While rumors for LEGO Horizon Adventures had been making the rounds the week leading up to Summer Game Fest, we never could have imagined we’d see the Nintendo Switch logo appear at the end of its hilarious reveal at the live show. PC, for sure, but Aloy on Nintendo? This made us wipe our eyes in amazement, as other than the MLB: The Show series (which before 2021 was a successful exclusive for Sony’s own gaming boxes) this is the first time we’ve seen one of its biggest IPs make the leap to a rival console, albeit in a slightly more family-friendly form.
While Sony’s invitation to demo the new Horizon game down in their basement booth at Summer Game Fest 2024 initially sounded the fight or flight alarms in our Nintendo fan noggins, we survived the ordeal unscathed and walked away with a positive perspective of this new Lego build. While this writer personally hasn’t had much experience with the Horizon games, we didn’t feel out of the loop and are genuinely much more curious to dive into its world than before. So, that sounds like "mission accomplished," right? It’s worth mentioning too that we got our hands on the PS5 version at this event, which had no trouble running the game, but we are incredibly keen to see it running on Switch, hopefully sometime soon.
We’re aware the Horizon games tackle some pretty serious topics, but one thing that was instantly clear in our roughly 30-minute demo was how much fun this brick-built world is trying to have with itself. The story follows the events of the first game, Horizon Zero Dawn, and sees Aloy embark on a quest to learn more about her origins while trying to survive in this post-apocalyptic, robotic raptor-ridden world. But since this is a Lego game, fun is at the forefront of every moment. Aloy and her comrades are constantly cracking jokes at their expense and making tons of hilarious nods to their alternate-world endeavors that’ll land with those in the know. These gags surprisingly also didn't fall flat for us uneducated newbies, either.
During our demo, we noticed most (if not all) of the dialogue feature voice acting and quite a few members of the original cast reprise their roles too. We were told Ashly Burch was specifically sought out to see if she’d fit this quirky new depiction of Aloy and, from our perspective, she absolutely nails it. Her bubbly personality paired with her quick delivery fit like a glove and we’re thrilled to see her back in a role as wacky as her character from her original web series, Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin'?
The PlayStation darlings, Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West are both third-person action RPGs and are often compared to Nintendo’s own Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Lego Horizon Adventures, however, feels most reminiscent of the original Lego Star Wars games on GameCube. Played from a dynamic, top-down perspective, you’ll hop through chapters with two-player co-op, online or offline, that you can drop in and out of. As you'd expect of a Lego game, there's also a large cast of characters and 100 silly costumes to dress them up in.
We hopped through two of the game's early levels which saw us popping cultists and mecha dinos in the face with Aloy’s bow and arrow and Varl’s spear, even finding temporary fire enhancements for said weapons here and there. We also had the chance to try out some pretty hilarious special weapons which you’ll be able to find periodically throughout the game. In one instance, we found a Brick Separator, which we were fully expecting would allow us to carefully pluck apart our enemies brick-by-brick, but instead, it shockingly swings like a blunt baseball bat, unleashing a massive area of effect attack.
Remember that hot dog, Tim Robinson lookin' fella from the reveal trailer? He actually makes an appearance in the game as a summonable, Assist Trophy-style character that temporarily throws explosive glizzies at your enemies. Between the humorous dialogue and the wild, over-the-top combat, Lego Horizon seems to be a game focused on fun for families and kids who may be interested in getting their foot in the door of the Horizon world. Speaking of being kid-friendly, the difficulty actually caught us off guard at times too, quickly shedding us off our worries about this would be an overly simplistic walk in the park.
The world itself looks lush and has been crafted meticulously with layers upon layers of accurate Lego bricks. It looks exactly like someone has built a Horizon "stage" in real-life Lego form. It’s easy to find beauty in the desolation and decay of the empty streets. Even a simple stoplight made up of round red, yellow, and green Lego studs put a little smile on our face. We can only hope the development teams have had some fun recreating a scene or two from the game with actual Lego.
