Another surprise announcement this week is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind by Digital Eclipse. This "all-new adventure" is coming in "late 2024", but no console platforms have been confirmed just yet.
This title will remix "lore with scenarios and gameplay" that's both familiar and new to fans of this series. Apart from plenty of multiplayer beat 'em up action, you'll also blast, fight, and drive through a "constantly shifting mix of classic game genres".
Here's the back story behind this upcoming release:
"In Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind, the team faces off against a robotic reincarnation of the Power Rangers' long-time nemesis. Robo-Rita has conjured a portal to send herself back in time so she can finally vanquish the Power Rangers by forming an alliance with her younger self. Working together, Robo-Rita and Rita Repulsa rewind, rewrite, and remix the past in an attempt to stop the very formation of the Power Rangers, altering the course of history.
"Will the two Ritas and their army of monstrous enemies from across the MMPR timeline finally succeed in destroying the Power Rangers? Or will these teenagers with attitude learn to work together and counter this catastrophic chronological collaboration?""
Again, there's no mention of a console release (yet), but if we hear any updates on the Nintendo front, we'll be sure to let you know.
Digital Eclipse is the same team behind previously released Switch games and collections like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection, Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection and Disney Classic Games: Aladdin And The Lion King.
Would you be interested in this new Power Rangers game? Let us know in the comments.
Comments 63
Can I just get a new Super Sentai game?!
Judging by the trailer, it seems like they are going to screw up the zord fights again just like in the PS4 garbage, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Mega Battle. They had not learn from that game's pathetic attempts at zord fights where every attack is either a quick time events or a sloppy shooter instead of actually having actual mech battles like in the older MMPR games. At least the actual game will be a straight up beat em up so that's cool. I also like how this is an alternate storyline of what would happened if Robo-Rita's plan in Once and Always had succeed.
oh, I am so damn stoked. I remember seeing this sort of game suggested in another article on here and I thought MMPR would be a great IP to utilize for a beat-em-up game. And there's definitely a part of me that's still interested in having a PR game where all five rangers can be used at once. Most nephew loves TMNT - Shredder's Revenge and PR Battle for the Grid. He's going to lose it when he sees this.
Legitimately excited for this one
Day one. Probably.
I hope that it comes to Switch. I've been wanting a nice MMPR beat'em up for a while!
@Serpenterror I'm imagining you yelling "THEY SCREWED UP THE ZORD FIGHTS!" on a street corner, with a neckbeard and silk DBZ shirt.
Not a fan of the show besides it just being great campy stuff to laugh with, but this looks legit af, lol.
I can already tell people will say those first person and rails parts get in the way of the beat em up meat of the game.
Looks fun tho!
Holy smokes someone listened when I said "They should do Shredder's Revenge but with Power Rangers." The power I now possess...
Ironically, I'm not even the biggest Power Rangers guy but either way I'm excited, this game looks cool as flip! I think I saw a Space Harrier-esque section in that trailer.
Removed - inappropriate
@OFFICIALMichi It looks it's taking the Battletoads/Wonderful 101 approach to its level design, in that each level will have their own unique sections to accompany the beat 'em up gameplay.
@Ryu_Niiyama The closest thing to that is The Wonderful 101. Or maybe Chroma Squad, but I haven't played that one.
@Serpenterror Well I'm curious, how exactly do you control 1 robot among up to 5 players otherwise?
This looks like a lot of fun. I finished the Power Rangers game on Super Nintendo not that long ago, and that too was a fun beat em' up.
@Ryu_Niiyama Ask Toei and Namco for that.
@Bonggon5 Hasbro owns Power Rangers now. Not Saban.
OMG this looks really fun, all of it.
3D scrolling sections look intriguing possibly
This is going be one on the list hopefully PS4 or switch wise as don't have anything else. I loved power ranger as a kid . Iam 39. When u watch it now it pretty corny but still good. My kids missed out on all the good TV show. It YouTube or nothing for them
Anybody remember Voltron? Isn't power rangers kind of a ripp off of that? I mean similar outfits for the characters, a giant robot formed of small robots connected together that are piloted by said characters like mech suits. Seems a little fishy to me.
I'd rather see a new Voltron game personally.
Looks fantastic 👌
@Truegamer79 Super Sentai has long been a thing before Voltron. Zyuranger (which is what Power Rangers was based on) was at the time the 16th entry in the series. The combiner robot was a thing before it too, I think Getter Robo was the first to do it in animation if you don't count that one centipede robot in Astroboy.
The Megazord from Mighty Morphin/Zyuranger was inspired by Voltron though.
Looks cool, I kinda hoped it would be more about going through environments from later seasons and not just MMPR which already has a ton of games based on it.
Always wanted to see a game based on PR in Space or Lost Galaxy.
@Bluesaxo I get what you mean, man, but I severely restrict any youtube, shorts, or social media with my young ones. I'm lucky enough that the five and 10 year old both love Ducktales, Xmen, etc. There's not only a lot of amazing new stuff for kids out there, it's very easy to access the stuff I grew up with.
Thundercats and Masters of the Universe are more my era, but I love the way everything about this is 1990s. The sprite scaling bits are just like the System 32 games of the time, eg. Rad Mobile.
