Remember, the ranking below is dynamic and will change according to each game's User Rating in our database. If you haven't previously, feel free to rate the new games and let's see where they settle on the list. Enjoy!
The selection of Sega Mega Drive / Genesis games that form part of the 'Expansion Pack' for the Nintendo Switch Online subscription service features some choice entries from the 16-bit system's library. We might have had the opportunity to play many of these games in many other places in recent years, including Switch in some cases, but the easy availability of more classic video games on Switch is always worth celebrating. Plus, the NSO lineup is surprisingly excellent!
But which of the Sega Genesis games available via Nintendo Switch Online are the very best? Well, we can answer that question with the help of Nintendo Life readers who have rated the titles on our Games Database.
The following list is compiled using the User Ratings (out of 10) given to each Mega Drive game available via the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack. It should be noted that this ranking is not set in stone and will automatically fluctuate over time depending on assigned User Ratings (and new additions to the NSO game roster).
Think a game below deserves to be higher up on the list? Simply click on the 'star' button and score it yourself — your personal rating could boost its placement in the overall ranking.
So, sit back and enjoy the best Sega Genesis / Mega Drive games on Nintendo Switch Online...
44. Virtua Fighter 2 (MD)
Virtua Fighter 2 remains one of the best one-on-one fighters in the history of video games. When it was originally released it destroyed the competition, and even today many hardcore fans feel that Sega has never really bettered the classic brawler.
But before you all get too excited, this rather less impressive Genesis/Mega Drive port is no longer 3D but 2D — a move that causes all kinds of problems. The gameplay of VF2 is supposed to exist in three dimensions, and taking one away renders much of the previously available tactical brilliance impossible. It looks admirably similar to the 32-bit Saturn version, but VF2 on the Genesis is something of a mistake.
43. Altered Beast (MD)
As one of the original pack-in games that came with the system, many people will have played Altered Beast — arguably far more than the game itself warrants. Simply put, it's an early effort and the most average of arcade experiences which doesn't live up to the promise of its body-altering premise. Nostalgia is the only reason to bother with it nowadays, which in a way makes it a perfect addition to a subscription service like NSO. Fire it up once, remind yourself that it's a bit pants, and move on.
42. Sword of Vermilion (MD)
Sword of Vermilion was famously developed by Virtua Fighter creator Yu Suzuki and was one of the first RPGs for Sega's 16-bit system... and it shows. It combines several gameplay styles including top-down in towns, a first-person-style viewpoint as you explore the terrain and caves between villages and cities, a three-quarter view for random real-time enemy encounters (which are frequent), and a side-on view for boss battles. It's pretty basic and repetitive in terms of audio, visuals, and gameplay, but it hangs together well enough to be worth investigating, at least — especially if you've got save states to make the random encounters more bearable. And while the sound effects are underwhelming, the music itself is atmospheric and catchy.
41. Space Harrier II (MD)
This rail shooter was one of the very first Genesis / Mega Drive titles and when compared to other similar games which came later, it should come as no surprise that Space Harrier II is as shallow as a puddle. As a technical showpiece for the Mega Drive and its ability to bring Sega's Super Scaler games into the home, it was decent fare. The feeling of immersion in the environment feels very limited, though, and things quickly get boring. It's definitely worth checking out via Nintendo Switch Online, for example, and hardcore Sega fans might find they can forgive its lightweight nature, but it's far from an essential classic.
40. Target Earth (MD)
Known as Target Earth in North America (this game never saw release in Europe), Masaya's 1990 run-and-gun shooter Assault Suit Leynos kicked off the Assault Suit series which would continue with Cybernator on SNES a few years later. Previously available on the Wii Virtual Console in Japan, it's also playable on the Japanese Mega Drive Mini but the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack is by far the easiest way to officially access this gruelling gunner these days.
39. Flicky (MD)
A basic little arcade platformer inspired by Namco's Mappy, Flicky sees you jumping around collecting little yellow chicks (sorry, 'Chirps'), and heading to an exit while avoiding enemies and obstacles. It's simple stuff and pleasant enough, but the fact that Flicky's biggest claim to fame is becoming a bit-character in the Sonic series — even getting a title nod in the isometric platformer Sonic 3D: Flickies' Island, where Sonic has to round up Flickies in a similar manner — tells you all you need to know about this poultry-based platformer.
38. Kid Chameleon (MD)
Kid Chameleon steals ideas from Nintendo's finest (such as jumping on the heads of enemies and bashing item boxes from below), but thankfully there is at least one aspect that makes this platformer stand out from the crowd. By putting on various headwear, Kid is able to transform into several different characters (hence the 'Chameleon' of the title). These range from a knight in armour to a Splatterhouse-style axe murderer, and there are loads of stages to play through here. Unfortunately, the rather bland design means you may not have the willpower to see them all. There are some neat ideas but the execution is sloppy.
