Japan has had its turn, now it time for North America to get the Nintendo Direct treatment. At 9AM PT (12PM ET) Nintendo of America will hold yet another Nintendo Direct presentation, focusing on forthcoming Wii U and 3DS software due to be released both this year and early in 2013. The event will last for around 30 minutes.
We're standing by to give you play-by-play commentary and updates, and you can enjoy the whole thing right here, on this very page. Excited? You should be!
Don't forget, the European presentation is also taking place at the same time.
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Comments 128
Yikes! Which one do I watch? They're both on at the same time! Are you guys combining the text stream?
My body is ready.
@squashie: Just watch one than the other. Thats what I plan on doing.
I'll stick with Reggie, lol.
I almost forgot that Nintendo did say they didn't tell us everything about Wii U's launch window, so yeah...prepare for some surprises.
(also, please talk about Ultimate, that series in general just need to be known about here)
I bet it's a secret F-zero game!!!! Mark my words! Lol
There better be some new 3DS games announced...
Please give us the street date for Animal Crossing in the States.
@Shworange dude my mind is on f-zero every single time there is a new nintendo direct or E3 hahaha
I'll be at work ;( ill watch it after.
Animal Crossing! Release! Date!
I doubt it's be F-Zero... Didn't Miyamoto say they weren't gonna make anymore because no one bought them.
I want Animal Crossing.!!!!
17 minutes left.
I think they said they were surprised to hear that people still wanted a f-zero game. Which means even if they make one it'll be a while lol
I can't believe people are actually expecting new games to be revealed here....they said on their Facebook it was about "announced" games...how much more clear can you be?
My body is Reggie.
I wish you'd post GMT/CET times in addition to the US time zones. Annoying to always have to look that up on google ^^
School has Ustream blocked. So I'll be relying on your updates!
please sonic & all-stars racing transformed release date for 3ds
@SkywardLink98: First time I've heard that, only thing I heard was that Miyamoto was just surprised people wanted it. Well now they know, so maybe we'll get F-Zero...but not now obviously, lol
Ha, good thing it's night where I live.
I would say watch the one for your region first.
@squashie Watch the one that pertains to you lol. Obviously, I could say, and I suppose I just did.
Oh, well then it was Miyamoto, sorry for that. But he did say he though no one wanted a new F-Zero because no one really bought previous ones.
My Body is Unprepared
My day will be so much happier if the release date for Animal Crossing is released.
@Dodger: My day too!
I just hope they announce it. Other than that, I don't care what else they talk about. Animal Crossing: New Leaf release date already! Come on Nintendo!
Awesome! Ustream works on the WiiU web browser!
Come on MH4 localization announcement.(Dreaming)
GBA games available for non ambassadors please.
Yeah that's what I meant...it surprised him, maybe they'll do something for the series at some point.
Come on Animal Crossing. My body is ready!
Yay! I'm here to watch it live, for once. ^FT^
@Tasuki I TOTALLY agree!
Come on Pikmin 3! Show yourself!
I must admit that Pikmin 3 does look very charming and visually appealing
Pikmin 3 is beautiful!
Alright P3!
As if Pikmin enemies weren't terrifying enough in standard definition!
Q2 2013
...and no release date.
Shew. I'll watch it later on Youtube. This freezing every 15 seconds is really annoying me.
Still lagging with 240p... my poor computer x3
Wii Fit U....yawn
Game & Wario looks great! I'm seeing a pattern of like, no release dates at all. I'm counting on the 3DS 2013 games now as far as solid dates go.
They're already wrapping up the WiiU section?
Pikmin 3 looks great!
guess it's just a quick re-cap of the japanese one... minus google maps etc
...Ok guess there are no Wii U surprises then. :/
Okay I really don't care about Ninja gaiden...
Ninja Gaiden 3 is awesome
Wait, you have to pay for Panorama view?
Well, hopefully there will be some answers in the 3DS department?
Cool Paranorma view! When will they show 3DS though?
Will not be paying for Panorama View
Thanks for this article! The video wouldn't work for me on the NOA site for some reason. Works here, though.