Didn't see a new Power Ranger game coming, but I'm down for it as long as it's just as good as it looks and that it comes to a Nintendo system!
@shoeses 2D Fighting game style.
Take my money!
nobody cares about those japanese copies of the power rangers!
Was never a fan of the show but I grew up playing the SNES Power Rangers games. This looks like this is going to be a fun beat em up, will definitely pick this one up.
Oh hell yeah!! I’m 100% in for this one. Looks phenomenal.
this is rad as hell
@LikelySatan just guess it a different era . I just think when mine get adult two girls 13 and 8 they're going look bk I not have anything to look bk on good memories like I have now TV show reading goose bumps books. Playing super mario land on Gameboy even that frustrating. I guess It a different era one I don't fit into very well.
@Bluesaxo that's funny. The recent Goosebumps series was great.
This kinda reminds me of shredders revenge. Might check it out.
Also anyone else’s first power rangers was samurai and liked it or is that just me?
@MegaVel91 With 5 people controlling 1 character?
I have just checked on Digital Eclipse site and the Switch is among the confirmed platforms for preorder.
@shoeses No?
This looks awesome 😊
@Bonggon5 Hasbro does that?
@LikelySatan ive haven't seen it . It use be on BBC when I was a kid if you live in UK. I thought the movies were pretty good with jack black. I don't know what happened to my books meant ask my mum today when I visited. Use like point horror books too. Could done a movie on them but never did. I bought the video game on 3ds of goosebumps last month hant played it yet. But guess it not brilliant as cost me 4 pounds complete in box
@MegaVel91 So do you just not understand the question, or...?
I don't see how this couldn't come to switch. So if it does! Take my money and run haha.
@shoeses No, not with 5 people controlling one character. I understood it fine.
First person mech fights can be pretty cool. I remember goemon 2 on the 64. It was not the deepest but they found ways to make it fun.
The game looks really good!!!
This looks mighty awesome. Loving the old school nostalgia & homage (that Mode 7 aesthetic looks dope) with some modern updates. Also love the variation in levels and perspectives from the trailer. A lot of of beat em up’s are missing the much needed mix-up that vehicular & vertical traversal brings in their level designs. Looking forward to this.
Sidebar: Time for new Sailor Moon, Power Puff Girls, Samurai Pizza Cats, Bucky O’Hare, Darkwing Duck, Tintin, Action Man, Hercules, Xena Warrior Princess, Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad games just to name a few if we’re bringing back old licensed games while we’re at it.
Digital Eclipse never disappoints. This looks like exactly what I want from a Power Rangers game. Visuals are perfect!
I saw what looked like a first person view of fighting with with the Megazord, and it instantly reminded me of the mech fights from Mystical Ninja: Starring Goemon. And that that, I say "YES PLEASE! INJECT IT STRAIGHT INTO MY VEINS!"
I was more into Wild Force and Ninja Storm back when they were on, but I did enjoy the occasional episode of Mighty Morphin', plus other seasons like In Space, Lost Galaxy, Time Force, etc. However, I grew out of the franchise by the time Dino Thunder rolled around. But if this game gets good reviews, and the gameplay looks interesting (the video in this article seems to have been taken off of YouTube before I could even watch it), I might check this one out.
Little fun fact: I share the same hometown and went to the same high school as one of the Red Rangers from the franchise. Although, he graduated high school the year before I was born, so we obviously didn't attend school together. I'd love to meet him one day at a convention or something and wear one of our school's T-shirts; he'd probably get a kick out of that.
@AstroTheGamosian I can currently watch the video, please check if now it works for you, too.
Oh hell yea. Can't wait! I know my son and I will play through it.
Well, that actually looks rather amazing!
Oh wow. I always had a fast and loose appreciation for MMPR, and crossed in a brawler puts this squarely on my radar.
Saban sold it all to hasbro a few years ago.
Not that hasbro is much better... :/
@JohnnyMind Had to go on YouTube itself to watch it. Looks like it's having trouble being embedded in the article here, for some reason.
Power Rangers, though created in 1991/1992/1993 was adapted from a Japanese show that began in 1977. Voltron was adapted from Go-Lion which was created in the 80s.
Voltron is technically a rip-off of Power Rangers.
Not bad, but I could go for either a modern remake of Shatterhand in the style of the Shadow Of The Ninja one we're getting this year, OR a remake of the original Tokyuu Shirei Solbrain game it's based on... or BOTH!
@N00BiSH I love those moments when we're just thinking "what if a game company did something like..." and then a short time later they do exactly that.
In the words of Butthead, when something like that happened to him and Beavis: "Dude! Huh-huh! We have the Power Supreme!"
If this will be as good as Shredder's Revenge, then I'm in.
I love best em ups and while the SNES ones always looked appealing, they didn't review well. This could be the fulfillment of that long dormant wistfulness.
@AstroTheGamosian Didn't consider that you could be checking the article on mobile while I'm doing so on PC or something along those lines.
Anyway, glad you found a way to watch it!
@JohnnyMind I'm reading it on PC, too. The embedded link is just bad, or the original uploader is preventing it from being embedded in third-party websites like this one.
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