37. Thunder Force II (MD)
Another early release for the Mega Drive, Technosoft's Thunder Force II was a launch game in the US and a sequel to 1983's original. This shmup features two viewpoints across its various stages: a top-down free-moving view, and side-scrolling stages. While the follow-ups are undeniably the better games, Thunder Force II is still worth checking out, especially for shooter fans or anyone interested in the Thunder Force lineage.
36. Sonic Spinball (MD)
Sonic Spinball was an attempt to expand on the pinball shenanigans of Spring Yard Zone and Casino Night Zone from the first two Sonic games and spin an entire game out of it. The premise had promise, and there are some neat ideas within, but unfortunately the result feels like a fusion of underwhelming pinball and bad platforming. We often wonder how this might have turned out had it used the silky smooth engine from the mainline games.
Available on various complications over the years, including on Switch with SEGA Mega Drive Classics and the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack (and even Game Boy Advance via the Sega Smash Pack), Spinball's excellent music is reason enough to check it out if you're curious, and the bonus stages featuring Sonic standing at a pinball table with his reflection in the glass is still pretty rad.
35. Ecco The Dolphin (MD)
Ecco the Dolphin as something of an anomaly when it was released; a contemplative game about a dolphin saving his marine world from ecological ruin on a console otherwise overflowing with 'tude-filled, console war fodder. Ecco was a breath of fresh ocean air in that context, and while its visuals and the overall idea were perhaps better than the execution here, we still look back fondly on Ecco's escapades and the atmosphere of this game — calming and unnerving in equal measure.
34. Columns (MD)
Much fuss was made over Columns back when it was first released. Nintendo had just launched its version of Tetris alongside the portable Game Boy, and Sega quickly pushed Columns into the marketplace in the hope that it would match Tetris in terms of appeal.
The core gameplay is as basic as they come — you line up three jewels of the same colour, they disappear and new jewels fall in stacks of three that you can reorder before they hit the bottom. It often verges on the hypnotic, and if you really let yourself get sucked in it can prove to be quite compelling. Sadly, you can't escape the fact that the genre has evolved over the years and Columns lacks the evergreen addictiveness of Tetris.
Comments 170
No arguments against top 4.
Gunstar Heroes FTW, and Castlevania is meh.
@Tinglemies agreed. great game choices, can't see anything else being here
My favourite one is Shining Force. I can play it on a dozen different devices though.
wow , its so much worse than i imagined. totally worth £50 a year or whatever lolll
@thefoxystoat Still feels wrong that they are offering Genesis games before GB, GBC, or GBA games. Undocked, the Switch even looks like a giant GBA.
Way to read the room, Nintendo.
Gunstar is the best game on the system. I love the top three, but #3 and #1 should be swapped.
Wait, Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine is a real game!?
I don't see the point of this collection. If you care about Mega Drive, there is a specific collection with almost 50 games. I have the collection and I may buy the japonese Mega Drive NSO Controller, if it's compatible
@thefoxystoat its only a few pennies per hour...
Bloodlines wasn't ALWAYS an expensive game.
At least not the American version. It's actually a fairly common game that some said it was even available at retail at Toys 'R Us until like 2000.
Like even a decade ago I think you could buy a sealed (cardboard box) copy for like $50 on ebay.
Then a few years that somehow jumped to become the LOOSE price.
@RCGamer This has a few especially desirable games that I'm certain aren't on the digital collection.
Contra, Castlevania, MUSHA.
Those how desirable to warrant paying an extended subscription fee...
In my world, Ristar and Musha would be at the top of the list, just like they were when I was a kid
I agree with the rankings although I haven't played Musha. Would have preferred games that weren't already avaliable on other collections that I already own.
Would have loved Micro Machines, Earthworm Jim, Eternal Champions, Combat Cars, Aladdin and Road Rash.
Even better, they could have spent the money on sega saturn / dreamcast games
No sonic 3d blast ?
My first introduction to Ristar was through a Newgrounds animation where it was a pokémon battle or something. I don't even know why but for some reason it made me interested, but I never got to try it. Since I'll be getting the expansion (due to people in my family membership wanting it), I'll have no excuse not to try it at this point!
@ChakraStomps i wouldnt pay a penny a day
@RCGamer i bought that collection and then called Nintendo customer service to ask for a refund, which was granted. I told them the emulation has bad lag. A shame because some of those games are all time for me. Shame on Sega for giving that collection the AtGames seal of approval
@charlix12323 Oh, it is real! A re-skin of Puyo Puyo. Same for Kirby’s Avalanche (AKA Kirby’s Ghost Trap).
