- Number of Players
- 8
- Genre
- Release Date
Nintendo Switch
21st Jul 2017, $59.99
21st Jul 2017, £49.99
- Series
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- Official Site
- splatoon2.nintendo.com
- Addons / DLC
- Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion
Totally off the hook
Going into Splatoon 2 after the excellent first entry in the series, expectations were high; arguably too high to be properly realised. The original showed an incredible level of ingenuity, clever design, and almost boundless creativity, so could the sequel match up or suffer from a case of the Final Fantasy IIs? First off,...
DLC Reviews
Review Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion (Switch eShop)
Since we first clapped eyes on the sucker-headed Octolings in 720p on the Wii U, Splatoon fans everywhere wanted to take control of these teenage tentaculars on the splattlefield. Octo Expansion promises just that and much more, but can such wondrous ideas truly be realised in a $20 DLC pack for Splatoon 2 on the Switch? Let’s...
Screenshots 13
Splatoon 2 Guides
Guide 25 Games That Are Better On Switch OLED
Games at their very best on Switch OLED
Nintendo released its first major Switch iteration in over two years back in October 2021 with the Switch OLED model. It has a few benefits, like an improved kickstand, a bump in portable audio quality, double the internal storage and a LAN connector on the dock, but the main feature is in the name. Yep, it's...
Guide Funky Video Game Music - Groovy Playlist
Turn up the bass, baby
As part of our season of celebrating video game music that we're inventively calling the Nintendo Life VGM Fest, we're making a few lists of ~moods~, because that's pretty much how we organise our Spotify playlists these days. Everyone knows that video game soundtracks are full of epic orchestrations, relaxing melodies, and...
Guide All The Splatoon 2 amiibo Unlocks
Stay fresh
If you are a Nintendo Switch owner, you might well have been enjoying Splatoon 2 since its launch last year. Playing through the single-player campaign or testing your skills out in some online matches is a great way to build up your Inkling, but what do the Splatoon-themed amiibo do within the game? You can, of course, use both the new...
Guide Nintendo E3 2018 Press Conference Schedule, Rumours, Hopes, And Dreams
Switch, Pokémon, Star Fox, Smash Bros., Fortnite, and more
The hype is real for this year's E3. We've got a resurgent Nintendo, riding on the crest of Switch's enormous success. As a result, every publisher and their mum is trying to squeeze games onto the hybrid console faster than you can say Call of Duty (apart from, it would seem, Activision)...
Guide Tips For Winning Splatoon 2's Splatfests
To the splattlefield
Splatoon 2 is gearing up for its second Splatfest as we publish this, a battle between Flight and Invisibility; inklings will battle across a variety of stages to determine which side will reign supreme. Of course, that means those inklings are going to need to know how to outsmart and outshoot their opponents. Not all of us are...
Guide Splatoon 2 - Adding, Removing and Picking Abilities
Ready and able
Splatoon 2 is now well into its run on Switch, and with it comes a whole new generation of inklings ready to take to the splattlefield for some turf wars and ranked battles. All inklings may be created equal, but that doesn’t mean all abilities are. Fortunately we’re here to give you a rundown on which abilities are worth your...
Guide Where To Find All Of Splatoon 2's Sunken Sea Scrolls
Recommended reading
As with its prequel, Splatoon 2 contains a series of collectible scrolls - dubbed Sunken Sea Scrolls - to find that help expand on Hero Mode's narrative. There are quite a few hiding in Splatoon 2's depths, and we've tracked all of them down. Read on to find out where and how to get your tentacles on these elusive documents...
Guide The Best Splatoon 2 Merchandise Available To Humanity
Staying fresh never looked so good!
Unless you've been living in a cave for the past few months, you'll probably know that Splatoon 2 for Nintendo Switch is coming out on 21st July. Two years have passed since the release of the original Splatoon, and two years have also passed in the game world, leading to an evolution in fashion trends and new...
