Megami Tensei — also known as Shin Megami Tensei — is one of the longest-running RPG franchises in the world. But most of us wouldn't know it. Making its debut in 1987 on the Famicom, it wouldn't be until the Virtual Boy that Nintendo gamers (well, a few of them) would find out about the demon-summoning series. And now, the series boasts multiple sub-series, revivals, remakes, and enhanced editions. It's a pretty big hole to dive down.
Since gaining popularity in the West — thanks to Shin Megami Tensei III and Persona 3 on the PS2 — Atlus' star has only risen, with the latter sub-series becoming its own beast. But in terms of the more traditional, hardcore, and games you can get in the West, what is the best Shin Megami Tensei game?
We've left it up to you lovely readers to vote for your favourite SMT games. With the recent release of Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance, we're certain lots of people are interested in jumping into this sometimes brutally difficult franchise. But there's nothing else quite like the moody, philosophical, and heavy nature of SMT, so we're ready to help you jump in.
We'll be excluding Persona from this ranking as, despite still sharing many of the same demons and mechanics, it's basically its own thing at this point (don't worry, we'll poll the best Persona games sometime soon) - this list is to shed light on the name that started it all.
Other spin-offs, like Devil Survivor and Tokyo Mirage Sessions, are game, however, alongside remakes, ports, and the base and enhanced editions of certain games. We'll also only be including games that are available in the West and only on Nintendo systems — so yes, while Shin Megami Tensei is available on mobile in the West, its Super Famicom version has never been playable in the West with an official English localisation.
Remember: This ranking is not set in stone. Registered Nintendo Life users can click on the stars below and rate the games out of 10. The list order is created from NL User Ratings and is therefore subject to change, even after publication. You can change or add your score to any of the games below by clicking on the star next to the title.
Make a pact, start negotiating, and check out your ranking of the best Shin Megami Tensei games on Switch and Nintendo systems. We start at the bottom...
15. Jack Bros. (VB)
Once you’ve got the hang of it Jack Bros. is a short game and it’s a shame that there aren’t more puzzles on offer. However multiple characters and two difficulty settings extend the life of a game that is a lot of fun to play already. It features great music and looks good too – though it doesn’t really gain anything from being on the Virtual Boy. Overall the game’s strengths help to make up for any weaknesses, making Jack Bros. an essential Virtual Boy purchase.
14. Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers (3DS)
For Shin Megami Tensei or Persona fans, this is a no brainer — Soul Hackers is a fantastic entry in the series and you won't be disappointed. Even better, it's an excellent place for newcomers to jump in, with a relatively smooth difficulty curve and user-friendly hacks to help you out of tight spots. If you're a hardened SMT fan then you might find the dungeons a little bland, but if you're looking for a good place to start, or are a fan of deep, dark, story-driven dungeon crawlers with soul, the Spookies await your call.
13. Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster (Switch)
Shin Megami Tensei III HD Remaster is indisputably the best way to play this RPG classic, but it’s also rather clear that this nearly two-decade-old game is showing its age. An interesting story, enjoyable combat system, and engaging demon recruitment and fusion mechanics make Shin Megami Tensei III well worth your time, but the dated visuals, poor quality music, and occasionally unforgiving mechanics are hold it back from being excellent. We’d give this a recommendation to both longtime fans and newcomers, but with the caveat that you might want to wait for a sale.
12. Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked (3DS)
If you already own or played the Devil Survivor on DS, then Overclocked may not be the new version you were hoping for. For those coming to the title fresh, however, prepare to be impressed. Even though the game doesn't offer up much of an overhaul, it still remains a stellar, stylish RPG that handily melds strategy and turn-based battle. It's definitely one of the heftier 3DS games out there too, with multiple endings and tons of content to explore.
11. Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker (3DS)
With fun, strategic battles, a roller-coaster narrative that never lets up, and a fantastic sense of upbeat, apocalyptic style, Devil Survivor 2 is a full-on blast from start to finish. If you missed out on the original release, you're in for a treat, and the Triangulum scenario adds another immediately accessible full-length adventure to the experience. It's a more lighthearted experience than most other games in the series, too. Whether you're a longtime MegaTen fan or just enjoy deep, strategic RPGs, summon up your courage and sign in to Nicaea; you won't regret it.
10. Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse (3DS)
As a sequel, we think Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse is just about perfect, but we're aware it has a more controversial reputation among die-hard fans. It lets players revisit a familiar world from a new perspective and adds in several small but significant mechanical improvements that make for a smoother game throughout. We recommend playing through SMTIV first to get the most out of Apocalypse and to experience one of the 3DS' finest JRPGs, but Apocalypse is still a delightfully dark adventure dripping with dystopian charm. Between the personable demons, deeply satisfying combat and killer aesthetic, we couldn't get enough — the end times have never been so good.
9. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux (3DS)
From its demon collecting and killer combat to its sci-fi South Pole setting, Strange Journey Redux is a fantastically engrossing adventure, and an excellent reason to get lost in your 3DS once again. As a remake of a DS classic, Redux adds in enough new content to make a replay worth your time, along with plenty of welcome accessibility tweaks to help let newcomers in on one of Shin Megami Tensei’s best-kept secrets. Many consider this to be inferior to the original DS game, but we think Strange Journey — Redux or otherwise — is a can’t-miss trip for JRPG fans.
8. Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE (Wii U)
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE is roughly 85% Shin Megami Tensei, and 15% Fire Emblem, but somehow ends up feeling like something completely separate from both. It strikes a middle ground and boasts an energetic and dynamic combat system wrapped in a setting that takes J-Pop cheesiness to astral heights. There's a remarkably lengthy and enjoyable experience to be found here for anyone who doesn't already have stage fright from its relatively niche proposition. The Switch 'Encore' port makes it easy to catch up with these days, but just as so many quirky (and excellent!) games did, it was originally part of Wii U's wonderfully diverse and underrated library.
Comments 35
I definitely did not expect the list to have 15 games or for one of them to be virtual boy. I didn't realize there were so many. I never did get Shin Megami Tensei V, but I'm interested in Vengeance once it is on sale.
damn these are some hot takes
I feel like a lot of the votes for Devil Survivor DS meant to vote for Overclocked. It's literally better in every way
This is an interesting order, but I do agree - Vengeance is the best in the series. I honestly would have never considered Tokyo Mirage Sessions, but that game is great as well. I would love to see IV/Apocalypse get remastered or ported to the Switch.
So if a game was never localized outside of Japan it doesn’t count I suppose. SMT 1 and 2 certainly were originally on Nintendo platforms, I want to say SMT if was too, probably some other spinoffs I’m not thinking of and most if not all of these have seen fan translations so they are certainly playable if you have the means. Speaking of spinoffs, P3P and P4G belong in this list. I would argue P5R as well but at least the original Persona 3 and Persona 4 were originally released as Shin Megami Tensei Persona 3/4 at least for the US releases. You guys have TMS#FE and Jack Bros on there and they don’t feature SMT anywhere in their titles….
Shocked to see Soul Hackers that low. It's a product of its time, but it's incredible.
We don't seen that kind of atmosphere or calibre of demon designs often. And it's far better than the sequel IMO.
Apocalypse is WAYYYY too low on this list. One of my favorite JRPGs. It may have lost a lot of the atmosphere the series typically excels at, but the QoL fixes compared to SMT IV, and the actually really smooth difficulty progression, makes it one of the funnest games in the series.
Having played about 40 hours of Vengeance now, it's definitely a top three MegaTen game overall. Is it the best? I'll have to see how it sticks the landing. It's already a gigantic improvement from base SMT V, though, which I enjoyed but was obviously flawed in certain respects.
And yeah, the 3DS Devil Survivor games should be where the DS ones are currently. They're literally just all-around improvements on the original.
I finally recently went back to playing Devil Survivor 2 for the 3DS. Love the Devil Survivor series, and I highly recommend them.
No way V is better than IV
"Persona without the heart" is reductive.
SMT is about the gameplay, environmental storytelling, and broader worldviews. It's different from but not less than Persona.
The best one is SMT IV imo
Reminds me that I picked up DS2 Overclocked before the eShop closed. Might be time to give it a whirl soon.
Where’s Persona?
If SMT IV is #6, 1 to 5 must be the GOAT. SMT IV is just awesome!!!!!!!!! This is just a fan talking here. I have SMT V, too, and I have to admit it's one of the best JRPGs I've played ahhahahahahhaha
I've yet to play one of these games despite having Tokyo Mirage Sessions for Wii U on my shelf. Maybe I should get around to firing it up.
I don't enjoy SMT gameplay all that much, but I will say that Tokyo Mirage Sessions is a fantastic game. Probably because it lacks the demon recruitment thing that I absolutely detest.
Overclocked is my vote for number one. Indelible strategic combat and one helluva story. Should be higher, but then again this same list has Vengeance at number one, so I'll take this list with a grain of NaCl.
"Strange Journey Redux inferior to original", "SMT is Persona without the heart"... never change, fans.
@FishyS and this list is still leaving out a whole bunch of games (as the main series entries not going back beyond III should indicate), some still exclusive outside Nintendo domain, others still exclusive to Japan... and some dealing with both factors. That said, the lack of a whole few more spinoffs here (three numbered Personae plus Arena, Tactica and Strikers on Switch, Persona Q dilogy on 3DS) is arguably more conspicuous.
