- Also Known As
- Pokemon HeartGold & SoulSilver
- Number of Players
- 1 (Single Player)
- Genre
- Release Date
14th Mar 2010
26th Mar 2010
12th Sep 2009
- Series
- Tags
- Wikipedia
- en.wikipedia.org
Review Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver (DS)
Nintendo used "Spare Time Eater"!
(Pokémon history lesson appeared!) A few years after the huge success of Red and Blue, along came Silver and Gold, offering a brand new region and dozens more freaky monsters to catch. Predictably the games were just as successful and even now are fondly remembered by many Pokémon fans – this one included – as...
Screenshots 5
Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver Guides
Guide Best Pokémon Spin-Off Games Of All Time
Ranked by you
If there's any franchise that's no stranger to a spin-off or two, it's Pokémon. The inherent appeal of the little Pocket Monsters makes the series ripe for all kinds of genres and video games. Name a genre, and Pokémon has most likely done it. But, dear readers, what's the very best Pokémon spin-off? That's where you come in. We...
Guide Best Nintendo Remakes & Remasters Of All Time, Ranked
Harder, better, faster, stronger
Updated with Luigi's Mansion 2 HD. Enjoy! When it comes to remaking, remastering, and re-releasing a game, it's easy to assume every publisher out there is plundering its back catalogue to refurbish and resell treasured titles to a nostalgia-laced audience happy to pay for the comfort of childhood classics brought...
Guide Best Pokémon Games Of All Time
Where does Pokémon Scarlet & Violet rank?
REMEMBER: This list is ranked according to the Nintendo Life User Ratings of each title. If you disagree with the order below and haven't yet rated your favourites, simply scroll through and click on the User Rating 'star' for each game to leave your own score out of ten and influence the order. Enjoy!...
Feature 14 Classic Nintendo Winter-Themed Levels to Play This Christmas
Winter wonderlands
It's Christmas, which might mean snow wherever you are in the world. However, not all of us are that lucky, and sadly have to settle for rain or – gasp! – ghastly sunshine instead. Fear not, though – there is a solution: playing winter-themed levels in your favourite games. Christmas is the best time for it too, as you're...
Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver News
News It Looks Like Gold And Silver Will Feature In The Next 'Pokémon Presents'
But in what form..?
In case you missed it, The Pokémon Company announced that the next Pokémon Presents showcase will broadcast on 27th February, 2024. It's not known what will be featured during the presentation, but thanks to a little tip from Nintenduo, it looks like
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? (November 18th)
We detect... lots of games
Well folks, it's the weekend once again, so it's time to kick back, relax, and enjoy some games. As per the norm, however, let's just take a look back on what's been going on this week, shall we? First up, Nintendo has launched its much-anticipated Black Friday sale in Europe, and we've highlighted a whole bunch of games...
Random Pokémon Gold & Silver's Male Protagonist Was Apparently A Ninja In The DS Remakes
Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver are widely considered to be one of the greatest entries in the long-running franchise, but did you know that the games' male protagonist was actually altered to look more like a ninja for the DS remakes? That's according to a magazine translation discovered as part of DidYouKnowGaming's comprehensive dive...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? (January 14th)
Game on
With the Christmas chocolates finally dwindling in number, we think it's fair to say that 2023 is well under way. And as the year kicks off, so too do we see the return of gaming news — nature is healing, people! This week at Nintendo Life, we have been welcoming in the new year with open arms, looking to the months ahead and talking...
News Get Your Own Life-Sized Mareep Poké Plush For A Shockingly Big Pile Of Poképounds (UK)
Mareep used Finance Option!
A couple of years ago, we discovered that you could buy a big ol' Mareep plush for around $500. We know, it's absolutely adorable, but $500? You can get a real Magikarp for 500 Pokédollars in Pokémon Red and Blue. We don't know what the conversion rate actually is, and you might not be able to squeeze your digital...
News Pokémon Unite Producer Thanks Fans For Feedback And Details Latest Patch
Update: Available now on mobile devices
Update: Pokémon Unite is now available to download on mobile devices. As you might have already seen, the MOBA Pokémon Unite arrives on mobile devices today. Ahead of its release, the game's produ
Memory Pak My Very First Shiny Pokémon
A tale of heartbreak, loss, and sparkles
Earlier this month, there was a news story about a Pokéfan who had managed to catch not only every single Pokémon, but also every single shiny. Considering that the likelihood of finding a shiny Pokémon is around 1/4096 — although you can increase the rate slightly with various methods — this is a...
Random Pokémon Fan Finishes Challenge To Play Every Game Without Using Pokémon Twice
It took two and a half years to complete the series
Pokémon fans love making things harder for themselves. There's the Nuzlocke Challenge, in which you can only catch the first Pokémon you meet in every area, and fainted Pokémon are considered "dead" and must be released. There's the original Twitch Plays Pokémon, which keeps popping up with...
