Rocket League is a shining example of how a game can organically create its own success without expensive marketing campaigns or pre-launch hype. When it launched on the PS4 as part of Sony's PlayStation Plus subscription service it came with little fanfare – the title on which it is based, Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars, drifted under the radar of many a player during the PS3 era and developer Psyonix admitted it had trouble getting publishers interested in the sequel. The game's incredible addictiveness – no doubt combined with the fact that it was totally free to PS+ subscribers for the first month of release – created a multiplayer monster which has since extended its reach to Xbox One and PC. Now it's the turn of the Switch, and rather than being the poor relation in this family, the Nintendo port could actually be the best way to experience the game yet.
Rocket League is, as developer Psyonix so effectively explains, "soccer, but with rocket-powered cars", and that high-concept pitch is as tantalising as it sounds. You drive your souped-up vehicle around a series of arenas which have a goal at either end. The objective is to shunt the massive ball into your opponent's goal while preventing them from doing the same; the team with the most goals at the close of play wins. While this may sound almost insultingly basic – Rocket League also keeps team sizes small, which hints at further simplicity – there's more depth on offer here than it's possible to appreciate in the first few days of ownership.
Getting the ball into the goal isn't as easy as it sounds, for starters. Because you're driving a car which is subject to its own momentum and inertia and can't turn 180 degrees on a sixpence like a footballer would, you have to plan each approach effectively – especially as you're trying to make contact with an object that's almost constantly in motion. The ball's large surface area means that it could potentially shoot off in many different directions depending on where you strike it, and with how much force. Working on your aim is of paramount importance and the game's excellent tutorial mode should be the first place newcomers head – it runs you through the basics but also allows you to master the more advanced techniques required to come out on top.
These include aerial moves, which are essential to success in high-level Rocket League play. Tapping the B button propels your car into the air, and it's possible to manipulate your vehicle when it's airborne; adding spin to your car at the right moment can give the ball extra speed should you be successful in making contact. The next wrinkle in the control system is the boost button, which not only gives you speed on the ground but can also be used to extend the height and pace of your jumps, keeping you in the air for longer periods of time. A double-tap of the jump button also triggers a dodge move which can be used not only to quickly block incoming shots but also give you extra power behind your own attempts on goal.
The Y button forces your car into a powerslide, which is handy for when you need to get back down the other end of the pitch after a failed scoring effort, but slides can be incorporated into other movements so you have full command of the pitch, which leads us to the next part of Rocket League strategy 101: harassing your rivals. During some of the more packed 4v4 matches it often pays to have one player who is practically ignoring the ball and instead ramming opponents out of position. With enough boost behind it, a crash can be potent enough to destroy the victim and place them out of action for a few seconds, which of course improves your team's scoring chances.
As all of these skills fall into the place you'll notice special tactics slowly but surely creep into your game. For example, boosting on the ground and hitting the ball usually results it in being struck too high and hitting the wall above the goal; however, press jump at the last second and your car will hit the ball dead-centre for a more accurate shot. Moves such as boosts, slides, spins, dodges and jumps can be combined in so many ways it makes every match different and unique.
If all of this sounds like an awful lot to take in at once, that's because it is – and because Rocket League showcases cross-platform play, it's not uncommon to feel totally outmatched in your first few goes, especially if you're experiencing the game for the first time on Switch and you end up facing a team of Xbox One veterans who've had the game since it launched on that system at the start of 2016 (cross-platform play also means you're never more than a few seconds from your next match as there are tens of thousands of Xbox One and PC players online at any one time – Sony, however, has decided not to allow PS4 players to join the love-in, which is a shame). However, after a few hours you begin to realise that dashing about the pitch isn't always the best option – keeping an eye on the ball and trying to anticipate where it's headed is a more effective approach. You can even toggle the camera so that it always points in the direction of the ball, rather than where your car is facing. This might sound awkward but switching between these two camera views quickly becomes a key component of your game; lining up accurate shots is easier with the "behind the car" view but sometimes you need a clear look at where the ball is, especially during an intense melee.
