The RPG Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes has this week received another update for the Switch, dealing with some performance mode issues, graphics issues, and various other problems. Here's the full list of what's been resolved in the latest patch update as of 3rd July 2024:
[Patch scheduled for July 3, 2024]
Platform: Switch
Issues resolved:1) Issue where performance mode was not working as intended
2) Stability improvements
3) Issue where time spent with Support characters were not counted even if they were in the party
4) Issue where certain magical attributes had the incorrect resistance applied
5) Story progression issues
6) Graphic issues
7) UI control issues
8) Dungeon gimmick issues
9) Localization issues
10) Adjustment to character voice volume
End credit revision
Additional improvements and bug fixes
It's also noted how the 'Day 30 Patch' which was released on other platforms has now been rolled out for Switch:
"In addition, the Day 30 Patch, which has already been released for other platforms, will be coming to Switch on July 3rd. This will also include an additional fix for performance mode."
There's also another patch scheduled for the "end of July" which will address the following issues:
[Patch scheduled for the end of July]
Platforms: Switch, PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PC Game PassIssues resolved:
1) Improved loading time before and after battles
2) Improved operational stability
3) Added "Always Auto" option to always leave battles to "Auto"
4) Fixed "Change Rune" at the rune shop in the main town so that players can select other members of the party
5) Other improvements and bug fixes
6) Fixed the end credits
The previous update added a "Performance Mode", "Graphics Mode", and a "Balanced Mode". You can see what else was resolved in our existing story. A roadmap for the game has also been released outlining the content on the way to the title later this year.
How are you finding this game on the Switch in recent times? Let us know in the comments.
Comments 11
I rarely abandon a game I buy. If I buy it I will finish it eventually.
Not this game. Played for 20 hours, really tried to like it, but it just didn't happen. The script and characters are all over the place, gameplay is very repetitive and the customization options for characters is very limited, and the performance in switch is really really bad. I shelved it.
"Localization issues". Yeah there were a few of those. Glad they're getting fixed. Has anyone found anything specific that's been adjusted?
The idea of a console game having a "Performance Mode" is a bit ridiculous. A console is a fixed-spec machine. You should design the game to run the best it can for the machine you already know the specs for, shouldn't you?
keep the patches coming before i get a chance to play this game to its best performance..
I followed through on the preorder even after reviews were poor. Now it just sits on my shelf in the shrink wrap, and I’m hesitant to even try it with these patches
I get that the Switch isn't bleeding edge, but technically the videos look like a PS1 game given the Octopath treatment. I wanted to give it a go but it's hard to know what discount makes the risk worth it if it's not immediately clear that this is in a playable state yet.
Every time I think I’m finally ready to play this game, they announce a new significant patch a month out and this game gets placed back onto the backlog.
It all comes down to poor optimization. Look at another HD 2D game like Star Ocean 2, it looks better and plays better than Eiyuden Chronicle on Switch.
Almost finished with it on PC and if you were into Suikoden it definitely delivers. If they do a sequel I can see a few things to improve but otherwise it is a solid JPRG with the smaller scale political story.
@DogDetective By fall is the time to get into this game. By the time the last DLC has been released.
Problem is that in fall there are tons of great JRPGs coming out...
I almost bought the game on Switch as I been playing PS5 non stop for half the year due to the insane high quality jrpg/ asia based releases but seems I dodged a bullet. I have the game in my backlog for PS5 but havent started due to waiting for complete dlc.
Monster year for jrpg especially if you on PS5. First half was just incredible and we going into next half with Trails to Daybreak, YS X and Methapor refantazio. Hope these devs think about Switch 2 ports for those missing out/dont have PS5.
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