@RCGamer Exactly. I hear a major reason the cost is so high is due to the money Nintendo paid Sega.
Those who really wanted these games would have already bought them.
Not being a Fanboy but the Mega Drive couldn’t hold a candle to the SNES.
I definitely don't necessarily agree with the order of the games on this list, but the ratings themselves aren't too bad. At the very least, we now have a list that will help newcomers to the Sega Genesis Online games choose the best titles to start with. There are a ton of Sega Genesis games that could end up on this service, so I am pretty excited to see where this goes.
@Linnybhoy the SNES couldn’t run even half the shoot’emups of the Genesis at full screen resolution and frame rate without being pronounced dead at the scene shortly thereafter..
Shinobi 3 is a blast. My favorite by far.
Very happy with no.1 and 2!
What did you think it was lol? Mean Bean Machine is what we got in the 90s when Sega didn't think we lowly folk outside Japan could handle Arle Nadja and her bizarre monster friends. So they replaced 'em all with robots from the Sonic cartoon, and I guess it was a good move at the time since the game saw a decent amount of popularity by being associated with Sonic.
It's a nice list but if the you bought the 2019 $40 AtGames Sega Genesis HD plug and play with the music fix that came with an SD Card slot and cartridge slot you already got a better lineup than what was offer here. Over 85 games: 52 Sega Genesis games, 12 Sega Master System games, 12 Game Gear games, and 10 garbage games plus the addition of adding more via SD card or plugging in your own legit cartridge. There's no better deal than that, AtGames even had an update where you could now play 32X roms on there too.
Are we gonna get an n64 poll now?
I’m still not getting it
Can't argue with no.1. Replace Sonic with Shinobi 3, and that's my top four.
Phantasy Star IV should have been in the top 3. That game is hella good.
@NinChocolate I heard a lot about the lag, but I swear I never felt it. Maybe because I played most slow pace games such Phantasy Star and Shinning Force. I didn't know it is possible to refund games at eShop
@KingMike I don't bother with Castlevania before metroidvania, neither Contra, and I never heard about MUSHA before. But I certainly would play Strider if I subscribe
@RCGamer not everyone will be sensitive to it. I have a model 1 Genesis hooked up to my CRT so I’m used to the games running like a hot damn
If you're playing Shinobi III on a 3-button controller, you're missing out. The game really opens up when you use a 6-button controller, since you actually have enough buttons for all the special actions. I would know. I'm a ninja.
And as much as I adore Castlevania, Bloodlines is pretty weak. Contra Hard Corps is also a weak entry, in my book.
@BloodNinja I agree about Contra Hard Corps, but what’s wrong with Bloodlines? I actually rather enjoyed that one, prefer it to the SNES Castlevania titles, honestly.
For most of these games, you can just get the Mega Drive Collection instead of paying for this ridiculous expensive expansion.
@Petew No one has said that at all in any capacity that means anything. It was errant speculation by someone with no real information, claiming it as a possibility that the price increase is related to that.
For me, top 3 would be: Castlevania Bloodlines at 3, then Shining Force and then Phantasy Star IV at number one.
MUSHA should be higher, disappointed in my fellow gamers
@Lyricana Guessing how much they paid would be speculation but we can all agree that they paid and this would have put the price up.
Streets of Rage as half-decent. Wow.
Ristar is top 5 material, such an underated game.
I'm most surprised seeing Ecco the dolphin as last on the list.
@somebread Oh yeah that was the name! I blanked on that, thank you for that reminder! It was a silly but awesome little animation. Should give it another watch soon!
The Sega Classics Collection makes the Switch online Megadrive/Genesis library look like a dried up desert.
How about Pluseman from Genesis?
Made by Game Freak, weird huh.
In the west probably not gonna get it outside eBay...
@NinChocolate shame 95% of them were Guff.The SNES shart all over the MD.
Shinobi 3 is the best one for me, but it's a solid list.
@NintonicGamer same!!! For me Ecco is an 8/10. I can understand it not being for everyone, but the score that low feels wrong!
@somnambulance It didn't capture the feel of Castlevania, felt a little too goofy for my taste.
@Linnybhoy If the SNES was backwards compatible like Genesis, it might have had something decent 😆
@predatoure Yes ✋🌟🤚
I'm really looking forward to Shining Force! I'm a huge Fire Emblem fan and have seen the comparisons drawn between the two, but I've never played Shining Force. I enjoyed the hell out of Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem when it was added to the Japanese NSO so I'd like to think that I'd adapt to the "of its time" feel.
