red - Devil's Dare Deluxe (Switch eShop)
Looking back to 8-bit brawlers for graphical inspiration, Streets of Red riffs on its references in a charming way without turning into a repetitive round of nudge-nudge-wink-wink. With a range of modes to keep you occupied, it's in four-player mode where the game really comes into its own. If you can put up with things getting very hectic on screen, Streets of Red is definitely worth a punt.
Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle (Switch eShop)
Collecting together a broad range of Capcom's finest arcade entries in the genre, from Final Fight to Battle Circuit, the Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle is a classy nostalgia trip which honours some of the less well-known examples in the company's back catalogue with local and online multiplayer, save states and a host of extras which includes the option to choose between the Japanese and English language versions. If you're just dipping your toe into the genre, this serves as a very fine introduction indeed.
Wulverblade (Switch eShop)
If you're after a challenge, Wulverblade is a great modern take on a brutal beat 'em up in the Golden Axe vein. The beautiful presentation disguises a particularly unforgiving game, though, so we'd recommend even veterans of the genre prepare themselves and make sure they have a friend handy to liberate Britannia. If you like your beat 'em ups bloody and teetering on the edge of 'sadistic', grab a large weapon and get acquainted with Wulverblade.
Ape Out (Switch eShop)
The only game on our list with a top-down perspective, Ape Out is a rather unique little gem and one that'll have you frantically bludgeoning baddies to an erratic jazz beat that builds as you improvise your escape from incarceration. With a Saul Bass-inspired art style and an exceptional, utterly intrinsic soundtrack, the game borrows a layer of strategy from the likes of Hotline Miami as you choose your targets carefully and strategise to eliminate gun-toting guards patrolling in search of your escaped ape. It's still a beat 'em up at heart, and a particularly brutal one. You feel every blow in Ape Out and the game doesn't outstay its welcome, either. If you're after something a bit different with a unique flavour, look no further.
Actually, please do look further — there's lots of neat stuff below. Just remember that Ape Out is excellent and download it on your Switch.
Double Dragon & Kunio-kun Retro Brawler Bundle (Switch eShop)
Bringing together a collection of 18 games from both the Double Dragon and Kunio-kun series (11 of which had never previously seen release in North America) the Double Dragon & Kunio-kun Retro Brawler Bundle serves up an irresistible helping of NES and Famicom classics updated with optional performance improvements and achievements. The 'new' games have been given full localisations and if you've ever enjoyed River City Ransom or a Double Dragon game, this is a no-brainer.
Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Night Slashers (Switch eShop)
Data East's Night Slashers from 1993 throws a healthy dose of Hammer-style horror onto the Final Fight template and has you going up against zombies in a fun, brainless brawler with added undead bowling. It's on Switch as part of the Johnny Turbo's Arcade series, and this is the first time the game has been available on home consoles (although oddly it's not on the European eShop at present — you'll need a US Nintendo Account to access it). Frankly, the emulation is underwhelming at best, and this edition lacks the sort of visual options and care you'll find in other re-releases on this list. However, the game underneath is still a strong one and if you just can't get enough Switch beat 'em ups, Night Slashers is a very good one to blast through with a pal.
SEGA Mega Drive Classics (Switch)
What's a 16-bit console compilation doing on a beat 'em up list? Well, when this particular compilation includes both the Mega Drive Golden Axe and Streets of Rage trilogies, it would be rude to exclude it. The SEGA Mega Drive Classics collection gives you access to regional variants of the games (which means you can play the brilliant Bare Knuckle III and not the butchered Streets of Rage 3 we got in the West) and some basic visual settings to play with, but having access to all of these in one place - not to mention all the other classics included - is the real draw here. We're big fans of the Streets of Rage series, and if you want to experience the full the classic trilogy before playing the excellent Streets of Rage 4, the SEGA Mega Drive Classics offers the perfect way to do so on Switch.
Sengoku 3 (Neo Geo)
Just one of many Neo Geo brawlers available as part of the Hamster's extensive Arcade Archives ACA Neo Geo range, Sengoku 3 released in 2001 and with lovely visuals and particularly great music, it's a blast to run through whether you're on your lonesome or playing with a friend. With all the usual extras you've come to expect from Hamster's releases, this is a great option if you're after beautiful brawler action circa the turn of the millennium.
The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors (Switch)
A fantastic modern entry in the Ninja Warriors series, The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors might restrict movement to a single plane, but it gives this side-scroller a special flavour that's particularly delicious. This game plays like how you remember the classics, except with silky animation, incredible visuals and a host of effects that wouldn't have been possible on vintage hardware. The Ninja Saviors is a nostalgia trip of the very best kind and well worth a download whether you played the original Warriors games back in the day or want to find out how it felt to play them back in the day.
Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps and Beans (Switch eShop)
If you're unfamiliar with the headlining duo of Italian actors who partnered in a bunch of movies in the '70s and '80s, that's not a problem. Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps and Beans is a fun co-op jaunt through levels inspired by their cinematic adventures, with a sprinkling of minigames and some excellent 16-bit-style pixel art and audio thrown into the bargain. It doesn't change the world, but it's an affectionate little comedy beat 'em up that is worth investigating if it passed you by. Fans of the aforementioned duo should treat it as essential, and there's also a sequel if you can't get enough Slap and Beans.
Comments 45
Almost had a heart attack before I saw these weren't ranked, not gonna lie.
Thanks for this.
I loved beat em ups as a kid (target: renegade and double dragon being particular faces) and really want to share this genre with my son but worry he's a bit young at 6.
I still hope that one day, Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World The Game returns and comes to the Switch and takes its place as one of the top beat-em-up games here.
Super Crush K.O. has become my favorite over all of the ones on the list, ever the outlier indeed.
The Streets of Rage games should be at the very top of this list if not for the awful input lag on the Megadrive collection
@cmk8 Start with something like Night Slashers (assuming you don't mind exposing him to cartoon violence)
@Savino should have replaced that hot garbage with 99Vidas and Mother Russia Bleeds
Does anyone know what's the deal with Night Slashers in the European eShop? I added it to my wishlist the week it was released, but shortly after that, it was marked as 'unavailable', and it has stayed that way since.
If you like beat em ups, and dont own Fight n Rage... fix that.
For me, Final Fight will always be the greatest,with Street of Rage the next best.
Did you put River City Girls on this list but not Mother Russia Bleeds? Insane
This is beat em up game i want for Switch.

Beat 'Em Ups are among my favourite types of games, so I'm always on the lookout for new ones.
I'd put "Two Crude Dudes" / "Crude Buster" on there as well, but I have a soft spot for that cheese-fest of a game.
I'd forgotten that "Mutation Nation" was on the Switch. Recently grabbed "99 Vidas" for a buck, seems to be worth that, plays nicely and doesn't look bad at all.
"Slaps & Beans" was great, if a bit buggy in a few places. Having grown up on Bud & Terrence, I really enjoyed it all the way through.
"River City Girls" was also absolutely brilliant. I hadn't had so much fun with a game in a long time...beat it in a single sitting!
Uuugh, I wanna make this beat em up game I've been cooking up for several years, now! And TWEWY just gave me the last bit of inspiration that I needed to pull the concept together!
I can't even get the motivation to turn on the PC I bought and diddle around with music or outline what the four main characters look like. Too busy losing weight with Ring Fit! (Or... that's my excuse.)
I see a few people mentioning 99Vidas in a positive light and I'm wondering if they played the same game I did. I thought it was terrible. But there are a lot of gems on this list.
Final fight
Streets of rage
Golden axe
Ultimate Alliance should be there, too.
@Stargazer will look into it thanks, don't mind cartoonist stuff = he loves smash for example!
Nice list here. I have a lot of these games on Switch. Still kinda bugs me that River City Girl’s and Fight N Rage have no online play but they are some good beat em ups. Hopefully Streets of Rage 4 can make the list.
@Severian still have it on my ps3, was thinking of firing it back up sometime especially after watching the first half hour or so on netflix recently
As for 99 Vidas, I tried the demo but couldn’t really get into it. It was even on sell for just a dollar on the e shop at a one time and I still passed on it.
I thought I'd find 99 Vidas here, that's a pretty good beat 'em up.
I'm a fan of good beat-em-ups (what aren't the called bemups?) and own none of these. I'll probably get River City Girls in time and the Kunio collection. I've been eyeing Double Dragon 4 (not on the list) for many months now, waiting it for it be discounted. It's a matter of principle!
I’d prefer Sengoku 2
@NinChocolate I loved Sengoku 3, even though the difficulty got ridiculous toward the end of the game.
Really wished Double Dragon Neon was on Switch. And waiting patiently for Streets of Rage IV.
Been waiting for River City Girls to go on sale. Looks awesome.
@Anti-Matter Wait, you like beat-em-ups? I thought you didn't like violent games?
Well, as long still rated Teen and tolerable enough for me. 😉
I have ever played Beat em up games when i was kid and teen such as Double Dragon NES, Sailor Moon (Beat em up style) SNES, Pulirula PS1.
Remember, i played K-1 (Kickboxing tournament in Japan) PS2 and GBA version...
I have tried the Demo from Switch eshop and it was like 16bit 2D Double Dragon with Super Power meter divided into 2 levels. When you have 1 bar you can unleash stronger elemental attack to all foes. When you have full bar, you can "summon" Elemental Guardian to strike all foes with powerful attack. It was like i called GF or Aeon from Final Fantasy. 😀
@Anti-Matter Kickboxing I can understand, it's a sport with strict rules.
Beat-em-ups often portray people using weapons and violence that kills people in rather painful ways. Trust me, you'd rather be shot in the head than beaten to death with a crowbar. Even if they don't show the blood and gore... like, that's still obviously killing in violent and painful ways.
I'm just surprised and again confused. As much as you talk about your personal taste in games, I still somehow don't understand it. Is it really just the rating that matters to you?
