Updated with Zelda: A Link to the Past & Four Swords and Metroid: Zero Mission. Remember, this is a dynamic, reader-ranked list based on each game's User Rating in our database. The order is therefore subject to real-time change as those ratings fluctuate. Enjoy!
Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack subscribers have instant access to a small but growing library of brilliant handheld games from yesteryear, including Game Boy Advance entries in some of Nintendo's biggest series.
Are they all brilliant, though? Which GBA games on Nintendo Switch Online are the best? Well, with the help of you lovely Nintendo Life readers, we can answer that question.
The following ranked list of the NSO GBA library is compiled using the User Ratings (out of 10) given to each GBA game available to play on Switch in the West. This ranking is not set in stone and will automatically fluctuate over time depending on assigned User Ratings (and new additions to the NSO library, of course — we'll add those in as they are released).
Think a game below deserves to be higher up on the list? Simply click on the 'star' button and score it yourself — your personal rating could boost its placement in the overall ranking. The number of GBA games is small at the moment, but there's no denying the quality and there are more on the way.
Note. Expecting to see Mother 3 on this list now it's technically available via Switch Online? Well, it's Japan-only at the moment, and this list only covers GBA games released in the West. We've still got our fingers crossed for an official localisation at some point.
So, let's dive into the GBA games playable on Nintendo Switch, as ranked by you...
17. Mario Kart Super Circuit (GBA)
Returning to the flat tracks and tight power-sliding gameplay of the original Super Mario Kart, the GBA was capable of replicating SNES-like performance — it certainly wasn't up to the tech standard of the N64 or GameCube — so Mario Kart Super Circuit ended up feeling like the Super Mario Kart sequel we never got on Nintendo's 16-bit console. Sure, the visual style has arguably aged worse than the SNES version, but this pint-sized speed-fest packs in plenty of content. The fun foundation was there at the very beginning of the series and it's definitely present in the GBA entry.
While the 3DS Ambassador and Wii U Virtual Console re-releases lacked the multiplayer features of the original, the Nintendo Switch Online version thankfully rectifies that situation if multiplayer is your thing (which, with Mario Kart, it really should be). No need for link cables these days! Super Circuit still holds up well and serves as a great 'successor' to the SNES original, if that's your favourite MK flavour.
16. F-Zero Maximum Velocity (GBA)
The first handheld entry in the series, F-Zero Maximum Velocity still holds up today as a result of its smooth, skill-based gameplay. There may only be four cups in which to compete, but the varied difficulty and surprisingly steep learning curve when it comes to mastering the vehicles and tracks make this a game you want to keep coming back to. It doesn't rank with the absolute best of the series, perhaps, but this is undoubtedly well-made and impresses in the technical department, delivering an enjoyable dose of the franchise that also really highlights what the last Game Boy could do.
15. Kuru Kuru Kururin (GBA)
This GBA launch title may start off a little too easy but that's about all you can fault with Kuru Kuru Kururin. It won't take you long to clear every level, but doing it without error is a challenge and you'll love every minute as you guide a big ol' constantly rotating stick (sorry, Helirin) around tricky, colourful courses.
With plenty of environmental variety and some terrific music, there's a lot of enjoyment from simply improving your times on the various courses. Kuru Kuru Kururin is one of the GBA's most delightful treats and perfect for portable play — a brilliantly fun little game that's a bit different from the norm.
14. Kirby & The Amazing Mirror (GBA)
While the Metroid-esque gameplay is a refreshing change of pace for the Kirby series and works well in some parts, it also fails in others. The Metroid games have backtracking as well, yes, but it's not nearly as frequent and annoying as it is in Kirby & The Amazing Mirror. The multiplayer features are optional, but the game was arguably designed around the multiple Kirby aspect and it's at its best with other people.
13. Super Mario Advance (GBA)
The first of the GBA's Super Mario platformer ports (and the one that kicked off the most convoluted naming convention in gaming history), Super Mario Advance brought Super Mario Bros. 2 to the GBA in the 16-bit style of Super Mario All-Stars. With the ability to choose between four characters carrying over from the original, it gained a point system in addition to its facelift, as well as several collectibles to find throughout each stage. Overall, it's still one of the best ways to revisit the game, and you also get the remake of original Mario Bros. bundled in — that little multiplayer bonus would feature on multiple other entries in this GBA port series going forward.
12. Super Mario Advance 3: Yoshi's Island (GBA)
With its deep exploration-based gameplay and gorgeous art style, Yoshi's Island is still a joy to play all these years later — it's a platformer with considerable depth and challenge. Exploring is made fun thanks to Yoshi's egg-based abilities and collecting everything will require a gargantuan effort, but it's never less than immensely entertaining (provided you can put up with Baby Mario's whining). The smaller canvas of the handheld screen inevitably reduces the impact of the SNES original's incredible pastel-shaded world, but this remains one of Nintendo’s 2D platforming finest efforts. If you've never played it before (or have a hankering to go through it all again), the GBA version is a fine one.
