Update [Thu 20th Jun, 2024 18:55 BST]:
Surprise! We're right before the start of Limited Run Games' 2024 Showcase, but Ubisoft accidentally let the news of Beyond Good & Evil's return slip early.
That's right, the 20th Anniversary Edition is coming to all consoles — which also includes Switch — on 25th June 2024. Ubisoft has since deleted the tweet, but not before it's done the rounds basically everywhere (thanks Wario64). The publisher has uploaded the trailer now, though.
Check out our original story below...
Original article [Wed 19th Jun, 2024 16:30 BST]:
Beyond Good & Evil: 20th Anniversary Edition was teased at the end of 2023 by Ubisoft — but not before accidentally releasing for a brief time on Xbox — but Jade and company have been pretty quiet since then. But, later this week, we'll be getting an update regarding this rerelease of the GameCube era cult classic (thanks to our friends at Push Square!).
The official Beyond Good & Evil 2 (remember that game...?) Twitter account announced that we'll be getting some news about the Anniversary Edition during the Limited Run Games showcase this Thursday, 20th June, at 11am PT / 2pm ET / 7pm BST.
Beyond that, we also a little "tease" for what to expect. Thanks Uncle Pey'j, who is Jade's (the main protagonist) adoptive uncle and constant companion.
Another aspect that suggests a release is looming is that Beyond Good & Evil HD has actually been delisted from Xbox and Steam. We could well be getting a release date, then. Stay tuned!
Beyond Good & Evil: 20th Anniversary Edition was originally rated for the Switch back in August 2023, but we've heard nothing officially about platforms. We have been expecting some news on the game, however, as last week, trophies popped up on PlayStation last week.
We actually expected this to pop up in the Nintendo Direct yesterday, but nada. Ubisoft also could've shown this off during its SGF 'Forward' showcase. Oh well. We'll take the Limited Run Games showcase.
Are you looking forward to returning to Beyond Good & Evil? Let us know in the comments.
[source x.com, via pushsquare.com]
Comments 54
Limited Run Games? Oh no… Their going to release a limited amount of physical copies then…
Looking forward to seeing if it will officially be confirmed for Switch and if that will be the case I'll absolutely get it as I unfortunately missed the original back in the day!
Coming from Limited Run Games? I pass.
Which is a shame, I never played the original and I was looking forward to giving it a go.
Limited Run Games? Well, maybe we will finally get new info about the Tomba! rerelease
Huh, I was trying to decide if I was going to buy the HD version on Xbox at a pretty reasonable price, or wait for the probably upgraded 20th Anniversary Edition but undoubtedly at a much higher price. Was interested in waiting until 20th Anniversary comes out so I could do a direct comparison between the versions and thus make an informed purchase. With that delisting (thanks, Ubisoft), I guess my decision has been made for me then...
I keep confusing the name of this game with that of Black and White.
Then I see an image and realize that B&W is never getting a sequel or remaster/remake/port
@Spider-Kev I think about Black & White from time to time. It’s pretty odd that there hasn’t been a re-release/HD version/whatever. Wonder what’s up.
I’ll buy it for switch but other than that I have the original and HD so no need to buy again except portable.
Edit: cool, getting on switch.
Third Parties like Ubisoft really need to stop relying on Limited Run for their physical prints. Like dude are you so cheap you can’t do it yourself?
I'm alright with this.
@BlackenedHalo yes please! And maybe Gex.
I love Limited Run Games, they've never disappointed me, can't wait!!!
The shareholders of Embracer apologize for whoever got that Monkey's Paw
@Dreamcaster-X you are a rare creature indeed
I feel like at this point they should just do a remake. The sequel/prequel is likely dead.
@HammerGalladeBro Get it digitally. It's worth it.
I hope the Dutch dubbing is also in there. I hated not having an English version, until I heard it. Best voice acting I have ever heard, still.
Limited Run… I don’t have time for that :/
Are you kidding me? Ubisoft is fully capable of publishing their own games! Why the hell are they going through LRG?
I don't get why people are mad at Limited Run Games for releasing games at a limited run and not y'know...the much larger companies that are refusing to put out physical releases of games in the first place.
Like yeah it sucked it took a year to get my copy of Doom Eternal on Switch but that's better than what Bethesda did to get a physical release out which was...literally nothing. Bethesda did nothing. They refused. They decided you aren't worth it. Limited Run's issues are utterly secondary by comparison.
This game is a whole history of empty promises
I’ve just realised you can pre-order Beyond Good and Evil 2 on the PS4 via Amazon UK for £70 🤣
I really hope we get a physical release of this remake in Europe. I’m fed up of everything being LRG and US only.
Yep, another franchise ruined by Limited Run Games...
I'm so starved for news on this game or it's sequel. I can die happy if I can just play part 1 like I've never played before (which I haven't).
I love Limited Run, and am still annoyed with Ubisoft for not being willing to make their own release. On the other hand, I get it, because almost nobody bought Beyond Good and Evil the first time around, twenty years ago, despite the deserved critical acclaim. I'm glad we have companies like LRG to make physical releases of games that otherwise would have been stuck just digital.
I have BG&E on GC, PS2, and Xbox, as well as Steam. Really looking forward to playing through the new release on Switch.
Poor little indie company, Ubisoft. It's a shame they can't afford to put out their own physical releases.
