In what was surely the last notable information blow-out ahead of E3, we've had a Japanese Nintendo Direct broadcast focused on near-term Wii U and 3DS releases, with some Capcom Monster Hunter reveals thrown in. There were quite a few new games announced, fresh details on familiar titles and a new host in Morimoto-san, who's already mastered the 'Direct' gesture.
Overall it was a fairly entertaining show, and any broadcast that features a Chibi-Robo amiibo is successfully pulling some surprises out of the hat. Notable moments in our view came down to first footage of key releases, with Bandai Namco's free-to-play Wii U title Project Treasure shown, along with Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon footage and the particularly exciting Monster Hunter X (Cross); it's also clear that Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer is a budget retail release and a fairly major project, as it'll have multiple bundles and dedicated limited edition hardware in Japan. It is, ultimately, also a vehicle to drive interest and sales in amiibo cards and the standalone 3DS amiibo portal, all given release dates of 30th July in Japan. Oh, and we learned some interesting details about Fire Emblem If, and more besides that we can't squeeze into this brief introduction.
But hey, it's a Sunday, so you may not have scrolled through our coverage to date or seen all of the videos that have been released. Worry not, as here's your customary summary pointing you to all of the relevant articles, with the Direct itself and related trailers also included at the bottom. Everything you need, basically.
Wii U
- Début Footage Unveiled for Bandai Namco Free-to-Play Title Project Treasure
- Super Mario Galaxy Released on the Wii U eShop in Japan
- Monster Hunter X Cross Announced for the 3DS, Hits Japan Winter 2015
- Fire Emblem If Town Building Feature Shown Off, Support For Current FE amiibo Confirmed
- Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer, amiibo 3DS Portal and New Nintendo 3DS Hardware Given Japanese Release Dates
- Début Footage Unveiled for Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon
- Chibi-Robo Platformer and amiibo Coming to 3DS in Japan This Fall
- New Dr. Mario Game Released in Japan
- Monster Hunter Diary: Poka Poka Palico Village DX Heading to Japan This Year
Wii U & 3DS
Nintendo Direct and Trailers
Nintendo Direct:
Monster Hunter X (Cross):
Fire Emblem If (extended video):
Super Mario Galaxy (Wii U eShop)
Project Treasure:
Dr Mario:
Monster Hunter Diary: Poka Poka Palico Village DX:
Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon:
Comments 50
Hello Morimoto - san. Super Mario Galaxy! My original copy is in mint condition and only played once! E3 is less than a week away now!
Wow Monster Hunter X, you have peeked my interest! Those sweet new moves and a return to all those awesome hubs from previous MH games!!!! @_@
Of these games, I think we'll see Dr Mario and Mario & Sonic at E3 (as well as Fire Emblem If). The other games we won't or probably won't see. Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer, Project Treasure, and Chibi-Robo will probably be saved for a Nintendo Direct later this year.
"Free to play" on a home console?
@Tazcat2011 there's quite a few free to plays on other home systems. DOA, Tekken, Killer Instincts, Happy Wars and some others.
Interesting that they decide to release this information now. Super Mario Galaxy seems like a rather odd and sudden choice for the Virtual Console, two weeks before E3. Perhaps they want people to get their backlogs cleared and prepare for something new ...SUPER MARIO SUNSHINE 2!
Mario Galaxy is a bit of a random announcement, especially timing wise... or it could be warming us for Galaxy 3! Please....
@James1993 No it isn't, E3 is a week later this year. The Nintendo World Championships Final is 2 weeks today.
I hope both Monster Hunters get localized, and that the online modes aren't region-locked as they have been for the series so far. It's about time Capcom turned the series around!
@James1993 Sorry buddy E3 starts at June 16. Although I do wish you were right
@ValiantPixel I'd love to see SMG 3 announced but they did release SMG 2 first on VC though.
@abe_hikura I forgot about Tekken, which is the only one I'm familiar with of the ones you mentioned.
So, 3DS isnt quite dead yet?
Kind of surprised no surprise reveals for Splatoon since it released 3 days ago in Jspan. They should have announced ranked battles at the end of the ND, did my part this morning, my son is 7 and playing now.
Good to see them show this now though, hopefully means E3 has some good news in store.
I'm not sure I like the amount of fanservice in project treasure.
I am saddened by the fact that the only playable Pokemon in Super Mystery Dungeon that isn't a starter is Riolu.
Nothing for me this direct.
People still rip on Iwata for saying "please understand" when the man is simply doing his job. And I commend him for having the decency to apologize to the Fanbase when something goes awry. A lot of companies just give you the middle finger and say deal with it (Eh em, Microsoft I'm looking at you).
