Well, the latest Nintendo Direct arrived yesterday with a whirlwind of announcements - some unsurprising, others utterly unexpected. Being the helpful souls we are, we've collected all the trailers in one place for your leisurely perusal. Lovely!
If you missed the Direct you'll find the entire video just below, or you can check out the individual announcements and/or extended trailers by scrolling through and picking out whatever you fancy. If there's no decent trailer available, we've posted a timestamped version of the main Direct, and at the bottom you'll find the Banjo-Kazooie deep-dive from Masahiro Sakurai.
On this page: Round Up: Everything Announced In The September 2019 Nintendo Direct
Nintendo Direct September 2019 - The Whole Presentation
Overwatch Legendary Edition
Luigi’s Mansion 3
Super Kirby Clash
Trials of Mana HD Remake
Return of the Obra Dinn
Little Town Hero
(Extended Japanese trailer)
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Terry Bogard Announcement
The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening - amiibo
Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore
Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing In Disguise and Deadly Premonition: Origins
Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition
Rogue Company
Pokémon Sword and Shield
Nintendo Switch Online - Super Nintendo games
Tetris 99 Invictus
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020
Daemon X Machina
Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition
Assassin's Creed: The Rebel Collection
Montage of upcoming games
Includes Just Dance 2020, GRID Autosport, Farming Simulator 20, Ni No Kuni, NBA 2K20, Call of Cthulhu, The Outer Worlds, Devil May Cry 2 and Vampyr.
Call of Cthulhu
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Mii Fighter Costumes
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Mr. Sakurai Presents "Banjo & Kazooie"
Not a bad selection, eh? Let us know what your highlights were below.
Comments 78
Forgot about the updated Deamon X Machina Demo, downloading now!!
That, the extra fighters in Smash and SNES games and controller was all the things I was interested in.
The rest not so much
Thank you for the breakdown. A few things I missed the first time around. Looks like something for everyone!
I can't wait for Turtles in Time to be added.
I thought this was the weakest Direct since the switch came out. Happy for the SNES games but other than that there was nothing I’ll be buying (that I didn’t already know about)
Finally some classic Star Wars games on Switch. Keep ‘em coming!
So there wasn’t no mario announced! Disappointing.
Quite good Direct, I must say.
il will try for sure the new Daemon X Machina demo, but i am afraid of one thing where the heck is alien isolation? why we dont still have a release date? maybe they delayed for 2020? maybe they cancel it ? i hope they didn't , even if i already played on ps3 at that time , i WANT that game, is the best stealth/horror i never played on my life it gave me nightmare during the night in my playtrought !!!
Other than Deadly Premonition, there's not much to be excited about.
Of course, I'm excited for some of the titles already announced, but I couldn't care less about Overwatch, tired of constant re-release of Assassin's Creed, and just wanted more information on Metroid.
Stunt Race FX is the game I'm most happy about, can't wait to get my googly eyes on!
well, for me the direct was just fine.. i mean 7 out of 10.. i expected WAY better.. sure, overall im happy, SNES, overwatch and mainly the smash announcements.
but but but... pokemon, no big news IMO. outfit? food? common, the evolutions? more gym leaders? more differences between the versions?
the big bomb of the direct was xeno, i played only the 2, more then 120 hours, i loved, im excited to play the first, but it's still a remake of a WII game... it would be waaay better a xeno 3 or a X-2 i dunno..
not even a single mario announcement (sure im not counting Olympic games) ?? nor odyssey, nor maker nor sunshine???
well to finish, we wont get persona 5?!
and no COD or any other BIG 3th party (GTA or other?)
To me this direct was marked but the LEAKS.. without the leaks, it could be almost a 8.. at least we still have TONS of games to buy..
@SterlingEyes I feel the exact same. Excited for SNES titles, but nothing announced grabbed me at all. Was already going to get the big games so really the old games were the only high point for me
I felt disappointed with the Direct this morning.
I gave 5 / 10 for only two games stole my attention: Pokemon Sword / Shield and Animal Crossing New Horizons.
I was expecting The Sims 4 & Dance Dance Revolution announced from the Direct.
There was enough stuff I loved here for me to consider this an amazing direct.
more Smash fighters
Jedi Outcast II (one of my favorite Star Wars games from way back when)
Xenoblade Definitive Edition
I'm quite happy!
