
Topic: Moonbound, my Nintendo 3DS game, will be released in America on December 16th 2021!

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Moonbound eshop page loads OK on my New 3DS XL, North America region, english language. I checked, out of curiosity.

Edited on by WoomyNNYes

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


My New 2DS XL crashes as well, and that one is set to English. It's weird!

Edit: Ah! The eshop remains in Spanish even if the console is set to another language, so I suppose something could be going on with the language?

Edited on by Eel


<My slightly less dead youtube channel>

SMM2 Maker ID: 69R-F81-NLG

My Nintendo: Abgarok | Nintendo Network ID: Abgarok


@Eel With the Switch, eshop language is tied to the region selected on your nintendo account on nintendo's website. Maybe it's the same with 3ds eshop?

Edited on by WoomyNNYes

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


Definitely. The XL is set to English, but the system is still set to Mexico, so it seems the language on the eShop is defined by the server, not the language settings of the console.


<My slightly less dead youtube channel>

SMM2 Maker ID: 69R-F81-NLG

My Nintendo: Abgarok | Nintendo Network ID: Abgarok


Moonbound's European version will be released on January 27th in the following countries :

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand

The game's European version has English and French language e-manuals.



Eel wrote:

@Tenzen1978 Here you go, hope that helps:

I managed to view other games and even bought a Virtual Console title yesterday, so the eshop itself is working.

Perhaps the game's banner image or icon are too heavy, somehow? Or maybe it could be tied to the language? (spanish)

I'm sorry for not replying to you sooner. I've been very busy with Moonbound's European release.

Thanks for posting this video. There is clearly something wrong with the game's Mexican Nintendo eShop page. I don't think that the problem is caused by the banner image or the game's icon because the same pictures are used in all language versions of the American Nintendo eShop. The resolution and the file size of these pictures are also checked automatically by the website that is used by developers to submit eShop marketing assets to Nintendo. I had the game's English eShop information translated to Latin American Spanish even when it wasn't required by Nintendo, so I don't think that the language could cause this problem either.

There is currently something wrong about the approval process of the game's eShop marketing assets. It appears to be unfinished, so the game's Mexican eShop page could be unfinished. I can't edit the game's information while the process is unfinished. The game's ESRB age rating was changed by Nintendo to include Mild Fantasy Violence after the game's release which might have made a mess of things.

I'll contact Nintendo about this in a few days. I have to do some other things first.



I've started to create YouTube videos of the game's soundtrack. I created this playlist for them :

Moonbound (Nintendo 3DS) Original Soundtrack

I'll upload the full high quality soundtrack to this playlist during the next few weeks. Moonbound has 14 music tracks with a total duration of 30 minutes, but I'll also upload uncut and unreleased tracks that unfortunately could not be included in the game because of technical limitations. For example I had to brutally cut the game's credits music from over six minutes to one minute to save available memory.



I picked this up today as part of my mop up of the eShop. It’s awesome to see all the passion projects coming to fruition on the eShop in its last days, like Fragrant Story, Automaton Lung, and the Silver Falls games. Hopefully there are still a few surprises yet to come!



I've been unable to promote Moonbound for the past eight months because I've had health problems. A lot has happened during this time.

  • I finally managed to get a proper review for my game in February when I was contacted by Pelit magazine, the oldest and the most respected Finnish gaming magazine that celebrated its 30th anniversary earlier this year. Pelit (= Games in Finnish) reviewed Moonbound and also interviewed me for a two-page article which was published in the magazine's April 2022 issue. Here's a picture of the article (review on the left page and the interview on the right page) :

English translation of the article's title and the game's review summary :
Moonbound - An ode to arcade
Review score : 85 / 100
Overall summary : Moonbound is a great homage to the 1980's video game entertainment
Pros : + Solid gameplay, more than adequate level of difficulty
Cons : - Linear storytelling

This was a great experience for me. I was very satisfied with this review and the content of the interview.

  • Here's an exclusive audio interview of Moonbound in which I talk about the game and its development with Genkku, one of the founders of Fintendo, a Finnish Nintendo fan community website :

The interview is in Finnish but it has English subtitles. Its YouTube video shows high quality captured gameplay videos and pictures of the game.

  • I would like to reveal that Moonbound has a secret ending. You have to finish the game on the Hardcore difficulty to see it. The easiest way to see it is to select the game's final level (6-8) in the Start Menu (on Hardcore difficulty) and clear it. The secret ending gives another perspective on the game's story and teases the things that could happen in the future. You don't know the game's whole story until you've seen it! I'm currently planning to capture and publish the secret ending on the game's YouTube channel.
  • I would also like to remind all of you that purchasing games in the Nintendo 3DS eShop will end in March 2023. This means that you have only about four months left to buy Moonbound before it is gone FOREVER.

You can still buy the American version here :

European version :



jgkspsx wrote:

I picked this up today as part of my mop up of the eShop. It’s awesome to see all the passion projects coming to fruition on the eShop in its last days, like Fragrant Story, Automaton Lung, and the Silver Falls games. Hopefully there are still a few surprises yet to come!

Thank you for purchasing my game!

