I was honestly shook by this announcement, I thought for sure we'd be waiting for the new console before we got this game. Then again, did it ever say it was coming to Switch?
edit- Yes, it was confirmed for Switch. My bad. Switch Pro confirmed?
Definitely did not expect this announcement, but it looks cool. The wasteland theme looks pretty awesome, and as several people have mentioned, it sounds like the Order vs. Chaos Splatfest may have had an effect on the story. It also looks like Inklings and Octolings have completely integrated (probably as a result of the events of Octo Expansion), as you can see several Inklings and Octolings walking around together (although it seems they're fighting against each other in that Turf War, so maybe not completely? Or Nintendo might just be highlighting that you can freely choose between Inklings and Octolings in the main game this time). It'll be interesting to see how things have changed.
Didn't really show much new gameplay wise aside from typical new weapons. There's those floating box things that spawn the Inklings and Octolings, I'm guessing those replace/are used for Super Jumps? And what is that Salmonid "little buddy" do? Is it a helper of some sorts? There's a lot more questions than answers here.
I just find it kind wired that they were promoting splatoon 2 so much last year, with the demo and the splatfest idk why they would do that if they were planning this game.
Nintendo are like woman, You love them for whats on the inside, not the outside…you know what I mean! Luzlane best girl!
(My friend code is SW-7322-1645-6323, please ask me before you use it)
I'm in the disappointed boat, and I'll probably stay there until I see a reason to get out of it. I need to see some reason to invest a third time, as I don't really feel I've gotten my money's worth from the first two.
You guys had me at blood and semen.
What better way to celebrate than firing something out of the pipe?
@ToadBrigade You've still got a year or so to make the most of Splatoon 2 before the third game releases. It'll be five years between games which is a pretty reasonable gap. As someone who got Splatoon 2 on launch day and have put over 1,000 hours into it but haven't played much lately, I'm pretty ready for a new one.
Loved the announcement. Splatoon 2 was a favorite of mine for a while. I put a ton of time into it. Having said that I'm curious to see what they do with 3 and how much it will differ.
1. It will be 5 years, half a decade, that's a respectable time for a multiplayer game to be released, even if there is still a playerbase on the second. There's still a decent playerbase on the first if I might add. Immediately jumping to them taking the "Call of Duty route" is quite absurd.
2. Why are people fussy if it's one game per console or not? People have been begging for a mario kart 9 and odyssey 2, what makes it different, especially considering mario kart has online as well which would split that playerbase if it ever were to happen.
3. I get that mario kart was different to splatoon as multiplayer is a focus for that game but I don't think that's reason to say there should be no game in the entire franchise until the next console, especially considering we are by all accounts only halfway through the lifespan of the switch, according to Nintendo themselves. I don't know, saying x game deserves a sequel at x time while x one doesn't seems kind of...gatekeeping in a sense? I want the games you want as much as you do, but making a sequel to a popular franchise doesn't mean Nintendo has a lack of creativity, Nintendo doesn't just cater to your tastes.
Now, the game definitely needs to prove itself as a sequel, as 2 is definitely not flawless by any means, particularly in amount of content if you don't like playing the same things over and over again. My wishlist is a meaty single player akin to the Octo Expansion, as the original single player, while being good in it's own right, suffers from lack or replayability. A bigger and possibly more customizable hubworld that rewards you for poking your nose into places. A new multiplayer mode along with salmon run and the main lobby battles, and by god please a couch coop. Finally, a longer support cycle, although that might not happen as the devs would be juggling this and animal crossing. More splatfests and such, still bummed I missed all that for 2. Looks like some of the other issues I wanted fixing has already been resolved with the reveal trailer.
@Bolt_Strike someone said in the splatoon 3 reveal article that the box thingys might have been implemented to prevent spawn camping, which makes sense. And I think having more questions than answers was what they were trying to do.
@Northwind agreed. I think I need to see more of the setting before I put any major opinions. Some people don't like the departure, but I personally find it pretty cool, but again, still need to see more. The one problem I found with the trailer was the tone was kinda jumbled, like they were debating whether to go "apocalyptic" or "hey look, new splatoon game!" And just ended up somewhere in the middle.