Would like to see Columns, Golden Axe 2 and Revenge of Shinobi.
Streets of rage 2 will always be a awesome game, year after year. Best scrolling beat em up, great music.
I know this is a very unpopular opinion (so I guess a "hot take" as the young people call it these days), but I really struggle to see the hype with Streets of Rage 2, let alone any of the games in the series.
I guess it's because I'm not really into side scrolling brawlers because they play a little too slow for my liking, but I actually enjoy Golden Axe games quite a bit, even more so than SoR. I actually played through the first two Golden Axe games with a buddy a few times. Maybe it's the fantasy setting that interests me more? The attacks look cooler? The controls clicked with me better?
I don't know, but I mention all of this to express my slight shock seeing SoR2 place the highest out of all the games, notably placing higher than Sonic the Hedgehog 2 — the game I feel is the most quintessential game for the console. I'm also a little saddened to see the first Golden Axe game placed so low, but I will admit it's pretty jank and hasn't aged terribly well.
Ah whatever I guess. Different folks, different strokes and all that. shrugs
I still do not like the term "belt scrolling" beat 'em up.
It has always been "Side scrolling".
Nonetheless, this is a quality selection of Genesis games.
And the ordering is just fine in my book. As much as I tried, I never could quite get into Ecco.
Honestly, this is a kickass set of games! Each one is a banger or really represents what the Genesis offered! Nintendo paying Sega their fair due to get this on Expansion Pass is very fair! From what I've gathered VC was not profitable for 3rd parties and Nintendo got most of the profits. So Nintendo offering a fair deal to Sega to get probably one of the best sets of Genesis games on the platform is very fair. I don't spot a single dud on this list!
I hope this is a promise from Nintendo that we may eventually get Saturn games... Hey Big N, you give me Panzer Dragoon Saga on Expansion Pass I will pay whatever you want! As outside of a remake emulation on something like Expansion Pass will be the only way we ever get it as Sega lost the source code and we will never get a native HD port...
@NintonicGamer Ecco The Dolphin was a good game for its time but has aged poorly. The controls are just frustrating by today's standards.
@thinkhector agreed, the concept isn't bad but the controls are awful.
I haven't played a couple of these, but not at all surprised to see Ecco last.
Interesting to see Streets of Rage beat Sonic though.
@Hikingguy agree, it’s a stupid phrase that appeared out of nowhere the last few years.
Anyone who was around for the golden age of gaming knows it’s ‘scrolling beat em up’
I got the Genesis collection. I would like to see Splatterhouse 2+3 but it's not like I'll be getting this pack anyway, so who cares.
SoR2 definitely deserves top spot
"Anyone Sonic fan alive "
What the heck is that garbled mess?
Ugh... Grew up as a Nintendo kid in the 90s tho sega looked cooler... The games are only great for the people who played them .. this list is a reminder why I'm not paying an extra 30 a year...that and I don't play animal crossing anymore as its on my do not play list
You all disappoint me….
@Nintendo4Sonic stupid will always be foolish, you know majority of people who will think this is a good deal or pay anyway for this nonsense.
@Ravenmaster or washed up leftovers...
"Shining Force down at number 8? What could be in the top seven?"
For once I don't have to reprimand anyone. Good job, NintendoLife community.
HOW MANY OF YOU voted Shinobi 3 so low that it showed up on spot 7. That game deserves, at the very least, to be in top 5. It's top 3 in my "own" list.
Who doped the polls!?
No podium for Phantasy Star IV, huh? I guess there's no accounting for taste.
I’m not doing the NSO upgrade and this is coming from a Sega Genesis freak!! Not only do I own 400+ original Genesis games, I also have a modded Genesis mini with 7000 games including the entire Genesis library along with a modded NES & Snes mini and a modded original Xbox loaded with complete console libraries to the gills! You took almost 5 years to bring us Genesis & N64 Nintendo and now you want to Jack up the sub rate??? Uhhhh NO! Call me when you guys finally get around to adding Cube or Wii games….some day…or maybe when I’m dead 😵 and then won’t matter no more lol
@PokemonDMG Unless, like me, you just grabbed "Pulseman" from the Wii Virtual Console when you had the chance.
@BulbasaurusRex I didn't know that, but a modded Wii/u can play any Genesis, Sega cd, Game Gear, Mark 3, and Master system games. Except for 32x, Saturn, or Dreamcast I last checked.
P.S. no wonder Sega hated the VC it had everything! I still remember VC C64.
Ecco should be #1 not last
Love all these MD games, and it's a solid list. But even a SEGA fanboy like me will not buy this expansion. I can play all these games already.
