Pokémon Sword and Shield brought Gen 8 to Switch last November and to celebrate we created the sparkling Gen 8 Pokémon database below. It features the full Galar Pokédex, including the 81 new Gen 8 Pokémon and all returning Pokémon. Use the tool below to find out about the new Pokémon and which of your past favourites have made the cut in the Galar Pokédex.
You can also find out more about the three Pokémon Sword and Shield starters and their evolutions, check out our Pokémon type chart for info on strengths and weaknesses, hunt out Easter Eggs in Pokémon Sword and Shield, and find out how to find and evolve Galar region Pokémon from Sirfetch'd to Frosmoth, Alcremie and many more.
We'll update this database with official art as-and-when it's released. Ready to peruse the Galar Pokédex, then?...
How to use the Galar Pokédex tool
- Switch between 'List' and 'Table' view; the latter distils the information and enables you to sort by Galar Pokédex no., National Pokédex no., name, type, etc.
- To search by generation, type 'generation:8' (for example) into the bar and search, or search by name for specific Pokémon.
- For a list of Pokémon Sword or Shield version-exclusive Pokémon, type in 'exclusivity:sword' (or 'shield'), hit 'Return' and voila!
All Pokémon in Pokémon Sword & Shield
Displaying 1 to 50 of 400
Grookey Galar #001 / National #810

- Category
- Chimp
- Type
- Grass
- Height
- 1'
- Weight
- 1.00 lbs
- Abilities
- Overgrow
- Weaknesses
- -
- Generation
- Gen 8 (SwSh)
Thwackey Galar #002 / National #811

- Category
- Unknown
- Type
- Grass
- Height
- ???
- Weight
- ???
- Abilities
- -
- Weaknesses
- -
- Generation
- Gen 8 (SwSh)
Rillaboom Galar #003 / National #812

- Category
- Unknown
- Type
- Grass
- Height
- ???
- Weight
- ???
- Abilities
- -
- Weaknesses
- -
- Generation
- Gen 8 (SwSh)
Scorbunny Galar #004 / National #813

- Category
- Rabbit
- Type
- Fire
- Height
- 1'
- Weight
- 0.90 lbs
- Abilities
- Blaze
- Weaknesses
- -
- Generation
- Gen 8 (SwSh)
Raboot Galar #005 / National #814

- Category
- Unknown
- Type
- Fire
- Height
- ???
- Weight
- ???
- Abilities
- -
- Weaknesses
- -
- Generation
- Gen 8 (SwSh)
Cinderace Galar #006 / National #815

- Category
- Unknown
- Type
- Fire
- Height
- ???
- Weight
- ???
- Abilities
- -
- Weaknesses
- -
- Generation
- Gen 8 (SwSh)
Sobble Galar #007 / National #816

- Category
- Water Lizard
- Type
- Water
- Height
- 1'
- Weight
- 0.80 lbs
- Abilities
- Torrent
- Weaknesses
- -
- Generation
- Gen 8 (SwSh)
Drizzile Galar #008 / National #817

- Category
- Unknown
- Type
- Water
- Height
- ???
- Weight
- ???
- Abilities
- -
- Weaknesses
- -
- Generation
- Gen 8 (SwSh)
Inteleon Galar #009 / National #818

- Category
- Unknown
- Type
- Water
- Height
- ???
- Weight
- ???
- Abilities
- -
- Weaknesses
- -
- Generation
- Gen 8 (SwSh)
Blipbug Galar #010 / National #824

- Category
- Unknown
- Type
- Bug
- Height
- ???
- Weight
- ???
- Abilities
- -
- Weaknesses
- -
- Generation
- Gen 8 (SwSh)
Dottler Galar #011 / National #825

- Category
- Unknown
- Type
- Bug, Psychic
- Height
- ???
- Weight
- ???
- Abilities
- -
- Weaknesses
- -
- Generation
- Gen 8 (SwSh)
Orbeetle Galar #012 / National #826

- Category
- Unknown
- Type
- Bug, Psychic
- Height
- ???
- Weight
- ???
- Abilities
- -
- Weaknesses
- -
- Generation
- Gen 8 (SwSh)
Caterpie Galar #013 / National #010

- Category
- Worm
- Type
- Bug
- Height
- 1' 00"
- Weight
- 0.40 lbs
- Abilities
- Shield Dust
- Weaknesses
- Fire, Flying, Rock
- Generation
- Gen 1 (RBY)
Metapod Galar #014 / National #011

Butterfree Galar #015 / National #012

- Category
- Butterfly
- Type
- Bug, Flying
- Height
- 3' 07"
- Weight
- 0.50 lbs
- Abilities
- Compound Eyes
- Weaknesses
- Rock, Electric, Fire, Flying, Ice
- Generation
- Gen 1 (RBY)
Grubbin Galar #016 / National #736

Charjabug Galar #017 / National #737

Vikavolt Galar #018 / National #738

- Category
- Stag Beetle
- Type
- Bug, Electric
- Height
- 4' 11"
- Weight
- 9.20 lbs
- Abilities
- Levitate
- Weaknesses
- Fire, Rock
- Generation
- Gen 7 (SM)
Hoothoot Galar #019 / National #163

Noctowl Galar #020 / National #164

Rookidee Galar #021 / National #821

- Category
- Unknown
- Type
- Flying
- Height
- ???
- Weight
- ???
- Abilities
- -
- Weaknesses
- -
- Generation
- Gen 8 (SwSh)
Corvisquire Galar #022 / National #822