"We’ve identified two new ways that Inklings can move. A “squid roll” allows them to leap and twirl out of their ink, and a “squid surge” allows them to quickly swim up ink-covered walls and jump out at the top! Just think how these abilities could be used in the heat of battle…"
So yeah, new gameplay options, my interest has peaked.
2. Why are people fussy if it's one game per console or not? People have been begging for a mario kart 9 and odyssey 2, what makes it different, especially considering mario kart has online as well which would split that playerbase if it ever were to happen.
3. I get that mario kart was different to splatoon as multiplayer is a focus for that game but I don't think that's reason to say there should be no game in the entire franchise until the next console, especially considering we are by all accounts only halfway through the lifespan of the switch, according to Nintendo themselves. I don't know, saying x game deserves a sequel at x time while x one doesn't seems kind of...gatekeeping in a sense? I want the games you want as much as you do, but making a sequel to a popular franchise doesn't mean Nintendo has a lack of creativity, Nintendo doesn't just cater to your tastes.
There seems to be a lot of double standards when it comes to Mario Kart vs. Splatoon. Frankly, I think Splatoon 3's reveal just blew any argument against Mario Kart 9 out of the water. The only thing left you could say is "well, Splatoon is a younger franchise" but that's a pretty weak argument at this point. For the 2nd game it made sense, but at this point Splatoon's established itself and has sold well enough that they have no real need to update it.
@Bolt_Strike someone said in the splatoon 3 reveal article that the box thingys might have been implemented to prevent spawn camping, which makes sense.
Yeah, but how do they work exactly? Do you just aim and shoot and then they disappear until you're splattered? Can they shoot you anywhere on the map or just on the one end? There's a lot they have to answer about how those boxes work.
And I think having more questions than answers was what they were trying to do.
Which makes sense I guess, an initial reveal is supposed to get you hooked. Still though, I would argue gameplay wise they didn't quite do enough to get people hyped.
"We’ve identified two new ways that Inklings can move. A “squid roll” allows them to leap and twirl out of their ink, and a “squid surge” allows them to quickly swim up ink-covered walls and jump out at the top! Just think how these abilities could be used in the heat of battle…"
So yeah, new gameplay options, my interest has peaked.
Yeah, they're actually shown in the trailer if you look closely, and Nin10doland actually caught them in his analysis of the trailer:
It looks like the Squid Roll is a dodging move of sorts. The trailer shows them using it to dodge a Splatbow attack (see 9:56). Meanwhile the Squid Surge is like the freeze frame jump in BotW that you use to aim your bow in midair (see 10:34). Those are good additions, but nothing earth shattering. I think what people are most expecting to justify this game are a Battle Royale mode or a more robust/open world single player mode. Which aren't off the table and would fit the premise and setting pretty well, but they haven't been confirmed yet.
The Twitter account also mentions the "little buddy":
"In the new video transmission, an Inkling is seen accompanied by a juvenile Salmonid called a Smallfry. Our studies have long shown the Salmonids to be a dangerous species. How this seemingly symbiotic relationship evolved is a thrilling mystery. Further research is required!"
Not much here that we can't already tell from the trailer, but it's confirmed our little buddy is named Smallfry. Again, I wonder what it does?
@Bolt_Strike splatoon has done this thing where they post "scientific updates" and stuff on I think it was tumblr, but it might be twitter for this one, idk. So I guess that may be how they get information to people, although I'd definitely expect something at E3.
Hm, with the squid roll, that may make dualies obsolete, that was my main. Already there's going to be some major shakups on gun balancing, so as @northwind had worried the gameplay will definitely change to make a more even playing field at the start. The new abilities might lead to interesting map design I would think, with an emphasis on verticality, that would be awesome. It would also make the older maps fresh again.
I never saw the small fry in the clips of the turf wars so maybe that'll be a single player thing, that's definitely getting me excited. Although I've seen some people speculate they could be in specials, like driving that crab thing we saw.
I do agree with your doubts on the trailer. I think it did its job, but it was nothing special, nothing beats that Octo Expansion trailer.
@Bolt_Strike The biggest difference with Mario Kart is that it continues to dominate the sales charts. I'm not necessarily convinced that we won't see a new game on the Switch as there'd still be a lot of financial benefit to doing so but if they don't feel the need to then that'd be why.
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