Gotta Watch 'Em All
Along with the Nintendo Spotlight presentation and Nintendo Treehouse Live streams Nintendo will also be holding three tournaments for upcoming Switch titles Splatoon 2, ARMS and Pokkén Tournament DX. We've compiled all the details you need to watch all three tournaments below. Splatoon 2 World Inkling Invitational @ E3 2017
Splatoon 2 News
News Nintendo Switch System Update 18.1.0 Is Now Live, Here Are The Full Patch Notes
Download it today
Nintendo has updated its Switch firmware to Version 18.1.0. As you might have already noticed, this one is a little bit different. It's tied to the previous announcement in May about the Switch's discontinuation of 'X' (formerly Twitter). It means Switch users will no longer be able to post screenshots of videos to X from the...
News Nintendo Discontinuing 'X' Integration On Switch Next Month
Update: The social media platform responds
Update [Sat 11th May, 2024 01:45 BST]: X (formerly Twitter) has issued a response to this news via its 'xGaming' account, noting how this was a product decision made by Nintendo". @xGaming: The gaming community is one of the largest and most vibrant communities on our platform, and we are dedicated to...
Soapbox As Splatoon's Online Wraps Up Nearly 9 Years On, How Does It Compare To Splatoon 3?
Dye hard
Soapbox features enable our individual writers and contributors to voice their opinions on hot topics and random stuff they've been chewing over. Today, as its online days draw to a close, Nile bids farewell to Splatoon on Wii U, a shining proof of concept... On 8th April 2024, Nintendo will be
Feature Nintendo Fans Needn't Lose Sleep Over Foamstars, Square Enix's 'Splatoon Rip-Off'
Fun-but-messy foamin'
When Square Enix's Foamstars was announced during the recent PlayStation Showcase, Nintendo fans everywhere were thinking one thing: "Er, Splatoon-much!?" After going hands-on with this PlayStation exclusive for 45 minutes at Summer Game Fest, this exclamation still rings true. It definitely looks like Splatoon, and it also...
Update: Splatoon and Mario Kart 8 for Wii U taken offline
Update [Fri 3rd Mar, 2023 15:30 GMT]: Nintendo has announced that it has begun temporary emergency maintenance on Splatoon and Mario Kart 8 for the Wii U. While unconfirmed, it's heavily speculated that the maintenance - which at the time of writing has no time frame attached to it - is...
Feature Why Is Splatoon So Popular In Japan?
Nintendo is squids in
It happened almost overnight. One day in May 2015, Splatoon merch appeared everywhere in Japan. Baby inklings dangled from kids’ backpacks. Squid-girl stickers adorned pencil cases. Convenience stores advertised raffles for figurines, coffee cups, and Splatoon-branded bags. This explosion of Splat-swag was perhaps more of a...
Random Google's Splatoon Easter Egg Lets You Ink Your Search Results
It would perhaps be the understatement of the year to say that Splatoon 3 has been a big hit. The game has broken records with the sheer quantity of sales that it has made in Japan and the same can be said across the world. The game has been such a big hit, in fact, that even Google has got in on the action. Getting a Google interactive...
Random Splatoon 3 Fans Are Getting Concerned About The Use Of QR Codes
Players can add them in as "illustrations"
Splatoon 3 has been consistently gaining traction since its launch in September, particularly for its excellent enhancements to the multiplayer along with an improved Salmon Run mode and solid single-player component. But it seems players in Japan are starting to get concerned about the use of QR codes in...
Random Splatoon 2's Final Splatfest Dictated The Direction Of Splatoon 3
"I'm an agent of chaos"
Nintendo has kicked off another round of 'Ask the Developer', a series in which key members of a game's development team dive into the creative process behind some of Nintendo's biggest Switch games. This time, of course, we're looking at Splatoon 3, which is due to release later this week. You can read the full interview...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? (August 27th)
Ladies and gentlemen, The Weekend
As the great Captain Haddock once said, 'what a week, huh?' It seems that in the run-up to Splatoon 3's release, Nintendo has been hitting us with inky news left, right and centre (splaturation, if you will). This week, we got a chance to go hands-on with the upcoming game, and we are sure that some of you will be...
Feature Nintendo Fans Needn't Lose Sleep Over Foamstars, Square Enix's 'Splatoon Rip-Off'
Fun-but-messy foamin'
When Square Enix's Foamstars was announced during the recent PlayStation Showcase, Nintendo fans everywhere were thinking one thing: "Er, Splatoon-much!?" After going hands-on with this PlayStation exclusive for 45 minutes at Summer Game Fest, this exclamation still rings true. It definitely looks like Splatoon, and it also...