- Category
- Unknown
- Type
- Flying
- Height
- ???
- Weight
- ???
- Abilities
- -
- Weaknesses
- -
- Generation
- Gen 8 (SwSh)
Corviknight Galar #023 / National #823

Skwovet Galar #024 / National #819

- Category
- Unknown
- Type
- Normal
- Height
- ???
- Weight
- ???
- Abilities
- -
- Weaknesses
- -
- Generation
- Gen 8 (SwSh)
Greedent Galar #025 / National #820

- Category
- Unknown
- Type
- Normal
- Height
- ???
- Weight
- ???
- Abilities
- -
- Weaknesses
- -
- Generation
- Gen 8 (SwSh)
Pidove Galar #026 / National #519

- Category
- Tiny Pigeon
- Type
- Normal, Flying
- Height
- 1' 00"
- Weight
- 0.60 lbs
- Abilities
- Super Luck, Big Pecks
- Weaknesses
- Electric, Ice, Rock
- Generation
- Gen 5 (BW)
Tranquill Galar #027 / National #520

- Category
- Wild Pigeon
- Type
- Normal, Flying
- Height
- 2' 00"
- Weight
- 3.10 lbs
- Abilities
- Super Luck, Big Pecks
- Weaknesses
- Electric, Ice, Rock
- Generation
- Gen 5 (BW)
Unfezant Galar #028 / National #521

- Category
- Proud
- Type
- Normal, Flying
- Height
- 3' 11"
- Weight
- 3.90 lbs
- Abilities
- Super Luck, Big Pecks
- Weaknesses
- Electric, Ice, Rock
- Generation
- Gen 5 (BW)
Nickit Galar #029 / National #827

- Category
- Unknown
- Type
- Dark
- Height
- ???
- Weight
- ???
- Abilities
- -
- Weaknesses
- -
- Generation
- Gen 8 (SwSh)
Thievul Galar #030 / National #828

- Category
- Unknown
- Type
- Dark
- Height
- ???
- Weight
- ???
- Abilities
- -
- Weaknesses
- -
- Generation
- Gen 8 (SwSh)
Zigzagoon (Galarian) Galar #031 / National #263

- Category
- Tiny Raccoon
- Type
- Dark, Normal
- Height
- 1' 4"
- Weight
- 8.60 lbs
- Abilities
- Pickup, Gluttony
- Weaknesses
- -
- Generation
- Gen 3 (RSE)
Linoone (Galarian) Galar #032 / National #264

Obstagoon Galar #033 / National #862

Wooloo Galar #034 / National #831

- Category
- Sheep
- Type
- Normal
- Height
- 2'
- Weight
- 3.20 lbs
- Abilities
- Fluffy, Run Away
- Weaknesses
- -
- Generation
- Gen 8 (SwSh)
Dubwool Galar #035 / National #832

- Category
- Unknown
- Type
- Normal
- Height
- ???
- Weight
- ???
- Abilities
- -
- Weaknesses
- -
- Generation
- Gen 8 (SwSh)
Lotad Galar #036 / National #270

- Category
- Water Weed
- Type
- Water, Grass
- Height
- 1' 08"
- Weight
- 0.70 lbs
- Abilities
- Swift Swim, Rain Dish
- Weaknesses
- Bug, Flying, Poison
- Exclusive to
- Pokémon Shield
- Generation
- Gen 3 (RSE)
Lombre Galar #037 / National #271

- Category
- Jolly
- Type
- Water, Grass
- Height
- 3' 11"
- Weight
- 1.60 lbs
- Abilities
- Swift Swim, Rain Dish
- Weaknesses
- Bug, Flying, Poison
- Exclusive to
- Pokémon Shield
- Generation
- Gen 3 (RSE)
Ludicolo Galar #038 / National #272

- Category
- Carefree
- Type
- Water, Grass
- Height
- 4' 11"
- Weight
- 21.30 lbs
- Abilities
- Swift Swim, Rain Dish
- Weaknesses
- Bug, Flying, Poison
- Exclusive to
- Pokémon Shield
- Generation
- Gen 3 (RSE)
Seedot Galar #039 / National #273

- Category
- Acorn
- Type
- Grass
- Height
- 1' 08"
- Weight
- 0.80 lbs
- Abilities
- Chlorophyll, Early Bird
- Weaknesses
- Bug, Fire, Flying, Ice, Poison
- Exclusive to
- Pokémon Sword
- Generation
- Gen 3 (RSE)
Nuzleaf Galar #040 / National #274

- Category
- Wily
- Type
- Grass, Dark
- Height
- 3' 03"
- Weight
- 1.70 lbs
- Abilities
- Chlorophyll, Early Bird
- Weaknesses
- Bug, Fire, Fighting, Flying, Ice, Poison, Fairy
- Exclusive to
- Pokémon Sword
- Generation
- Gen 3 (RSE)
Shiftry Galar #041 / National #275

- Category
- Wicked
- Type
- Grass, Dark
- Height
- 4' 03"
- Weight
- 31.40 lbs
- Abilities
- Chlorophyll, Early Bird
- Weaknesses
- Bug, Fire, Fighting, Flying, Ice, Poison, Fairy
- Exclusive to
- Pokémon Sword
- Generation
- Gen 3 (RSE)
Chewtle Galar #042 / National #833

