I've seen another topic regarding Video Game Fan Art but I wanted to start a thread where anyone who loves drawing can share their own art. Critiques are welcome (just be respectful).
I'm majoring in Game Art and I make comic books for fun. I love drawing and really want to put myself out there. I know I have lots of work to do to be a great artist and I strive to do better. Here's two pieces I've worked on since I began attending my college.
This is one I worked on yesterday and into earlier today. Took me awhile to work on the trainer. I decided to just use art from Pokémon Dream World as it works better with my art style than the standard Ken Sugiromi's. I've been wanting to do something like this for awhile and I'm glad it turned out good. I regret 'rushing' through it though as the trainer could have looked better had I spent more time. Maybe next time I won't have trouble drawing him again but spend more time tweaking and fixing things. Oh, and he's supposed to look like me (in a 'cartoony' sort of way- like a caricature but not really if you know what I mean. I'll be practicing drawing my favorite Pokémon instead of simply importing them over. I had fun putting in the Pokémon as I had to adjust their height correctly ex. I'm 5'6 and Meganium is 5'11- though I'm not entirely sure they are measuring it standing on it's two back feet; Golem is 4'07 and Carracosta is 3'11 which I made a mistake as it seems that the two are the same height but they're not supposed to be. I also regret not putting Torkoal in as I love turtles and it's one of my favorites.
This is one piece I made awhile ago. It was supposed to be a street with a clock tower in the middle (you can at least see the clock tower in it in some form) and working on perspective. Then, I found the ruler tool in Sketchbook Pro and decided to just draw lines and came up with this. You can see different 'faces' in it as well which I thought was pretty cool as one of them wasn't intentional and reminds me of a character from Super Paper Mario. One of my friends said it reminds him of the Black Eyed Peas recent album because of the choices of color I made. This only took me 2 hours to make since it's really simple.
I call it "Perfectly Imperfect".
EDIT: Fix'd the size of the second picture. Sorry about that TBD.
Those are actually pretty cool though! I was gonna say there's already a similar thread, but I think that one's pixel art only
EDIT - also, you might wanna be careful posting signed pictures in a public place like this...first and last name publicly available = more spam/garbage.
Those are actually pretty cool though! I was gonna say there's already a similar thread, but I think that one's pixel art only
EDIT - also, you might wanna be careful posting signed pictures in a public place like this...first and last name publicly available = more spam/garbage.
Ah okay. I'll keep that in mind. You have a good eye because that's kinda hard to see and never though someone would notice so fast. I'll be sure to censor it soon. Thanks!
Nice stuff. I also want to be a game artist; I just finished secondary school, but not yet doing my finals. Keep with the nice work, you'll be a millionaire in future.
@komicturtle92 Are those pokemon just copied and pasted? If not it's a great drawing of them.
When I'll get home I'll go through my comp to see if there is any good stuff in here. and i swear we have seen this before...
It's like, I just love a cowboy
You know
I'm just like, I just, I know, it's bad
But I'm just like
Can I just like, hang off the back of your horse
And can you go a little faster?!
But seriously, those are some good drawings. :3 they just scare me D:
lol those are just part of my over the top monster style collection. I love drawing my own monster-like characters, but a lot of my stuff has more of an 80's Cartoonish Mega man-like vibe to it. It's like an americanized merger with a splash of DBZ in ways. But i don't have any of that stuff online though.
yeah, that kind of art has always scared me. It's just so....icky. XD
If anythng i need to learn how to color in Photo Shop. I was 2 days into it during college but that was during the time i bailed out. Not interested in color theory and all of the complex stuff that comes with shading and the like, but just to give my cartoons color, the simple basic color you'd seen on an 80's cartoon character for example.
I like your drawings, so I took the liberty of coloring one of them in Photoshop I hope you like the color palette that I used. It might not be what you wanted, but I just chose whatever looked best. I'll post some of my own work later
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