
Topic: Looking to buy a replacement Wii U gamepad.

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Yeah that's right. I still wanna play my Wii U. Got a problem with it? 😉

LOL anyway I'm planning on buying a new or possibly refurbished Wii U gamepad and I'm not sure what my best option would be. I know it won't be cheap as those damn things cost a pantload. Probably cheaper to buy the whole console honestly but i just need the controller. A good one too. Not all scratched up from some jackass on ebay.

I thought maybe Amazon or ordering from Walmart. Any suggestions?



@Truegamer79 I think you can only buy just the gamepad itself from places like Ebay. Maybe a local gameshop but I don't think places like Amazon or Walmart sell just the pad.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


Gamepads are expensive. You might be better off buying the entire console with the gamepad included. If you buy the gamepad separately make sure it's the same region as the console. IIRC they are region locked (for some inexplicable reason).



I saw a listing on Amazon for a refurbished black one for 149. For some reason the white ones cost more. Not sure what's up with that. When they say refurbished does that mean like new? No scratches on the screen or broken/sticking buttons?



Refurbished usually just means that they fix anything that's broken before selling it on. It'll probably also have been cleaned, factory reset, tested, graded for cosmetic defects, and given a warranty of a few months, but check the fine print because not everyone's as thorough as that.

A friend of mine, who used to refurbish laptops, said that about half the ones they get only had software problems, and I doubt it's much different with consoles. You've got a decent chance of getting one that will work fine. On the other hand, it could be the device from hell, with everything on the brink of failure. Again, check the warranty that it comes with.


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