If you're coming into Shining Force from a Fire Emblem perspective, I have to give you a few pieces of advice.
Don't expect the game to give you as much precision or fidelity as Fire Emblem does. Shining Force doesn't focus so hard on promoting forward-planning and resource-management like old-school Fire Emblem does. For example, Shining Force lets you escape a battle and keep your EXP at pretty much any time, so you can use this to grind if you want. In fact, some lategame-acquired party members are practically unusable if you don't grind them up at least a bit.
Shining Force combat is designed more like a regular JRPG combat in that you don't always know precisely how much damage each attack does, or in which order the enemies are going to move in. It's also JRPG-like in that you can buy new permanent equipment and revive dead teammates in town.
It took me a while with the game to understand that it's not just "Fire Emblem but worse", but it is in fact more like "linear JRPG, but with a Fire Emblem-style combat screen".
I used to not get what made Shining Force good because I kept comparing everything to Fire Emblem. But now I get it, and I dig it.
How can you write about Shinobi 3 and NOT MENTION THE AMAZEBALLS SOUNDTRACK.
(Same for Contra Hard Corps, the first Contra that Akira Yamaoka worked on - if you ever wondered why the soundtrack for Contra Shattered Soldier sounds so much like Hard Corps', you now know)
boring games ....i did not buy a Nintendo console to play SEGA games
I hate that the NSO expansion pass is clearly terrible and not in any way worth the money but that I'm stupidly tempted purely because Ecco the Dolphin is included. Man, I would love to play Ecco and Ecco 2 on the Switch. Everything else I own in various formats but not the jumpy ol' dolphin.
The Genesis is my favorite system. I love its game library which is wonderful for fans of fast, arcade-style action. While a small group of games here, it's a strong bunch hence why there are so many comments about whichever game not being in the top five. And there's a good case to be made for a lot of these games(like Phantasy Star 4, incidentally it's my favorite RPG) deserving to be higher. For example, I've heard several times that Castlevania Bloodlines and Shinobi 3 are considered the best games on the system for some people. I can definitely see that. They're among the best games on the system for me as well. I play Shinobi 3 quite often. Games like that are why I love the Genesis so much, and it's a good system for discovering great games that are or were not well known. MUSHA is excellent as well from this group. What a fantastic soundtrack.
Wondering if they'll release any Sega CD games like Sonic CD, Eternal Champions and the legendary Snatcher. That would be amazing.
@SleepyAnimal I had Ecco on Sega CD back in the day 😁
I get having N64, but not Genesis on the service. I mean, you can get almost ALL of those games in that one collection that was released a while ago.
This ranking might be one the best jobs done by all of us members on this site!!! Great work everyone!
@EarthboundBenjy Thank you so much for the insight! Also being a fan of JRPGs in general, I'm intrigued to see those ideas meshed with some Fire Emblem elements. Should be an interesting experience, I'm down.
How in the world this Ristar beat Golden Axe hahahha
I already have the original hardware and the collection on Switch, but I will definitely be upgrading for the portable N64 games.
@PokemonDMG Sure, but that's illegal piracy.
@MsMaestroon To be fair, the Genesis port of "Golden Axe" is said to be a significant downgrade from the arcade version. Personally, I've never tried the Genesis version, since I just bought the arcade version from the Wii Virtual Console instead.
@BulbasaurusRex Yeah the port isn't great. I was just ranking the games when I voted for the article. I think in general most of the ports for Genesis suffer at the very least in the audio department. Especially on PC.
Nonetheless, this is a quality selection of Genesis games. And the ordering is just fine in my book. As much as I tried, I never could quite get into Ecco.
Yeah I can relate to you about Ecco. At least in my experience Ecco was a game that virtually everybody that owned a Genesis had Ecco. It's crazy to admit but it was one of those games that I played quite a bit yet never "got into it". Yet I still played it. I'd get lost a lot doing more just swimming around and stumbling into what I'm supposed to do. Eventually I'd say "meh F this" turn it off and go at it again later in the week. Doesn't make sense but that's what I did and others I knew did the same.
As others have already said, Shinobi 3 is absolutely amazing. It's easily my favorite Sega Genesis game of all time.
I wish Sega would make a new title for this generation but I guess they're too busy focusing on Sonic.
@Ganner Oh yeah, that happened a lot in the past. For me it was access to video games. Within reason, I got most of the games I wanted, but times were very different. I would play each and every game completely. However, today we have access to 30+ years of video games. There is no shortage of games! Think about it, I can buy a Genesis collection for $12 on sale. Many fun games can be had for $0.99 . The sheer access to the volume of games these days makes sticking with a mediocre or bad game much less likely.
