Update: Nintendo's official translation of the Q&A has now been released and differs subtly from VGC's earlier translation, specifically with regards to Nintendo President Shuntaro Furukawa calling the transition 'a major concern'.
Here is the official translation, which highlights the company's experience from previous generations and the necessity to make the transition "as smooth as possible":
Unlike in the past, even though Nintendo Switch has gone through five years since its launch, there is still a rich lineup of new titles to be released. The biggest reason for this is that, thanks to the smooth launch of Nintendo Switch itself, we have been able to concentrate our development resources on one platform.
On the other hand, looking back on past experiences of generational change such as the change from the Wii and Nintendo DS eras, we recognize that one of our tasks is ensuring the transition to future generations of hardware is as smooth as possible.
To that end, we are focusing on building long-term relationships with our consumers (through Nintendo Accounts). While continuing to release new Nintendo Switch software for consumers to enjoy, we aim to maintain relationships across hardware generations through services that utilize Nintendo Accounts and by providing opportunities for them to experience our IP through other non-gaming channels.
Original Story [Wed 11th May, 2022 13:30 BST]: Since Nintendo announced its financial results yesterday — where it revealed that the Switch has now sold more than 107 million units worldwide, and predicted that profits would again drop in the next financial year — there's been an awful lot of chatter about a Switch successor, hasn't there?
In a Japanese investor Q&A, translated by Robert Sephazon for VGC, Nintendo President Shuntaro Furukawa has spoken about the results and the future of the company. And the Switch's successor indeed came up during the talk.
Despite saying that the Switch was only "in the middle of its life cycle" back in February, Furukawa indeed acknowledged that it wouldn't be around forever, but that the transition to a new next-gen console is "a major concern" for Nintendo. Furukawa says the Switch's smooth launch has allowed them to plan and develop for the console even after over five years, but that they are focusing on building "long-term relationships" with customers in order to alleviate as much risk as possible for the hybrid's future successor:
Unlike the past, we continue to have a large variety of games scheduled to be released, even beyond five years of release. This is because the Nintendo Switch has had such a smooth launch, allowing us to focus all of our development resources on a single platform.
However, the question of whether we will be able to just as smoothly transition from the Nintendo Switch to the next generation of hardware is a major concern for us. Based on our experiences with the Wii, Nintendo DS, and other hardware, it is very clear that one of the major obstacles is how to easily transition from one hardware to the next.
To help alleviate this risk, we’re focusing on building long-term relationships with our customers. While we will continue launching new software on the Nintendo Switch, we will also provide services that also use Nintendo Accounts and other IP outside of gaming software. We intend for this to help build a lasting impact with our customers.
Given that production of the 3DS stopped in 2020, and the 3DS eShop is closing in 2023, Nintendo's focus on a single piece of hardware has clearly worked to its advantage. The Switch hasn't really seen any major sales issues since it dropped in 2017, with numbers continuing to rise at an extremely good pace — it's currently the fifth best-selling console of all time in the world, after all.
But we all know that the Switch will need a follow-up at some point, even if it's just a significant, beefier 'Switch 2'. This discussion was heightened again yesterday, as Nintendo reported that hardware sales have begun to slow (though much of this has been down to the global chip shortage), so the company may need something, even if it's just a plan like Furukawa suggests. It's something we've considered a lot over the last year, and yesterday's results prompted this piece from us:
- Further reading - Talking Point: As Switch Hardware Sales Slow, How Long Can Nintendo Delay 'Switch 2'?
We'll have to wait and see what Nintendo will produce in the future, but the Switch — now in its sixth year — is still doing pretty strongly for now despite the dip in numbers. We've got Breath of the Wild 2 coming next Spring, after all.
You can share what you think about Furukawa's comments in the usual spot.
[source videogameschronicle.com]
Comments 208
A lot of the problem comes from the name. Wii ‘U’ and ‘3’DS caused confusion amongst consumers as to whether they were actually a new system or just a variation. It’s all in the marketing though!
But also the Wii and DS hit the casual markets like no other, with Brain Training and Wii Sports leading the charge. Hard to follow up - though they managed it with the Switch.
This actually makes a lot of sense. Because I think anything that’s NOT Switch-like would be a huge mistake but if it’s too Switch-like you get into Wii U territory.
"Unlike the past, we continue to have a large variety of games scheduled to be released, even beyond five years of release."
I've said this since last year. Switch is getting incredible support from Nintendo. I think that could help the successor launch more smoothly, with momentum on the Switch being stronger than Wii and DS. Perhaps he is hinting there will be backwards compatibility with the next console. If they handle it remotely as well as MS has with Xbox (tbf, they can't go back as far) I'll be happy. They also need to make sure the successor has a strong launch year. Nintendo consoles aren't held to the same standard as Sony and MS. We can debate the reasons why all day, but they aren't. Nintendo needs to (and maybe does) recognize that.
Also, for some weird reason, Nintendo consoles tend to be conflated with their predecessor in more recent generations. Nintendo needs to avoid that.
As long do not call the next generation machine as Switch U.
I hope this means that they have a wild idea for their next console and that it doesn't follow the switch at all, a pure home console. Then run it along side the switch and any iterations there is of that in the future.
The Switch successor would most likely not be branded as Switch but it'll still look like a Switch. Best of both worlds from a marketing perspective.
There was all manner of Wii accessories and games that followed the naming scheming of "Wii X", so it's not surprising so many people were confused by the Wii U being a new system. I mean, the Wii even had an accessory called the uDraw (note: starts with U) that, while a colossal commercial failure, stuffed many shelves.
I don't feel like there would have been any confusion among consumers if they had just called the Wii U "Wii 2".
Building "long-term relationships" with customers is important. I have an idea. Dont make your customers buy again and again the same games. Like PS5 and XBOX series we should have the priviledge to get free upgrades (1440p/1080p/60fps) on Switch 2
I think they've already done more than enough to avoid a repeat of Wii U. However I still think Wii u was not the horrible mistake it's made out to be. I still had tons of fun with it and still play it occasionally to this day. If it wasn't for the awful name and confusing, under utilized gamepad it would have turned out better than it did. Plus if not for Wii U we probably wouldn't have switch. Anyone who believes it was truly one of the worst game consoles ever must have forgot or totally missed the mid 90s. Stuff Like Sega Saturn, Atari jaguar and the virtual boy were far bigger mistakes.
It's a worthy concern for sure. Also I know they won't do it but I'd like whatever the successor to at least be around the equivalent of a PS4 in terms of power. It doesn't need to compete with PS5 and Series X but I can't deny how simply old Switch games look for the most part compared the other two.
If it fails however I'm sure they will just come by with something else the next go around.
Nintendo Accounts being compatible with the Nintendo Sleep Monitor confirmed!
Out of Nintendos less popular systems Wii U and GameCube are my favorite mistakes. I loved the mini disks and controller of cube and the off TV play of Wii U! I mean who didn't love still being able to keep gaming when mom wanted to watch the news or when it was time for grandma's soap operas?