@Krambo42 I hope we see Rogue Squadron, Rogue Leader, Rebel Strike, and Bounty Hunter also!
Im happy they gave grid a release date, and verry happy with the snes games.
For me a good direct
One of the strongest direct's for a while for me. Lots to get exited about.
I don't really keep myself updated on everything so many things here were a very nice surprise for me. I am slightly salty that the SNES games are for a large part already on the SNES mini, but I could've sort of guessed that would eventually happen anyways, so more my fault, but I am VERY happy to see Breath of Fire in the list, as that one holds a special place in my heart. Can't wait to replay it.
Other than that, lots of cool new titles I hadn't heard of before.
Can anyone tell me if Xenoblade will have a physical release or not?
7 out of 10 Direct for me. Lots of stuff though nothing massively exciting. They’re keeping very quiet about 2020 plans.
Maybe that’s harsh though. Luigi Mansion looks brilliant. I will almost certainly get Assassins Creed. Grid got a date, Obra Dinn is very welcome, and the chance to replay Doom 64 and Jedi Outcast is very welcome. As is 20 SNES games at the start.
Maybe I’ve just been spoiled by some other Switch Directs.
Lots of nice surprises. Nothing huge but this sets the bar for a good (not great) Direct.
I know you can't please everyone, but that was the most boring Direct in a while. Mainly focused on stuff we already knew about and the big show stopper was a HD remake.
I think the lack of Mario and Metroid news soured me on this Direct. Once again, pre Direct rumors and hype leads to disappointment.
Finally snes games, my subscription is now worth.
Hell yes Doom 64... very happy about this
Upon reflection, aside from what we already knew about it was pretty much made up of Ports and Remasters. But I'm okay with that, as the big lump of first party games were in at moment will keep me busy for a long while. It looks a if Nintendo plans to bring everything to the Switch eventually, I'm just going to have to be a little more selective in picking what I really will play, instead of because I'm dazzled by the trailer.
Also all eShop games can wait until they're on sale from now on.
I thought there was a lot of stuff in the direct. I’ll admit I was hoping for a Mario but there’s such a good variety I can’t be upset. The more I see about Animal Crossing the more excited I am! I preordered Pokémon Shield awhile ago but I have to say that every time I see more info about the game I question that decision.
Chuffed about the Xenoblade announcement as I haven't played a lot of it on the Wii. Might give Deadly Premonition and Doom 64 a go as well, but other than that I'm not that bothered. 5/10 from me.
One of the weakest directs in years
And I'm still here waiting to hear about a western release for Snack World. Come on Level-5!
The direct was an mere 6 out of ten ,and that only because as an rpg fan their was stuff to enjoy. The reveal of more dlc for smash was an highlight as was tokyo mirage and xenoblade.
Still for the rest it was stuff we knew for months. As about 50 procent of the direct should have gotten the usual highlight package.
Snes games add more value and luigis mansion was fantastic
Holy...are you all kidding me? What even makes you happy anymore? Smh.
How does an 'available now' release of Divinity: Original Sin II not make a splash here?! I'm so confused. Maybe a Nintendo console really isn't the right market for it.
This is a huge (50-150 hours) game that gained Metacritic scores of 93 (PC from 72 reviews), 92 (PS4 from 46 reviews) and 92 (Xbox One from 12 reviews). It's regarded as the greatest modern cRPG and is now on Switch. But everyone is talking about the ability to play 25 year old games we already own on 4 other formats and DLC fighters for a game that already has more characters than anyone has time to learn.
I’m not very hopeful but, anyone know if there’ll be a physical cartridge inside that Tetris 99 box? I don’t see a warning label saying there won’t be...
@DockEllisD agreed. This direct was obviously a round-up of upcoming titles, and no big reveal that would overshadow those upcoming titles. I think they needed this direct for two reasons: SNES online app and Overwatch to show 3d party support. And the rest felt a bit baked around it, since we got a LOT of ports / remasters / definitive editions.
Smart move by Nintendo in my opinion, although I expected a december game still (mario port or dlc or metroid). We have as far as I can tell no releasing games in that month, right? Nintendo Direct confirmed for October?
There wasn't much in there that grabbed me really. I'm getting Luigi's Mansion anyway so cool to see a new mode. And SNES for online members (let's hope they keep an eye on what's popular in there and give us new F-Zero!). But the release calendar is pretty full anyway. It just means the next direct will be MEGA!