We should count ourselves thankful that Nintendo has a head who cares enough about the fans to explain things and to apologize if need be. Humility goes along way in my book it is not something to be mocked.
Region locked? I can assure you Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate's online is not region locked. Unless you wanted to play with the Japanese who don't speak English.
What does it even matter though? There are so many people playing the game online that it doesn't even matter. There's lobbies for days and days and days on both MH3U and MH4U.
@JaxonH I like to play games with my friends, not strangers. And you also can't play with Japanese people who can speak English.
@JaxonH I fully agree with you. He doesn't need to apologise but I find it very refreshing and a touch of humility is very important
well one of my prediction came true which is fire emblem if
Wish we got some new AC HHD gameplay
Still no New 3DS for NA?
Did we really need another Dr. Mario game?
Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon looks nice, but why do I recognise that music from the Time and Darkness games?
I haven't played it in a while, and it could just be a coincidence.
Nintendo slowly killing the WiiU. So sad.
So excited to play Dr. Mario on the 3ds with Dr. Luigi included. Im hoping for a European release (hopefully this year).
@prufessor_oak What makes you say that? I'm not trying to be rude, I just don't see where you're coming from.
@NintendoFan64 Sorry, I can't help he blind today.
CHIBI-ROBO!!! My god please let it get localized!
@prufessor_oak ...Well, that was rude.
Stocked for super mystery dungeon. Always been a big fan of those games
However do we really need another Olympics game. It was a weird concept to begin with and really just needs to die off.
Wii U practically absent. Rerelease of an existing wii game and what could be an interesting free to play game. I'm hoping they're saving Wii U announcements for E3.
Some surprising announcements, especially before E3. I bet we will get tons of surprises at E3.
Ouch. That ND hurts. Worst ever... I guess they wait for E3.
Project Treasure looks awesome for a free game. Hard to believe.
Really hoping the other Monster Hunter games make it over here now because of Nintendo.
I hope we learn or see more of these at E3 2015:
Another Monster Hunter?! Japanese....masters of milking!!
@Henmii Funny you could say that about Western developers/publishers too, Activision, Ubisoft and EA spring to mind.
Yawn I sure hope nintendo e3 is better
Project Treasure looks very underwhelming. The combat seems sluggish and bland.
This is cool, but also surprising. Why have a Direct right before E3? - Hopefully they've got something big up their sleeves.
Yeah. I'm calling bs on that statement. Western devs milk franchises WAY more than Japanese devs. There are very few Japanese franchises with literal yearly releases. Ea, ubisoft, and Activision are the real "kings of milking."
Although I find that to be a pretty idiotic way to insult a company anyway. "Ha ha. People enjoy your product so much that they want more of it asap and will pay for it. Therefore that means you're bad for some reason."
@Henmii Kinda funny how you say that, because Triple A Japanese developers has been coming up with more creative than most Western developers.
As always Nintendo's corporate liaising is, if not warm, very personal, but I find myself less and less interested by so many offerings. I tried to get into Monster Hunter and the most recent release's demo almost kept my interest but no purchase. I missed the Pokemon craze by about three years and have no nostalgia for it so other RPG's draw me in and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon ended up being my first Mystery Dungeon and my first Pokemon and that is sad because it ruined me for both. And I DESPISE free-to-play. Why can't BN make us a full-fledged Tales? This Direct has nothing of interest for me. I feel the lack of third party support so acutely between major releases now. Realistically my back log is huge so I could skate by on that alone but the Wii U is the only Nintendo system I have not purchased. I just play at my brothers when there is a big release. Still love my 3DS but boy is it dry. I even played Pokemon Shuffle and it was decent but those hearts can get bent.
I should add that I love everything about the Wii U except the catalogue (which I attribute to the machine's power relative to other New Gen systems). I love the big Wii U releases but wish it would have that rapid-fire glut of excellent releases that the 3DS had (and how about a round two for the 3DS itself). I would also almost certainly buy a New 3DS if they offered a discount for 3DS Ambassadors but alas we are forgotten.
You know what I want at E3?
Wasn't that announced during this direct?
Microsoft: middle finger Deal with it.
"Funny you could say that about Western developers/publishers too, Activision, Ubisoft and EA spring to mind"
True. I am not so sure though about who milks the most. Western or Japanese developers, it could almost be a tie (I know that's no popular opinion, but still). Just look at some of the anime's. One Piece has already more then 600 episodes?! What the....?!
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