Nintendo's full suite of online features may not go live until next year but Rocket League on Switch doesn't suffer in the same way that EA's FIFA 18 does. Creating a party with people on your friend list is totally painless; just tap X on the main game menu and you're away. You can choose to buddy up as a team and face random strangers online or create private online matches which restrict both teams exclusively to your friends. There's no in-game voice chat but in its place there's a selection of phrases mapped to the left-hand Joy-Con's directional button cluster, and these are more than adequate when you need to make your intentions known. You can congratulate a teammate when they score, highlight a good pass and even express your annoyance or regret at a poor piece of play. Keeping with the online side of things, Rocket League's performance on Switch is superb. We did notice a few instances where the connection became spotty but the random nature of these issues makes us suspect it was due to the slow broadband speeds of other players rather than a fault with the game itself. Even so, this is certainly one of those times when you'll want to ensure you're as close to your WiFi router as possible when playing in handheld mode, just to make sure you don't succumb to any connection woes yourself.
Those of you who like to carry your Switch around with you will be pleased to note that local options are also available for those (perhaps rare) occasions that you can meet up with a couple of similarly-equipped pals for a quick match. It's here that Rocket League on Switch really sings; while playing people online is fun it's one of life's eternal truths that multiplayer gaming is dramatically enhanced when you're within punching distance of your opponents.
Rocket League's appeal naturally rests on its competitive play, and there are plenty of game modes available to keep you occupied for months to come. The game's "Casual" online mode has 3v3, 2v2, 1v1 and 4v4 match options, and there are Dropshot, Rumble, Snow Day, Hoops and experimental "Rocket Labs" modes if you fancy a change of pace. Boost your in-game rank and you'll gain access to the "Competitive" online modes, where the real glory lies. The game tracks your achievements and stats, and there's the allure of trying to improve your talents and scale the league rankings, as well as filling out the in-game garage with unlockable cars, parts and customisation options (Switch owners benefit from some cool Super Mario and Metroid-themed vehicles). In short, Rocket League has months if not years of gameplay in store; there's a good reason PS4 owners still log-on regularly, despite the game being two years old now on that system.
Rocket League is truly something special no matter the platform you choose to play it on, but developer Panic Button – also responsible for moving mountains by porting DOOM to Nintendo's console – has worked wonders here. While there are visual downgrades to speak of and the game runs at 720p, the smooth and silky essence of Rocket League has made the transition intact. In fact, after months of playing the PS4 version, we found ourselves totally forgetting that Rocket League on Switch is running on less powerful hardware. The visual experience – while ever so slightly diminished – remains faithful and it's hard to consider this a lesser version in the same way that people might cosmetically compare Switch DOOM to its obviously superior Sony and Microsoft siblings; Rocket League on Switch feels like full-fat Rocket League, and that's a real triumph.
One of modern gaming's true multiplayer success stories, Rocket League is an essential addition to the Switch's striking year-one library. Analyse every screenshot and video and yes, you'll spot visual downgrades when compared to the other console editions, but what's key here is that the spirit of the game has been transferred perfectly, with the added benefit of portable play which opens up the chance to host local matches with your Switch owning mates wherever and whenever you fancy. Developer Panic Button has done an utterly fantastic job with this port, but technical wizardry aside, what really matters is that the core game is so addictive, so compelling, so enjoyable and – perhaps above all else – so deep. Don't let anyone tell you that Rocket League is simplistic or lacks longevity; the vibrant community that has grown up around Psyonix's masterpiece renders that viewpoint wholly incorrect. This is a game that rewards skilful play and perseverance, and new tactics and strategies seem to flow from each and every match you partake in. Only the occasional network niggle throws shade on this otherwise sublime release; the Switch has yet another must-have release to add to its awe-inspiring 2017 pile.
Comments 148
Ok, getting it.
great game on pc, great game on switch.
Happy to finally get to play this one!
