
Topic: The Nintendo Switch Online Subscription Service Thread

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It could be. In theory it's an important part of most team based shooters so the teams can cordinate their tactics. In practice, it proves to be more toxic noise then anything. Also, Mario is confirmed to have online play. THe only known online mode right now is 5 random mini-games as a free for all competition though.


Switch Friend Code: SW-6813-5901-0801 | Twitter:


No it's a "why are you expecting a company who's barely even tried having an online service before to offer the exact same service as everyone else" type deal. Playstation Plus didn't start with it's "Instant Game Collection" feature. That was added later to compete with Microsoft who had unveiled their Games with Gold program.

Nintendo came into the Online Multiplayer field late, and hasn't had much of a clue what to do with it till now. They may or may not have the infrastructure for text messages and voice chat without using the app. I don't know, but would hope they eventually figure out a better system. But the initial services Nintendo Online will be supplying are basically the same things everyone else offers. These are:

1. Online Multiplayer
2. Text and Voice chat (via a clunky method that currently only works with one game, granted)
3. an assortment of games you can play at no extra cost (the Retro games vs Games with Gold and
Instant Game Collection)
4. deals and promotions unavailable to non-subscribers
5. cloud based saves

It's possible and even probable that 3rd party games with online multiplayer such as multiplayer shooters will have built in voice chat functionality. I don't know, I haven't even considered trying to play Fortnight or Paladins on any system.

In short you're getting everything you'd have gotten on a different console via their paid online service. Granted Nintendo did some of them in a weird and/or messed up way. And it costs less then the other services. But it's basically the exact same list of available benefits.


Switch Friend Code: SW-6813-5901-0801 | Twitter:


Yorumi wrote:

FaeKnight wrote:

No it's a "why are you expecting a company who's barely even tried having an online service before to offer the exact same service as everyone else" type deal.

Because they are asking for my money. I am not an investor. I am not spending my money with the hope of something improving. I am a customer. It's nintendo's job to offer a product I want. "We're trying" only works among people who see a global corporation as their friend. They are incapable of offering even the absolute most basic of features despite other companies offering those features free, and nintendo wants money for it. And we get from people "well they're trying what do you expect." I expect competence from a 120 year old global gaming company. I expect a company that could put forth even the tiniest bit of effort into something. But they won't, because they know they don't have to. They know there are millions of people who will hand over money for utterly terrible service, for lack of basic features, and praise nintendo for it so why bother?

That's the thing, they are offering those "most basic features*. Online Multiplayer? Check. Voice Chat? Check. Text Messages? Check again.

The way they offer voice chat and text messages I don't like. But 3rd party games, as mentioned, are likely to have native voice chat via the game's servers so wont need to use the Nintendo Online app. Thus it may end up being 1st party games only. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe doesn't use it, but then voice chat isn't really needed for a 12 person race or free for all battle mode match. Unless you want to hear people cussing you out for playing the game the way it's intended to be played. Super Mario Party is probably going to use the app though.

But as always, if you don't feel a service is worth the price you are always free to not pay for the service. Don't care about online multiplayer and don't want to play NES/Gameboy/(possibly)SNES games? Then don't subscribe. As for me, the retro games alone IMO are reason enough to subscribe. The fact that I am occasionally jumping online for a race or three in Mario Kart 8 just sweetens the deal a little.


Switch Friend Code: SW-6813-5901-0801 | Twitter:


@Alantor28 I don't know whether Nintendo Switch Online will be different but with Xbox Live Gold and PS+ you can't use the equivalent of eshop funds to pay for the subscription. If it does end up the same, I'd recommend buying prepaid subscription cards that you'll find at retail and online sites.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


@Grumblevolcano @Alantor28 It looks like the subscription fee defaults to coming out of your eshop funds, then the payment method you gave when you initially subscribed to it if there's not enough eshop funds.


Switch Friend Code: SW-6813-5901-0801 | Twitter:


The way I see it, Nintendo Switch Online is lackluster. The good news for me is cloud saving. I personally couldn't care less about most of the NES games they're trying to sell again.

At that very least, I hope the "special offers" have discounts on Switch titles and maybe the occasional free game.

It still does not address the lack of a proper messaging and voice chat system. Just because it's $20 does not mean the service has to be just as cheap itself.

I am well aware this is their first time really trying this and I obviously don't expect it to fully be on par with the others, but it's turning out even more lackluster than I thought it would be.



Just from the 10 of initially 20 games announced so far, I'm more then happy. I've never played Balloon Fight (although I've heard it's good), Ice Climber, Soccer, or Tennis. But the others I'm more then happy with. You have no idea how much time I've sunk into Doctor Mario over the years. I haven't been able to play the original Legend of Zelda for close to 30 years. Then there's Donkey Kong, which I've always loved even though I suck at it. And finally the three Mario titles are incredibly good and I have every intention to play obsessively and see if I can finally actually do well at them. I've never gotten past the 4th board in Mario Bros, and have never beaten Super Mario or Super Mario 3.

There's still 10 more games that aren't announced, which has me grinning. And they plan to add more games to the list too. I'm hoping they add SNES games as well.


