Publisher Devolver Digital and developer Deadnight Games have revealed Tenjustu, a stylish roguelike beat 'em up from Dead Cells designer Sébastien Benard.
We don't have a release date for this one just yet and it hasn't even been confirmed for the Switch at the time of writing, but good lord, it looks so good that we simply have to highlight it. The trailer showcases some lovely anime cutscenes followed by blistering beat 'em up gameplay bolstered by gorgeous pixel art visuals.
In discussing the reveal (thanks, Eurogamer), Benard stated "To sum it up, Tenjutsu is what John Wick or Jackie Chan would have been if they were a combat roguelite. An action-packed melee combat system, where you face multiple enemies simultaneously, filled with split-second battle opportunities. My idea was to make the combat way more dynamic than in Dead Cells by adding opportunities, combat space management, and crowd control to create true 'one vs. many' situations."
Sounds good to us! We'll be keeping an eye out for news on a potential Switch release (or 'Switch 2', whoaaaa now), but for now, let's check out a few screens from the game.
Are you hoping Tenjustu makes its way to the Switch? What do you make of the reveal trailer? Let us know your thoughts with a comment down below.
Comments 30
Removed - trolling/baiting
I would like it to come to switch as well. Thing looks pretty cool and I'm down for many different runs and for it to be as addicting as Dead Cells.
Not feeling the artstyle of the game (cutscene trailer looks nice) but I love beatem ups so I may still get this. Will wait on reviews.
Looks great, will definitely play it.
You had me at 'Dead' and sold me at 'Cells'
Dead Cells is one of my favourite indie games of all-time so seeing a beatemup (+ town management?) roguelike by one of the main designers behind it (aka one of the main people who made DC's gameplay feel as good as it is) feels almost tailor-made to my current interests and I am ECSTATIC. Easily the best title from Devolver's recent presentation and I can't wait to eventually play it 🥰
@russell-marlow For as much as I dislike animated/CG trailers which barely show what the game is actually going to be like (and Tenjutsu definitely doesn't get a pass in that department, despite how much I love it), you can at the very least intuit that Tenjutsu is going to be a beatemup from its opening.
That one game at SGF with the over-the-top, action-packed anime trailer that was then revealed to be a slow-paced, tactical RTS though?

I thought that the game will have the same detailed pixel graphics like Dead Cells, but the reality came disappointing me...
@russell-marlow Couldn't disagree more. The artstyle is lovely and far from low-effort. Also, the gameplay is part of the reveal trailer so it's not false advertising in any sense of the word.
When I hear "beat 'em up" my mind automatically pictures belt scrollers like Double Dragon and Final Fight, so that trailer caught me off-guard. It certainly looks like it will have a nice flow, though! The protagonist kinda dresses and walks like Lupin III but looks like an angry Fujiko-chan.
I'll keep an eye out for this someday if a physical is announced.
Looks amazing! I love the gameplay artstyle and it looks like a lot of fun
Looks fun to me, and Dead Cells became one of my fave games of all time, think I clocked about 85 hours on it so far. This will be a must-buy for me
@russell-marlow Countless games throughout the history of gaming have been advertised in ways that don't represent gameplay. The first Smash Bros game didn't have live adults in mascot outfits beating each other with hammers, did you accuse that of "false advertising"? Surely you didn't accuse Sonic Mania of the same when it debuted its animated intro, so why do it for this? Were you disappointed when the original Legend of Zelda didn't actually suck you into the TV?
Plus the trailer shows gameplay, and the in game art is far from "lazy". Looks at least equivalent to Celeste, one of the most beloved games on the Switch.
@Teksetter based Lupin enjoyer
This game looks so clean! I know it’s a beat em up but I’m getting such an enter the gungion vibe from the level design, that mixed with beat em up combat and amazing pixel animation, you have me sold already.
@russell-marlow Why don't you sue them then, Russell Marlow?
Cool cool. Hope it comes to mobile as well as I got Dead Cells on there and it's great. Plus I got the game and all the old DLC for half of what the base game costs on its best sale on switch has ever been (screw your switch tax, N).
I love a good beat 'em up, but I don't love those pixels. Still, looks fun.
Looks amazing and quite unusual for beat ‘em up. I am in.
was hoping it would be a straight beat 'em up without roguelite elements
I love dead cells but this reminds me of when a movie is described as from the people that brought you...I usually just take that with a grain of salt. The preview looks cool though
Eh we’ll see. The trailer was action packed at the start and then the actual game looks like tiny pixels on the screen. It looks fast and maybe challenging. I’ll keep an eye on it.
You got me.
Unconsciously I must be craving a decent Lupin video game! 😅
I'm more hype for this game and possessor(s) (made by hyper light drifter dev) than any AAA games lol.
Interesting... a top-down beat 'em up. Colour me interested! It looks fast paced and I love me some rogueli(k)(t)es. Man I hate the term roguelite...
Looks great, really hope it comes also to Switch and/or Switch 2!
@Teksetter I've never even heard of a Lupin game, I just think he's one of the greatest characters to ever be animated <3
@russell-marlow i don’t like anime animation. Boring. But i love the gameplay pixel art!
Graphics are more Nuclear Blaze than Dead Cells. I love a chunky pixel, so they get a thumbs up from me.
@Rykdrew It's literally just a bunch of pixels, there is a lack of actual art. I can barely tell what the main character is supposed to be.
@Switch_Pro Sue them?
Is that what people do in America when they have nothing better to do?
Makes no difference to me. If the game looks like trash then I imagine the sales will reflect that.
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