Life is hard for Nintendo fans these days. What to play first? This? LA Noire? Skyrim? DOOM?
Really great game. This will be my go-to online game since I’m burnt out on Splatoon after nearly 300 hours. If you are on the fence, give it a chance. It’s really fun.
My biggest complaint is very blurry graphics at times in handheld mode. Also not a fan of the loot crates - can those items be gotten through normal play?
Downloaded it yesterday, and played it for the first time ever last night. Panic Button have got it running sweetly on Switch.
Single player ok too? Or boring
Didn't care for it on PS4, but it seems like a great match for the Switch's hardware.
@damo Thanks for the subtitle. This game confused me no end when it released as my kid had been playing the first game a lot on PS3 and it took me awhile to sort them out as the names are so different yet the games looked so similar.
We own this on PS4, probably won't double dip, but it hopefully it will do well on Switch.
Oh oh oh oh-oh-oh oh KAY! I'm so getting this!
Really wish there was a demo for this. My daughter saw a video of it and thought it was the best thing since slice bread. So I would love to try it out before buying
You guys say "niggle" too much
that word is too uncomfortable
Been playing it for 2 years on PS4 and a year on XB1 and I can't say the Switch version suffers in comparison. Not where it counts anyway, i.e. silky smooth gameplay.
It's a truly special game. 9/10 is actually a bit harsh.
Definitely getting this for the holiday.
Really want to get this game, but I want to wait until it releases physically.
Does the game support local splitscreen multiplayer? Got a Pro controller and a set of Joycons. Would be nice to play it at home with my friends and family.
Count me in
Still haven't bought this so I may have to get it on Switch, although most of my friends still play it on PS4 so we'll see...
Well...there it is...
@Oubie yes, it does. 2 players splitscreen on portable mode, 4 player docked
I had never heard of this game before it was on the Nintendo Direct and I have to say it just doesn't look interesting to me so I don't get all the hype. But if this is your thing, that's exciting!
@Grauz Sorry for being a noob haha, but is 2 player docked also possible? Or only 4? I feel so dumb...
How does the lack of analog triggers affect the gameplay?
Great review and I love this phrase: "can't turn 180 degrees on a sixpence like a footballer would". Way more dignified than "stop on a dime" like I tend to say.
@justin233 The dev said that they're still working on the resolution. A patch may help.
Rocket League is a brilliant, brilliant game. Some of the best multiplayer fun I've had in years. The lack of voice chat is so disappointing though, it's a huge part of the online game for communicating with your team mates (and winding-up your opponents). As such, I'll be sticking to the PC version.
Cool. Now if only my Switch could connect to my Wifi from more than 5 feet away.........
@JRJalapeno I've only played it in single player so far. It's ok and the players are replaced with fairly decent bot ai's. But the fun is definitely playing with friends.
There is no campaign or anything (to my knowledge), just exhibition type stuff.
@JRJalapeno single player is nothing more than a tutorial or a warm up for the real game, you'll not get more than an hour out of it. Rocket League is an online multiplayer game, only buy it if you're going to play online.
I bought it as soon as it hit the Eshop,incredible game.I can't recommend it enough, even if you think it's not a game for you, just try it, you'll be surprised. For £15 you really can't go wrong. It's worth every penny and a whole lot more.
Last night I was playing in tabletop mode against my mate who was playing on his Xbox. It was a really special gaming moment for me as for years I've lived in a different country from him and since we both gaming on different consoles, our only options have been to play each other at mobile games. Not anymore, now we can do Switch v Xbox One Rocket League and it works brilliantly.
Bought it on launch day, but the match making is terrible. It will pair you up with pro players, making it really hard for rookies like myself
I really, really want to wait for the retail release but I might break down and buy the digital one, especially since they can’t be bothered to even give us a date.
@QwertyQwerty @invictus4000 I didn't get it either, then one of my friends bought me it, 450 hours later. It's genuinely one of the greatest multiplayer games I've ever played.