11. Golden Sun (GBA)
Golden Sun is a fine RPG, perfecting the classic formula whilst introducing unique mechanics of its own. An intriguing setting, likeable characters, and gripping story are the bread-and-butter of any good RPG, and Camelot doesn't disappoint on those fronts. The first few hours are a slog, but stick with it and you'll be rewarded with a rich, deep RPG that desperately deserves a modern-day instalment.
10. WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$! (GBA)
The microgames on offer in WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$! may be simple affairs, but the frantic, fast–paced and challenging experience that results from knitting them together in quick succession is incredibly addictive, and Wario's patented brand of mania is well suited to a handheld. It isn’t the longest game, and beyond the single-player mode there isn’t much else to do, but it’s stuffed full of magical, creative moments, not to mention an abundance of that classic Nintendo nostalgia and charm.
9. Fire Emblem (GBA)
Also known as Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade, this was the very first entry to come to the West and is actually a prequel to the Japan-only Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade which starred series stalwart Roy. The Blazing Blade (or just plain old Fire Emblem if you prefer) follows Roy's old man Eliwood and served as a thoroughly decent introduction to the series for us Westerners, the majority of whom had been wondering about the series after seeing Roy and Marth as fighters in Super Smash Bros. Melee.
Comments 72
The top 4 games are all games that I'd list in the top 100 games of all time. The GBA was such a good system.
I played so much wario ware as a teen. Always happy to have access again.
You can unlock all the SNES courses in Super Circuit. The amount of tracks available on the little handheld was quite a treat.
I still have my NDS Lite to play original GBA cartridge so I don't need GBA games from NSO.
You may want to add that Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga has the option to enable the Rumble, much like when it's played on a Game Boy Player. The Wii U Virtual Console didn't have that feature.
I completed Minish Cap for the first time just the other week. It's a really excellent Zelda game!
I really want to play several of these; I wish they weren't trapped in expansion pack and that they were sold directly also. I don't like the idea of having a game like that and then losing it. Realistically I will still play Switch some for the next decade. Expansion pack is $30 more than NSO so if I get expansion pack it will probably end up costing me $300. These are the first games I've particularly wanted from expansion pack so although I want them and would pay for them, they aren't worth $300.
I'm really hoping they eventually release Zelda: Four Swords on NSO, especially if it had online multiplayer. Played the DSiware rerelease (which had single player) a bunch, but would be great being able to play it with friends as well!
Regarding Super Circuit: 'Sure, the visual style has arguably aged worse than the SNES version'
Man I don't get that. It feels like a statement everyone's been making for years because that's the generally promoted opinion created by those who've never really played the games much.
I LOVE the look of GBA Mario Kart and think it visually stands up WAY better than the bland SNES original. I didn't love the look of the SNES game even when it was first released, even though me and my mates played battle mode endlessly. Years later the original does not look good to me. But I love everything about Super Circuit and have 3 Stared everything in the game. It was a great step forward from the original. Even the controls after you adjust to them are, I think, superior.
I have great familiarity with both games and given a choice would always choose to play the GBA every time.
@FishyS get into a family plan with a group of 8 people and pay just $1 a month
LOL. I like Kuru Kuru as much as the next person, but Super Circuit is the superior game in every way. What a silly silly thing to say
@HammerGalladeBro So does Super Mario Advance 4.
@YoshiF2 I feel like the main goal of the family plan is to encourage families to buy more than one Switch, but I agree it is definitely cheaper per person if you can share it out. Unfortunately I have literally no family or friends who play Switch (except occasionally on my Switch) so it's full price or nothing.
Superstar Saga being below Mario Advance 4 is a crime. Mario Advance 4 is great don't get me wrong but like....IT'S SUPERSTAR SAGA DUDE.

Can't say I can complain too much about the list otherwise though. Excited to finally experience the original Superstar Saga after loving it's remake, I can already tell Kuru Kuru Kuruin and Warioware are going to suck SO much time from me and Minish Cap is a game I've been desperate to play ever since falling for 2D Zelda. It's time to party like it's 2001!
So glad to see GBA games finally coming to switch, such a great library.
Finally I will be able to play Minish Cap. Sadly I missed out on it when it first released since it was late in the GBAs lifecycle and I was all caught up in the new DS.
Hoping Fire Emblem Sacred Stones arrives before long too.
Super Circuit is so underrated.
Getting the highest ranks is a real challenge,
perhaps the best single player of any Mario Kart (maybe second to DS).
we're your friends.