While we were playing the demo, we were told the Switch version of the game is being built internally between Studio Gobo and Guerrilla Games, and they’re aiming for parity between the alternate console versions, aside from graphical differences. However, we wouldn’t be surprised if the PlayStation 5 version receives some PlayStation first-party character DLC or something of that nature. But who knows! Kratos of God of War and Nathan Drake of Uncharted are playable in Fortnite and they made the leap to the respective Switch release too.
It’s probably a pipedream to think of seeing a special Link or Zelda costume coming to the Switch version, but now that The Legend of Zelda has its own official Lego set, maybe that’s not such a crazy thought. It’s also quite funny to think about PlayStation studios having Nintendo Switch dev kits in their buildings. Honestly, though, we find it an exciting prospect and one that Guerrilla has told us they're internally thrilled about too.
While Lego Horizon Adventures doesn’t seem to be doing anything outwardly new for the industry, it’s a curious project that we’re pleased to see being crafted with so much care for longtime fans of Horizon and newcomers alike. The holiday launch window of 2024 gives us plenty of time to catch up on the original series on our non-Nintendo hardware, but even if we don’t find the chance, we’ll still be just as excited to give this our time when it hits Switch later in the year.
Are you ready to build a foundation with Aloy on Switch? Let us know in the comments below!
Comments 40
It kinda has to if you think about it. A lot of my friends didn’t like Horizon, and I was never keen on becoming a big fan. But the trailer on this absolutely left me sold on every ground so it’s gonna be interesting if this rejuvenates the brand in some way.
But nevertheless, irregardless of whatever outcome results from this release’s aftermath…
I am 100% behind this game no matter what. This looks like my JAM.
the first one was also a pretty good entry point.
I played the first Horizon on the PS4, and it was a big game, but I found Alloy to be completely devoid of character and didn’t really care if a Robot T-Rex bit her head off. Link from BOTW was such a deeper character despite to saying a peep in the entire game.
The Lego version at least seems to have facial expressions.
(Sigh) I know it's been years, but what I would do for a new Sly Cooper game and having a Lego spin-off game would be the perfect way to expose the series to newcomers.
Horizon is one of my favourite Playstation games so I'm quite looking forward to this, I may even get it on the Switch to play with the misses. I'm kinda hoping for a collectors edition with an actual lego set included of one of the machines.
Hopefully in return there's a Lego Mario game in the works and will also be on Playstation.
Is it just Aloy and Varl? I adore the flame haired Nora and her big brother in spirit but I really hope Seyka is in this game. Getting regardless though. Love the Horizon series, and the Sobeck Line in particular. It’s a fantastic idea though, Horizon is heading for its climatic final (?) entry so this is a nice break to stretch out the series.
I will probably double dip if there is some sony exclusive content.
Yep, sounds like a classic Lego game which is absolutely not a bad thing (I've only played the GameCube/Wii Star Wars ones, but loved those and so definitely want to play more of them at some point), looking forward to eventually playing it as long as it's good also on Switch!
I played the first one on PS4, looked really good, but the world somehow felt a bit like set dressing. By the end, I was a bit bored. Did exploit the fun glitch though where you could get your mount to 'fly'. I started the sequel (again on PS4), but gave up not long into the game. Be interested to see how the Lego version is.
@russell-marlow YES! Sly Cooper is a long dormant IP that really needs to be revived. I'm kinda shocked it hasn't been talked about more as a perfect candidate for a reboot. I didn't play the last game, so maybe sales weren't great so it's been shelved. But, the series had some great characters, appealing art design and fun stories that would all hold up well today with some updates to game mechanics and QoL bits.
@Daggot Yep, and Sucker Punch, the studio that made Sly Cooper, only wants to make open world Samurai games despite the over saturation of those types of games in the market at the moment.
It always surprises me when Insomniac can still make newer games while still maintaining it's core franchise like Ratchet & Clank relevant and not forgetting about it.
Big fan of the Horizon games, so this is a day one purchase for me.
Hope its doesnt gets boring like playing other classic lego games after 5 hr .
Not the biggest HZD fan but I'm happy that this series is getting a Switch port even if it's a Lego game. Still wild that a Sony IP is being brought to Switch (Yes I know we have MLB as well).
Loved the Horizon Games! My Daughter is a massive fan of Aloy, so this is an instant "get" for me.