@QwertyQwerty @invictus4000 If you play it, you'll get it, trust me. An all time classic.
@BigKing Lots of Switch players are currently double-dipping the game, meaning that the lowest ranks will have skilled players at the moment.
I would agree with the score you guys gave it, but coming from playing on PC and Xbone, and understanding the switch's hardware restrictions, I have to give this game 10/10. Even with daunting hardware restrictions, Panic Button! has rocked this port, and truly kept the full gameplay experience intact.
Also @JRJalapeno, Rocket League is not a single player game. If you intend to play predominantly offline by yourself, I would say skip it.
@AcridSkull thanks! I don't have a lot of time these days so ill have to pass since single play is bogus
@Ledgendt thanks
@BigKing Turn Cross-play off in the options. That way you'll only get matched with fellow Switch noobs like myself
@XenoShaun shame there isn't a cup championship or something. I suspect some folks won't get it if its online MP only.
@JRJalapeno Singleplayer is OK, not bad, not really good either. A bit boring actually if you know the mechanics since the AI is dumb.
For the people who want to play against friends who own the xBox One or PC version:
You can make a private lobby, give it a name and password. Your friends can join then.
@GC-161 Good to know they’re working on it at least.
TIP, if you play portable or using the Joycons: change the deadzone setting in the control settings from the 0.50 default to 0.05.
@Oubie i assume it is possible haha it's more like "1 to 4 players docked, 1 to 2 players undocked "
Easy to pick up and play, a whole lifetime to master. Brilliant game and one of my dream versions impeccably delivered by Panic Button. Much kudos!
@electrolite77 lol it's a little 2 high.
Let's be honest, the visuals/resolution in handheld mode are PS2 levels of struggle at times. Great game, but why pretend the port is literally perfect?
Online game and online option next year, so how it is already so popular? Has all others so many friends with Switch?
@BigKing match making sorts itself out after a while. Remember that experienced players will have picked it up on switch so the system will think they're new. Things will be skewed for a bit.
Ive been playing for 2 years and my stats 50% so for me matchmaking has been spot on. Although it felt like i lost more.
Hmm, cool I guess. But most of the time I do not have decent wifi to play online on the go (Underground, Airports, Hotel). When home I use my main console/pc not a handheld.
I have never really played before, so I have been practicing offline in 2v2 and 3v3 with bots as the other players and it is still quite fun at home by myself. Turn the AI to at least "Pro" level and they are good enough to have fun...
I've spent way too much on Switch games lately, and I really want to get Worms WMD next week so this one will have to wait. Maybe get it on a sale.
I believe it is "up to 2 players" in handheld and "up to 4 players" when docked... 2-player local split-screen is definitely a thing when docked.
Supersonic, acrobatic, rocket-powered, haha I loved the first game too on PS3.
@justin233 I haven't seen lootcrates, but I know you get rewards all the time for playing from what I've seen only thing I've seen to purchase is premier vehicles like the batmobile, and stuff like that. However I must say I'm enjoying the game so far, hadn't actually played it before until now been holding off for the switch version.
You can play online with Xbox and PC players...
@JRJalapeno the PC version has a League/season mode, but honestly, after you've won it once there's no reason to replay it
It's not a perfect port of the PC version of course. But it's perfectly playable, which is the important thing. I've put a few hours in now, on both docked and portable, and the important bit-the game-is spot on. So being Rocket League it deserves a 10.
@thesilverbrick I have been going back and forth about this since tuesday when it released, I have Doom and love the multiplayer and am getting Skyrim tonight so I have enough content to play, but this would be a great game to play with friends and to have the ability to play without having to change cartridge is nice. Decisions, Decisions
You can play a season offline against the CPU
The criticisms of the reviews sure are getting specific. Next up: "You gave the game a 9. The number 9 is sooooo annoying."
EDIT: Actually, I've only just realised what you meant! I thought you were being random... but I get you now. Sorry. You're right.'s a soccer game?