This is one of the few games I regretted not purchasing on gamecube back in the day. I can finally play it after all these years 😁
Basically I'm hearing a lot of:
"I can't believe a niche game that barely sold when physical sales were in their prime is getting a limited physical re-release!"
"Out of spite, I'm now not going to buy the game even harder!"
I've owned this game on Xbox for like over a decade and never gotten around to trying it out, probably should do that at some point.
@SillyG Not necessarily out of spite. It's a "hmm might play" game for me. And those I only buy physical, so I can sell them in case I realize 1h in that I'll never finish it. Happened with Mario Golf, Metroid Prime Remastered, Final Fantasy X, ....
Generally I buy physical, but I make exceptions if a game is digital only but extraordinarily good like Grim Fandango, Monkey Island, Thimbleweed Park, Braid etc.
And I'd like to point out that for Europeans the additional problem with Limited Run Games is the price, because shipping and import taxes from the US basically double the price. And the hassle.
I wasn't expecting this to get a physical release to begin with, and I'm perfectly content sticking with the digital copy. Not sure why people are acting like Limited Run's the one bringing the game back.
I know this is one I'll be buying...again. The game really is a great time. At least they are adding in some additional new content to the game with this release. I will, of course, be picking it up digitally, which I've done with at least 90% of my collection across all three modern consoles this gen. I've just gotten away from the habit of changing discs/cartridges, and the convenience of being able to pretty much instantly swap out games from the comfort of my couch (yes, I'm lazy...sue me) has become too much of something I don't want to give up. I really don't think BG&E2 is still a thing at this point, and Ubisoft just keeps bringing it out to draw fans in again to its vaporware content, but I still love the original to this day. Question is, what do I buy it on? I'm thinking probably Switch, as I buy most of my games here, even when I could play them on other consoles. Unless I get it through GamePass or PSO, Switch is my go-to purchase machine.
@PikaPhantom Well they are the ones bringing the physical copy of the game because Ubi do not care to do it themselves.
@NintendoWife This game is worth it digitally.
I bought this on Gamecube back when it came out. Went back to the dorm and played it all night until I beat it in the morning. Only game I've ever done that with. Such great memories.
I have the HD version on Xbox, but I may get it on Switch just for portability.
Edit: there is apparently a mission that connects to the second game that Ubi is adding here. I'm buying it on Switch in hopes that whenever the sequel does happen it's on a Nintendo console.
@bobby_steurer : B&W is problematic, as it was published by EA, but Microsoft now own Lionhead - so would need them both EA & Microsoft working together for it to happen, and neither seem that bothered.
@RudyC3 "Yep, another franchise ruined by Limited Run Games..."
I dont know who they are, why do they ruin franchises?
I've only ever seen the box art to this title. This was my reaction to the trailer:
What a miss opportunity to not put this in the Nintendo Direct, instead UbiSoft rather milk another year of Just Dance. This would had won millions of viewers everywhere had it was shown on this week's ND.
@Clammy They don't ruin franchises lol, they just put out poorly made products.
Good for those who wanted this. After looking at this trailer, I see it's not a game for me.
@Clammy Ah, I see. Guess one can dream!
@Clammy because they snatch the rights to release great games physically only in very small quantities and make you pay through the nose for the privilege, only you have to pay a year in advance and maybe someday your copy will arrive. Scummy way of doing business if you ask me...
Oh yeah and they only ship from America of course so if you're in Europe well good luck with that.
Why only the second game?
A little late, but I am really happy to see BG&E getting a Switch release. I don't mind that it's via LRG, they do open pre-orders for a certain amount of time so everyone who wants it can get it.
@BHPM yeah you should've done that.
Cool! Limited Run Games is awesome. Can't wait to buy it!!
I rember playing the Dutch GC version which only had Dutch and French voice options. Being quite annoyed at that at first, since I really don't like Dutch VA in games to be honest.
But I was very plasantly surprised the Dutch translation actually was really good. Especially for it's time. I do hope they have it included as well.
@sanderev I said the same thing earlier on. I was extremely pissed, almost wanted to return it.
Until I started playing. Hands down the best VA I've ever heard. I hope they put it in this release.
Still odd it sold so poorly 20 years ago. Amazinb game.
@sanderev Still own the very same version myself. The French voice over was directed by Ancel himself though AFAIK, so that's the definitive dub for me (and it's absolutely great)
Seriously doubt I'll get it physically considering it's an LRG release and I'm from Italy, but digitally I'll eventually get it for sure - might wait for a discount as I usually do for digital-only (or practically so considering how much they would cost physically by importing them) games and also since I've already spent a lot by preordering so many of the games from the Direct although luckily discounted!
@RudyC3 I really think that this is a misunderstanding of the limited run model.
It is the publishers who are opting for digital only, and they are the ones deserving of any ire in the name of scarcity.
Limited Run is frustrating, but a limited release (from any of these limited run companies - not big ones like Ubisoft or even Nintendo) is not the alternative to a general release, it is the alternative to no release
Also when they do publish games that they scoop up rights to, they always also bring it to the eshop, which as Toomba or El Shaddai: Ascension of The Metatron
All well and good but where is the gameplay?
Why can’t I find the digital version in any of the e stores as of June 22 days after it was announced I wanna know price and file size dammit.
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