
Topic: Emio

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figured get this mysterious first party horrror game its own thread !! this was so unexpected, nintendo really snapped. the teaser looks so cool im not even gonna lie. i think we are gonna see more of this in september so hype builds up before then. i am gonna be interested what digital foundry says. just possibly is it a switch successor launch title to bring in an adult audience, or cross gen? guess we will see !!

Taylor from Blank Space was my old pfp if anyone gets confused. this is tay from he latest album
cats are the best


Watch as this is the secret codename for the Switch 2 somehow.

There's a greater than zero chance they'd do that, knowing "M rated Nintendo game" rumors would grab people's attention.

Non-binary, demiguy, making LPs, still alive

Megaman Legends 2 Let's Play!:


My good man Emio just wants to chill and smile

Steam Friend Code: 1176431257

Switch friend code: SW-7391-1388-5607

Xbox Gamertag: ForgetMeNot3495
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Current Switch Physical Game Count:26

Switch Friend Code: SW-7391-1388-5607 | My Nintendo: Yousef


What a cool surprise - I'd spend some platinum points on Emio Icons



The teaser reminds me of how they approached announcing Ring Fit Adventure.

  • September 5th 2019 - Small teaser with people exercising with the ring accessory (game wasn't shown at all)
  • September 12th 2019 - Full reveal
  • October 18th 2019 - Game released

Considering July 18th (Nintendo World Championships) - September 26th (Echoes of Wisdom) is quite a sizable gap compared to the norm for Switch 1st party releases, I'd guess a late August/early September release for Emio.

Edited on by Grumblevolcano


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


Do'h - @Eel beat me to this one
Maybe the Nintendo is making a M rated MiiVerse E-Mii-O?

Edited on by Lazz



Only current first party series I could see this being is Famicom Detective Club. I’m guessing it’s something brand new tho. Hope we get to learn more sooner rather than later


Switch Friend Code: SW-0772-1845-0995


It's a Kirby game. Clearly that was just Kirby and friends stacked up and wearing a trenchcoat


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


We can rule this out in being a Nintendo system teaser, given the trailer has an ESRB rating. It seems moreso that this is going to be an actual new horror game published by Nintendo themselves- if not developed by Nintendo or a Nintendo-owned corporation. I doubt this is going to be a sole teaser for a switch 2 project either, given that we're super early out and a full reveal probably won't be too long away from now.

People have a theory that we already know the devs because of something that popped up in recent days with Bloober team, but I doubt they're the ones responsible for this project honestly. Their words say that while they partnered with companies that have worked with Nintendo platforms before, the game they're developing is going to be published under their Broken Mirror Games label. Emio on the other hand seems to be published under Nintendo itself, thus ruling out Bloober from being the developers- or at least ruling out that this game is the one that Bloober was talking about developing anyways.

My thinking is that this is either going to be a game developed by Monolithsoft- or a game developed by a Japanese production studio that Nintendo is working along-side. The reason I think Monolithsoft is a good pick for this is due to Takahashi's previous statements on a game he wanted to produce for a while now. He said a while back that he wanted to work on a game that pushed the boundaries of what it meant to be an M rated game. He wanted to make a "violent, erotic, and heavy" game, but it never really materialized. The only thing that makes me doubt that this could be that game he wanted to make is mainly due to it being a horror title- or being marketed as such. While there's a chance that this teaser isn't exactly going to depict the entire feeling of the game itself, Monolithsoft is usually the type to make games that are more geared towards RPGs.

I do think the company producing this is Japanese though, given the Japanese characters at the end of the trailer- which says "smiling man." We'll just have to wait and see if Nintendo is actually doing this on their own, or if this is something just being published by them.

"It is fate. Many have tried, yet none have ever managed to escape it's flow."


Earthbound horror RPG spinoff let's gooooo

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