- Category
- Unknown
- Type
- Water
- Height
- ???
- Weight
- ???
- Abilities
- -
- Weaknesses
- -
- Generation
- Gen 8 (SwSh)
Drednaw Galar #043 / National #834

- Category
- Bite
- Type
- Water, Rock
- Height
- 3' 3"
- Weight
- 54.60 lbs
- Abilities
- Strong Jaw, Shell Armor
- Weaknesses
- -
- Generation
- Gen 8 (SwSh)
Purrloin Galar #044 / National #509

Liepard Galar #045 / National #510

Yamper Galar #046 / National #835

- Category
- Puppy
- Type
- Electric
- Height
- 1'
- Weight
- 9.80 lbs
- Abilities
- Ball Fetch
- Weaknesses
- -
- Generation
- Gen 8 (SwSh)
Boltund Galar #047 / National #836

- Category
- Unknown
- Type
- Electric
- Height
- ???
- Weight
- ???
- Abilities
- -
- Weaknesses
- -
- Generation
- Gen 8 (SwSh)
Bunnelby Galar #048 / National #659

- Category
- Digging
- Type
- Normal
- Height
- 1' 04"
- Weight
- 1.00 lbs
- Abilities
- Pickup, Cheek Pouch
- Weaknesses
- Fighting
- Generation
- Gen 6 (XY)
Diggersby Galar #049 / National #660

- Category
- Digging
- Type
- Normal, Ground
- Height
- 3' 03"
- Weight
- 3.50 lbs
- Abilities
- Pickup, Cheek Pouch
- Weaknesses
- Water, Grass, Ice, Fighting
- Generation
- Gen 6 (XY)
Minccino Galar #050 / National #572