Thanks, guess i buy this then, especially when no need to go online before practicing thanks to offline season mode.
@Hordak Pretty much. But don't let that influence you - I can't stand football or football video games but I've clocked up almost as many hours on RL as I have on Final Fantasy XIV. An MMO.
Love Rocket League and thrilled to have it on Switch. Playing in portable mode isn't quite as crisp as I'd like in terms of resolution, but I can get over it. Wish there was a cheaper way of getting all the DLC though, would have definitely bought a physical version that included everything to date.
@justin233 They said this on Twitter:
"Hey Dani! We will surely have future updates for the Switch. Stay tuned as we always announce when there is an upcoming update for any platform. Thanks!"
That was in response to the resolution issue.
@Hordak yeah, with cars instead of people.
Can my wife and I play splitscreen multiplayer online, like Mario Kart 8? The inability to do that is what's stopping us getting Splatoon.
Time for a double dip on my Switch.
Yes, there is local split-screen... I played with my wife on Day1 and she actually enjoyed it more than I thought... she's a very casual gamer and RL is very frustrating at first... just FYI.
@BravelyDavid same boat haha
@Ikana64 You can technically do 4 player split screen online actually.
just to correct a line in there about the internet having a hiccup.
the game is running on dedicated servers. you're only communicating with the server, not the other players. If theres any lag whatsoever, its either you or the server an yeah these servers do have hiccups now and again but it most certainly can also be you more often than the servers.
I'm old, but I swear down if the Ballblazer review in ZZap64 magazine had a comments section, I'm pretty sure it would scan similarly to above! (If I recall, Ballblazer scored a 98%) And so...I am super compelled to get this game, because for me, it looks like a Ballblazer for this generation.
I have been watching SwitchForce play this game on YouTube and it looks like a game I can see myself spending hours of time a day in. I think I will pick it up this weekend and not gonna lie, those Nintendo themed skins practically seal the deal as the Switch version to get for me, portability aside.
After reading all the responses... And even though I'll do a lot of offline play...I don't think I can not buy it. I'm must play it asap!
@Oubie It DOES have split screen local for up to 4 players...and you can single joycon it. The only control loss in single joycon play is the camera controls, but just hit X to turn on ball camera, and it always keeps the camera looking towards the ball (I play in this camera mode mostly anyway now, either in single or dual joycons). And I can say for a fact that it plays just a great in single or dual joycon play. I took my Switch with me to pick up one of my daughters from an after school thing, and my other daughter and I played a few local matches in the car in the parking lot while waiting for my other daughter to come out. When people say this is truly an exceptional local multiplayer game...they are totally right. The local multiplayer is TONS of fun! And since you can set bots for the other members of your team, all game modes are available with anywhere from 1 to 4 local players. OR you can set up to 8 Switches locally and do full on 4v4 matches.
@Ikana64 Yes, you can. From my previous comment, after we got home...that same daughter and I popped the Switch back in the dock and went online together, played some splitscreen online multiplayer matches together. SO MUCH WIN for just $20 is pretty astounding.
I'll have to get it, got it on Steam but it doesn't run the greatest on my laptop
For this on PS+ and is possibly the game I've spent the most time with since, then I get this on Switch and its exactly the same, scratch that it's better. It looks basically the same, plays the same, I now have a Mario Car with cool sound effects and when I played this portable on Vita it was almost unplayable due to the lag and now its perfect.
Oh and EA, we can play with our friends on this, any more excuses for Fifa?
@Aurumonado Not at all
@Velting as someone who spent many hours trying to work out how to play Indiana Jones and Ghostbusters (amongst others) without an instruction manual on my 2600, I think there's still a few of us left 😃
@carlos82 I'm still here. Been playing since 1975 👍
I still play my vectrex to this day. 😍
@Nintendoforlife @Highlar @holygeez03 Brilliant, all I need now is a physical release!
I'd really love to give this a shot (pun totally unintentional).