Switch Friend Code: SW-6813-5901-0801 | Twitter:


ReaderRagfish wrote:

FaeKnight wrote:

There's still 10 more games that aren't announced, which has me grinning. And they plan to add more games to the list too. I'm hoping they add SNES games as well.

Yeah, I don't know why everyone's acting like there will never be anything besides NES games offered. They'd have to be completely stupid to say that Switch online is the successor to virtual console but only offer 5% of the games that were available.

Nintendo might make some strange decisions, but they aren't outright stupid, or else they'd have died off by now.

Probably because the information page says

"Enjoy a selection of NES games with added online play for the first time ever as part of your paid Nintendo Switch Online membership." And that particular feature is called "Nintendo Entertainment System - Nintendo Switch Online". I'm hoping for some SNES games, but wont be horribly surprised if it's just NES games.


Switch Friend Code: SW-6813-5901-0801 | Twitter:


@ReaderRagfish It's a tough one given how much Nintendo still focuses on Nindies. I don't think SNES will come for at least a year after the online subscription launch to help keep Nindies going strong.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


Games like Hollow Knight, which I just started playing this afternoon, are fantastic. But at the same time I'd love to play Super Mario RPG, Super Metroid, and many other SNES games again. Sure, there have been emulators for years (not so much now though) that let you play these classics. And I've used them in the past to replay favorite games or try ones I'd never heard of before. Especially since I haven't had an SNES since around 95 when my old one got lost in a move. But a lot of the rom sites feel rather sketchy.

I would much rather go through Nintendo to get these games and the actual game publishers. There's also a lot of old NES games I loved that I want to play again. As well as Gameboy (or GB Color) games. I've bought a few of these old games on my 3DS. But I'm rather excited for the NES game archive part of Nintendo Online subscription. If they add SNES and gameboy/GB Color games as well, that will be awesome. But just the NES games I feel are worth the price.

Do you people know how much it costs to get a working physical copy of many of these old games? Not to mention having to get an old NES. At which point it may not hook up to your tv since tvs don't use coaxial cables for video feed anymore.


Switch Friend Code: SW-6813-5901-0801 | Twitter:


Alantor28 wrote:

He's won't listen to any word we say about the Switch's Online Service because he may have autisim or a really low IQ.

I've mostly been staying out of this thread other than some occasional monitoring since my opinions on this whole thing can be found elsewhere, but I consider this sentence a low, uneducated, and unnecessary blow.

Currently playing: Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy (Switch), Kirby's Dream Land 3 (NSO)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


So I also frequent a Jeep forum, and yea... it's not half as bad as this place. And this place isn't half as bad as most.

... I'm sorry. What was the question again? Apparently we've devolved into the usual attacks against personality/IQ/etc. of total strangers.



FaeKnight wrote:

at the same time I'd love to play Super Mario RPG, Super Metroid, and many other SNES games again.

My fear is that these games are lost in limbo. Nintendo is obviously trying something new here and never did they promise a classic game collection. They want to change the old classics and add multiplayer on top. That just won't work with SMRPG or Super Metroid. Also, they have zero rights to change the content of games developed by then-Squaresoft (now Square-Enix, who also can't change the content due to limited rights by Nintendo).
What can Nintendo do to "improve the experience" with titles like FF6 or Chrono Trigger? Absolutely nothing.



@Switchcraft You do realize that Square-Enix has tweaked and improved games like Final Fantasy 6, right? They then released the updated games on non-nintendo consoles. I have a copy of FF6 for playstation. Things like added CGI cut scenes, an extra dungeon, improved UI, improved translations...


Switch Friend Code: SW-6813-5901-0801 | Twitter:


@FaeKnight Yes, I know. Square has a reputation for throwing out badly done and overpriced ports of old classics. This will not be to Nintendo's satisfaction.



I find most of the Final Fantasy ports on PS1 to be well done. The CGI cut scenes I can do without. But the quality of life improvements such as fixed translations is a good thing. Okay, the 3d remakes of NES games they like doing range from bland to bad, that I'll agree with. But their remasters of the original games tend to be quality work.


Switch Friend Code: SW-6813-5901-0801 | Twitter:


@ReaderRagfish I think the timing is more to do with gaming conventions give a good opportunity to check out indie games. All the Nindies events so far have been around the time of a gaming convention.

  • February 28th 2017 (PAX East 2017 was in early March)
  • August 30th 2017 (PAX West 2017 was in early September)
  • March 20th 2018 (PAX East 2018 was in early April)
  • August 20th 2018 (Just before Gamescom 2018)
  • August 28th 2018 (PAX West 2018 is in early September)

Edited on by Grumblevolcano


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


@Alantor28 I've deleted your post about Yorumi. We don't bad mouth other users here. Please remind yourself of the rules for this site and try to keep your comments positive and friendly. Thanks.

You guys had me at blood and semen.

What better way to celebrate than firing something out of the pipe?

Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

My Nintendo: gcunit | Nintendo Network ID: gcunit


@gcunit Ok. Sorry about that.

Switch Friend Code: SW-6488-5483-0698

Switch Friend Code: SW-6488-5483-0698

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