- Category
- Chinchilla
- Type
- Normal
- Height
- 1' 04"
- Weight
- 2.80 lbs
- Abilities
- Cute Charm, Technician
- Weaknesses
- Fighting
- Generation
- Gen 5 (BW)
Phew! So which are your favourites from all the new faces? Remember, we'll update this with official art as and when it becomes available. In the meantime, let us know below which ones you're eager to catch.
Comments 55
W00t! Many of the Galar pokemon look pretty cool!
@PBandSmelly I love how everyone is taking one part of the producer's comment as the only reason Pokémon were cut.
Here is a refresher of his comment (with added bolding to highlight the expanded reason from his comments):
"There are a couple of different parts to the thinking behind it, but really the biggest reason for it is just the sheer number of Pokémon. We already have well over 800 Pokemon species, and there's going to be more added in these games. And now that they're on the Nintendo Switch, we're creating it with much higher fidelity with higher quality animations. But even more than that, it's coming down to the battle system. We're making sure we can keep everything balanced and give all the Pokemon that appear in the games a chance to shine."
"We knew at some point we weren't going to be able to indefinitely keep supporting all of the Pokemon, and we just found that Sword and Shield would probably be a good point to go back and reevaluate what would be the best selection of Pokemon that appeal to the widest audience while keeping into consideration the balance of the battle system. It isn't just going to be all-new Pokemon in the Galar region Pokedex; there's still going to be a lot of favorites that fans will be able to bring over that they've adventured with previously. But yeah, it was pretty much just balancing and getting this optimal selection of Pokemon for the adventure we wanted to provide."
EDIT: I am far from a Pokémon fanboy - I have never even owned a Pokémon title. However, I hate the fact people are trending a hashtag to bash a whole company based off of one minor aspect of what the producer said regarding the cut in Pokémon.
Well, if they really wanted to balance the battle system, they could just limit the pokemon available to use in each competition (like they already did before). With things the way they are now, as soon as the next game releases sword and shield will become obsolete for competitions or even casual battling between different versions.
They could even make different tiers (something like smogon) based off of the online usage statistics and have them be an option when battling online.
@GamingFan4Lyf If they wanted to balance, then just limit who you can use in tournaments. That would be easy.
Thet have no excuse for not being able to fit all the Pokémon, that would have been easy and they have the space. They are just inefficient.
As for making certain Pokémon shine, that should be up to the player. What if a player likes furret? No chance to shine now because they cut it to make someone else shine. You should never remove choice from the player.
I have not heard anyone say that the game has become more balanced yet due to the cuts.
@Kalmaro I couldn't care less if people buy Pokemon or don't buy Pokemon. What I do care about is taking a single portion of a person's comment and making it cannon fodder.
Yet gain, the internet is the internet and people comment on the headline rather than the content of an article.
Look you can say that the whole comment is a lie, that's fine. It could be total PR speak, I don't care. I am not defending Game Freak in any of it's decisions. What I do have issue with is that people are taking the "animation update" as the only reason the producer stated, when, in fact, he said more.
"[They] have no excuse for not being able to fit all the Pokémon, that would have been easy and they have the space. They are just inefficient."
Easy huh?
Okay, go develop a game yourself and balance every one of those Pokemon acceptably on top of adding another 81 new Pokémon models and animation work and let me know how "easy" that was.
Now as far as this list is concerned, the Pokedex being reduced to something less intimidating is tempting me to give this game a solid look.
I'm actually glad there's "only" 400 monsters in this game, it's enough for me. This is from my perspective of course.
@GamingFan4Lyf this
"Okay, go develop a game yourself and balance every one of those Pokemon acceptably"
Hi, competitive player eince D/P here.
Tell that to Gamefreak first. Why would you hold someone on the internet to a higher standard than the company who makes the games? Is it because you're making a terrible strawman argument?
@GamingFan4Lyf The problem is that you're assuming I have to make my own game to tell if something is done wrong. I don't. We have people who have looked into the code already ma dhave pulled up how gamefreak has done a very bad job of properly utilizing what they have. Like how they have several copies of Pokémon for no reason (like with dynamaxing).
Or how they have multiple copies of the same patch of grass when you only need to use one and call to it multiple times.
You don't need a degree in gaming to tell that's bad.
The lies about making animation better is just the very tip of the iceberg.
@GamingFan4Lyf I already posted about this in another thread but when they say the sheer number of pokemons in the first place and gameplay balance is an issue... I believe them.
Beyond even just making sure stuff is "balanced" think about the process that must go into reviewing every single pokemons, every single generations of the game.
And I'm not joking. To repost what I've posted on another thread, here's just how many changes(and take note how even the more "stabilized" later gens still saw some small additions and removals) just Meowth has seen in every single generations from gen1 to gen7.
And let's recall there's hundred of these critters or that I didn't even cover Meowth's Persian evolution or what are the pokemon you need breed moves FROM when it comes to breeding or even where TMs/Tutors are located in their respective games. So without further ado:
Gen 1
By leveling up:
Scratch(1), Growl(1), Bite(12), Pay Day(17), Screech(24), Fury Swipe(33), Slash(44)
By TMs/HMs:
Toxic, Body Slam, Take Down, Double-Edge, Bubblebeam, Water Gun, Pay Day, Rage, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Mimic, Double Team, Bide, Swift, Skull Bash, Rest, Substitute
Gen2(introduced breeding):
By leveling up:
Scratch(1), Growl(1), Bite(11, used to be 12), Pay Day(20, used to be 17), Faint Attack(28, new), Screech(35, used to be 24), Fury Swipe(41, used to be 33), Slash(46, used to be 44)