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon! Date please!
Those Two Weirdos Look Like Scientology Nuts. And Neither Is Looking Anywhere Near The Camera, Especially Mr Cross Eye Talking About Luigi.
No Wonder Smtn Smtn Is Going Down The Drains.
...alright. I'm done counting on release dates. Tell us something we don't already know Nintendo. Spring 2013? Quarter 1 2013? I swear we already knew all of this, or it was already assumed. /me waits to be surprised ;_;
Finally an FE release date!
I stand corrected! Yay for them finally giving us an actual release date! February 4th, 2013!
Finally a solid date on a game! I cannot wait for Fire Emblem.
february 4 OMGGGGGGGGG
Soooo weird xD
No date??? WHY??
Well that was hideously disappointing.
Finally something on HarmoKnight! Although not much at all...
"something for your body" — Reggie
Something for your body...hehe. Is your body ready, Reggie?
You hope that everyone... WHAT O_O
Hehe, Reggie said body...
Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon, Harmoknight, and Pikmin 3 made this Nintendo Direct! But seriously... no specific release date on ANY of these? Kinda lame, but at least I can confirm in the next 3-6 months.
Well at least I got to see some Pikmin and Fire Emblem.
Where's Animal Crossing?
Excited about Harmoknight, Tokyo Flash Mobs looks fun, Fire Emblem and Luigi's Mansion will be nice.
But no Animal Crossing. :/
I saw Reshiram in Harmo Knight!
Fire Emblem Awakening = Epic.
y even have this Nintendo direct...showed us what we already knew!..
I woulda liked to have seen something about FSS and ACNL, but now I might have to get FEA...looks like a really deep game.
HARMOKNIGHT! thank you Nintendo!
Wow. Quite disappointing indeed. Why spend a Nintendo Direct just giving new videos of games we already know about if we don't get a firm release date? Only benefit of this stream: Fire Emblem coming in February!
No Monster Hunter, no Animal Crossing makes OhHaiMe something something...
The best announcement for me was Luigi's Mansion.
Pikmin 3 just looks sick good. WOW!
Well I guess we got Fire Emblem, a game I care nothing about.......
...No surprises?...What happened to the "we have a few unnanounced launch window games for Wii U" thing? :/
HarmoKnight. NA confirmation for HarmoKnight made this Nintendo Direct worth it.
Maybe people will stop expecting to much from these presentations from now on..
They are the new smash bros brawl ;_;
But harmoknight confirmation and Fire emblem dates made this awesome
@pariah164 The no date thing is killing me though. XD
An ok showing. Would have wanted some release dates other than vague windows, but seeing the games in action looked great. Fire Emblem has been marked down on my calender.
We can hope, but that's what i thought after the last one.
I never thought I would be interested in a game called "Fruit"...
@TrueWiiMaster I was thinking the same thing. We need news on Animal Crossing!
Still no AC date, HarmoKnight confirmation (expected already just not "official"), and most of the 3DS items have no release dates except the Luigi Mansion game. Nice ND for Wii U players (Ninja Gaiden 3, Lego City Undercover), though. 3DS followers can go back to sleep.
What I really wanted was just one awesome surprise. The absolute least that I realistically expected was release dates for Luigi's Mansion and Animal Crossing. And once again, Nintendo has delivered below my lowest expectations. They're getting really good at doing that.
Also, how much did that guy pay for all of that time just talking about Ninja Gaiden 3? That was the most boring thing! He talked about it for five minutes just to mention the new characters at the end!
We get FE13 before Europe?
Other than that, that was a really boring Nintendo Direct :/
@Pikachupwnage - I've been thinking Pikmin 3 was the new Brawl every since E3. Glad to see Nintendo not let me down.
Just how long can a launch window be if a launch window can be long?
On the bright side, maybe the Wii U's body will be ready out-of-the-box by the time Pikmin 3 launches. Maybe they can make a Wii U look like Olimar's ship. (If a 360 can look like R2D2 I don't see why not.)