Preview Going Solo in Splatoon 2's Single Player Hero Mode
Off we go to Octo Canyon
Due to the online servers not yet being available this preview is entirely focused around the single player campaign. Make sure you keep an eye out for our full review where we look at the whole kit and caboodle! If there’s one complaint people had about the original Splatoon it’s that the single player Hero Mode,...
First Impressions Teaming Up in Splatoon 2's Salmon Run Co-Op Mode
It's a fishy business
If you’ve played the Splatoon 2 Testfire, a timed, online trial mode where Nintendo Switch owners got their first hands-on with this anticipated shooter sequel, then you already know that Splatoon 2 looks and feels rather like the original game. In fact, the ways in which Splatoon 2 differs are less in the aesthetics and...
First Impressions Splatoon 2 - What We Learned About Weapons, Visuals and Controls
A step up on Nintendo's latest hardware
Over the past few days Nintendo Switch owners had a chance to try out Splatoon 2 in its first Global Testfire. There's no firm release date for the colourful shooter as yet, and much about it remains a mystery; as a result it's not unreasonable to wonder whether it was simply the first Global Testfire with...
First Impressions Taking Aim in The Colourful World of Splatoon 2
Ink or sink
2015 was a funny time for Nintendo, against all the nay-sayers and all the 'Nintendoomers' the company managed to successfully re-evaluate what makes a shooter tick with Splatoon. Now it's at it again with the aptly named Splatoon 2 - sadly not Spla2oon - and we thought we should sit down to ink out the details of the preview event demo...
About The Game
Traditional 4-on-4 turf battles return in this full sequel to the original breakout hit game, along with new stages, new fashions and new weapons such as the two-handed Splat Dualies.
Players can compete on the TV or on the go. Whether they use the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller (sold separately) or Joy-Con, players can aim their ink using gyro controls. Splatoon 2 supports both local and online multiplayer matches. The game will also support voice chat using the new Nintendo Switch smart device app (a free, limited version of the app will be available this summer), and will add new stages, fashions and weapons after launch, as the original game did. Splatoon 2 is scheduled to launch this summer.
Comments 16
I'm so excited for this!!!!! I'll Stay Fresh all next summer!!!
It's not a port, it's a sequel.
Yessssss Nintendo! Keep doing stuff like this and you'll keep me happy!
Splatoon was in my opinion one of the greatest games of all time. I am hoping I can get the switch before this game comes out. Splatoon rocks!!
"Splatoon 2 supports both local and online multiplayer matches". I hope this will mean 1 switch, with 4 players. The switch shouldn't, in my humble opinion, have any games that are not at least 2 player co-op. Even Legend of Zelda. Have us complete the single player campaign, then unlock multiplayer, and let us use one of the Champions alongside Link!
The game is a very good first person shooter that changed the violence to a very child friendly game of paintball originally thought it was going to be boring since I am a battlefield 1 fan but I heard all the positive things about it and decided to buy it turned out to be a brilliant game that I personally loved and overall I don't see why this game shouldn't get a 10/10.
Don't get cooked -
Stay off the hook!
IMO the best game in its genre. I played almost every First/Third Person Shooter since 1991 and I loved a lot of them, but never felt so much in love.
not as good as splatoon 1 but i still love it (And hyped for octo expansion)!
Stay fresh!
Nintendo's approach to charging for on line game participation is nothing but a cash grab. We will most certainly decrease our Nintendo purchases and the next generation console purchase will be focused on service provider's who do not build in on going monthly costs. Not impressed and recommend not purchasing Splatoon 2.
Hello. Does anyone know what happened to the Splatfest that was supposed to end at 10pm GMT on Sunday the 6th? I went on, but it had seemed to end. Any ideas?
Best game I have ever played, if anything this game is my child hood.
Stay Fresh! Jazz hands
Splatoon 2. Paint balling. With bells on. If you haven’t played this- why not? If you haven’t bought it- give your head a wobble right now!
100 out of 10 option for this game plz!
I don’t like shooting games but this game was so fun the physics are fun as heck and also I met a lot of great people
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