Added: Faint Attack at lvl.28)))
By TMs/HMs:
Headbutt(new), Curse(new), Toxic, Zap Cannon(new), Psyche Up(new), Hidden Power(new), Sunny Day(new), Snore(new), Icy Wind(new), Protect(new), Endure(new), Iron Tail(new), Frustration(new), Thunder, Return(new), Shadow Ball(new), Mud-Slap(new), Double Team, Swagger(new), Sleep Talk(new), Swift, Defense Curl(new), Dream Eater(new), Detect(new), Rest, Attract(new), Thief(new), Nightmare(new)
(((Removed: Body Slam, Take Down, Double-Edge, Bubblebeam, Water Gun, Pay Day, Rage, Thunderbolt, Bide, Skull Bash, Substitute.)))
By breeding:
Amnesia, Charm, Hypnosis, Spite
By leveling((note: even within that Gen, LeafGreen/Firered had different levels acquisition values!)):
Scratch(1), Growl(1), Bite(11, LGFR: 10), Pay Day(20, LGFR: 18), Faint Attack(28, LGFR: 25), Screech(35, LGFR: 31), Fury Swipe(41, LGFR: 36), Slash(46, LGFR: 40), Fake Out(50, new, LGFR: 43), Swagger(LGFR: 45)
By TMs/HMs: Water Pulse(new), Toxic, Hidden Power, Sunny Day, Taunt(new), Protect, Rain Dance(new), Frustration, Iron Tail, Thunderbolt("new"), Thunder, Return, Dig(new), Shadow Ball, Double Team, Shock Wave(new), Aerial Ace(new), Torment(new), Facade(new), Secret Power(new), Rest, Attract, Thief, Snatch(new), Cut(new), Flash(new)
(((Removed: Headbutt, Curse,, Zap Cannon, Psyche Up, Hidden Power, Sunny Day, Snore, Icy Wind, Protect, Endure, Mud-Slap, Sleep Talk, Swift, Defense Curl, Dream Eater, Detect, Nightmare)))
By Breeding:
Amnesia, Assist(new), Charm, Hypnosis, Psych Up(new), Spite
Gen4(move tutors, events added):
By Leveling:
Scratch(1), Growl(1), Bite(6, used to be 11-10), Fake Out(9, used to be 50-43), Fury Swipes(14, used to be 41-36), Screech(17, used to be 35-31), Faint Attack(22, used to be 28-25), Taunt(25, new), Pay Day(30, used to be 20-18), Slash(33, used to be 46-40), Nasty Plot(38, new), Assurance(41, new), Captivate(46, new), Night Slash(49, new), Feint(PlatHGSS: 54, new)
(((removed: Swagger)))
By TMs/HMs:
Water Pulse, Toxic, Hidden Power, Sunny Day, Taunt, Protect, Rain Dance, Frustration, Iron Tail, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Return, Dig, Shadow Ball, Double Team, Shock Wave, Aerial Ace, Torment, Facade, Secret Power, Rest, Attract, Thief, Snatch, Endure("new"), Shadow Claw(new), Payback(new), Flash, Psych Up, Captivate(new), Dark Pulse(new), Dream Eater("new"), Swagger("new"), U-Turn(new), Sustitute(new), Cut
By Breeding:
Amnesia, Assist, Charm, Flail(new), Hypnosis, Last Resort(new), Odor Sleuth(new), Psych Up, Punishment(new), Spite, Tail Whip(new)
By Tutoring:
Headbut, Gunk Shot, Icy Wind, Knock Off, Last Resort, Mud-Slap, Seed Bomb, Snore, Spite, Swift, Uproar
By Event:
"Pokemon Center Meowth": Assist
Gen5(Added Dream World):
By Leveling:
Scratch(1), Growl(1), Bite(6), Fake Out(9), Fury Swipe(14), Screech(17), Faint Attack(22), Taunt(25), Pay Day(30), Slash(33), Nasty Plot(38), Assurance(41), Captivate(46), Night Slash(49), Feint(54)
By TMs/HMs:
Hone Claws(new), Toxic, Hidden Power, Sunny Day, Taunt, Protect, Rain Dance, Frustration, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Return, Dig, Shadow Ball, Double Team, Aerial Ace, Torment, Facade, Rest, Attract, Thief, Round(new), Echoed Voice(new), Shadow Claw, Payback, Retaliate(new), Flash, Psych Up, Work Up(new), Dream Eater, Swagger, U-Turn, Substitute, Cut
(((Removed: Water Pulse, Iron Tail, Shock Wave, Secret Power, Snatch, Endure, Captivate, Dark Pulse)))
By breeding:
Amnesia, Assist, Charm, Flail, Foul Play(new), Hypnosis, Iron Tail(new), Last Resort, Odor Sleuth, Punishment, Snatch(new), Spite, Tail Whip
((removed: psych up))
By tutoring:
Covet(new), Dark Pulse(new), Foul Play(new), Gunk Shot, Hyper Voice(new), Icy Wind, Iron Tail(new), Knock Off, Last Resort, Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk(new), Snatch(new), Snore, Spite, Uproar
(((removed: Swift, Mud-Slap)))
Dream World:
Spooky Manor: Hypnosis, Secret Power
Team Rocket Meowth: Sing, Nasty Plot
By Leveling:
Scratch(1), Growl(1), Bite(6), Fake Out(9), Fury Swipres(14), Screech(17), Feint Attack(22), Taunt(25), Pay Day(30), Slash(33), Nasty Plot(38), Assurance(41), Captivate(46), Night Slash(49), Feint(50, used to be 54)
By TMs/HMs:
Hone Claws, Toxic, Hidden Power, Sunny Day, Taunt, Protect, Rain Dance, Frustration, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Return, Dig, Shadow Ball, Double Team, Aerial Ace, Torment, Facade, Rest, Attract, Thief, Round, Echoed Voice, Shadow Claw, Payback, Retaliate, Flash, Psych Up, Dream Eater, Swagger, Sleep Talk("new"), U-Turn, Substitute, Secret Power(new, ORAS-only), Dark Pulse("new"), Confide(new), Cut
(((removed: Work Up)))
By Breeding:
Amnesia, Assist, Charm, Flail, Foul Play, Hypnosis, Iron Tail, Last Resort, Odor Sleuth, Punishment, Snatch, Spite, Tail Whip
By Tutoring:
Covet, Foul Play, Gunk Shot, Hyper Voice, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Knock Off, Last Resort, Seed Bomb, Shock Wave(new), Snatch, Snore, Spite, Uproar, Water Pulse(new)
(((removed: Dark Pulse)))
By Event:
Happy Meowth: Happy Hour
Gen7(introduced Alolan Forms):
Regular Meowth
By Leveling:
Scratch(1), Growl(1), Bite(6), Fake Out(9), Fury Swipe(14), Screech(17), Feint Attack(22), Taunt(25), Pay Day(30), Slash(33), Nasty Plot(38), Assurance(41), Captivate(46), Night Slash(49), Feint(50)
By TMs/HMs:
Work Up, Toxic, Hidden Power, Sunny Day, Taunt, Protect, Rain Dance, Frustration, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Return, Shadow Ball, Double Team, Aerial Ace, Torment, Facade, Rest, Attract, Thief, Round, Echoed Voice, Shadow Claw, Payback, Psych Up, Dream Eater, Swagger, Sleep Talk, U-Turn, Dark Pulse, Confide
(((removed: Hone Claws, Dig, Retaliate, Flash, Secret Power, Cut)))
By Breeding:
Amnesia, Assist, Charm, Flail, Foul Play, Hypnosis, Last Resort, Odor Sleuth, Iron Tail, Punishment, Snatch, Spite, Tail Whip
By Tutoring:
Covet, Foul Play, Gunk Shot, Hyper Voice, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Knock Off, Last Resort, Seed Bomb, Shock Wave, Snatch, Snore, Spite, Throat Chop(new), Uproar, Water Pulse
Alolan Meowth(Typed change to Dark from Kanto Meowth's Normal):
By Leveling:
Scratch(1), Growl(1), Bite(6), Fake Out(9), Fury Swipe(14), Screech(17), Feint Attack(22), Taunt(25), Pay Day(30), Slash(33), Nasty Plot(38), Assurance(41), Captivate(46), Night Slash(49), Feint(50), Dark Pulse(55, new)
By TMs/HMs:
Work Up, Toxic, Hidden Power, Sunny Day, Taunt, Protect, Rain Dance, Frustration, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Return, Shadow Ball, Double Team, Aerial Ace, Torment, Facade, Rest, Attract, Thief, Round, Echoed Voice, Quash(new), Embargo(new), Shadow Claw, Payback, Psych Up, Dream Eater, Swagger, Sleep Talk, U-Turn, Substitute, Dark Pulse, Confide