@Severian River City Girls can filled the void till then
Before i accept the games, the things i judge first by order:
1. Age rating
2. Contents inside
3. Genre
4. Gameplay
5. Graphics
Age rating is the first thing i judge from the games. Any games with rated M / CERO C, D, Z / PEGI 16,18 games will be banned instantly. Only some exceptions if the games rated PEGI 16 but rated Teen or CERO B (FF XII, FF XIII) or rated CERO C but rated Teen or PEGI 12 (The Sims games). But i will avoid to get PEGI 16 games or CERO C games if the other region rated somehow still safe enough for Teen gamers.
As for beat em up games, usually they rated Teen or CERO B or PEGI 12 as long there is no blood, no gory, just cartoonish violence like Tom & Jerry. I have mentioned softer beat em up games such as Sailor Moon SNES (beat em up style) and Pulirula PS1. They looked safer and still appropriate enough for younger audiences.
The contents that i still allowed based on ESRB such as: Mild Cartoon Violence, Cartoon Violence, Violence, Fantasy Violence, Comical Mishief, Mild Blood, Animated Blood, Mild Language, Mild Suggestive Themes, Alcohol References, Partial Nudity (but i have never owned games with this content so far), Mild Lyrics, Sexual References.
For me the best ones on Switch are Capcom Classics (mainly for Final Fight), Fight 'n' Rage and Arcade Archives Double Dragon. Hopefully Sega will add both arcade Golden Axe games as part of Sega Ages.
I hoped to see ‘The Beatdown’ on that list as it looks graphically Amazing! Shame the Dev’s website says the Switch version is coming soon.
Fight N Rage is class but some of those other games like Streets of Red look awful like IPhone games. Double Dragon looks interesting even though they where ridiculously easy to complete.
@Anti-Matter Well... honestly I still don't understand. XD But that's fine. If the system works for you that's all that matters.
The best game in the Capcom Beat 'em up Bundle for me is Armored Warriors.
Wulverblade really surprised with the amount of effort and history the creator Michael Heald put into it. I wouldn't have known about that title if it haven't have been for Super Rare Games releasing it.
As for River City Girls I was enjoying the game up until that fight with Hibari. The lack of online multiplayer was also disappointing.
I'd love to see Konami release some of it's arcade classics to Switch with online multiplayer like The Simpsons, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Arcade Game and Turtles in Time, Bucky O'Hare, X-Men and Asterix.
I've spent so many hours on castle crashers with the boys
Ah, was hoping Bloody Zombies might have sneaked in as an honourable mention. ^_^
My wish list for beat 'em ups is Scott Pilgrim (which I have yet to play but love the graphic novels) and Turtles in Time.
Licencing stuff suuuuuuuuuucks
Of the ones I've played, Streets of Rage 4 and Fight 'n' Rage are both brilliant, whilst River City Girls is terrible. Do not waste your money on that!
Added Super Punch Patrol.
I wish people would stop saying Scott Pilgrim is good.
Dear Gavin, author of this article,
THANKS for this!! First of all, I never would have dreamed this genre from my youth would have such a come back. Secondly, there are legitimately good-looking games on this list that I was not aware of!! Third, I know the guys from one of these dev teams and it's pretty rad to see them get some pub ^_^
Thanks again!
These are the Beat 'Em-ups I have on:
*Arcade Archives
-64th Street
-Crime Fighters
-Zero Team <-My favourite out of this lot
*ACA: Neo Geo:
-Burning Fight
-Sengoku 1
-Sengoku 2
-Sengoku 3 <-My favourite out of this lot
-Castle Crashers
-Fight 'N' Rage
-Mayhem Brawler <-My favourite out of this lot
-The Takeover
*Game Card:
-Capcom: Belt Action
-Double Dragon: Neon
-Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 3
-River City Girls
-Scott Pilgrim
-Streets Of Rage 4 <-My favourite out of this lot
Overall, I prefer 'Mayhem Brawler' over SOR4 but 'Belt Action' over the lot.
I've still yet to buy TMHT: TCC and TMNT:SR as they aren't physical and as regards 'Jay And Silent Bob', I SHARN'T buy it until the notoriously difficult shopping mall level is fixed.
I vote for Wulverblade because I absolutely love Golden Axe!
Streets of Rage 4 is a bad joke. Have no idea what people like about it. Enemies are too cheap, returning characters all suck against normal enemies (Axel and Blaze are basically unplayable on Normal difficulty), baffling mechanics like not saving your special for emergencies. And worst of all the music is garbage. It felt somehow really clunky and bad.
I know not everyone is gonna like every game, but if you alienate people that played and liked the original games in their initial run, you're doing something wrong. Maybe I'm just hard to please, I thought FFVIIR was awful too. Is it wrong to have high expectations for continuations of things you're a fan of?
Half the modern beat em ups out there are just rip offs of Streets of Rage's style anyways, so why bother playing it when you can get a similar experience much cheaper?
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