To those who are put off by crates: They only contain cosmetic items, and those items are not only available through regular play, but also cosmetic only, there is no “pay to win” here.
@OrigamiSquirtle 'Niggle' is a perfectly good word. Don't start to take offence just because it sounds a bit like a completely unrelated word.
@carlos82 @JRJalapeno
Makes me feel better guys!
To everyone else on the fence about this game. Do you like rc cars, decent soccer games, playing couch or online, pick up and play for as little as 5 minutes- as long as you want? It’s a hell of a game. I would be more willing to pay $20 for this over a lot of the questionable $10-$15 games in the eshop. You can’t go wrong!
@Velting Wow! I'm so glad someone knew where I was coming from and validate my curiosity. Ballblazer was a classic game back in the day and you sir, have just sold me on Rocket League! (You sod, coz I'm skint)
I vehemently disagree. The single player is fantastic, and tbh it's all I play! Whether it's a single exhibition match, or full season, it's incredibly fun- all the thrills you'd get from online without actually having to play online. So many settings and difficulties and tweaking to your liking...
Plus local play, split screen, online play, heck you can even watch others play as a spectator. There's a very robust training mode that takes you from basic to advanced. Even the free roaming mode in training is so fun I could dink around for hours by myself.
It's absolutely incredible. Don't make the mistake of passing this one by. It's so good!
I have had my eye on this game, but now I'm definitely getting it.
Sounds great. So do I wait for physical or Do digital now?
@JaxonH I'm in!!!
@Danrenfroe2016 I seriously thought that this with those in the past...I would be all about physical releases...having that sweet case...and the game whenever I wanted it. But now...with Switch...(although I must say it started with my 3DS XL before that got broken and ruined)...I've only got THREE physical games (Breath of the Wild, Splatoon 2, and Just Dance 2017 (which came with my Switch set)). EVERYTHING else I digital. I pretty much keep Zelda in the cartridge slot...and having everything (mostly) that I own for Switch with me at all times right there on the embedded SD card (including Skyrim and Rocket League now)...its just too delicious to pass up. Have some friends come over? I pop the dock to the living room TV and boot up some Jackbox 3 or Rocket League.. Feel like lying back and relaxing? Pull it out of the dock and jump into Hyrule or Skyrim while lying back in bed...or switch between them! Have to make that last minute run to the bank or whatever...or have a lunch break at work? All my Switch games are right there whenever I want them for whatever time I do. I will be the first to admit it: digital has spoiled me now...and I'm pretty sure most of my game purchases are going to be digital from now on...with occasional purchases from Gamestop for buy 2 get 1 deals or things like that. I just enjoy having all my games right there in my hand whenever I want to explore any of them or waste some time at any time to pass that up. Well...except Xenoblade Chronicles 2...that bad boy is going to be hard copy and might just replace Zelda as my go to Switch hard copy game.
When switching from docked to handheld I would love the option where it would automatically switched to the connected joycons on the switch and disconnect the pro controller. Other then that the game is as amazing as it ever was. Also really..... why would anyone ever want physical of this game. It would take more time to switch cartridges then it does to find an online match and already be in the game.
Okay I've decided to go ahead and get digital.
Another winner for the Switch! I so want one! I kind of feel like a kid again that wants that hot new system but has to wait for a birthday or Christmas. Haven’t been excited about a system since the original Wii hit the scene.
Is there going to be a physical release of this?
Getting this but what's the news on a hard copy?
@bluedogrulez They both mean the same thing, "Sixpence" is just the British way of saying it
@Highlar yes. Understand the allure but I'm going to go I think 80% physical... But for rocker league and Splatoon 2 I'll go digital I think
I would return this game if I could. The performance is just awful and the resolution and graphics look like you're playing on a 3DS. There is no way 4-player split screen will be fun at 10 fps. Really wanted this game on the go, but I'll stick to the PC version, didn't realize how demanding this game was considering Mario Kart looks better, has way bigger maps, and performs better.