Really interested in these games, but not a subscription. Just dropped from a family plan to a single plan for my daughter because she plays Splatoon 3. I don’t need online for the games I play. I’ll probably play a few gameboy games with the base package.
I've got most of these on 3ds through the ambassador thing
The current order is absolutely the way I’d put it, I think.
Why is Mario kart ***** last!?
Kuru Kuru Kuruin is definitely easier with a control stick and save states.
I did beat zelda minish cap 3 times, that list should have included Pokemon games too like ruby, saphire
As someone who has never played either Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga or The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap, I am absolutely looking forward to playing them both for the first time.
My list after playing the 6 very briefly:
6: Kuru kuru Kurin (no disrespect, it’s really good)
5: Super Circuit: easily better than Super Mario Kart, idk why people say otherwise
4:Minish Cap (again, absolutely no disrespect, phenomenal game)
3: Warioware Inc: a very vibrant game, and a very gutsy move by Nintendo to make this interesting experience
2 Mario Advance 4: These bonus levels are absolutely fascinating to play, and this is the best Mario 3 has ever controlled.
1: Superstar Saga: I am obsessed with the Mario and Luigi series, and this has all the fun of the fair. I prefer BIS and Dream Team, but this is an easy 3rd place.
The Super Mario Advance games bring me back. They all had the same version of Mario Bros on them. Good times.
@FishyS where are you getting $300 from?
Call me when they drop Metroid Fusion.
@NatiaAdamo I'm glad this time games are optimized to be playable as they were on a Game Boy Player. On the Wii U Virtual Console, I think only Drill Dozer was optimized.
I want to believe we'll get Super Game Boy features for the Game Boy games that supported it eventually.
I enjoy Mario Kart: Super Circuit. It had a lot of creative tracks like Cheese Land, Ribbon Road, Sky Garden, and Sunset Wilds. And I would have to disagree on the visuals not aging well. They still look good and colorful to this day.
Easily the best version of Mario 3. The 38 new levels alone are worth it.
Wait, SUPERSTAR SAGA is here? That’s amazing!
Edit: wait, just realized it’s in the expansion pass. Never mind, that makes more sense lol
@Gravitron they were assuming the service cost of $30 above the base NSO package x the 10 more yrs they project using the Switch. I'd seriously question if this service will exist in its current form or at all in 2033, personally.
I was overthrilled to see The Minish Cap come to a platform that everyone owns... then saw the Expansion Pack and still mope about just how expensive this masterfully crafted Zelda game is. What a shame...
The only thing worse now is to see Nintendo get lazy and being the ORIGINAL Four Swords rather than the Anniversary Edition.
Never owned a Gameboy so will definietly try out some of these. Minish Cap being top of my list, even though I'm not a huge fan of the old style Zelda's I've played so far.
Really happy we're getting Wario Land 3. I would have chosen Wario Land 4 but hopefully that comes later. And on that not a Wario Land game is far, far overdue.
Wow, Mario Kart getting a really bad deal here. It’s a great game. Personally I’d put it above the N64 and Gamecube games, and probably the DS one.
I reckon there is a slight bump in the chance we’re gonna see Mother 3 as I reckon they’re likely to use this as a platform to launch it
My problem with these NSO titles is that, yes, there are some gems in here, those are great to be able to be replayed on the Switch, but each system has a vast collection of absolute must-play games that will never see the light.
The amount of drivel that they release alongside the few gems is way too much.
Great list, and - let's face it - Minish Cap alone makes the whole deal worth it.
Harvest Moon More Friends of Mineral Town called to the stage
I got all these on numerous devices already but Zelda Minish Cap is a temptation.......could be a good zelda itch to fill till Tears of the Kingdom.
Mario Kart super circuit..........that online multiplayer could be another reason to upgrade for me.
Will see how my willpower holds over the weekend lol
These games are all so good (the current top 4 Minish Cap, Mario Advance 4, Superstar Saga and WarioWare especially so, but don't discount Kuru Kuru Kururin and Super Circuit either)!
Can't wait for the other upcoming games to come out (Fusion, Amazing Mirror, Blazing Blade, Maximum Velocity and Golden Sun are all fantastic games, too) and hopefully many more after those (love to see other comments have already mentioned Pokémon mainline games, to which I'd add spin-offs, Wario Land 4, Sacred Stones, Mother 3, Harvest Moon and Four Swords at least)!