Looking forward to playing this 1 w/ the missus and my kids will probably play it together as well. We do own Lego Jurassic World (whatever it was called) but no one could be bothered to play that as we were pretty burnt out on Lego games at the time as they were doing like 2-3 every year but it's been awhile, and Horizon is good.
Will be playing on PS5 though, I doubt even the Switch 2 will keep up w/ the PS5 graphics.
Only question is Day 1 or holiday gift? Probably depends on the actual release date.
Removed - inappropriate
Buy it day 1, but keep it til the holiday...
Dilemma solved...
Does it have the same splitting screen of modern LEGO games? Always preferred when the screen didn't split and just kept players together.
The way the screen splits in the more recent games means missing out on half of the visual gags, the goofy puzzles, and the creative payoffs.
Either way, very interested in this game, though we'll be grabbing it for the PS5.
Pfft. Wake me up when Lego God of War: The Complete Saga arrives.
It makes sense to release this on switch to attract the kid market, can't see it doing particularly well on ps5 alone...
Never played either of Horizon games but I'm interested in this since it's coming to Switch. Sony seems to be going all in on PC support, would love to see them port some of their games to Switch/Switch 2.
I never like that Sony IP.
I hate to see LEGO get collaborated with the stuffs I hate.
I prefer LEGO games without get involved with popular franchise.
I hate a lot of popular stuffs that really against with my taste.
You make it through 5 hours?
Horizon has so many good things going for it but I struggled with Aloy's characterisation, particularly in the sequel. She's incredibly po-faced and an a-hole to pretty much everyone she meets. At least here she looks like she's having fun.
Oh it's Ashly Burch, she's great in Mythic Quest (hilarious show, especially for gamers), so I don't doubt she can pull off a funny version of the character. Haven't played the main Horizon games yet but I might try this, I haven't played the main Lego games either so idk if I'll be into the building and stuff, but looks fun generally.
We live in weird times.
@russell-marlow I mean, they've made one single open world samurai game that came out four years ago. Hard to say that that's all they want to do. Let's give them a minute to see what they do next.
No clue how anyone over the age of 10 can enjoy the Lego games. They are the very definition of mind numbing.
I'm noticing much of the recent LEGO games aren't being developed by Traveler's Tales. I've always associated LEGO games with that developer pretty for years.
@babyThorman That's pretty much the whole point & essence of Lego games. Play & collect...and all that jazz.
I've stopped buying LEGO games around 2020 since the last one I've bought was the Lego Harry Potter Collection on PS4.
Might get it for Switch just for the sheer novelty of a Sony franchise on a Nintendo console.
@Zaruboggan Oh great question about the screen split! It doesn’t happen in this game, the camera just pulls back and if you stray too far away then you get pulled back to your co-op partner!
More Horizon is a good thing.
@PersianZSR Story mode yes , free plays getting boring - every game is the same stuff , even star wars for switch .
@hippydave Ashly Burch plays Aloy in the regular Horizon games too.
How is this not doing anything new for the industry? This is a major shift that opens the door for a lot of other collaborations which were thought impossible, like Lego Zelda.
I’d say a game that makes Lego Zelda seem possible, is doing something very new for the industry.
@PinderSchloss I was implying the gameplay doesn’t do anything new, but LEGO collaborations also aren’t anything new either.
@Ziondood Ok I get that But as collaborations go, this feels as significant as something like the first Kingdom Hearts, because a lego game based on a Sony game, releasing on Switch, that’s pretty big and unexpected for the industry I’m talking more about the doors this will open.
Edit: Ok these NintendoLife smile emoji’s look a bit creepy.
Didn’t mean to give you that look
This reminds me of how we got that cliff's-notes, chibi mobile version of Final Fantasy 15 instead of the real thing. I guess there's probably some kind of market for this, and the real game is probably a bit too much to ever truly expect on the Switch. But it still feels like a lame consolation prize to me. Or a buyable advertisement for a real game.
On the other hand, I felt like that about all handheld gaming up until around the DS era, and millions of people loved their Game Boys. So it's probably just me...
Nintendo should borrow the Decima engine for the next Zelda game.
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