@UmbreonsPapa My six year old daughter and I have been playing it loads since the release. It's been a riot, it's hilarious even when you're being hammered 12-0
@Swaz I could swear there are two different versions of this game. Some people say it looks terrible and isn't smooth. For me, whilst it doesn't look amazing it's not unbearable and the framerate is pretty much always silky smooth and I'm playing 2 vs 2 splitscreen.
I was playing this last night. It’s so fun and it gets really intense I love it!
@supercreeps I think it depends how you're used to seeing this game. On PC, I play on max settings at 2560x1440 resolution, and locked at 165 fps on a G-SYNC monitor. So it really throws me off and probably looks much worse than it really is. I'm sure given the time, I would get used to it.
@Swaz "The performance is just awful and the resolution and graphics look like you're playing on a 3DS"

@Aurumonado it doesnt affect it at all. this was my first thought as ive bought this game on xbox and pc already, after buying it on switch i instantly noticed howmuch it felt the same.
its the small buttons and the low resolution that affects gameplay more than it should. great game on all platforms and runs greatly on the switch i just struggle playing in handheld mode due to the small screen size and low resolution. not tried it docked though.
If it comes physically I will double dip on it but right now since my friends all have it on PS4 and I just got it not to long ago I won't be purchasing for the Switch yet.
Great value for the fun we’re all having with it
@JHDK no lie- I'm having guilt that I'm letting Nintendo down because I already have SO MANY games I'm into right now, that I won't be picking up any of these for awhile.
@Muddy_4_Ever It's truly a fantastic time to be a Nintendo fan when we have problems like that.
Does anyone know when the physical version releases? Id rather have that copy!
I have never played this and I really want to. Just waiting for the physical release.
@Nintendofan83 same here
@Highlar Thank you so much for all the information. I can't wait to play the game with my family and friends, especially when i'm going to visit them.
@BigKing this might sound counterintuitive, but try competitive for a week or two. Competitive tries to assess your skill and match you up with similar players more so than casual. It might take a game or two for it to place you and your opponents well, but it is faster at it than casual. Casual takes a lot longer to assess you and your opponents skill level and the mode honestly doesn't try as hard to do so.
@Aurumonado It hasn't been too bad so far for me, but I'm sure better players might notice it more for precision plays (dribbling). I'm usually high platinum-diamond for reference.
I want this game... Something keeps holding me back. I want the Mario themed cars, but don't have a Switch yet and i've put off buying it on PS4 because I missed out on it being free for PS plus a while back.
that said, you switch owners NEED to convince Gun Media to port Friday the 13th to the switch. OMFG. I havent played a multiplayer game as much as that one, it's SOOOO good (so bad too, but SO good!).
@GC-161 its not bait tho it looks awful
probably will buy it if an update makes it look better though
Yep, this totally looks "awful", and it's clear that the developers were just slacking and haven't made any effort WHATSOEVER to give Nintendo Switch owners that true Rocket League feeling and gameplay...
(warning: sarcasm alert, not being serious. Just laughing at all the fools with the bog-standard anti-Switch complaints)
But seriously, this game couldn't look further away from a 3DS game, fidelity-wise, and all the gameplay seems to be intact as well. Having played it on a PC at whatever uber-resolution takes nothing away from that, and claiming that it does, just makes you look stupid and tunnel-visioned.
To all more open-minded people: judge for yourselves...
(and be sure to crank the video quality up all the way to 1080p/60fps)
Actual gameplay starts around the 6 min mark...
and HERE WE GO again with the Nintendo snobishness toward GREAT third party games :/
But But But, it's NOT like MARIO KAAAAAAAAART! (even though they are two totally different genres). It's hard seeing replies here and other places because of attitudes like that. "OMG, this racing game SUCKS. BACK to MARIO KART! :/) even though both kinds of racers are completely different. totally bizarre, but so Nintendo-racist.
3DS awful? As in 400x240 resolution?
Get out of town.
Like seriously, pack up your bags and hit the bricks on a one way ticket to Hyperbole City.