@K1LLEGAL People say this, and yet... we have the Xbox. Do I mean the original Xbox, the Xbox 1? Not the Xbox One? Or the Xbox One X? Or the Xbox Series X. Or or or...
Just follow what Sony has done. That's all. Keep it simple when you have a winning brand. Switch 2 would be easy to understand it's the direct sequel and be sure to emphasize the vast power upgrades yet make it backwards compatible 100%.
“Shin Pro Switch XL”
You’re welcome
Bundle it with a game please
@wonderclassic Exactly and i’m sure that hurt Xbox to an extent. They just didn’t want to be releasing the Xbox 2 when Sony was releasing the Playstation 3. A cycle that would have carried on forever leaving Xbox one behind. Sony numbers its consoles - it’s the most boring route but at least consumers can see clearly when the next console is out.
Not doing anything to amend the joycon drift and forcing overpriced subscription models to play old games and online is the way you build trust and a long term relationship for sure. Of course he is worried, we are all worried as well Mr Furukawa...
Just call it Switch 2. It's not rocket science.
There has been far worse. Okay financially it was a big mistake but no one is gonna tell me i didn't enjoy the heck out of the games i played on it. Plus it hung in there for 5 years unlike the oddly popular for some reason Dreamcast which i think was axed after barely over a year or two. If wii U was such a disaster i think Nintendo would have took it off the market way before that. Much like Sega when they dumped dreamcast and dropped out of making consoles all together.
Removed - unconstructive feedback
@BoostPower the joystick problem is widespread into the Xbox and PlayStation systems as well. I had my first issue... but it was with my PS5 controller and not any of my aging Joy-cons.
I hope Nintendo will find a better quality of one, but one that won't jump the price up substantially.
Please let them just make it Switch 2. Avoids any confusion as to it being a new console, and keeps the hybrid format.
Switch DS. 2 screened portable that comes with a second monitor to plug into your tv.
Hopefully they get a good name for it to not confuse the market this time.
Backwards compatibility should be a standard by now. The Switch successor will surely fail if they do not implement this.
Switch 2: Switch Harder. You're welcome, Nintendo.
Eh? All I'm hoping for is a stronger, faster Switch just like New 3DS.. Switch Pro/Switch 2/New Switch or whatever name that they like. Do we have to ignore that Switch has inferior hardware?
@Spaniard It would be bundled with a Super Smash Bros. clone executive produced by Hideaki Anno.
It would be a crossover between all of Toho, Toei and Tsuburaya's tokusatsu/kaiju properties, Evangelion and Gunbuster, and all of their iterations.
Imagine fighting as Jet Jaguar vs. Jet Alone, Ramiel vs. Gigan, Baragon vs. Barugon, Showa Rodan vs. Heisei Gyaos, Kaworu Nagisa vs. Rita Repulsa, Shin Godzilla vs. Legendary Godzilla, Minilla vs. LittleGodzilla, or Legendary Godzilla vs. TriStar Godzila/Zilla.
We all know they will screw it up. Nintendo is never pushing the envelope of technological upgrades in its hardware revisions. Name has a lot to do with it but go simple in design. Larger screen (maybe mini-led instead of oled), longer battery life, much more powerful GPU, and 4k output 1080p internal screen. Games on 1080p play at full 60fps as a requirement and 4k output at 60fps. Same form factor, new colors for the kiddos. This in itself will make it sell like hotcakes and people will upgrade their switches.
I think they should do a call-back to SNES and call it the Super Nintendo Switch (SNS)
As long as it is 100% backwards compatible, I’ll be getting whatever it is. If not, I’ll be getting it for me, but not investing in 4 others for my kids. They can play switch until they get jobs and move out and can sink thousands of $$ into the hobby for the family.
@Miu exactly.. I would like a bigger nonhandheld console the matches the others consoles.. imagine a Mario game as big and detailed as (say) Tomb Raider or God of War.. maybe they’ll try to launch a Nintendo VR idk.. I’m here mainly for Zelda games anyways
Simple, launch it with BOTW2
I hoping the Switch successor is more a 3DS/GBA type upgrade and not a reinvention of the wheel. Give us BC with the Switch library, continue the NSO services (with enhancements) make things like OLED, better kickstand, larger internal storage the standard, and of course speed/power boost. Seeing the Steam Deck run PS5 games, I’m confident Nintendo could make a machine that would allow 3rd party support to continue. I’d happily pay $400-$450 for a console that could do this.
@wonderclassic I think the key difference there is the Wii brought in a ton of people who don't typically play games who saw the Wii U and said "but I already have a Wii/Wii Sports works fine on my old Wii". The name and marketing being bad is going to hurt a lot more when the majority of your demographic is uninformed.
That being said, just the other day, I saw a GameStop employee explaining the difference between the Xbox Series X and One X to a customer, so the naming confusion is still alive and well.
@MrMichaelJames if Nintendo sticks with the Tegra X1, then it would be a screw up. It's over 7 years old and is time for a new SOC from NVIDIA or Samsung.
However, the Wii U takes the cake: PowerPC 750 was about 15 years old and AMD TerraScale 2 was already discontinued when the system was launched. I would say this was a HUGE waste of resources, especially with the Xbox 360 and PS3 were both on the PowerPC 970 chipset variants.
Apple had to do some magic with emulating MacOS Classic on the G5 (970) since it was radically different from the G3 (750) and G4 (Motorola 74XX).
Well the smart money says, just do a proper Switch 2 and you'll continue to be golden.
But if I'm critical, the Wii U was essentially the Wii 2 and its sales were nothing compared to the OG Wii. Perhaps if they used proper 2 branding instead of U, it could have fared a whole lot better (which it honestly should have, the Wii U might be my favorite console thus far, of course the sales do nothing to represent that). Beyond some solid branding, the Switch isn't like the Wii where the Wii sold so well because it was just the gimmick we all wanted at that time, the Switch's hybrid nature is a feature that doesn't stop losing its appeal, we want it now, and we'll still want it in the future. So I don't think they're too poised to repeat the Wii U by playing it safe with a Switch 2 if that is the route they choose to go, which I truly do believe they should.
Have all digital games roll over onto the next console. And have backward compatibility with cartridges. Have a virtual console, where you buy games, own them and can play them on the next console without buying them again. There you go Nintendo, long term relationship sorted.
I kinda want it to fail, so we can experience once again Nintendo going through weird as heck lengths to improve it, like with the Wii U.
Or at the very least make them consider a cheaper/more portable device that has 3DS BC.
@duffmmann from seeing how Furukawa operates compared to Iwata, I think Nintendo might safe bet the successor rather than go radically different. This isn't a knock on Iwata, he had to deal with old money and investors who blew a lot wind on the sails of the ship. He did the best job he could navigating the Yamauchi family.
