I can't be the only one who prefers physical retail games over digital, so I made a list after searching for my own, and I will update it continuously until the end of time. This list is for North American release dates only for now. I will also include games exclusive to other regions that have English language options. Keep in mind many of the games listed as UK exclusive are also released in other regions like the Netherlands and Australia, etc. Feel free to let me know if there is something you would like added.
Be sure to subscribe to these limited print publishers:
Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition (Nintendo)
May 18th US
Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 & 2 (Capcom)
May 22nd US
Runner 3 (Nicalis)
May 22nd US
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary (Capcom)
May 29th US
Harvest Moon: Light of Hope (Natsume)
May 29th US
R.B.I. Baseball 2018 (MLB.com)
May 29th US
Fallen Legion: Rise to Glory (NIS America)
May 29th US
Owlboy (Soedesco)
May 29th US
Shaq Fu (Wired Productions)
June 5th US
BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle (Arc System Works)
June 5th US
Happy Birthdays (NIS America)
June 5th US
Flashback Anniversary Edition (Microids)
June 7th UK &AU exclusive
Sushi Striker (Nintendo)
June 8th US
Yonder Cloud Catcher Chronicles (Merge)
June 12th US
LEGO The Incredibles (Warner Bros)
June 15th US
Steamworld Dig 2 (Rising Star Games)
June 19th US
Yoku's Island Express (Team17)
June 19th US
The Lost Child (NIS America)
June 19th US
MUSYNX (PM Studios)
June 19th US
Minecraft (Mojang)
June 21st US
Mario Tennis Aces (Nintendo)
June 22nd US
Tennis World Tour (BigBen)
June 26th US
Brawlout (Merge)
June 26th US
Hunting Simulator (Maximum Games)
June 26th US
Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana
June 26th US
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus (Bethesda)
June 29th US
Chicken Range (Fun Box Media)
June 29th EU exclusive
Crash Bandicoot NSane Trilogy (Activision)
June 29th US
Shining Resonance Refrain (SEGA)
July 10th US
Octopath Traveler (Square Enix)
July 13th US
Captain Toad Treasure Tracker (Nintendo)
July 13th US
Sonic Mania Plus (SEGA)
July 17th US
Tohou Genso Wanderer Reloaded (NIS America)
July 17th US
Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion (Outright Games)
July 17th US
Slain: Back From Hell (Merge)
July 20th UK exclusive
Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 + 2 (Capcom)
July 24th US
Hello Neighbor (Gearbox)
July 27th US
Little Dragon's Cafe (Aksys)
August 24th US
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate (Capcom)
August 28th US
Mercenaries Saga Chronicles (PM Studios)
August 28th US
Code of Princess EX (Nicalis)
August 28th US
Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom (FDG Entertainment)
August 28th US
God Wars The Complete Legend (NIS America)
September 4th US
SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy (NIS America)
September 7th US
Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk (NIS America)
September 25th US
SNK 30th Anniversary Collection (NIS America)
October 30th US
Crystal Crisis (Nicalis)
October 30th US
Valkerie Chronicles 4 (Sega)
October 30th US
VOEZ (PM Studios)
October 30th US
Disgae 1 Complete (NIS America)
October 30th US
[TBD 2018-2019]
Beyonetta 3 (SEGA)
Blade Strangers (Nicalis)
Clever Learning (UIG Entertainment)
Constructor (System 3)
Cops 911 (UIG Entertainment)
De Blob (THQ Nordiq)
Dark Souls Remastered (Bandai Namco)
Dragon Quest Heroes 1&2 (Square Enix)
Farmer's Dynasty (UIG Entertainment)
Flipping Death (Rising Star)
Firefighters: Airport Fire Rescue (UIG Entertainment)
Flint Hook (Limited Run) Online Exclusive
Ginger: Beyond the Crystal (BadLand)
Guardians of the Galaxy (Telltale)
Gal Gun 2 (Into Creates)
Indivible (505 Games)
Max and the Curse of Brotherhood (FlashBulb)
Moonligher (Merge)
Metroid Prime 4 (Nintendo)
Mercenary Kings (Limited Run) Online Exclusive Limited Edition
Mega Man 11 (Capcom)
Netherworld (Hungry Pixel) Online Exclusive Kickstarter
No More Heroes 3 (Suda 51)
Professional Farmer: American Dream (UIG Entertainment)
Redout (34 Big Things)
Riding Stable My Life (UIG Entertainment)
Realms of Arcania: Blades of Destiny (UIG Entertainment)
Song of Memories (P Qube)
Ski Racing 2018 (UIG Entertainment)
Shakedown Hawaii (Vblank) Online Exclusive Limited Edition?
Starlink: Battle for Atlas (Ubisoft)
Transport Giant (UIG Entertainment)
This is the Police 2
The Town of Light Deluxe Edition (Wired Productions)
The World Ends With You Final Remix (Square Enix)
Wolfenstein 2: The New Colosus (Bethesda)
World Racing (UIG Entertainment)
Yoshi (Nintendo)
Oh nice! I didn't know Has-Been Heroes was getting a physical release. Sweet.