By Breeding:
Amnesia, Assist, Charm, Covet, Flail, Flatter(new), Foul Play, Hypnosis, Parting Shot(new), Punishment, Snatch, Spite
(((missing: Odor Sleuth, Iron Tail, Tail Whip)))
By Tutoring:
Covet, Foul Play, Gunk Shot, Hyper Voice, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Knock Off, Last Resort, Seed Bomb, Shock Wave, Snatch, Snore, Spite, Throat Chop, Uproar, Water Pulse
@GamingFan4Lyf Honestly, same.
Like.... I just (and as I just posted) went through the changes experienced by just Meowth throughout the generations, covering only what moves it could learn and how.
And honestly.... holy hell I'm surprised they didn't cut the national dex sooner because there's hundreds of these buggers to review every single generations to see how they could change(or even just tweak/adjust in small ways) them for a new generation.
And in some of these gens we could only get Meowth through transfer or trading to boot yet it still saw adjustments get made to it.
@Kalmaro It's not just about "multiplayer" balance.
It's about just the job of reviewing them every single generations even just for moves that could be adjusted to a different level(or mean) of acquisition or even just ones that are obsolete(such as being tied to mechanics that are no longer used) and thus don't need to be kept in the pokemon's code.
That still means hundred upon hundred of these critters to review every single generation.
Just look at how Meowth's movelist changed from Gen 1 to Gen 2 to Gen 3 to Gen 4 to Gen 5 to Gen 6 to Gen 7.
It started stabilizing around Gen5, but even there every new gens that followed saw minor tweaks and changes, even for games that didn't feature Meowth in the regional dex.
And that's taking a single pokemon(of hundreds, a number that just kept rising up every new gens), without taking into account that it has an evolution or the region you find it in the game itself/etc.
Garbador appeals to the main audience? Lmao.
I'm just sad Dragonite got cut. He's my favorite. 😔
@imananjidesuka Like... at this rate I might like to see the National Dex but in the context of games with story modes/events/etc... I don't see the National Dex returning in a "gameplay" kind of fashion outside of maybe a resurection of a Pokemon Collosseum app(which can release AFTER the core game of a gen, and don't need a story mode allowing more time to be spent on balance/etc) for Nintendo Online Service suscribers or something of the like some while after Pokemon Home is released.
Like even if somehow it magically return because they streamline their Switch/future platforms development process/etc, I still imagine the first pair of a new generation will always be restricted to just a regional dex even if just initially.
Gonna have fun doing something with this games pokemon~ :3
It was pretty fun discovering all the new Pokemon since ultimately I managed to keep myself relatively spoiler free despite the internet trying its damnest to ruin that.
Overall the new Pokemon in this gen quite fine, I love the new alternate looks and new evolutions for said forms in particular. Ultimately I ended up only sticking with Falinks out of the new Pokemon so if I ever do decide to replay the game there is at least plenty left to try.
Bunnelby looks like the bunnies you chase at the start of Super Mario galaxy....right?
I dont care about pokemon but isnt it about ”catch them all”? Couldnt they have atleast kept all the sun/moon mon? Isnt Ultra Beasts gone from this game? If thats true its so weird. People defending this will propably defend Nintendo if they decide to cut alot of elements and content from earlier Mario Maker games if Mario Maker 3 gets released in the next gen.
Cant belivie they cut Rockruff, hahaha. People defending bad decisions is what makes companies release more and more halfbaked games.
Wow this article is just bait for people to moan about the game and whinge that pokemon have been cut, over 1100 pokemon that is just a crazy amount to catch, what do you want? 30+ in each route, 500 pokemon in the wild area? Lol
If your that upset then just don't buy the game it's your loss, as this to me is one of the best pokemon games I've played so far and a great first entry on the Nintendo switch
@Ludovsky exactly this is what people don't understand, if they did this for over 1100 pokemon then this game would of took another 2 years atleast whereas they tend to bring out a new game every two years
When I heard the news of not all pokeymans will be in this gen, I initially decided to skip this gen. Honestly, I chose to forget pokemon altogether. The night before release, I failed in my mission and got Sword. I looked up to see if my 2 fav pokemon (Dewgong and Luxray) made the cut, but alas, they will not be joining me in my (post) adventure this time.
You know what though? The sting is gone. I've been so obsessed with catching them all that it really made me too OCD to just ENJOY the games for what they are. My shuckles have been removed (ironic pun for you serious folks here).
I'm glad I'm not missing out on this gen. The game is fun and has me excited for the next installments of tomorrow.
@BarefootBowser I'm going to have to disagree with you on the grass thing. This isn't a case of them just putting a couple copies of grass and then copying that. They put tons and tons of the same grass, they make it so they have to load ALL the Pokémon when you have a random encounter, and that's just two examples. You have Lily having multiple models for no reason. They just have a copy of aodel used in multiple scenes instead of just referencing one, which isn't helpful and just takes up space.
@Ludovsky that still doesn't explain just removing it from the game. If balance was the real problem, why not just add them back after they have been balanced?
Them changing moves isn't special. They do that for a ton of Pokémon that stuck around... Including Meowth.
I get that Charmander and his family is popular, but its kinda weird that he's the only pre-gen VIII starter to make it in.
Any else bummed that all of the fighting type Pokémon designs aren’t very cool or interesting? It’s like their solution is to put boxing gloves on everything. Even sirfetchd doesn’t come across as fighting type. I feel like he should be normal/steel or something. Also, no new eveelutions is sad
@Kalmaro on adding then back...
You know, it might still happen.
We know there's currently 435 pokemons in the game data(not including variants but apparently those ARE there) but I was looking at stuff quick.
We have returning pokemons.
We have new ones.