Marketing will be key. If they make another hybrid they will have to make sure the message/marketing/package makes it very clear that this is a new system. I never understood the wii/wiiu confusion but I was working at GameStop at the time and the number of people I had to explain the difference to was absurd. I suppose Nintendo’s attempt to BC hw (controllers and games) backfired on them even though imo it saved the consumer money. Unlike the twins, Nintendo doesn’t have the wiggle room to make another hybrid look radically different. I feel the OLED model is pretty much perfect over all and just needs a second microsd card slot and of course new internals for the successor.
The biggest problem the WiiU had was a terrible USP coupled with even worse marketing.
The Switch 2 needs to be more along the lines of the 3DS or the SNES than the WiiU: the same but better.
Honestly all they really need to do is improve the build quality of the Joycons, redesign the analog sticks (maybe use 3DS style sliders?) add analog triggers and up the internal guts and resolution.
Make it 100% backwards compatible with the Switch library and people will upgrade.
Crucially it doesn't need any bloody gimmicks.
Call it the Nintendo 8 and keep it simple from here on out.
NES - 1
SNES - 2
N64 - 3
Gamecube - 4
Wii - 5
Wii U - 6
Switch - 7
....and the next one is Nintendo 8. There is no confusion about Playstation consoles.
here is an idea don't wait till the current platform is completely dead for 1 to 2 years because you got to complainant with the console success
So this February he said the switch is half way through its life cycle?
So the next console is coming in 2026?
If so then there's absolutely no way the switch will not get another "re vision" before then, and hate to be that guy but a switch pro is definitely coming, or a switch mini (TV only)
Don’t overcomplicate it. Release a more powerful Switch (ideally PS4 level). Call it Switch 2. Yes you can add some flourishes and improve things but keep the same concept. Make it entirely backwards compatible, and I mean entirely so both games and services. Launch it with a good first year of games.
That’s all you have to do. Iterate. It works for Sony. It works for Apple. Do that.
Well the Wii U should have been called a Wii 2.
The Wii was such a strong brand, it made sense to keep it, but to try to use "U" to differeniate two different generations was dumb as rocks.
This is what they should do;
If it's a hybrid device - call it the Switch 2
If it's a home console with a unique main controller - call it the Wii 2
If it's a traditional home console - call it the Gamecube 2.
The marketing and hype will take care of itself.
@Crono1973 the only time there was confusion with a Nintendo system was the Wii U. Call it the Switch 2 if it's a proper Switch successor I say, that sounds better than Nintendo 8 or the like (though I'm all for the successor to the next system being called the Ninetendo lol). The only takeaway is, just don't call it something like the Switch U, Switch I, or New Switch.
I mean the Xbox One was a dumb as hell name, but no one was truly confused by it. Had they called it the Xbox 360 U however, then that would have done that system no favors lol.
The logical thing is to assume that we will at some point get a new console that is more powerful than Switch, especially if they genuinely want to keep Switch going for another 5 years as a main platform. The question will be, will it just be that games aimed at this new model will work on original Switches too, but at lower resolutions and framerates (essentially making it a "Switch Pro") or will it be a true new gen so far removed that brand new software will only work on it?
If they do go for a completely new system, it absolutely without fail NEEDS to be backwards compatible with Switch software, both carts and downloads (and of course all cloud saves, dlc etc). To not do so would be suicide in the current market. And preferably the Switch Online and Expansion Pass retro games need to keep going from where Switch "finishes", rather than going back to zero and spoon feeding us Ice Climbers again.
As for naming, Wii U was a stupid name that made it look like an accessory rather than a new system to the casual market of 30+ adults/parents buying for kids. But that same market remembers the 80s and 90s. The solution is obvious: "Super Switch". Then after that, if things are still going well another 5-10 years down the line? We might finally get to break out the "Ultra" prefix!
[edit] lol I see that as I was typing this, 2 other people had the same train of thought for the name. That its that intuitive means we're on to something and its the obvious right thing to do. But then, when in history has Nintendo done the obvious and sensible thing from a business standpoint? There's too much internal pressure to innovate rather than iterate.... but if they do come up with a completely new bit of hardware with completely new random gimmick and not Switch compatible, they will lose SO much goodwill that they have clawed back.
The Switch is the perfect console format to me. Its the console ive wanted all along! I want the next version to be an upgrade on this form factor. Simple as that.
I hate the idea of them going back to a home console/mobile console model.
@Nontendo_4DS what I don't like about Super Nintendo Switch is how it kinda shuts the door on Nintendo continuing down the Hybrid system path. If this concept continues to work so well, then I'm gonna want a Switch 3 and then later than that a Switch 4. I mean what do they do for a third model after the Super? What the Ultra Nintendo Switch? The difference between a word like Super and Ultra will only lead to Wii U levels of confusion for parents trying to buy the latest model for their kids.
Just keep it simple, Switch 2, and then if that's a big success, they can later do a Switch 3 and so on and so forth.
@ShadowofTwilight22 I would cus that's just the what they did with the Wii U and look how that turned out...
As long as they don't call it the Nintendo Exchange.
@duffmmann agreed. Keep the hybrid format. Its honestly the reason this console is the one I use the most
In all honesty I absolutely love my oled switch just as it is, only thing I would want from a new system is just more power, but the concept of the switch itself is unrivaled. Just give me a switch 2 and I’ll happily buy it.
Call it ULTRA Switch Experience DELUXE! (USED! for short).
Personally I would buy almost anything with back compatibility of games and a saner amount of internal storage. I realize global chip shortages are a problem, but having some better processing power/graphics so that Switch can stay at most 1 generation behind competition rather than 2 and still trickle in modern games would be one straightforward approach. If they could add in something unique but optional for most games which doesn't destroy back compatibility even better ( return of power glove anyone? 🤪 )
@UltimateOtaku91 Not necessarily. There'll be some overlap in life cycles.
To be fair, the GameCube (like the OG Xbox) were going up against a tidal wave.
There was no chance anyone was going to touch the PS2. It was the perfect console for its release year. And it just kept selling like that for years.
So to me, the GameCube did very well considering the circumstances it launched under. A year after the PS2 and being forced to fight for second place against the Xbox.
The Xbox and the GameCube basically split the N64’s user base between them while the PS2 enjoyed the loyalty of the huge PS1 user base early on.
Nintendo Super Switch, make it happen!
Anyway, I think Nintendo's been doing a great job ever since they stopped having two systems to support. As stated before this will greatly help with the transition to a new system. The only thing they really need to be careful about is giving the system a good name so people will understand it's something new.
Another thing that would be of great help would be to allow consumers to keep using the Nintendo Switch Online subscription service on their new device with backwards compatibility. Not only would that make sense, like it does with PlayStation Plus, but it would also help to keep building on a good foundation.
I think people are getting tired of buying retro games on new systems and this would be a great way to alleviate that pain.
To avoid a Wii U situation here's what they should do with the next Switch successor:
I’m going to be so excited when they announce it. And we all know its name is going to be New Nintendo 23DSLiteiXL & Knuckles.