EDIT: and as it just struck me, at least one Last Bible spinoff on Game Boy Color DID get a western release as "Revelations: Demon Slayer" ("Revelations" being the title they once tried to attach to the whole franchise westside, as the first Persona can also attest). Branched-off and obscure, perhaps, but surely not much moreso than the present Jack Bros? This article really warrants an update.☝🤓
@nhSnork In fairness, I do prefer the way OG Strange Journey handles app upgrades and saving. And the new character art is less evocative than Kaneko's art.
That said, the degree to which fans exaggerate the impact of the changes made to Redux is a little ridiculous.
Don’t get me wrong, I liked vanilla SMT:V quite a bit - but SMT:IV Apocalypse is the better game. Its characters, story and bigger cast of demons and monsters are a more than worthy trade-off for SMT:V’s admittedly great Xenoblade-style environments.
I’ve got both Devil Survivors in my 3DS backlog. One day, Atlus, one day.
V is not even close to IV… SH also way to low.
@FishyS I love SMTV! Great game. Vengeance brings not only additional story elements but a lot of quality of life mechanics. An example, in the original you could only save at leylines (save points, fast travel, shop, demon fusions, etc.). But in vengeance you can save anywhere. Really makes it awesome playing on the switch so I can play on the go.
@Saizo Agreed! I really love the stories in IV & Apocalypse! Just so great. I also thought that SH would be higher. I do wish that SH2 would make it to the Switch though, maybe some day… One can dream.
@Ralizah yeah, personal prefs here and there are nothing to raise eyebrows at. I treasure many Switch ports from the dual-screeners (Rune Factories, Etrian Odyssey, Wonderful 101) but would likewise still award the originals a point above them just for the bygone luxury of having a larger map or UI portion available at all times on a separate screen (not to mention the examples that had to alter the gameplay like TWEWY did). But there's no excuse for being asinine about this stuff, especially to the point of denying the newer releases all the stuff they did gain instead.
As for Kaneko, we may have to get used to SMT without his art anyway, although I suppose freelancing for the former employers might still be a possibility.
This is a high standard list to be fair.
However, I'd have IV Apocalypse as my no.3 behind Vengence and V. Also DS2 Overclocked as no.4. A clear top 4 there for me. Strange Journey and Soul Hackers are "underrated" here in a way. Mirage Session, though good, a bit too high up here IMO.
@nhSnork Strange Journey Redux is inferior in every way. One of the worst Atlus rereleases ever, only beaten out by Catherine Full Body.
Nocturne, Strange Journey DS and Devil Survivor/Overclocked are the best games in the series and Soul Hackers is way too low here.
Not really though. IV, V and Strange Journey being the best is kind of the usual thing, albeit maybe not in that order but yeah.
SMT is Persona without whiny/stereotyped/boring teenage drama and waifus.
Have I already done that one on this site? Might be the case but it's always what I answer to the "without the heart" comment.
@gamering yikes, sounds horrible! Thank goodness I apparently bought and have been playing a different Strange Journey Redux, then. :V
@gamering why is SJ inferior and what was wrong with Catherine Full Body?
Genuinely curious. I played original strange Journey to the final Dungeon but haven't played redux yet (hopefully starting soon).
I beat both OG Catherine and Full Body.
I personally really liked what they added but realize the story change might not be for everyone. Was it just the story or were there other reasons Full body was inferior?
Strange Journey Redux waters down the gameplay with removing the subapp limit, overpowered commander skills and new subapps to make the game easier. The game also adds save anywhere in a game not really designed around this.
Aside from the gameplay being worse, the art direction is inferior, obligatory remake girl is a Mary Sue, the three new endings miss the point of the original endings entirely. It doesn't feel respectful to the original game at all.
There are a few decent additions. I liked the womb of grief enough gameplay wise. But I would never recommend SJR over the original.
" It strikes a middle ground and boasts an energetic and dynamic combat system wrapped in a setting that takes J-Pop cheesiness to astral heights"
Someone get whoever wrote this drivel to play Idolmaster or something similar because this just sounds insincere....
Also both the encore port and the western original aren't really worth playing due to the pointless censorship made to both.
In any of the cases were the original was on DS, and they made an upgraded 3DS port, I only have the original. I'm surprised to see the originals higher on the list than the 3DS ports. Where they really better, or are the 3DS ports taking a hit because they're remakes?
And I got to say, I would rank SMTV (not Vengeance, never played it) below several of the others. I still like the game, but I thought Strange Journey and IV were better.
Any newcomers looking at this list please don't give it any merit. It really is all over the place.
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