There is potential with Ecco, it seems like with a few game tweaks there could be a fun game in there. But maybe due to console restrictions, or they were not quite able to realize their vision. It did not quite hit the highs it could have, who knows. But Ecco is one of those games with so much potential I really wanted to like it. I do not believe the S/NES had anything like it (maybe for a reason).
Now add Saturn, Dreamcast and SNK's back catalogues and I'm in.
@Mr-Glissando I never played Sega consoles, but the Saturn had Croc and I'd love to play it on my switch.
Any information when we can order a Sega Genesis controller? I'd like to have at least one, to try the games with the original controller.
They’ll probably be a max of 25 games for N64 if that. Sega, well they can drip that one for years until the end of the Switch lifecycle. Maybe they will throw you a crumb of DLC that no one wants or Maybe let you play a free game that no one’s interested in. I want Dreamcast, GB, GB advanced and GameCube. Will this happen? Nope. The Sega and N64 will drip 💧 for two more years.
Any Treasure game.
It’s out today but still hasn’t dropped yet like might as well of said tomorrow.
@EarthboundBenjy Yeah Shining Force pretty much a grid based JRPG.
Though the only part I don't like about it is that the critical hits, double attacks and hit rates chances aren't displayed. Luckily SF doesn't have permadeath, but it can be annoying to lose a character for a battle due to a random chance you can't see.
@TheBigK If you've played Fire Emblem Echoes, Shining Force is very similar. Like the weapons work the same without the FE durability system, the spells system are very similar where characters have a set of personal spells rather than tomes. You fight a lot of monsters rather than all human enemies.
@Tinglemies agree
Ecco is not worse than Ristar.
Sonic 2 had it’s spot stolen.
Can't comment on the ranking as I've only play 3 of these but Dynamite Heady is excellent and well worth checking out if you like fast-paced action games and Japanese weirdness. Ristar is also great.
Golden Axe, Streets of Rage and Sonic were some of the first games I ever played, growing up. Mega Drive was my first console. Honorable mention to Combat Cars as well!
I still can't believe that to this very day Rocket Knight Adventure and its many retro sequels were never re-released in any form. It missed the Wii Virtual Console, never got released for the Wii U VC cause Sega doesn't support that, was not considered for the 3DS VC, was not released on Xbox Live Arcade or PSN, was never included in any of the AtGames Sega Genesis systems, was not released as part of any of the Sega Ages titles, was not included in any modern compilations or the Sega Genesis Mini, was not included in any of the garbage Chinese multicart, trash invention like the RetroPi, the awful MiSter FPGA thing, cheap Chinese handhelds or consoles that had free Sega games in them, never made it to trash services like Steam, GOG, PS Store, GamePass, or the Apple Store, and still had not made it to Nintendo's own garbage service like NSO. It seems Konami, Sega or whoever owns the Rocket Knight Adventure IP is trying their best to erase the IP from existence as much as possible. This game literally does not exist today for some reason.
@Specter_of-the_OLED There's a Rocket Knight Game on Xbox 360 - I was actually playing it a few weeks ago. It's even part of the backwards compatibility program (was playing on Series S). Think it might've been part of Games with Gold as I'm pretty sure I never bought it.
According to Wikipedia it's a sequel to the Sparkster: Rocket Knight Adventures 2 rather than a reboot and is also available on PS3 and PC
To be honest I thought it was pretty average at best.
It's a great selection of games. No doubt about that. Not that I ever forget it, but it emphasizes how wonderful the 16 bit library is!
Streets of rage 2 yep one of the best games on megadrive.
Shinobi III might be a bit clunky to play nowadays but if you master it (much like Sonic 06) it becomes a great game, with epic music to boot.
It's interesting to see Ristar so low, in Sonic Mega Collection it's described as a masterpiece, and I honestly prefer it to them having included The Ooze and Comix Zone which don't fit with Sonic's visuals and themes, but I've never played it for more than an hour.
Sonic The Hedgehog, Thunder Force IV and QuackShot are my Mega Drive favourites - fingers crossed we get them all.
I’d like to see Corporation, Shadowrun and Fantastic Dizzy as well.
Oh, and Cosmic Spacehead, Landstalker and Kid Chameleon.
Ecco and Contra Hard Corps should be up higher in the top 10. No complaints about the top 2
Nothing here worth paying a monthly fee for. The genesis collection goes on sale on the eshop all the time.