Backwards compatibility pretty much guarantees that I will buy a new console at launch, especially if it improves current games slightly.
No matter how good, all new consoles have limited games at launch and if it doesn't improve my current library of games slightly, there is no reason for me not to sit back and wait a while.
I feel the key lesson that should be learned from the Switch, in order to sustain into the next generation, is to make sure that the selling point of the Switch remains fully intact. The good part is their direct competitors are not looking to tap/steal their unique market. Simply increase the power, memory, resolution, etc., and possibly other secondary (but useful) functionalities. If they keep the core intact, don't try to overname it, or overthink it, then I think they should be okay going into the next system. Of course this is Nintendo we are talking about so they may try to reimagine things regardless... We'll just have to wait and see.
Pro tip : don't give a stupid confusing name to your next console. Just call the successor Switch 2 or Super Switch. If they call it Switch 4K or something confusing the most casual people will think its just an accessory or a variant.
Yeah I think your point on Nintendo combining their handheld and home console is one their best decisions by far. They only have to make games for one platform instead of two now. Other developers looking at the huge install base for 3DS compared to Wii U were gonna spend more resources on games for 3DS virtually every time. Now they just need to go with more power to get some of those AAA multiplatform games that either won't work feasibly on Switch or require too many downgrades. Doesn't have to be top of the line and go toe to toe with new Xbox and Playstation, but definitely needs to be closer than Switch was. It started off behind the Xbox One and Playstation 4, much less the Series X and 5!
"Unlike the past, we continue to have a large variety of games scheduled to be released"
A good chunk of that “large variety”: (either ports of previously existing games or new games that end up being mediocre)
Hey, as long as the stock takes a huge dip I'm fine with anything.
@KorGonia 128tb? I think 2tb is the highest they could go but okay if they could support it higher than that it's alright too.
I think it's honestly time to copy PlayStation and just do a switch 2, 3... Do incremental upgrades that are worth the money. Keep them backwards compatible at least for one generation behind and keep the momentum moving with good software.
Apple manage to release a new iphone every year with barely any improvements and they seem to be doing OK
If you want to avoid another Wii U, don't call the Switch successor "Nintendo Swutch"
To be honest, I was always under the assumption that the U in the Wii U meant something like "Upgrade", "Ultra" or "Ultimate". Looks like nobody stopped and thought about it that way.
They probably shouldn't call it "Switch Too" then. That might be a bit confusing.
"Nintendo Says It Wants To Avoid A Repeat Of Wii U With Switch's Successor"
No, they didn't actually say that. They want a smooth transition, yes of course, but they only mentioned Wii and DS.
@TOMAWOLF same here. It is definitely the most enjoyable console I have ever had, they definitely need to increase the build quality of the joy-cons and the base unit for a switch too and of course increase the power of the system.
That's a wordy way to semi-confirm backward compatibility, but I'll take it.😄
Yup, agreed. This boost feature of the PS5/Xbox Series should be the new norm. It helps breath new life into games we already bought. It'd be nice if the Switch 2 offers this feature
Which of Nintendo's announced 2022 lineup are mediocre (which is entirely subjective anyways) or ports of existing games? As far as I can tell, every upcoming 2022 1st party Nintendo title is a new game.
I can't wait for the Switch U!
Backwards compatibility and decent graphics are going to be a must with the next iteration, as the rampant sales of this console generation show that’s what the public really cares about.
If they want to "smoothly transition" us to the successor, then it needs to be a fully backwards-compatible hybrid device. Anything else won't go over well.
All they need to do to differentiate the current Switch with the next one is call it Switch 2. This is a clear indication that its a successor, unlike Wii U which just sounded like a weird Wii variant
The next Nintendo console absolutely NEEDS to be backward compatible with the Switch. And should even have "upgrades" for some major Switch games, like XBOX does.
I think alot of us want some kinda switch Pro, called that or switch 2 or Ultra Switch . I'm enjoying everything about the switch still except its aging hardware
A few tips from a lifelong fan:
-don’t piggyback off of the name to the point where random consumers assume it’s a mere add-on.
-you had a winning idea with the Switch. Do NOT scrap that idea for the sake of trying something new!
-continue to bridge the technological gap.
-you had the support of several great third-party developers. Don’t jeopardize that!
-launch with at least one, or two, must-play games!
Ugh, we had a good few months of peace. This interview surely will send rumours of Switch successor sky high
@Bobb We always knew the Switch wouldn't be Nintendo's last console, so yeah
All i need is more powerful Switch.No stupid or weird ideas and i'm buying straight away.I don't need cameras,3d screen,motion controls,touch screen or touch back panel.Just keep it simple and powerful.
@Moistnado Agreed. I just want my few digital purchases to carry over to next system, like the XBox. Then I can feel a little safer purchasing digital games. Of course cartridge compatibility too. I've sunk more into collecting on this system than any other dating back to the NES.
@Serpenterror I hate the 4k craze.On portable its not necessary.Battery life would suffer a lot.60 fps in all games would be sweet though.
There is no reason to move away from the Switch concept imo, Nintendo should just release more powerful hardware every 5-8 years, keep the same backend software so that all Switch software will remain viable/compatible in the future.
@sanderev yeah, it goes without saying. It's just that a small group of people just love so much throwing gratuitous baseless rumours around. The last ton of lies unmasked had kept them low, but I'm a little pessimistic that this will revive the "nintendo is working on the successor RIGHT NOW and it will launch december and Botw2 will be exclusive" shenanigans
Here's 3 ideas. 1) Transfer all digital sales to the new platform - we don't need to buy mario bros for the gazillionth time 2) Make it fully backards compatible with all Switch software, and 3) Improve the online hub on both Switch and Switch Pro, so you can see which platform your friends are on. Then add new features just to the Switch Pro version such as trophies, groups etc. That way, players on Switch will want to upgrade to Switch Pro when they see that their friends are bragging about trophies etc.
Oh, and bring back Miiverse
Yeah the Wii U was amazing. The marketing was somewhere between horrible and non-existent. If they would have had an announcement similar to what they had for Switch, a huge Super Bowl campaign, like they did for Switch, etc. etc. it probably would have done close to as well as the Switch. Most people loved their Wiis and I think they knew Wii U was an easy sell... They just possibly overestimated how easily it would have been to sell by not marketing it at all.
Just call it Switch 2
just keep it simple switch 2 will be fine
So no Switch U? That’s disappointing.
Sounds like Furukawa is concerned about not blowing the relationship with Nintendos customers. That's a huge step in the right direction.
Just don't do stupid things like the wii u ever again and it'll be fine. I swear nintendo acts like they want to be a software only company sometimes.
Nintendo, just call it the Nintendo switch 2 and give it backwards compatibility and everyone will be fine
The thing is people didn't even want a Wii 2 I had my fun with Wii and was done. The (Wii U which I own from day 1) was a complicated mess from switching to play older games you had to change controllers.
