Nintendo Japan released a new Nintendo Direct presentation yesterday in which president Satoru Iwata announced that over 300 billion coins had been collected by New Super Mario Bros. 2 players worldwide.
To mark the proud occasion, a DLC level pack has been made available free of charge - but it's exclusive to Japan for the time being [EDIT: We've had reports that this is now live in Europe as well]. On January 31 2013, the Golden Classic Course Pack will revert to the usual DLC cost of ¥200.
The pack itself is a celebration of past Mario titles, and features a number of classic courses - some of which were selected by fans. Below is the English version of the presentation for your viewing pleasure:
Comments 45
I got a message that i can download this for free as well, in europe.
yes, you really can donwload it in europe too. guys check your in game shop.
Awesome! Sometihng to look forward to when i get home.
On my birthday? Nintendo, you shouldn't have!
That looks awesome
I'm curious, can I download the DLC from the eShop?
I don't own the game yet, but I might pick it up at a later time....
Not in North America? D:
i just got it sweeeeeeet
SUPA MALIO BROSSAAAAS xD Hopefully an European release aswel o.o
@Hybrid Nope, only in game store!!
Now if we could use this information to solve the worlds debt crises.
I feel bad for using it. I never collected a single coin
Aw, that's too bad for me
Thanks for the info, though.
Funny to see this statistics:) And not "1billion people killed on black ops 2"
Yaay! Free DLC!
Just as well considering that I've spent $15 on DLC so far.
Mmmmmmmm... Makes me wanna buy NSMB2 but I wanna get SM3DL first. Decisions, Decisions
I was actually hoping we would have levels similar to the Golden Classic Course.
But how come none of the levels are from SMB2? That game needs more respect.
This is some seriously cool DLC, there's a lot of surprises to be found and all kinds of memorable details are not forgotten.
It's also quite easy to get 30k on this pack, I really recommend you grab this pack whilst you can.
I'm from N.Ireland and I've got it. Great pack- didn't do so well on the coin count on my first go. Looking forward to playing this pack more. As others have said, there's a few nice surprises. Can't wait to find them all!
Good to see this game hasn't faded away yet as my kids are getting it for Christmas. Just in time for our 12 hour drive the next day.
Free is good.
A free one? Well it's about time!
Very cool! Will this be made available in North America?
Got it here in North America! There was no message but went directly to the shop in coin rush mode and there it was. Nice to receive some free DLC love from Nintendo in the form of Mario retro goodness.
I got this new pack
After some update ....
What was it for?
Thanks Niiiinteeeendooo !! Awesome tracks !!!!! :D
@sillygostly - I think a lot of NLifer's have bought all of the DLC - including me. So it is about time =P
@WiiLovePeace - They're both awesome games, you'd be happy with either if you like platforming!
I downloaded it and it is very cool. It's jam packed with secrets, coins, and shout-outs to previous games. Thanks Nintendo!
Thank you, Nintendo.
Thanks Nintendo. Cool to have some free surprises once in a while .
Awesome! Thanks, Nintendo!!
So this is in fact available in North America as well? This is really great! Its really cool to play some classic levels for a change. Is it remixed music as well?
Oh rad. This is a pleasant surprise. I've enjoyed the DLC levels so far, and I was hoping they'd remake some retro ones. Didn't think it would actually happen though.
3.5 million coins and counting for me.
If it hasn't said already you can download it in NA as well! I just played it.
I got an email today from Nintendo telling me of free levels looks like UK gets the deal too!!
oh NOW they give us free DLC. >.>
Haven't played this game in a while...need to get this before it goes back to $2.
yup, it's available in North America now, downloaded it, and I have to say, it has a lot of little secrets, I have yet to find all the star coins yet.
Thanks for the gift Nintendo.
The levels are really cool and full of secrets.
Wow thank u Nintendo! This is a throw-back to the classic Mario. It definitely left me feeling very nostalgic plus the amount of secrets added are ridiculous!!! I feel like i did when i first played Mario on my brothers NES. This is a must have!!!!
Just got the message today. Went to download it immediately... The server's under maintenance... Great... Well, I have plenty of time.
I just downloaded this classic mario park and it's really fun.
free DLC? Now that's the Nintendo way! Three awesome levels btw, love 'm.
just got it over here in canada i see potiental to beat my own total record as regular mario compared to getting near 10 000 with raccoon mario from the star course
Well, I am going to have to get my copy of New Super Mario Bros 2 before the 31st of January
I just downloaded it. Awesome epicness! I'm definitely using this one for my streetpass records...
Hope to download this soon! Just waiting for the notification. Thank you Nintendo!
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