Also, I do agree. I do also wish the world was kinder to each other. I think social media can play a role in that because of how much more prominent and popular it has been, with stuff like rage bait and political attacks made to stir up and anger a particular group of people, but some just do that because algorithms reward the most outrageous behaviors and content with likes and views, which just encourages people to produce content like that more and it just results in a buttload of arguing and division. It promotes a lot of negativity really. Coincidentally, I watched an entertaining video a few days ago that went over about three examples of rage bait and the person gave these tips on how to spot and decipher rage bait in order to not fall for it or get angry, but I feel that is something we all have a tendency to forget.
Some people just can’t live in a world where two
Opposing or even different views exist.
Unfortunately the modern world creates bubbles and an angry mob mentality.
People like to only hear voices they agree with. It’s a shame as most of us actually agree… just sometimes misunderstand tone or certain situations.
Tolerance is a lost art.
I've seen a few of this type of comment on this thread. Kinda comes off as a bit condescending. "User blocked me because they're too small-minded to cope with different views".
Sure, maybe that does apply in some cases. But, as someone who is reasonably neutral on the whole 'woke' movement and conscious of an apparent (and not particularly welcome) growth of the snowflake population, I'm actually finding myself thinking.. this is some classic victim-blaming going on here.
I hope it eventually occurs, to those that seem to dismiss those that ignore/block them as fragiles that need a safe space to shut out anything that risks breaking their childish delusions, that maybe rather than not being able to tolerate opposing views, they just don't want/have time to when they come here. Particularly if those opposing views have hints of 'condescending jerk' about them.
Personally, I've preached and practiced patience and tolerance, online and off, for much of my adult life. But when a website enables me to refine my experience, to distill it, to take out some of those moments that irk rather than inspire, I'm grateful for it. Why tolerate something you actively dislike when you can save yourself the time and irritation of experiencing it by ignoring/blocking the source? I'm pretty sympathetic to environmentalism, ecology, wildlife etc, but when a fly/moth/spider is irritating me in my own home, you bet yo' ass I'm gonna swat it out of existence. Why tolerate when you don't have to?
I have a million other things I could/should be doing when I visit Nintendo Life, so when I'm here I want to maximise my enjoyment of the subject matter and views shared. Every comment that irritates me works against that objective. So yeah, I use the Ignore function profusely at times, when the mood takes me. And if I think someone's belittling other users or being a jerk in some other way, I'll potentially throw in a Block too. It's not intended as a punishment, but perhaps it provokes some self-reflection...
But I hold amnesties from time to time. There's only a small number of potential lost causes who seem to quickly make their way straight back on to my list.
@gcunit so from my post am I “woke” or “anti-woke”? I think your reply to my post perfectly sums up my earlier post about people not being able to read tone or confusing the actual message. Nothing I’ve said is condescending. The examples I’ve given are true. One user blocked anyone that said anything positive about Hogwarts. That’s because they can’t handle a differing view.
I’m a fully paid up member of the wokerati. I’d never use the term snowflake. Those that use the term as an insult are usually the ones that melt against anyone that disagrees. Again. This has turned personal. Not sure why. I apologise if I triggered anything for you. I can assure you my posts were meant to encourage tolerance and peace and understanding. For you it clearly had the opposite effect and I apologise for that.
I’m also interested who is the victim I’m blaming?
I’m confused by all of it tbh.
Is there a victim on a forum thread about Mario Vs Kong?
@Stocksy If it feels personal, that wasn't my intention. If I felt your post I quoted was truly representative of the wider point I was making, I'd have just stuck you on my Ignore list 😉 As per my post above, I don't bother with online arguments.
It was just that your post reminded me of earlier condescending posts that were a bit blunter and not to my taste.
I wasn't saying you were woke or anti-woke, I was referring to myself, and my use of the term 'victim-blaming', which I kinda associate the with 'woke movement' of the past 5 years or so. Those kind of terms are a bit cringe for me, because of how over-used they've become in media/social media, so I generally avoid using them, but for this thread making an exception felt appropriate. That was the point I was trying to make there. I'm all for equality and diversity etc., I just tend not to engage in the online heat surrounding the subject.
Having gone back and read all 8 pages, I have concluded that the user that blocked me is likely the one that multiple users in this thread allude to. They seem very political and often off-topic, so I think I'll cope.
I've seen a few of this type of comment on this thread. Kinda comes off as a bit condescending. "User blocked me because they're too small-minded to cope with different views".
The reality of this scenario is more likely the user didn't block you because they couldn't cope with a different view, but rather blocked you because you couldn't cope with a differing view and they knew you'd turn it into an argument that wasn't going to go anywhere (or would get removed from the mods anyway).
BTW, I'm not aiming this at you personally @gcunit - just the hypothetical 'me' in your quote.
@dmcc0 That's basically what happened to me. I found something offensive and (foolishly) pointed it out. Although I tried to be polite, it was still very much me not coping by bringing up the topic. Granted, I think it could have been resolved with mutual understanding if the conversation had gone more than 2 messages, but the other person decided to instantly cut off an unnecessary argument which I suppose is fair.
@FishyS I think that's quite petty to block/ignore for that to be honest - I think if you find something offensive then you're quite right to point it out (or just report it if you can't be bothered with the potential fallout). If the other user doesn't agree or keeps posting stuff you find offensive then you should be ignoring them, not the other way around.
I was thinking more of a situation where users have a differing opinion on something and one user just won't accept the others' opinion as valid (they don't have to agree with it) and they feel the need to try and prove they are right by turning it into argument.
I'm not going to name names, but I've been in that situation here fairly recently and when it became clear to me that the other user was only interested in 'winning' I tried to diffuse the situation by saying we should probably just leave it at that and agree to disagree. At that point they got quite aggressive and basically said that was a cop out and challenged me to trash their opinion if I thought it was so bad. In hindsight I probably should've just stuck them on the ignore list at that point, but I responded to a couple more messages before I eventually ignored them. I'm pretty sure most of the conversation got deleted by the mods at that point. I've since removed them from the ignore list, but tend to just avoid any interactions with them now.
@dmcc0 Communication is hard 😆 We all get annoyed or offended by different things. Although I agree ignoring is a better way to stop an unwanted argument than blocking, or at least the more polite way. I always wonder how many people have me ignored since it is impossible to tell. I'm sure a few do. 😅
@FishyS I pretty much try to avoid getting annoyed or offended by different opinions on stuff like games and media, and if I do see an opinion that is different than mine and one I might disagree with, I still respect the opinion and I avoid engaging or interacting in order to avoid causing arguments or flame wars, because some people do react in more angry and different ways rather than calmly disagreeing.
There was this article Nintendo Life made back in May where they were talking about a game emulator. I am pretty much open to game emulation as long as the games are old games, are not being sold anymore, or if the emulator is not doing anything illegal and trying to make a profit. Several of the comments were in favor of emulation on that article, however, there was this opinion someone else stated in there that I don't know if it was made to troll or was a genuine opinion. I believe the comment was removed so I can't recall it all and might get some things wrong, but the comment was something like "game emulation is illegal and you should never emulate any game, even if it is old and no longer being sold!" or something along those lines. I saw the comment and was going to respond to it as I heavily disagreed with it, but I decided not to go through with that because I worried that I would cause bad blood between me and the person and a possible argument in the comments. If I do see opinions that are different than mine, I never get offended and respect them, but I avoid interacting with the comments to not start any possible wars, cuz you pretty much don't know if the person will respond to your counterargument in a nice or harsh way.
Topic: Getting blocked in the comments.
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