It should have been integrated into one operating system but they gave you a Wii inside also to me this made it feel very tacked on. Don't get me started on forcing me to use the controller with the screen.
Now with the Switch everyone wants a Switch 2 the marketing was fantastic with the first one just upgrade the graphics and bring it out compatible with the older Switch games. People are paying attention this time.
It feels like a subtle way of him saying there will be backwards compatibility. That’s all I want for whatever’s next.
@Mynemo it wouldn’t be 4K on the portable, only 4K support when docked
Yes! I haven’t loved a Nintendo console this much since the SNES! The only things I’d like to see are game-related:
-I want to see the Arcade Archives line grow into the 1990’s. Ridge Racer, Tekken, Soul Caliber, Primal Rage (notoriously difficult to properly emulate), etc..
-new entries in long-dormant franchises. It’s time we saw a new Punch Out, F-Zero, Excitebike, Wave Race, etc..
-replace the NSO model for classic gaming with a new and improved Virtual Console. Twenty-one years on, it’s time for Gamecube support! Also, I would love to see support for systems such as the Amiga.
@Mynemo Yes I do like that idea about the arcade games. I would also like them to release as collections so I don't have to purchase them all separately maybe even a physical release.
IP outside of software.. Nintendo are you going to be making more movies and shows?
How's about nintendo forgets about hardware and just becomes a publisher bringing their titles to ps & xbox. Not a popular idea I'm sure but it would save me having to buy each nintendo console for half a dozen games...🤫

Because Switch is the most profitable Nintendo game platform of all time, which is turn makes it the most profitable game platform ever as a whole.
Seems like the Japanese translation by VGC was not all that great.
No surprise there - VGC's editorial standards have always been low relative to other video game websites.
for smoother transiction to Switch sucessor, Nintendo need urgently to make Switch sucessor backward compatible with Switch(not just the games but also the Nintendo Acount, market well the sucessor so they avoid the casual market, believing this console is another interation of Switch.
The risk is a lot higher now, before 1 device was able to make up for another device's failures. For example the success of the 3DS helped Nintendo through the failure of the Wii U. There is no second device this time.
The safest approach would probably be to have a Switch 2 be a 100% backwards compatible Switch that's more powerful meanwhile the current Switch still gets supported with all 1st party releases for a few years into the Switch 2's lifespan.
Release a new 2D Mario, 3D Mario, Zelda, Mario Kart and Smash Bros on it and it will sell.
@Nontendo_4DS Oh I don't really care what they call it! I just agree that they should keep the hybrid design.
@Danrenfroe2016 exactly! They found the perfect system. Now iterate on this form factor and keep making it better.
I wonder what he's alluding to with "we will also provide services that also use Nintendo Accounts and other IP outside of gaming software".
Could just be the same service as NSO launching on the Switch 2. What I'm hoping for is a unified storefront to avoid the 3DS/WiiU debacle. But it sounds like he's not even talking about videogames.
I just hope that the next console is fully backwards compatible with switch for both digital and physical games!! It was bad enough that all the money I spent on Wii and and Wii U didn’t come forward at least digitally! I hope they’re strongly considering this! People will be very upset if their switch purchases can’t come forward!!
An upgraded Switch (power, battery life, bigger screen, built in microphone, bluetooth capabilities, better wifi card) is a no-brainer for successor.
Do not re-invent the wheel. Why fix what's not broken? other than joycon drift
@Truegamer79 I’ve bought more new releases for my Jag in the past three years than I have for the Switch and PS 4 combined. Granted- a fair few of them were ports but the Switch has its fair share of those too. 🤓
@joey302 I think if they do this yet again then it will be parting ways with Nintendo after over 30 years. You can’t build long term relationships if you keep treating your consumer base like this.
The Wii U was an absolute mess in concept and design. They tried to appeal to the casual market by retaining the branding but made the hook an unattractive, daunting, button-laden tablet like thing. The Wii was really easy to demonstrate to people, where the Wii U was still confusing people after 2 E3s. Where one had Wii Sports to sell it, the other had Nintendo Land (not very casual friendly at all) They also priced it higher than the Wii had launched at (even adjusted for inflation).
OTOH they tried to appeal to the Core market but it was underpowered-especially with PS4 only a year away.
It did Asynchronous multiplayer on some games. It did Off TV Play on some games and with no universal controls to activate it. The Gamepad made it hard to reduce the systems price. The internal storage was tiny even compared to PS3&360 etc etc
Nobody could have marketed that thing.
Good to see so many people citing BC as key. That’s expected now and they’ll destroy their Userbase if they don’t offer it.
Adding backward compatibility for the Switch 2 (for both physical games and from eshop purchases from the Switch), would make for a much smoother transition. I'm not really up for buying a Switch 2 anytime soon, but if it were backward compatible, I would definitely buy one. Then maybe I can enjoy my original switch library without the fear of neverending joycon drift or a dead battery bricking my console.
Also, I would love to have an ability to have a window that I can open in the corner of my screen to watch what a friend is playing online while I play games. Combine that with voice chat, and it could make a switch successor a real social experience. But Nintendo is so behind the times that I would never expect it to happen.
There is some key points that need to show off that the next system is an upgrade then a new system.
Erm guys? Is it just me that thinks this doesn't read like their next gen system is just another Switch? If it was a more powerful Switch, then keeping hold of the Switch user base wouldn't be that concerning. Some folk buy it day one. Others buy it when they can. Y'know, kinda how console generations have done it for decades. Nah, if they are concerned about keeping the Switch user base then it sounds like they have a pretty big 'create something unique' style ask of everyone. That or I give Mr Furukawa too much credit.
Dont call it Switch U lol.
Good. It should be a major concern.
Restarting your install base from ground zero shouldn't be approached nilly willy. It must be done with careful planning and forethought.
Gage consumers for what they want. Do they want a "new experience"? Or do they want a better Switch experience? I'd argue it's the latter.
i feel like its a case of people hoping that the switch gets a follow up.
The big thing about the switch is that how you played it was in the control of the player rather than the "play how we say" kind of attitude that the wii and wiiu had.
It managed to tap into the huge nintendo handheld market while at the same time giving players the option to play on the TV.
It was a case where the main system played it relatively safe (it was largely an improved version of the psp go, a handheld with a dock) but it also didnt stop them from experimenting with things like labo, ring fit and mario kart live.
It ended up being an evolution of various ideas which worked rather than gambling the entire system on whether it would catch on and as a result really felt like a system for everyone.
its why im hoping the follow up ends up being backwards compatible along with keeping the ideas that people loved about the switch (such as being a hybrid) since that still means they can experiment like they did with labo.
That does sound like a great idea.
i feel the whole idea of the switch was as close to perfect as you can get.
Since the whole option of being able to play your games anywhere has become a big thing for me i feel like if the hybrid concept is ditched i will likely just end up getting a steam deck.
@darthstuey I’m actively collecting Jag games as well! Damn some of them are expensive! But just like N64, the Jag console is about impossible to emulate! Even if it was easy to emulate it wouldn’t stop me from collecting them though!