Honestly, I am really surprised how everyone in the comments aren't happy. It's like if we don't get news on a brand new Metroid, Zelda, or Mario no one is happy. This direct had a little something for everyone, Smash fans should be over the moon right now with Terry and new fighters coming along the way. More casual gamers have animal crossing, RPG fans get Xenoblade remastered, Trials of Mana looks amazing, Overwatch aims to please.
People need to chill.
This was a Pretty good Direct After Momotaro Dentetsu, Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE Echo, and Doom 64 were announced. i'm pretty content on what we have.
@Friendly Agreed.
I think with Pokemon in November and Luigi's Mansion in October it's far enough from Christmas to get huge release sales but close enough to still get huge sales at Xmas. Plus Link's Awakening and all the older first party titles, they'll shift loads of Switch Lites and standard consoles without having to stick another game in there to shift attention. I did reeeeeeally want a December release though
As expected I died a little bit when no new Waverace, 1080, Excitebike, F-zero or Eternal Darkness was announced and no metroid or Alien Isolation footage was shown. I should know better by now. GRID release date, Deadly Premonitions 2, Xeno remaster and of course the finest SNES racer Stunt raceFX Saved it for me. 8/10.
Edit: I can’t comment on LM3 or Links Awakening as I covered the screen. I don’t want any spoilers for those beauties!!
I came away feeling like there’s just so much stuff coming out and more we don’t know about. It’s safe to say the future is bright for the Switch.
@BionicDodo I actually just happened to buy Divinity II for my ps4 and am very much looking forward to playing it. So for me, it's just another port
Port, port, port, remake, port, remake, remake, DLC. It's pretty pathetic how few new games are coming to the Switch.
good Direct but the weakest one this year not bad by any means people need to understand not everything in these Directs is not tailor made for you only games that got me excited were Little Town Hero and Xenoblade Chronicles only part i didn't like was Pokemon and Animal Crossing got way too much time that they didn't deserve
Honestly, this direct didn't do it for me. All that I was really happy about was banjo dropping, luigis mansion info and animal crossing info. I personally don't care about xenoblade, so the "one last thing" did nothing to move me. Also hoping for a wii u port I'd care about (3D world, pikmin 3). I'd give it a 5/10 at best.
Speaking objectively though, there was a lot of stuff here. I've been seeing plenty of people say 8/10 or 9/10 direct. Wish more announcements were my taste.
Daemon X Machina is looking better and better. The Terry for Smash announcement was awesome. I'm looking forward to playing SNES games on my Switch. I'm even interested in the remaster of Xenoblade since I never played the original for more than a few minutes. Trials of Mana is going to be a lot of fun. Lots of good news for me; I liked this Direct.
They should really include female Terry from Heroines as an alternate costume.
To me, was one of the best direct. Overwatch.... the best game ever to me. Divinity, doom 64, Luigi and witcher.... The limit is.... my wallet
SAnS SMaSH yay
Arguably one of the best Star Wars games ever made in Jedi Outcast.
Definitely something for type of gamer right there.
The Switch could just well be the best console I have ever owned (and I never thought the SNES & GC would ever be toppled).
@RainbowGazelle By 'new' games do you mean just Switch exclusives?
If so, then it has Astral Chain, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Super Mario Odyssey, ARMS, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Mario + Rabbids, Splatoon 2, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Octopath Traveler, Super Mario Maker 2, Yoshi's Crafted World, Cadence of Hyrule, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, Blaster Master Zero, Blaster Master Zero 2 and the forthcoming Pokemon Sword/Shield, Luigi's Mansion 3, Animal Crossing, Daemon X Machina, Bayonetta 3, Deadly Premonition 2 and Metroid Prime 4.
If you mean current gen games that may happen to also be available on PS4, Xbox or PC, then Switch has The Witcher 3, Wolfenstein II, Wolfenstein: Youngblood, Doom, Doom Eternal, Divinity: Original Sin II, Diablo III, Overwatch, Dragon Quest XI, Dragon Ball FighterZ, Mortal Kombat 11, Victor Vran, Torchlight, Torchlight 2, Pillars of Eternity, Warframe, Starlink, Cuphead, Rocket League, Dead Cells, Celeste, Hollow Knight, The Messenger, Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom and Sonic Mania.