I think it is Gamestop exclusive but don't quote me on that. For $20 it's a must have for me.
It's a Gamestop exclusive in Europe too, €25 at their Ireland website which is the same price as the Xbox One and PS4 versions.
They appear to have shut down the UK website oddly, but the price converts to about £21.50 according to Google, but postage is €7.50, adding around £6.44.
My guess is that Has-Been Heroes is GameStop exclusive worldwide as they themselves have licensed the game for physical distribution. It's also exclusive in Australia (and New Zealand?) to EB Games, which has retained its original franchise name here. The asking price here is $39.95 (the PS4/Bone versions are priced the same).
While the budget price is very tempting, it doesn't look like something that I would enjoy on a shiny new console. I already have similar looking games with higher production values (Shin Megami Tensei springs to mind) that I'm yet to scratch the surface of. I think I'll give it a pass unless it receives glowing reviews.
Porygon did nothing wrong.
Pokémon GO Friend Code: 3186-9043-9218
Pokémon Sleep Friend Code: 1158-2327-1187
I skipped Lego City Undercover on Wii U due to its long load times, but I'll be more tempted to have a look in on the Switch version. It would be cool if they did a port of the 3DS version as well (and address all of the performance issues in that version). Honestly, they should have just bundled them together. That way, they could easily demand a full retail price for the complete package. Seems like a missed opportunity on the publisher's part.
Porygon did nothing wrong.
Pokémon GO Friend Code: 3186-9043-9218
Pokémon Sleep Friend Code: 1158-2327-1187
Disgaea 5 Complete has been rated by the Australian Classification Board just the other day (it's not an IARC rating, so a physical release is assured).
Porygon did nothing wrong.
Pokémon GO Friend Code: 3186-9043-9218
Pokémon Sleep Friend Code: 1158-2327-1187
So that's a definite physical release, at least in N.A. Sonic Mania has a Collectors Edition too, but it includes a download code for the game.
They really need to ensure Rime, Shovel Knight, Yooka Laylee and Rayman Legends gets a physical version. I'd have loved to see I Am Setsuna in a boxer version. Major missed opportunity on SE part.
All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans
God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John
@JaxonH : Unfortunately they do not ship to "PAL regions", which includes Australia, so we have no other option but to wait for a local release (and it's extremely unlikely that the collector's edition will ever see the light of day here).
Porygon did nothing wrong.
Pokémon GO Friend Code: 3186-9043-9218
Pokémon Sleep Friend Code: 1158-2327-1187
I think whether or not we get more retail releases depends somewhat on Bomberman R, Binding of Isaac, Redout selling decently well. Nintendo needs to be encouraging publishers to get their games on store shelves if not even offsetting the cost of the cartridge vs blu ray. Have you seen the 3ds & Wii U sections of Gamestop recently? Combined they are about 1/3 of the Xbox section. I imagine future 3rd party support in general will depend on the sales of the 3rd party games from the first year, so I plan on supporting as much as possible. So far for me it's only Zelda, Binding of Isaac, and Has Been Heroes.
There is a lack of any strong third party titles at launch, so I doubt that Bomberman and the like are going to sell in high numbers, especially at those ridiculous asking prices. Bomberman is priced at $90 in Australia (and that's after they've so generously marked the price down from $100). That's AAA pricing. Konami is having an absolute laugh if they think that people are going to be paying that much for what looks like an eShop-tier game. Even Nintendo's own Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker and Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush were priced at a more sensible $60 here (which is also the standard retail price for premium 3DS games).
I'll most likely grab Zelda and 1-2 Switch at launch, but I just can't justify the stupid asking price for Bomberman, as fun as it could be in a group.
Porygon did nothing wrong.
Pokémon GO Friend Code: 3186-9043-9218
Pokémon Sleep Friend Code: 1158-2327-1187
I think they might do well, purely on the basis that...what other Switch games are you gonna get at a store?
Yeah exactly. If anything, Konami should be applauded for actually making a smart business move. That Bomberman game looks fun, but cheap to make. In fact part of me believes it was an old Wii/Wii U game that got brought back from the dead to reap the launch sales of Switch. I love the box art.
I love the box art too, and I'm keen to give the Bomberman series a try, but the asking price is just way too much for what the game appears to offer. I resent it so bloody much, because I'll most likely end up caving in.
Porygon did nothing wrong.
Pokémon GO Friend Code: 3186-9043-9218
Pokémon Sleep Friend Code: 1158-2327-1187
@sillygostly Why not try another entry in the franchise first? I believe there's a Bomberman game on the Wii Shop for $10, and maybe even on the Wii U eShop too (or 3DS). If not, then I'm sure there are VC Bomberman titles available. I'd even recommend getting one of the entries on the N64 or GameCube if you have those systems, I'm sure they give you more bang for you buck. Bomberman Adventure on the GBA is one of my personal favourites, the story mode in that game borrows some RPG elements, and it works brilliantly.
Topic: Switch Physical Boxed Games List & Release Dates (US & CA)
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