@darthstuey you ain’t kidding. I’ll be really upset if they don’t! God only knows how much I’ve spent on switch software both digital and physical.
@electrolite77 i guess I can give them a pass going from a change in format from Wii U discs to switch game cards. But I won’t be so forgiving this time around. I own over 400 physical switch games and have a 1TB memory card with 90G memory left! Lol
Sony realized it enabling ps5 to play PS4 games & hopefully Nintendo will also. They better! 😆
@Supadav03 Yeah. That seemed to be a very successful series of transitions for Nintendo. There was no major confusion over the differences between the three systems, each one being a demonstrable visual upgrade over the one before it. And the backwards compatibility ensured that you could keep releasing games for the older hardware without needing to keep that older hardware available in stores.
It doesn’t say that to me. They’re right to be concerned as they’ve fumbled the transition so many times previously. They may in fact be nervous about doing a straight iterative follow up as they’ve not really done that since the GBA. It doesn’t tell us anything about the hardware but it’s good that they understand the need to get the transition right.
@electrolite77 Yeah, maybe I'm just tired and not reading it right. I dunno, this next transition has to be more concerning tham previous as they kinda have all their eggs in one basket.
@Mgalens Oh, I hope the Switch gets a follow up. I love the bloody thing
For me the next gen is possibly the easiest transition since NES to SNES.
Don't reinvent the wheel, just stick with the exact same formula. Keep the exact same game carts, make the system backwards compatible with the Switch. Develop new Joycon, possibly make the joycon themselves modular so the control schemes can be swithed up.
Souped up specs including 1080p screen and 4k in docked. Perhaps put more tech into the dock to give that power boost in docked mode that the current Switch doesn't have. That's it really.
The iPhone has mostly retained the same look for 15 years. Apple customers understand that the new iPhone is better. Nintendo needs to market very cleverly in a similar way. It honestly I don’t think Nintendo can help themselves, they’ll probably have zero backwards compatibly and the new system will look way different. If that is so, the Switch may be my last system from them. I already skipped the Wii/WiiU days, but kept up with handhelds because the DS line was similar enough and had backwards compatibility. Just do not game enough anymore to subscribe to gimmicks for the sake of being different. People understand the iPhone and they understand that a PC can look the same but have newer faster hardware inside.
@K1LLEGAL I mean the "3DS" name wasn't all that confusing. What got confusing was the "New 3DS" and "New 3DS XL".
Going into a games shop and saying, "I'm hearing to buy a new 3DS XL," and the worker having to figure out which 3DS XL model they meant was just stupid.
I really hope they don’t drop the switch concept for something else…
Just don't use a bunch of gimmicks that bumps up the cost 🤷♂️
Does this mean no back-wards-compatibility?
They'll be fine as long as they repeat what made/makes the Switch so awesome, steady flow of first party software with good marketing. Wii U heavily suffered with lack of marketing, and the marketing it did get was pretty poor.
Exactly. It’s the way of the world now. PS5 has it, Xbox are the standard bearers for Console BC, PC gamers have had it since PC games existed. It’s not just that though, when people upgrade their IPhone/IPad/Samsung Galaxy/Kindle Fire they expect all their Apps to carry over. And they do. Nintendo would be absolutely insane not to go that way. I think they will, that’s what the subscription service is about as much as being a revenue stream. But it’s Nintendo so you never know.
As many have said previously Nintendo should probably not try to change too much. Just give us a better Switch with full backwards compatibility for both physical and digital games. Play everything the Switch can now. And maybe work harder on getting better third party support? Not to say there is anything wrong with the Switch now or the games on it at all.
They will be very nervous about this transition. But that should be a good thing for us as it increases the chances of them getting it right. But OTOH whereas I think the bodged 3DS launch hindered them when it came to launching and then supporting Wii U, at least they haven’t got two launches to deal with this time.
@electrolite77 amen you’re right couldn’t have said it any better! 😊 here’s hoping! Lol
I hope for a switch pro regardless but it would also be cool if they create something new entirely that is backwards compatible with switch games, at the least.
If it’s not backward compatible Nintendo will be making a huge mistake.
Feel Nintendo's concern, personally don't want the Switch to end. Hopefully Nintendo just need to make the next system a more powerful hybrid. Or I would love to see Nintendo go full on with VR, imagine Mario Galaxy 3 VR !!!
@Kainbrightside we are in an era with mobile phones that can display 4k, sure the Switch screen is larger but screen tech (OLED for example), battery life and cpu/gpu efficiency should have improved enough since 2017 (and realistically it will be earlier than that) to be able to incorporate a 1080p screen.
Forget hardware for now, and get cracking on giving us the entire Nintendo library: NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube... Stop worrying about console hardware when you can't even provide info on vintage rollout plans. So many titles have fallen through the cracks, many of which are fine for the retro online service, but some are worth remastering or collecting. Nintendo leaves so much money on the table, it's mind-boggling.
Honestly I think fans of Nintendo and consumers care more about backward compatibility then "building a relationship" through souless services. Let's be fair Nintendo has not only lost that fight, but MS pretty much single handedly destroyed the arguement that consumers care about services. XBL didn't save the Xbox One. Game Pass isn't saving the Series X.
No if you want to win people over and don't want to repeat the mistakes of older hardware like the Wii U, then understand what went wrong. The software wasn't there on Wii U, the hardware was not doing anything particularly interesting. It's hardware was not compelling. The last part is a real sticking point. REleased a year before PS4/XB1, with hardware specs a generation behind. Wii U was a fantastic machine, beefier than PS3 and x360 in a few ways.It's everything the Wii should have been at launch, with the exception of a complete lack of BC for GC. OS is still a mess, but it would have been excusable half a decade prior. So nice machine, but it couldn't keep up with what was coming and wasn't doing anything particularly special besides being cleaner from what was already available. No one was sold on that second screen, especially with nothing to play. It wasn't a lack of Services that killed it.
This makes me concerned for Switch 2. Maybe this will be my last Nintendo.
To be successful Nintendo needs to release good games.
To be competitive Nintendo needs to address the Steam Deck and GamePass which will be iterating over the few years and be even more polished.
Nintendo Swap
Removed - offensive remarks
Well if Nintendo have any sense, they will read some of these comments very carefully, as there is nobody quite like the core gamers, when it comes to having their fingers on the pulse of what the masses will buy.
Nothing hurts me like people calling the GameCube a 'failure'.

@DK-Fan not really BS, just sharing an idea in the form of a comment. No idea what you’re on about in your last paragraph. I have seen people admit that they didn’t realise the Wii U was a new console and thought it was a peripheral/add-on for the Wii. So not a myth. Obviously we are the sort of people that visit gaming websites and are pretty clued up so it may not apply to us - but if your average mother who knows nothing about gaming is out shopping they could very easily get confused. Is that really so hard to believe? That is the casual crowd, which was the same crowd that boosted the sales of the Wii. Also lol to me being a Nintendo fanboy haha!