What did you think about Moonbound? I would love to hear your thoughts about the game.
Did you think that the game was worth its price?



Important reminder - Moonbound will be available for purchase in the Nintendo 3DS eShop only until March 27th 2023!

I want to write to you about Moonbound's sales :

I was hoping after Moonbound had been released in December 2021 that I would receive income for its sales for at least a few years. Nintendo's announcement early last year that the 3DS eShop would be shutting down during March 2023 left me very disappointed. I noticed while tracking the game's sales that the end of credit card purchases in the eShop (May 2022) really hurt the game's sales. The game's sales improved in August 2022 when the end of the gift card use was approaching.

Moonbound has sold much better than I was afraid of before its release but also much less that I had hoped for. Moonbound has currently sold only 400+ copies worldwide which means that it will be a RARE game in the future. Most of the game's sales - well over 80% - have been in the American region. I have to say that the sales in the European region have been very disappointing. It would seem that the Nintendo 3DS console is currently much more popular in America than in Europe.

I'm currently considering to create a final sale for the game during the next two months (if it's still possible) to improve the game's sales. I will notify you about this here in the near future.



This game still causes the Mexican eShop to crash, so I'm low key grateful you haven't put it on sale too often (if ever), because I do like checking the sales section every now and then.


<My slightly less dead youtube channel>

SMM2 Maker ID: 69R-F81-NLG

My Nintendo: Abgarok | Nintendo Network ID: Abgarok


@Tenzen1978 I certainly did. It plays very well and is clearly made with love. I am really glad I got the chance to support it and I hope you have the opportunity to release it on other platforms it it would work there.



jgkspsx wrote:

@Tenzen1978 I certainly did. It plays very well and is clearly made with love. I am really glad I got the chance to support it and I hope you have the opportunity to release it on other platforms it it would work there.

It makes me very glad to hear that you've enjoyed my game! Please review Moonbound in the Nintendo eShop if you would like to show even more support for it.

Have you finished the game's story mode? What did you think of the game story?

About Moonbound's story : I originally designed Moonbound to be the starting point for a new game franchise. Moonbound's story starts as a survival story but it becomes much, much more than that when the player moves forward in the game. I wanted that the story and its tension builds up slowly while the player finds out what really caused the explosion in the game's prologue. The player characters must face an incredibly difficult and unexpected situation in the final chapter of the game's story. They are eventually able to make a heroic return to Earth. The player characters share the same story in the game but I tried to write unique dialogue for James and Emily to show that they have different backgrounds. I was not able to create branching paths to the game's story because it would have required too much work. I had already underestimated the total amount of work required to finish the game.

I wanted that the story would reference an event that happened in the past if I wanted to develop a prequel to Moonbound. I also wanted that there would be some unanswered questions that could be answered in future games. James and Emily will be returning characters if I continue to develop new games in the Moonbound universe. I've already designed new playable characters that will have connections to the main characters. One of these will be professor Silva who is mentioned in Emily's story.



The sale of Moonbound will END on March 27th! I would like to give you 60 download codes that you can use to get the game for FREE in the Nintendo eShop :

American version download codes :
4 - B18RPTSD06K75S86
8 - B18RPTSH3438HVN4
9 - B18RPTSX1872HGYC
10 - B18RPTSJ1R4JM0K1
15 - B18RPTSY513BN2MV
16 - B18RPTSP4YB55W3V
18 - B18RPTSR29LPB6F5

European version download codes, European countries ONLY :
1 - B18RQDVG08TV5891
2 - B18RQDVH4MM038V2
3 - B18RQDVX23GTQ94N
4 - B18RQDVJ247XHTY6
5 - B18RQDVK479QY6M4
9 - B18RQDVY46BQT994
10 - B18RQDVP32F16C0V
11 - B18RQDVQ01252WJF
14 - B18RQDVT1SRRQ284
15 - B18RQDB0358Q5TLW
16 - B18RQDB11VV870H1
18 - B18RQDB33GF92V27
19 - B18RQDB41159S678

European version download codes, Australia & New Zealand ONLY :
1 - B18RQD8734JNF3F3
2 - B18RQD881BDR3QXL
4 - B18RQD8V40NSC4HC
5 - B18RQD8B24FXVN1S
6 - B18RQD8C047BDCPS
7 - B18RQD8D44QGLL5Y
8 - B18RQD8W04R45SSY
9 - B18RQD8F44X6FVDT
10 - B18RQD8G2XC22GQ8
11 - B18RQD8H248FNV5S
14 - B18RQD8K52KNCYH7
15 - B18RQD8L0P2P223Y
17 - B18RQD8N591F6GVT
19 - B18RQD8P2N9XT11M

Please note that these codes will work only until March 27th 2023! Please use them and enjoy!



@Tenzen1978 That's very generous of you! I've used the first European code

Thank you Nintendo for giving us Donkey Kong Jr Math on Switch Online


@Tenzen1978 thank you. Really nice of you.
Used the 2nd European one

We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.


@Tenzen1978 Thank you, used the 15th US code (figured somewhere in the middle would be a good place to start without having to try a lot of download codes)



@Tenzen1978, thanks for this, super generous. was able to grab the 13th na code

Edited on by kawhi002


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