I really hope they're going to add the other Phantasy Star and Sonic games too. I'm seriously considering buying the Mega Drive Collection otherwise, which is a bit stupid considering I'm paying for this subscription
@Linnybhoy That may be the case in hindsight, but during the console war that's a completely different story. The Sega Genesis was out 2 years before the SNES, so it had a big library before the SNES was even out.Also, the Genesis was knows as the "sports console." This was solidified when John Madden came out for Sega but not SNES. It didn't get Madden until the second on one released. Generally these sports don't hold up as much overtime. But if you wanted to play Madden, the best version of NBA Jam,and Mortal Kombat with blood, in those early days, SEGA was where you were at. Today the SNES has more classic games that people still want to play.
@thinkhector NBA Jam came out simultaneously with the Mega Drive version, but I get your point.
@Wexter Isn't there already an HD remake on Switch?
@thinkhector Nope that is just Panzar Dragoon. Though I understand the confusion. Panzar Dragoon Saga is an RPG, Railshooter hybrid that came out after Panzar Dragoon which was just a railshooter.
Huh, I had never even heard of Alisia Dragoon until this morning when I saw it had been added to NSO. Apparently it's good enough to be in the top 4, I'll have to check it out.
Sonic 2 is such a great game, I just wish there were more levels after mystic cave and the game didn’t just
End after that level.
I thought the 3 new additions looked good, so it's great to see them all ranking on the first page!
On my own personal list, I'd put Phantasy Star IV and Shining Force 1 and 2 in the top 3. Oddly enough I have never tried Alisia Dragoon. It must be really good.
It's crazy how many great games there were on Genesis though, and how there are so very few people I know personally who played anything outside of Streets of Rage and Sonic (both very good, but that seems to be all that they remember) and sports games.
Some great games here that I could easily play over and over again.
phantasy star 4 has to be higher ranked then what they gave it!!
@RCGamer believe me, the input lag is very bad, unplayable kind of bad, I even emailed sega, they replied me and told me they are not gonna fix it. Now I stop supporting sega games, their game are not good anyway.
Sorry to reply to this months-old comment, but I agree about Shinobi III.
It's one of those games I would say are "purposefully clunky," in that mastering the controls and physics is extremely satisfying. Once you get good at Shinobi III, the clunkiness falls away because you're flying and wall-jumping all over the place. It simply requires technique. You can absolutely learn it, the mark of a truly great game. (This isn't to say the game was "meant" to be clunky. I have no idea what was going through the developers' minds and I don't care to know. But my point is that the game's design ethos feel consistent, and its gameplay, enemy placements, and controls feel purposeful. It's a very well thought-out experience.)
On my list of "purposefully clunky" masterpieces I'd add old-school Castlevania, Alien Soldier, Super Metroid, and Dark Souls.
My all-time top 3 Mega Drive games:
1. Eternal Champions
2. Decap Attack
3. Shadow Dancer
But in that list: Comix Zone is the best!
Yes yes yes! I wholeheartedly endorse this list! Sonic 2 is the best... ah, wait... actually NintendoLife I see now reading the first page this is just based on user reviews! I was ready to give you credit, but I'm afraid not!
Virtual console ranks above all of these NSO games.
So happy to see that Alisia Dragoon is in the top 10. Absolutely lovely and gorgeous game with great gameplay and an outstanding soundtrack. It is hard but if you search for all of the hidden power ups for Alisia and her creatures it does help a lot. It's really satisfying when you defeat the final boss and are treated to the wonderful rendition of Alisia's Theme for the credits.
How could Sword of Vermilion be last? It may not be a classic in most people's eyes, but it's a solid RPG with a range of interesting spells and some good old dungeons to plunder. And surely it's no worse than the terribly aged Altered Beast and the janky Sonic Spinball...
@mlj11 I really enjoyed Sword of Vermilion when I was younger. Haven't played it recently though but it's definitely better than some other games which have scored higher.
Still can’t believe we don’t have the first Sonic on here. Great list of games tho.
Hard to believe sword of vermillion rated so poorly. It's one of my favorite Genesis games, even after playing through again last year.
“ Nothing here worth paying a monthly fee for. The genesis collection goes on sale on the eshop all the time.”
But you also get N64 games and Mario Kart 8 dlc. That’s worth £35 a year to me
@Tandy255 to be fair I think genesis games are much more popular than GBA and Gameboy games.
You guys really struggle to say anything good about sega don't you. To summarise: there's some good games here but they're just not nintendo
@RCGamer Sometimes they threw a few third party games in there such as MUSHA, Earthworm Jim, Contra: Hard Corp, Castlevania Bloodline, Street Fighter II SCE, and Clay Fighter.
@Funneefox There was one more level after Mystic Cave, you still had to go passed Oil Ocean before the game ends at Metropolis Zone.
NSO still missing MD/GEN secret best game: FLICKY.