GBA just opened up so many possibilities, it truly is one of my favourite systems ever, where I also have a ton of nostalgia for, and will happily replay the games without realising my memories of them are better than the games actually were. I do have a 3ds right next to my Switch here, with most of the added games on it, but Superstar Saga is an instant win even then. If they find a way to make Drill Dozer, Boktai, Wario Ware Twisted,... all work on Switch (which they probably can, given that Kirby's Tilt 'n' Tumble was on the list if I'm not mistaken and that game had an extra sensor in the cartridge), that would be awesome as well. Rumble, gyro, even the light sensor in Boktai's case, should all be programmable as inputs/outputs (or a virtual light meter) I guess, if they want to do the extra work.
would love konami krazy racers but they'd never add it
I feel like having the e-reader SMB3 levels has gone seriously under the radar - this is the kind of preservation we need!
Need more Golden Sun
@Kisame83 I imagine it would get discounted if the service lasted that long.
@NorwegianMate I think those are coming down the line
imagine ranking Mario Bros 3 over Mario & Luigi Superstar Sage 🙄
On my own list, WarioWare would be a clear and easy #1 out of these six games, but it's a decently strong little line-up regardless.
@Wheatly at least the version of Super Mario Bros 3 we get on this GBA emulator for switch has ALL the extra e-reader levels. I've played them before, in a romhack, but I love the whole Nintendo online emulator set up they have with the rewind feature. Cos some of these levels are really bloody difficult. I know they sold this version for the wii and wii u, but hey I'm already paying for the nintendo online service anyway, and so now I get to play arguably the best version of super Mario bros 3 for no extra cost. But yeah, there should instead be a way to buy them outright.
wait! there are only 6 GBA games on NSO? Suddenly I'm a little less angry about Nintendo joining the Wallet Rapers (a.k.a. subscription bull crap). The only one on this list that I care about (The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap) I have it for my GBA. Nintendo 64 however....
Am I the only who thinks virtually every game on the list is just great??? Such a solid lineup!
I own all these games (except for Kuru Kuru Kururin) on my real GBA. I hope we get Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stone, Metroid: Zero Mission, Banjo Pilot, Rayman Advance, Ninja Five-0, Super Street Fighter II Turbo Revival, and the F-Zero games soon.
Man. I've probably said it here before, but I would LOVE a remake and a sequel to Minish Cap. That game was a lot of fun, with so much charm
Oh man, those top 14 (as of Jan 2024) I all adore. Maybe Super Circuit less so than all of the other MKs but it's still a fun timepass. What a great console the GBA was.
Why the change in significant figures? The hundredths place was really helpful for those slight differentiations.
Unless they plan on releasing them separately soon, they really need to add all of the gameboy Pokemon games. I would love to play Emerald or Crystal on switch
I know I'm looking forward to NSO GBA getting some 3rd party games-- I'm surprised there aren't any in there yet.
There's not a stinker in here! Okay Mario Kart Super circuit could use a little touch up, but is still a lot of fun!
Finally having Golden Sun almost completes the list of GBA games I wanted to own back then. Throw in Pokemon and Fire Emblem the sacred stones, and we're done! 😂🤎
Edit: And the secret of mana!
And the best way to play final Fantasy
And....yhea this system was amazing!
@Thomystic You mean the 8.8s? It's always displayed to one decimal place, hasn't it? I don't think there's been any change.
Obviously I hope we'll get more GBA games on NSO sooner rather than later, but it has to be said - and glad several have already done so here - that those already on it are all great even now that the selection has expanded!
Other than the games still missing that I mentioned in my older comment, let me add, as unlikely as they would be unfortunately, the Hamtaro games, especially Heartbreak (and Unite on GBC)!
I'm so glad SMB3 is on there, I have the cart, but it always freezes on the last level, idk what happened to it. Its been doing that since I got it christmas 2003!
Just tried Kuru Kuru Kururin for the first time last night. What a perfect game for a handheld.
Is Nintendo preventing other publishers from releasing their GBA games on NSO or are they just not interested? It’s only been Nintendo published games so far.
İ can not say anyting about the The Legend of Zelda The Minish Cap İ have not played that game. İ have only played here about 3 games Super Mario World, Super Mario Bros 2 and Super Mario Bros 3. All 3 games was amazing but İ have played on the Super Nintendo.
Super Circuit at the very bottom is absolutely bonkers.
Seeing Minish Cap just makes me miss traditional dungeons even more.
With Metroid: Zero Mission being added:
The Queen finally arrived.
God, the GBA line up was omnipotent when a Mario Kart game can be last and still good.
I prefer to play them on MiSTer FPGA or Steam Deck but ya, there were a lot of amazing games from that generation.
Second, in no world does Maximum Velocity belong above Super Circuit. The latter has more tracks AND better controls.
Third, is this the definitive version of LTTP or no?
I am content now that I can finally play Zero Mission. Just beat Kraid last night. I can’t believe I never got this for my GBA back in the day. I had Fusion, but somehow passed this one over.
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