@xkaj0x - Thanks for that comment, saved me the trouble.
Yes. i Can finally count down to Fire Emblem Awakening. I am so exited.
First of all, I am really enjoying my Wii U, but this Nintendo Direct furthers my fears about the system and its future. Nintendo's handling with the original unveiling the system in 2011, all the way up to its launch has been just so bad. It's like a movie that never really hits its climax, and the audience (Nintendo fans) are never really satisfied.
Looking back on all of Nintendo's hardware launches we've always had that window into the future, and the games we knew were coming, even if they were far off, helped us through that typical software drought that tends to succeed those launches. We are once again facing such a drought, but with no knowledge of the future to help us through it. Nintendo needed to open up to us fans, and so far they have failed to do so.
My hope is that this is a system that will leave me satisfied by the end of its lifecycle, and so far no Nintendo console has done any less, but Nintendos silence here has me quite worried.
Brain Age! Thanks Nintendo!
These direct videos are so bizarre. There's nothing in them that couldn't be done in a normal press release.They get fans excited with these "announcements" and so far they haven't really surprised anyone. These are all games we knew would be coming soon but now we know they will be out sometime in 2013. Going forward I'll be putting my expectations very low as I always come away disappointed. I mean I wasn't expecting the next Zelda to be announced or anything but the amount of secrecy they have in regards to the Wii U games lineup is rather perplexing.
Huh? We already knew all this. I thought they were going to announce something...???
Been hoping the delays for Pikmin were so they could add online. Guess not if they still haven't announced it. Oh well. Fire Emblem!
Guess there's alot of cool stuff coming out for Wii U! 'Nuff said, so just go buy one now. Haha. For all of those complaning about no news, go watch the news on tv. Haha. Just wait you animals. The games are gonna come out the same day whether it's announced or not, and even if they say release dates, there's always a chance it could get pushed back. Nintendo might even know when they're coming out, and if they do, then it will come out that day whether they announce it tommorow or a month from now.
I mean Nintendo MIGHT not even know in my last post...
Thank God for the Fire Emblem release date. That's about the only 3DS game I'm looking forward to right now.
So people really have a fetish for release dates, huh? Don't really understand why. If a game comes out on March 1st, it'll come out on that day whether I know or not. If I'm told "Q1," it'll still come out whenever it's going to come out. Personally, I kind of like the anticipation and mystery of a vague window over a specific date anyway. People take for granted the level of access and information our connected age gives us. Please calm down, citizens of earth.
(sigh) Another Nintendo Direct where they don't tell us anything about Animal Crossing: New Leaf. COME ON, REGGIE! I've been holding $40 on my eShop account since Japan's release!
They are obviously saving the best for E3 2013.
AC 3DS will probably come to Na in Q1. After all, it doesn't need as much translation as the european version. I like how close FEA's release is, though! But no PMD 3DS mentions for EU OR NA...
LEGO City Undercover looks great. None of the previous LEGO games ever really garnered my interest, but City has won me over. Loved the Morgan Freeman bit. Super stoked for Pikmin, Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing, and Luigi's Mansion as well.
This was awesome. HarmoKnight and FE:A!
This was rather disappointing. No real surprises, though Google Maps and Panorama look nice, I guess. Um, yay Fire Emblem?
I read a rumor on GoNintendo that a black 3DS XL would be announced today... triste.
Lame. No AC release date
Is the xl 3ds blue darker like Reggie's? It always looks like it's much lighter in photo's. His almost has a metallic look.
Pikmin 3
Lego Iwata.
As a wise man named M. Bison once said;
"YES! YES! (duun duun)"
So Game and Wario only has 16 games?? Usually those Wario games have close to a hundred for each game... And they can only be played on the gamepad?? I was super excited for this game, but now it just doesn't sound quite so remarkable anymore.
guess this direct wasnt much of what ppl expected =/
that grace throwing game does look weird and fun at the same time xD wth but would of been more interesting if they hinted at miiverse for 3ds
but at least i know now the date for the luigi game
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