Also I know it didn’t happen with the Playstation as they sequentially number the consoles - you just agreed with me.
Super Switch, Switch Power, Power Switch, Switch 2064, Switch Deluxe, Switch Plus, Switch Pro Max, Switch Heavy, Switch Ultimate, Switch U, Switch ON, Switch 2, Switch Too, Switch it Up, ... doesn’t matter for me as long as it’s backwards compatible and has a good, fair & reasonable account transfer system. Tbh I’m hoping the next system is mostly just a dock that has the horse power to improve performance & graphics in TV Mode.
… Wun can only hope.
I don't think there's any real concern. It's just instinctual. All the developers and game series they have on the Switch will transition to the next console and most people will continue to play those games on said next console. Both the 3DS and Wii U were less broadly appealing than their predecessors for different reasons. The former was a victim of bad timing, where the DS had loads of owners who weren't necessarily Nintendo fans and the 3DS was straight-up outcompeted by smartphones (as silly as that is), and the latter had its own internal problems (marketing, number of games, split development teams, etc.) that prevented it from doing well on top of intentionally not trying to to be a broad-market console. Does it seem like Nintendo has any of these problems moving into the Switch's successor?
@DDFawfulGuy True that
The Gamecube and the Wii U are seen as failures, but those two are my favorite systems ever.
For the Gamecube I thought it was nostalgia at first since I hadn't played it for 15 years because my system was busted. Last year I fixed it and had a blast replaying the GC games I have, including those from the Game Boy Advance, I have a Game Boy Player, too.
If there was one lesson they learned, it's that they need to communicate about their product more. Give every consumer a reason to buy this when they already own a Switch.
Time for the fans to tell Nintendo what they should do because of course some random person knows more than the multi billion dollar company.
How do you successfully move away from such a winning combination of what Switch offers?? It just seems impossible. I would ride Switch with big hardware upgrade and keep the same concept. It's huge in Japan and really pretty much around the world. The software sales are completely out of this world so if they can somehow offer versions for both OG and PRO Switch they could ride the Switch name for another 5+ years easily. The lineup of games is absurd and why start all over again? Just keep building on this killer ecosystem and platform.
If popularity & quality were truly best buds, then systems like the Gamecube, the 3ds, & Snes (which lost NA market share to the genesis),& dare I say the Wii U, would be king. Instead, Nintendo's more middling systems like the Gameboy, the Wii, & the switch take center stage (I've yet to delve into the ds library, but at a glance it might have the weakest 1st party offerings, after the gameboy).
Without the Wii/Wii U, the Switch may not have been what it is today. I think Nintendo should continue to iterate and improve on the Switch brand, but I would love to see more innovation and unique gameplay experiences that is built in with the hardware.
@shining_nexus It's kinda disappointing that so many people are essentially telling Nintendo to just make a more powerful Switch for the sake of being monetarily safe (and because "gimmicks are bad") when Iwata had the opposite mentality with the DS and Wii yet they were the most lucrative consoles to date.
I'm not a fan of this article's headline. It implies there's any chance the Switch successor will fail when we know from 33 consecutive years of history that it won't if it's part handheld. I'm certain Nintendo doesn't fear that their next console will fail; just that it will be less successful. It's yet another case of people not being keen enough about what kind of console the Switch is.
I am more worry about scalpers , Nintendo better find the perfect solution to avoid it.
@Anti-Matter In Japanese, they already call the current one “switchu”...
Which is why they rarely get it right when it comes to predicting a Nintendo consoles success or failure, they simply believe that the power is the main factor, when history of Nintendo's consoles has always indicated otherwise.
Always remember this comment from the NeoGaf "Do you think the Swtich will be a success" thread, and it never fails to get a smile from me.
" GAF trashed the Wii launch and Wii reveal. Went nuts for WiiU."
" Going by GAF it should be massive. "
Xbox Scorpio would have been a cool name. I still can't believe they went with One X over that. Especially since, as you note, Series X also exists.
Can't wait for the Swiitch
The Wii U wasnt a failure. It was the switch before the technology was properly there to achieve it well.
Yeah because that multi billion dollar company has never got it wrong before has it? In fact all big companies are infallible.
I want the same. I'll never make the mistake of buying a new console just cause it's got Nintendo's brand slapped on it again
@PurpleShyGuy Microsoft has never had a good naming sense...
Xbox → Xbox 360 → Xbox One → Xbox One S → Xbox One S → Xbox Series X
Windows 1 → Windows 2 → Windows Windows 3 → Windows 98 → Windows Me → Windows 2000 → Windows XP → Windows Vista → Windows 7 → Windows 8 → Windows 8.1 → Windows 10 → Windows 11
i mean, Nintendo's naming sense can seem kind of random, but its always describing the machine or the purpose there of.
@ShadowofTwilight22 @Folderoll the better way to word it is that the failure of the Wii U led to the success of the Switch.
kind of the nature of things, you can't truly succeed without failing, learning from it & growing past it. if you never fail, you grow stagnant which leads to eventual failure...
its also rare for nintendo have a failure that actually hurts them... the last one being the virtual boy which was their attempt to bring about virtual reality in the 90s, well before technology to make one that works right existed.
@TrixieSparkle Wii U was a bad name, but Wii 2 is just as bad imho. For someone who remembers the NES 2, a Wii 2 just sounds like a new model of the Wii.
Except the translation was busted, and the “major concern” part wasn’t there. Not on point NL, tsk tsk
@Thaliard Yeah, I think that it wasn't really the name, it was really a mismatch of the audience of Wii and Wii U, and generally the Wii U not knowing what it wanted to be.
Casual gamers didn't want to get Wii U because they already had a perfectly functioning Wii that could play all their games.
Hardcore gamers didn't want to get it because they didn't want to get the successor to a system they didn't feel was targeted at them.
@Folderoll I love the Wii U and I still play mine a ton, but you have to admit that it was a dismal failure. I think that's the reason why so many of its games are so great. Mario 3D World, DKC: Tropical Freeze, Mario Kart 8, these games were all attempts to bring the Wii U up. They mostly failed, but they are great games.
All they need to do is fix the control drift,make the hardware up to date,Stylish UI,Fixed Eshop,and a good launch line up then bam millions of units sold.
@IronMan30 But Nintendo has almost always done that conflated thing. The Super NES, the Game Boy family, the DS family, the WiiU, the Switch Lite and Oled.
I still don't get why people are clamoring for a Switch 2 and acting like there haven't been two other switches released? 🙄
@johnvboy people also forget the new console will have Pokémon, which is essentially a license to print money.
@Tempestryke To be fair Light And OLED are just upgraded models, and not an actual; successor
@BirdBoy16 Are they or are they not part of the Switch family? There are 3 switches and this company can't pump out consoles at the push of a button.