News Nintendo Applies For Pokémon HeartGold And SoulSilver Trademarks, But Don't Get Your Hopes Up
A wild trademark appeared!
Nintendo has applied for Pokémon HeartGold And SoulSilver trademarks in its home country of Japan, reports Japanese Nintendo. Both trademarks are said to cover 50 different types of products and services – including video games, as you might expect. The trademarks were filed on 7th September 2020, with both...
Feature Why We're Still Playing… Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver
The winners of your community vote on favourite Pokémon games
This is a series of features that focuses on games that we keep playing again and again, either over an unhealthy number of hours or those that keep getting return visits long after they first graced our systems. In this entry Mitch talks about his favourite Pokémon games, which also...
About The Game
Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version return players to the scenic Johto region first introduced in the beloved original Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Silver games nearly a decade ago.
The richly detailed adventure of Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Silver is now enhanced for the Nintendo DS and Nintendo DSi systems with updated graphics and sound, as well as new touch-screen features and a host of surprises. Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version bring dozens of Pokémon characters back into the limelight for a new Pokémon generation - and longtime fans - to catch, train and battle.
Comments 34
which is better heart gold or soul silver?
@Ben546: they’re basically the same. Some Pokémons will be missing from Silver and be in Gold, and the other way around.
hey peoples jk if u want to get a jirachi go to a gamestop during feb. 27 until (i think) 1 day before heartgold and soulsilver with a ds and the game: diamon, pearl, or platinum and you would get it
I personally think that the Pokemon Company is just making sequels to stall us while they try to think of the fifth generation. Still awesome.
Ive always secretly hated pokemon because my broyher hogged it and would never ever let me play it(Including dungeon for my B-Day!) But since im gonna be able to play this for the 1st time ever!!! HOORAY!!!Especially after the pokewalker announcement!
I easily pre-ordered this when I found out!
2 more days!!!!!
I really didn't care about this game, but after hearing people rave about it, now I want it. Fine I will pick one up soon.
I love this game.
i got shining cyndaquil
hey guys theres a new pokemon game its pokemon black and white no joke corocoro has just showed the pictures it all 3d on ds new region new charchters and newwwwwwwww starters yay
@rabidpikachu you are really lucky to get shiny cyndaquil
10:10 awesome hg i started with totodile for some unkown reason. Does anyone know if there is gonna be a dsi action replay i want to get more of my pokemon up to level 100. Ive now got ss and ive started with the best cynduquil
this is a remake of my favorite Pokemon game
i didnt like Ruby or Sapphire as much because of the whole after you caught all of them FireRed LeafGreen Collosem and XD comes out and u need to catch not all 137 but 386
Bought it a coupla days ago, having a lot of fun with it.
man i still need go out and buy this game.
Pokemon : Heart Gold is my favorite version.
Mine to
I am getting this right now!
@Ben546 Soul Silver
Im Gonna Trade my Gamestop jirachi
Im doin a walk thro
Lets Play Pokemon Heartgold&Soulsilver part1 Asu Start the game up the prof oak screen comes up and ok im a boy my name is ShinyGold and i start i walk down the staircase to get a pokemon when im out the door this weird blue ball thing with red ears and yes its marill i get to the lab and look at the starters i choose Chikorita!
Nintendo you've gotta help me!!! My little brother deleted my save file on soulsilver and i had so many legendaries, i had already beat the champion twice, got mewtwo, all the unown, was working towards getting the roaming duo in johto region, the duo in kanto, i had rayqauza, kyogre, and groudon!! and my typhlosion, who was my fav pokemon, was lvl 84 and i had beat red!!! Please tell me there is a was to get my save file back! it took me 2 years to accomplish!
i cant go through all of it again, please tell me there is a way
I love this game I hope you remake it again
theres away you can get the data thru your memory card you would need a specialist but not sure i know on a computer theres a program to get anything deleted and typed from internet my little brother showed me so dont know how hope it works for you typhlosionlover
If it weren't for Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, then these would be my favorite Pokémon games. They improve on Pokémon Gold and Silver a lot, and while Pokémon Gold and Silver still hold up well, these remakes are probably the best way to explore the Johto region in a Pokémon game.
@RabidPikachu do u still play black/white version 2? if u do i wanna add u as a friend
Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver deserve their spots as number 1. Coolest feature of all time: Walk and interact with your Pokemon! And it had a great story and content too! I even feel like buying them again!
i have never played this game before but i love pokemon!
Can any help me connect my DS to my Huawei P30 Pro hotspot so I can take advantage of receiving the event pokemon from time gone by.
The message I receive on the DS is mentioning the security of the hotspot doesn't support the DS.....
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