We have new Galar regional variants.
We have galar legendaries.
We have returning legendaries.
We have returning mythical.
.... but I have NOT seen a pokemon that could be considered a brand new Galar mythical.
And I don't see the anime wing of The Pokemon Company having a new gen without a new mythical to make a movie about or such.
And thus the only mean by which they can have a new mythical exclusive to Galar will have to be adding it LATER since currently there seem to be none. Which tbh is a good way to keep the anime spoiler free because there is no data to data mine.... yet.
So that absence is very dubious which make me suspect (considering the "35" have entries but no pokedex numbers and are only listed as "foreign") that the game is already setup for post-release additions to be revealed and released at their own pace.
I don't think we'll get a "national" dex(as i covered with meowth, it IS a lot to review and revise before graphics are even considered)but I suspect that even if the galardex remains the same... Sword&Shield's list of supported pokemons will still be larger in 1-2 years from now than it currently is. And their statement just happens to be a good way to cover their rear expectations-wise IF it turns out that even in that fashion they can't add a "sufficient" amount of new additions.
This said having a collection of pokemons already flagged as "foreign" could be perfect ooof the next gen8 pair of games is a remake of another region(Sinnoh is strongly suspected) whose data could be added to Sword and Shield.... within that "foreign" tag.
@playstation_king yeah
Plus I suspect that considering the data mined stuff seem to imply there's currently none Galar Mythicals.... we likely haven't seen the full list of pokemons for Sword and Shield yet.
And there's 35 already in their with entries but no pokedex number and instead a "foreign" tag already existing in the game.
Which is a perfect setup if the next gen8 pair of games just so happen to be a remake of another("foreign") region again. Since that would be a perfect tag to dump a hundred of "new" pokemons under.
@Ludovsky plus I suspect they will patch in special events for the raid battles such as previous gen legendaries, hence why their data is still in the game
@Ludovsky I'm thinking those are just going to be special even Pokémon or something similar.
They did say they wouldn't add Pokémon later but they've lied before so...
@playstation_king yuuuup
I mean the mutable nature of the wild areas(already featuring variable weather and apparently variable pokemon spawns ontop of the traditional day/night cycle) and the fact it basically work as a Lite online hub already means it's already perfectly primed for time-limited online-triggered events
@Kalmaro might also have to check maybe of they meant "not adding to the pokedex" or "not adding to the games at all".
If anything the more time passes the more devs in any studio will be ever wary about ANYTHING they say when people be intense enough as to dig up interviews almost a decade old as I've seen some folks do about a Masuda interview telling how they would never cut the pokedex... around Black and White's release in 2010, 9 years ago.
Best be called a liar for later adding content you claimed wasn't coming than being called a liar for making an over-optimistic promise that reality forces you to break.
If the content can't be added on the corner case, then at least that person will have told the truth about their limitation.
Case in point, the No Man's Sky game. Massive backlash about "promises broken" at releases. Now with a strong and hyped community always awaiting the next feature update of which often nothing is told about Until. It's. Ready.
The higher complexity of developing for a new console introducing new concept/etc makes me suspect GF might be hitting that point where they realize it's best top keep expectations low and leave the room for surprises later than to risk a hype that would backlash too hard.
Also another observation of mine: the wild areas probably reserve us more surprise than we think. The place already feature a variable weather system and seemingly variable pokemon spawns ontop of being a lite multiplayer/online hub that exists outside the core story areas. So I highly suspect we shall see online-triggered update events throwing stuff at us such as "rare/foreign pokemons incursions"/etc events that will appropriately change the spawn list of given section of the wild area during the forementionned events into of special dynamax/etc raids
@Ludovsky https://nintendoeverything.com/game-freak-has-no-plans-to-add-missing-pokemon-in-sword-shield-later-on/
@Kalmaro He says that they "currently" have no plans, but since the backlash they have recieved they most likely do have plans to now
@BLD Of course I don't hold a single person to a higher standard than a development studio, but, as a developer, when I hear "Oh it would be easy if..." it just makes my blood boil. Unless you are in there crunching the numbers, you have no idea how "easy" it is.
So, yes, I admit I went a touch off the rails there, but as a developer, please don't just say something like "it would be easy if...."
For all we know, the gigantic Pokedex has been crushing Game Freak under it's own weight for a while now, and the company felt that now was the time to lighten the load - even admitting so. We won't know because all we see is the end result that could have taken brutal amounts of hours appeasing fans when new Pokemon are added to the list.
Perhaps enough was enough and things needed to change.
I'm having a blast playing these games! The only real negative for me has been the online toxicity. Pokemon has become the next Sword Art Online - the thing that you're only allowed to talk about the negatives for and ignore all the positives.
Raid battles are a heck of a lot of fun!
The gyms in this game are some of the best we've ever had!
The music is amazing - especially the gym theme!
The variety of Pokemon you have to choose from right out the gate is unmatched in any other Pokemon game. No trading, no breeding, no other games and systems required!
The creativity of the new Pokemon is great! I love almost every design this gen! And that flavor and creativity extends to the NPCs as well!
The quality of life improvements are amazing! Using the box from essentially anywhere, the ability to avoid running into wild Pokemon when you don't want to, the simple 4 digit code to set up wifi battles/trades/raids, these are all great features!
It's easier than ever to get competitive Pokemon and even competitive shiny Pokemon thanks to the mints!