I know it’s on the mediocre SEGA GENESIS CLASSICS Collection, I’d rather have it in the NSO since I’m a subscriber.
Also, Combat Cars and Mega Bomberman please.
@DashKappei But if you already own the Sega Genesis Classics Collection for Switch, you could already play Flicky though just the Genesis version and not the arcade.
@Serpenterror yeah sorry that’s the collection I meant. Stuttering, lag, sound issues, borked music… the emulation has a plethora of issues that would definitely impact my personal enjoyment. :/
I'm honestly surprised that out of this entire list, only three Sonic games made it; and two of them were spinoffs, the other being a sequel. Granted, I expected Sonic 2 to be up there in the rankings, but the fact that there's no Sonic 1, Sonic 3, or even Sonic & Knuckles comes as a bit of a surprise. Those are some great games in their own right, so how they never ended up on this list is beyond me.
And you guys are telling me that Tails was a fox? I thought he was a mutant squirrel. Are you saying Nintendo Power lied to me? I joke, of course. I know he's a fox. It was a running gag in the letter to the editor section of Nintendo Power to call Tails a mutant squirrel. People would write in saying he was a Fox, and Nintendo Power would respond calling him a mutant squirrel.
@DashKappei The original Flicky could be play on a multitude of different Genesis system which had their own gameplay and sound issue as well so you're not gonna get the perfect version either way. Some versions will sound a bit off and some will sound a bit tinny or loud. There's no correct version of what it suppose to sound like unless you want it to be like the arcade version.
Target Earth (Assault Suit Leynos) is way too low!
@WanzerAce The Genesis Collection is crap... Mediocre emulation, poor sound and input lag.
This proves, yet again, that Sega has put forth more effort in their emulation than Nintendo does on NSO. As far as I know, M2 has written the emulator for this.
@WanzerAce D3T LTD wrote the emulator for that, and it's among the worst emulation for Sega Genesis. Severe input lag, bad sound emulation etc
Alien Soldier: The run-'n'-gun action here is fast and, indeed, furious, so if that sounds like your bag then Alien Soldier could be the game for you. Given the similarities to Treasure’s own Gunstar Heroes, however, this sort of falls short, mainly because the platforming elements are simply not as good. It is also frustratingly difficult at times as well, which may put some people off. Still, this is an enjoyable action game in its own right and well worth a look if you're after a little Treasure
This, is placed higher than Sonic The Hedgehog. 🤦🏻♂️
The point is so I can pay $75 a year to rent MUSHA Aleste and Super Metroid.
@Serpenterror thanks for the reply, but you’re off base with this one, check the posts below yours to understand what I meant.
Sega Genesis collection has awful emulation, it has nothing to do with og hardware and its revisions.
@robr or you could play around 8$ a year for a spot on a family plan instead, like most of us do
YESSIR!!! Castlevania Bloodlines in the top 5, ya love to see it
Flicky is mad underrated.
I want Rocket Knight Adventure and Global Gladiators
It really is. Great game.
I wasn’t excited at all about the Megadrive coming to Switch Online but it’s turned out really well. A really interesting, well-curated selection of games
I’d encourage everyone with NSO to give Kid Chameleon some time. It was a classic game when I was growing up, friends and I would play it for hours. I eventually beat it after months of practice, but I had to leave my genesis on overnight, there was no save feature. Save states should improve the game greatly
I think the top 8-10 are all great games. I will argue that Sonic Spinball needs to be higher. It's an awesome game!
@electrolite77 yeah they've done a great job with the MD games... most are very high quality. But it drives me crazy that they seem more dedicated to getting out Genesis/Mega Drive games than games for the actual Nintendo consoles! N64, SNES and NES drops seem to be fewer and further between.
Yeah that’s true. I wonder how much of that difference comes down to Sega driving the MD selection rather than Nintendo? I mean, I genuinely have no idea, but just a thought.
Wow. All of the new releases were in the top ten. Impressive.
Wonderboy V really needs to be on this list! Why it's not available for Switch??
I came in expecting Sonic 2 or SoR 2 to be number one. Imagine my surprise when it's actually a game I've never heard of...
@MattyBH85 I play Sensible Soccer all the time on my Evercade. Would love to have it on Switch (with online play)!
@MattyBH85 oh awesome! Love the Evercade. Enjoy!
@charlix12323 Dude don't play dumb, You knew it was all along
If possible please add Blades of Vengeance!!
These games are fun but many are too hard
I just want a plain list ALONGSIDE a ranking next time.
My only 10s:
MUSHA (So good that I was sad when the game ended)
Sonic The Hedgehog 2
Shining Force
@Serpenterror but not portable
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