Panic Button seems to be the go-to guys for porting games to the Switch. Let's keep them coming!
@GC-161 it goes far below sub 720p sometimes, especially in handheld. its not the worst in the world but its not good either
But it's not even close to 3DS' resolution. To say something like that makes your comment trollish. I mean, seriously.
One of the few games i wouldn't mind buying again for my Nintendo Switch. Even though I have it on my ps4pro.
Played a little on a PS4 a while back, against the computer. Could not get near the ball. I was interested until that, when I realised I would be awful at it. I realise it takes practise but I expect at least to be able to participate in a game before I start to work out how to be good. Not for me I'm afraid.
You can play this game for free on the 3DS. It's made by Nintendo and renamed Metroid Prime Blast Ball.
I had this on the ps4 and downloaded this for the switch last night. I'd say its a decent conversion of an amazing game. A bit stuttery every now and then but not enough to ruin gameplay and i'm sure this will be optimised further with another patch. It is one of the best multiplayer games I have ever played I cannot recommend it enough.
@Damo: But way more elegant! Based upon your review, I downloaded it last night and played it handheld for about 2 hours. A lot of fun . . . great for any arcade sports fan.
@justin233 Not really. Keys are cheap though, and pretty much everything you earn via crates is cosmetic, with the exception of cars, but none of the cars offer advantages. You can still earn plenty of stuff without crates, its just that some cosmetics are crate exclusive.
@TheBoldman67 Does one key unlock everything in the crate or do you need a key per item? This is my first time dealing with loot crates. Either way, I'm not likely to spend any money on them.
@GC-161 saying it doesn't look very good doesnt make me a scary internet troll. it just.. doesnt look good. in handheld, at least. i'm sure docked is fine but why play it on switch if handheld mode doesnt performs poorly
Very fun game. One of the best on Switch so far, in my humble opinion anyway.
@ninty-love The dev said they're working on it.
But that 3D comparison was grade A horse manure.
After playing on Switch and going back to 3DS, the difference is huge in terms of difference of resolutions. No comparison at all.
Unfortunately I hate the game. I'm not mad I bought it but I need to start seeing some demos before buying on a whim again
@AlternateButtons its too haphazard for me. Yes there's skill involved...lots of it...but no matter how much I play..there's just too much luck involved...imho. It just didn't click for me... But then again I was never a huge soccer fan. I was hoping this game would change my mind but nope.
Too floaty for me if that makes sense. I like my games tight. This feels like pong off its Ritalin.
Have this on Xbox, should i get on switch or spend 20 on another game?
@justin233 each crate contains one item, so one key will get you everything in the crate. I used the crates at first and got some cool stuff, but stopped cause I started getting stuff I didn't care about. I'd just play the base game, DLC cars are cool too if you don't wanna gamble on stuff.
So this game is online only??? No offline play with bots? 2 player split screen?
@Nintendofan83 on physical is it only???
@Swaz hahahahah "165 fps" lmfao this isn't a [removed] twitch shooter mate, that frame rate is ridiculously [removed] for a game like this, almost to the point where I think you're trolling, but you're probably not.
to be fair that was a good laugh, good job pal. might as well crank that frame rate down and play at 4k... js
@Phex666 haha yea not joking. Any fast moving game is incredible to play at 120+ refresh rates. It's something you need to see in person for sure. That's why G-sync and FreeSync monitors are becoming so popular. Don't think there are any 4k monitors yet that can do those kinds of refresh rates yet though.
@Phex666 Mind your language.
@Swaz Rocket league is not that fast of game lol, competitive shooters are the type of games that you can benefit from high frame rates. also G-Sync monitors are just a gimmick in all honesty, just a marketing scheme, I run 144hz with no screen tearing problems. I agree high frame rate is a must have experience though.
I'm saying you might as well play the game at 4k 60+ fps
@Phex666 Maybe you don't, but the moderators do.
@Octane Okay... good for you, now keep your whining to yourself.
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