Just thought I'd share some of the reasons I'm having a blast with the game. Is it perfect? Heck no! But is it the bane of life and the end of Pokemon? Only in the haters dreams!
@Ludovsky Your research made my head spin! LOL
@playstation_king They probably do but all we have to go on is what he said before. They have no plans to add anyone.
@GamingFan4Lyf I too get annoyed when I see people claim to know better than developers, and especially when they claim developers are lying or lazy. While I’ve never worked as a developer myself, I had several friends who did, and I recall how overworked they were, and how it impacted their health and social lives. Trying to claim they were just slacking off shows how ignorant some of these “critics” are.
While I quite enjoy this particular game, I still have some criticism about certain aspects, and it’s a shame any real feedback has become buried under all the insults and conspiracy theories.
@GamingFan4Lyf sorry! But if it means anything it made my own head spin to see how much a single pokemon could change throughout the gen!
Also if it means anything, all I did was copy and paste data compiled on the bulbapedia.
They're the crazy ones because they've compiled such cross-generations infos for EVERY pokemons. Every single ones of them. They even list the specific pokemons a pokemon need to be bred with to acquire some moves. Or, in some case, the breeding chain that's required to do so.
This franchise is insane XD
While i appreciate the sentiment and considerations of GameFreak’s decision, i cant help but question some of their Pokémon choices; ‘balance’ + appeal = Trubbish? I dont know how all the mons all match up balance wise, but a selection of 400 mons becomes that little but more painful with some of the choices. You cant please everyone, but fairly sure there are a lot of wasted choices in the eyes of many people. But the other thing is that a game like X/Y actually had about 50+ or so more mons in its local dex.
I think it would have eased the pain a bit if they went that little bit further in having the largest local dex and took a bit more care on the appeal side. But thats just my opinion. Perhaps im wrong and people are happy with some of the more potentially controversial choices. shrug
As long i can use Sawk and Lucario, i'm already content. 😁
@imananjidesuka You don't recall any controversy because your post is factually incorrect.
All of the GBA games have all of the Pokemon coded in. Pokemon Firered/Leafgreen and Colosseum all came out in early 2004. You also didn't need to own those games to get the Pokemon, as you could technically just get someone to trade with you.
So yes, Johto Pokemon were available.
No Meloetta?!, Oh my, nooo ..., She is my favorite Pokemon ...., oh well ....
Well, then, there are still many Pokemon from previous generations that are in the current games, that's good; as I said in a single occasion, I also do not like the idea, and as seen in my first paragraph, my favorite Pokemon is not in the games, which really makes me sad, however, as they said, if not in this game, in the next one; In addition, here I make a point that I would like that there is some reason to cut the Pokedex, although it is not 100% good, but it is understood and is the following:
One question, do we really "catch" ALL the pokemon really all of us to complete the Pokedex (Regional and National)? I think not; and from here, another question, Really, Really ""we use"" ALL Pokemon for battles, or events; Do we train them all or, only those that interest us or those recommended by "experts" in battles?
Therefore, why so much negativity if from the beginning we do not all complete the Pokedex or, we do not use all, 1000 Pokemon, and only about 30 or 40% of them are the most used and known.
As I mentioned, I am not in favor of having cut the Pokedex, but it was not a reason for such negativity.
Now, for the excuses that the graphics and that and that the final result does not prove that, I think that they had "some reason, because although, we don't see a game of great graphics, there are many things that simply in generations Previous was not shown and possible as being with your 6 Pokemon in the camp, seeing how they interact and with yourself, the truth, the detail looks great, and I know they can improve, so we will have to wait.
But well, I know that the "negativity" for this will continue, so do what you want, I enjoy my games ^.^, although I will not have my Meloetta in these games.
Is it too much to ask for new info on Pokemon Home now?!
As somebody who pretty much plays for the single player...This is really a none issue.
Pretty much never been able to have all the Pokemon during the story, Black and White as I recall didn't even have access to the full dex until far after launch.
And as I recall, you've never had access to so many Pokemon during the single player either. 400? 400 didn't even exist until gen 4, let alone be in the regional dex.
As for competitive, I would have sympathy if fighting game players hadn't been handling characters not returning like champs for as long as I can remember, and they have a far smaller and more unique roster of characters these cuts happen with.
After seeing all the designs in the leaks Drednaw is still my favorite of this gen and possibly gonna edge out Pancham as my favorite. There are a lot of good ones, but Drednaw is just too good of a boi!. I named his prevo nomtle, and was traded a gigamax Drednaw named Namnaw.
@drewber2635 No, i've never had fighitng types on my team before, crabrawler was cool, but too weak, and i don't like crabominable, Gen 8 is the first gen where i like the fighting type pokemon, i already have Sirfetched in my team and i am getting grapploct too, falinks is a good design, but they messed it up by making it genderless. i never have genderless pokemon on my team.
Sad that Gothitelle is a sword only, but other then that glad I chose Shield tbh
WE NEED NATIONALDEX! PLEASE! (still a good game though...)
Munchlax is Gen 4, not Gen 2
Super late, don't even own the game myself but Christmas is nearly here so... Anyway, my first pokemon game was B&W, and unfortunately I no longer own it along with a DS, so to see so many pokemon from that generation in this one along with so many new ones in this generation, it makes me incredibly anticipated to play it. Might even consider just making an Unova party for this game... maybe...
this pokedex is kind of incomplete
Guys you forgot about legends arceus and pokemon home.
Just some of pokemon can you find in arceus
And transfer them to ur game form home.
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