To me that's not too shabby a list for two years in. At this point even the PS4 mostly only had remasters of PS2 and PS3 games.
8/10 imo. Not a brilliant Direct, but it´s been just 3 months after that AMAZING E3, so we shouldn´t have expected much more. Plus, The Outer Worlds and Ori were announced not long ago.
Anyway, there were some things to get excited about! As if we didn´t have enough... What a piece of hardware.
You can tell that Nintendo has really improved their game with Directs by reading this comment section as a lot of people here had their expectations unreasonably high and ended up being disappointed. No matter how high Nintendo seems to set the bar with these presentations, it never truly awes people and that's a shame. My guess would be the constant improvement and increase in quality giving gamers more of an "entitlement" to expect better and better.
In my opinion this Direct may have not been the "bomb after bomb" dropping but at the same time it was one of the more interesting Directs. Gotta say, their presentation, even with speakers I'm not 100% familiar with or care about, is really fun to watch. Fast paced, seem to be very carefully structured to keep your attention, always bursting with little surprises thrown in to reduce any feeling of it dragging on. It's actually quite pleasing to watch, it's like an ongoing series which releases an episode once every quarter.
Deadly Premonition is a great announcement, sure it's not the most popular game, but it's made for very niche tastes and I'm glad it's coming - hell, I've never bought Deadly Premonition before and now with its unlikely sequel coming out I might actually try the original. Divinity is an amazing heavy RPG game for those who haven't yet tried it. Star Wars was a completely random and unexpected surprise. Xenoblade Chronicles is something I always wondered how they would remake in HD and here it is with a major graphics overhaul in addition to some missing cut content from the original (Bionis shoulder). All games they've already shown before look greater than ever, namely Luigi's Mansion 3, that game is shaping up to be awesome. So many little details in the trailer alone, I can't imagine what kind of refinement the final game will have.
Sure, there are some obvious omissions and I'd also love to see something about Metroid, Kid Icarus, Pikmin and other franchises. That said, there's a perfect time for everything and I don't worry that we will hear about those series soon. Patience is not a gamer's strongest attribute and yet it's common sense to just wait until they have something polished to show to impress the crowd.
They said they will focus on 2019 games and 95% of the games they've shown are coming out in the next 3 months...just think about that, really. They've shown an enormous amount of games set to release in a very short period of time. If you're awaiting 2020 announcements and trailers, well, it looks like you'll have to wait until next year.
No Mega Man X titles at launch of their SNES service is silly. That being said, this direct made me think about their business decision to release the Switch before the next console generations. Such a smart idea. While everyone else is fighting about processing power, Nintendo can keep focusing on doing their own thing and keep riding their momentum. Anyway, good stuff from the direct! I was hoping for news on Bushiden and Cybershadow, but I’ll take Doom 64!
@Mr_Muscle You can already play all Mega Man X games on Switch. The NES and SNES game lists are unlikely to feature games that the original publishers are trying to sell elsewhere on the eShop.
Xenoblade Chronicles remake
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
Divinity Original Sin 2
That right there made my day. Heck I may even buy Overwatch since it has gyro and play against some bots in handheld mode. If I get good maybe I'll play online like I used to in Splatoon 2.
I liked a lot of the direct. I guess we do live in the age of entitlement. What a library!!!
I'm gonna buy a ton of games, more than I can play for sure. I'm triple dipping with Xenoblade Chronicles, having not only owned but finished both of the previous versions.
I want to give Tokyo Mirage Sessions a go. Never did it on the Wii U. That game always ticked my curiosity.
Luigi's Mansion looks beautiful, Link's Awakening is big for me, the SNES games are a sweet addition.
And finally, my controversial opinion: I cannot, for the life of me, understand why adults play Animal Crossing. I really cannot see the appeal, never have, never will.
Divinity Original Sin II is huge news! Widely regarded as one of the best RPGs of the generation. People definitely need to check this one out.
I think alot of Nintendo gamers are just out of the loop. But word of mouth should change that. Keep preaching it. Let people know. This is not a game you should be ignoring! This is Witcher 3 level of big.
