Author Profile

Jim came to Nintendo Life in 2022 and, despite his insistence that The Minish Cap is the best Zelda game and his unwavering love for the Star Wars prequels (yes, really), he has continued to write news and features on the site ever since.

His introduction into the world of video games coincided with the release of the N64 and lifelong passion for Nintendo ensued. While his gaming tastes tend to sway towards fantasy tactics and RPGs, he is of the firm belief that Professor Layton is a top-tier series and can often be found diving into yet another playthrough instead of facing his ever-growing backlog.

Outside of gaming, Jim is a nerd for all things Marvel, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. He has been told that obscure puns on each of these are not a substitute for a personality, but he's yet to see any proof of that.

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Mon 18th, July 2022
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