@Tempestryke I don’t get why people take issue about people hoping for a new console that would have upgraded innards that would help games run smoother and make them look much more prettier, especially after the older system has been on the market for over five years with its old technology inside
@Deljo not going to happen dood.
@westman98 Oh, I can name MANY games… well, if I had the time. But to name a few, there’s Mario Tennis EAces, the Wii U game ports, and Nintendo Switch Sports (seriously, WHY is NSO the ENTIRE GAME?!).
@Tempestryke well Yeah I agree, of course they can’t right away but in a few years they’ll probably need to upgrade the hardware
@RiasGremory I know but i can dream... to be fair its probably only me that wants it as there seems to be plenty on here happy with the switch....
Mario Tennis Aces and Nintendo Switch Sports aren't Wii U ports, and Mario Tennis isn't even a 2022 game 🤣
Firstly, if they don't call the next system, "Switch 2", they're making a big mistake, imo. Calling the last systems, "3DS" and "Wii U", confused people, as they didn't sound like true successors to the previous systems.
They will also need to make games like the next Animal Crossing and Mario Kart completely exclusive to it, if they want repeat success with casual audiences, who make up the majority of Nintendo console buyers. The "hardcore" Nintendo fans are people like us, who buy systems like the Wii U: but we are a small minority.
@westman98 I mentioned Mario Tennis EAces & Nintendo Switch sports as examples of mediocre games. Maybe you'd better learn to read my original post again before you start dropping stuff like that.
I love my wiiU. Prefer it to the switch. I would love the next system to combine the switch and the wiiu and be have the two screen capabilities as the Wiiu while also allowing flat out portability.
If they decide to keep the Switch moniker in the successor, I think Super Switch would be fairly decent - it evokes the Super Nintendo, while keeping the Switch branding intact, and - unlike Wii U and 3DS - it's just different enough to imply that that's a new console.
That said, keeping the word "Switch" would probably only be a good idea if the successor is backwards compatible. To suggest that the console is a massive new console in the Switch series while not allowing customers to play its predecessor's games would likely only need to confusion or anger from the more casual market. We on Nintendo Life might be aware of the next consoles level of backwards compatibility, but the average consumer wouldn't.
Basically, Nintendo billing their next gen console as a brand new system in the Switch series (let's say by naming it Switch 2) but at the same time, not allow older Switch 1 games to run on it, would be akin to Apple, at the height of the mid-late 2000s iPod craze, releasing a brand new "next gen" iPod model that would no longer recognize m4a song file format that all previous models used, as the new iPod can only read a brand new proprietary format. Consumers would not have been pleased - especially those who are not into tech and would therefore be out of the loop in hearing about changed like that. Doing this would have caused a great deal confusion and righteous frustration - which is why that never happened. Hopefully Nintendo avoids that trap.
Call the next switch the super switch and act like the switch was basically a reboot of Nintendo. Switch is your modern equivalent of a NES its successor should be the modern equivalent to the SNES
@NickDaddyCool could be possible to do that maybe instead of a dock and needing to dock the system have it be a dongle like the chromecast and you can stream the game from the system and still use your personal screen as something. Though the latency could be a big issue and graphics would probably suffer from the streaming aspect.
One advantage the Switch successor will have is it's not based on an already failing strategy. For as wildly successful as the Wii was, it really lost momentum fast in the second half of the generation. All the casual gamers that went nuts for the Wii in 2007 started buying tablets and smart phones in 2009. The Wii U was supposed to appeal to the same people as the Wii, but a lot of those people were gone and NEVER coming back.
Whatever you do, don’t name it SwitchU.
Here is the actual quote from Furukawa based on Nintendo's official translation:
If they were to change the form factor for the Switch's successor at all, I'm wondering if they could perhaps use the folding screen technology in the new Samsung flipphones to make an actual 4k handheld. It would probably be a little thicker than the Switch folded up but could perhaps be thinner when unfolded. Battery life for a 4k screen could perhaps be compensated for with one phablet-style battery in each half. The clamshell approach could protect the expensive screen from damage when not in use. Having it thinner (if possible) would help it not be so heavy for kids using it, hopefully lighter than a Steam Deck.
The current Switch cases show 3 different play modes, but really 5 exist: vertical handheld (w/ Flip Grip) and as a tablet (w/ no Joy Cons). The PS2 did so well because people were in the market for a DVD player anyway, and the DS did so well because people were in the market for PDAs already, which it kinda seemed like it could be although perhaps not. To ensure the next console does well, I think they could go all-in on it as a tablet, as people would be buying a tablet anyway. If Apple is gonna try to compete with Nintendo with their Apple Arcade, why not compete with them right back? People would game more if they had to have their NX2 or whatever with them for their business conference anyway (so they can type their notes into or run their presentations from). And while iOS and Android ports are usually shovelware that we all feel like there's too much of already, a tablet mode could mean that we get even more of them or that the ones we would have gotten anyway can have price parity with app stores due to not having to be re-designed.
Two issues with this are (1) that Nintendo's philosophy is dedicated gaming consoles, but that's what made the GameCube flop. (2) Nintendo isn't in the business of making operating systems, and to be taken seriously, would need something like Android. Yet Nintendo is super paranoid about piracy and so would find Android's pretty open app market to be anathema. But Nintendo's been in gaming long enough now that some newer minds are likely having more influence relative to the GameCube era.
I have other ideas if they'd like to recruit me. XD
@joey302 400 physical switch games?!? Be truthful now, have you actually been able to play each and every one of them? That is an impressive collection.
No probably 300 are still factory sealed. I’m also a collector as well as a gamer lol.
@Danrenfroe2016 thats a small number actually. My highest count is Wii with over 900 physical games easily. Lol but yes I’m a collector as well as a gamer but also 1/2 the games I buy is with the intent of playing them but with running a business, wife, 2 kids, a bulldog just kills most of each week lol so I never get around to most of them.
@DDFawfulGuy I remember when a console reaching a million in sales (Atari 5200/7800) was a big deal and guaranteed 3rd party support. No way I think the Cube was a failure it, with Xbox just basically got crushed by ps2 that’s all it was.
Too much overcomplication , the word they're looking for is backward compatibility
The effective way is just build on the Switch. Keep everything that’s great, and just expand on it. They can add and create as much new gaming experiences they want, as long as the Switch’s core features and library of games is maintained. The Switch has become the ultimate template for Nintendo, that must be kept standard for all future hardware going forward.
The name Xbox 360 at least made strategic sense and was a cool name imo.
Otherwise, yeah the Xbox One led to confusion with the original Xbox, and the Series X -> One X naming conventions are just lazy, and have no doubt themselves led to confusion. It happened to me. I saw a Series X in Costco, then had to remind myself it couldn't have been the current gen One X console, which at the time was still hard to find, and I'm presuming still is.
Simple. Think about things like cross-gen games, backwards compatibilty, online services and more importantly, don't let the current Switch behind until the correct time comes. Nintendo quickly abandoned the Wii in early 2013 to make sure everyone swapped to the Wii U, but that didn't work.
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