Not every direct needs to be earth shattering. There are a ton of games coming for the rest of 2019, so why take the attention away from those before the Holiday sales push? They gave updates a few early 2020 games. Animal Crossing slipping to March might have pushed back some other games because it will be a HUGE focus and system seller. They'll outline future games in the Jan/Feb direct and then again at E3. People keep expecting them to announce games years in advance, but at this point its seems they'd rather talk about games coming in the next 6 months which makes absolute sense business-wise.
I'd say it was a good Direct overall, but the one last thing was so disappointing.
No mario? No metroid trilogy? No star fox? No donkey kong? Just Xenoblade port from Wii.
I wouldn't mind if it had been announced within the Direct, but ending on it is just bizarre. That's before we even mention the fact there are so many Wii games I'd want to play on Switch before even considering more Xenoblade... What about Mario Galaxy 1, Mario Galaxy 2, Twilight Princess, heck even Skyward Sword?!
So yea, it was good overall, but there's a bit of a sour taste left at the end there... Lots of delays to key titles over the past 2 years (six years if your name is Retro Studios!), bizarre decisions being made (like waiting an entire year to add SNES to the NES online), still no customisation on the Switch interface - not even folders or themes - I mean, what exactly is going on? We're 3 and a half years in now... feels like someone needs to take control of the situation?
This was probably my favorite kind of Direct, with a bit of everything for everyone. Recapping games like Pokemon and Luigi's Mansion with some minor new features, going in depth with games that needed it like Animal Crossing and Smash (the latter getting the main focus after the Direct is nice, felt like it didn't overshadow things as much) with all sorts of upcoming games of all types. It doesn't feel right to write many off as just ports when they're games that have never seen a Nintendo console before, and plenty of them just seem really good. Overwatch, Assassin's Creed's later games, DMC2, Witcher, Star Wars, SNES titles are all great, especially if you're more dedicated to Nintendo consoles, so people may have missed out on them. Tons of big names and smaller names alike. Even with the few lulls in announcements, there was enough stuff that was at least interesting, so I stayed engaged.
Also, got to highlight the fact that Smash is getting more new characters, and Sakurai's emphasis on including "new worlds" implies that he'll be focusing on new franchises. I'm playing it safe and betting on just two more, but I wouldn't be against a second Fighters Pass altogether (hoping that Sakurai focuses more on supervising). With the big focus on 3rd Party characters, I'm very much hoping some new Nintendo franchises make it into Smash. Maybe Rex and Pyra from XC2 (not sure how much they' count for a new world) and Spring Man from ARMS, with the latter's assist trophy being replaced with Springtron, since both were directly referenced as having been announced after the initial Fighters Pass was decided on. Either way, still hoping Shantae makes it in, since it's all 3rd Party, and she's my main pick.
Special mention to Divinity Original Sin Origins and 2 for making my friend freak out when we were watching the reveal together-I was SO clueless, hahaha!
As usual, thanks for gathering all the info in one place. I'll be rewatching some of the trailers later.
Over on Push Square they're saying that the sequel to Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast is coming out in 2020, is that the same case for the Switch?
Also fingers crossed for Republic Commando and KOTOR coming out too
Are we ever going to get a Mario Maker update? That's what I was waiting for. Disappointing.
@JaxonH Dead on with #59. Was DOS II even announced for Switch ever? Because it was a total shocker for me, and as far as I'm concerned a real feather in the cap of Switch's library. They just dropped it so casually: "Oh btw, one of the best cRPGs of all time is on Switch TODAY, lolz."
so did animal crossing get a release date or is it still in limbo? I'm very interested in the 8 player online in AC tbh I want to know more about the villagers and what you can do on the island.
It was a good direct, just not as great as past ones as most of the surprises were leak ahead of time. Not only that but most of the things I was expecting either did happen in a meh way (Terry Bogard reveal trailer was good but no gameplay means its kinda meh at this point) or not happening at all (still hoping we at least see some Metroid Prime 4 progress or a Metroid Prime Trilogy release).
In the space of 6 months the Switch is getting 9 brand new exclusives (Cadence, Mario Maker 2, Marvel UA3, FE:3H, Astral Chain, Daemon X Machina, Luigis Mansion 3, Pokemon, Mario&Sonic Tokyo). Goose Game is Console exclusive and same day as PC. Obra Dinn, Doom Eternal and NBA are same day as other formats.
If that’s pathetic you need to recalibrate your expectations
EDIT-11 new exclusives. I forgot Little Town Hero and Kirby Clash
I don't care what everybody thinks, this is a strong direct for me. everybody is not going to get every game they want to hear from the direct. Nintendo at least put out some info on upcoming new games, bringing out some retro games, snes, and ports of other games. Nothing is wrong with that.
Overall a very strong direct. Plenty of content to please the majority of people. You will never please everyone.....
From now till Christmas is packed with releases.
No-one has mentioned that the Panzer Dragoon remake was not mentioned in the direct, it has a vague Winter 19 release date. It would be good to get a exact release date for the game...
@RainbowGazelle agree completely. only one (minor) new game was announced during this direct. everything else was DLC, ports of old games, ports of super old games, and ports of ancient games
Ahhh, I missed the last 2 bits as I closed when they announced Xeno HD as the last game. Anyway, why not Star Wars KOTOR HD? I have 0 interest in Jedi Outcast.
I’m looking forward to playing black flag. This was a great game on the ps4 and I played 25% of it until I had to return the game. I’ve been meaning to pick this up so hopefully the switch version is a competent port.
@BionicDodo I'm talking new, physical releases. Maybe it's perception, but 90% of announcements seem to be a re-release of something from Wii U / previous Nintendo console, or a port of a game other consoles got years ago. At least on the Wii U, almost every game was new.
@electrolite77 And in the first 6 months of 2019 it basically got nothing. 8 - 10 new exclusives for a year is decent (Kirby's a remake, the others are eShop games), but say you don't like some of them, then that number can go down to 5 or 6. Then compare this to the PS4, which is cheaper than the Switch, and receives a far larger selection of games. Yes, I admit that I'm being spoilt here, it's about quality, but when 90% of a Direct is just ports or remakes, the perception is that there's nothing new on the horizon and the £280 handheld was a waste of money if you want new games.
@RainbowGazelle Yes, but there were so few games on Wii U. I don't personally remember a time where the Wii U had an upcoming exclusive games lineup like Pokemon Sword/Shield, Luigi's Mansion 3, Little Town Hero, Animal Crossing, Daemon X Machina, Bayonetta 3, Deadly Premonition 2 and Metroid Prime 4. Not to mention the fact that two very well reviewed exclusives have recently launched in Fire Emblem and Astral Chain. I think people expect too much. Even the PS4 couldn't do regular 40 minute presentations filled with announcements of brand new exclusive games.
Yes but that’s perception. It’s not necessarily reality.
Yes Switch gets plenty of ports, it can be used as a handheld. No it doesn’t get the same library as PS4, it was never going to, it’s a very different system aiming at a different market. But there’s plenty of new stuff as well.
There’s the stuff I listed, Box Boy, Yoshi, Blaster Master 2, Tetris 99, Travis Strikes Again, Fitness Boxing, Wargroove came to Switch first, Tiny Metal isn’t on another Console, Ninja Saviours/CTR/Sonic Racing/MK11/Oninaki/Steins Gate Elite/Toe Jam and Earl/DQ Builders 2/Bloodstained/Wolfenstein Youngblood same day as PS4. It’s a long way from the Wii U days.
People might have different expectations and perceptions but the reality is plenty of new content.
@BionicDodo Right! So, why not include 3 games from the 8-game collection in the subscription service as a way to tease people into buying the rest?
@RainbowGazelle I can see what you mean. If you buy a new system, new games should be expected, so I can see why the Nintendo directs are disappointing. For me it’s been the opposite, as I have been hoping for a few more ports, such as Dark Souls 2+3. I hope they release some new games that appeal to you.
Divinity Sin 2, I haven't heard much but fellow youtubers has hailed it to be a crowining achievement of rpgs. I may give it a look soon.
Star Wars 2 Jedi Outcast. Don't know what this is but it doesn't have EA anywhere in the title so that makes me happy.
Doom 64, Overwatch: Tis to be expected but the confirms nonetheless makes me happy.
Tokyo Mirage Sessions: English dub and or censored content fix and it should be good for the masses. (Another WiiU game gone.)
Terry Bogard. That Trailer. That trailer was all I needed.
This direct shows that Switch is truly a force to be reckoned with, third parties are taking notice, Snes games are added and indies are flourishing.
The remainder of the year is STACKED.
But overall, it doesn't matter because they failed to announce a specific game.
Captain Toad 2!
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