
Topic: Switch Physical Boxed Games List & Release Dates (US & CA)

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@McGruber I would. I'm planning on picking up an extra. It's almost sold out in all my local stores. Non of the bonus items are included in the 2nd printing either, & They have also said there will not be a 3rd



@Darkhuman I don't have a Switch yet (or anymore) but I definitely think I might join you in getting it. I've seen it at both Target and Walmart recently here.


Nintendo Network ID: McGruber


glad i got me a limited edition Binding copy.
Shoulda got my Puyo at Target, but can't deny that BB discount. got the keychains at least... I'm sporting the Tetris

physicals is the only way to go... gotta have the box

Edited on by Killer7IsDead



@Evergrey I did thanks much! I managed to pick up the Target Puyo Puyo Tetris with the extra stickers! I opened it but kept the plastic on it as that's where the target exc sticker is. (The outside marker sticker not the actual bonus stickers, those are inside the box)
Target also had a bonus Mario Kart 8 deluxe free Rubiks Cube with purchase (or 5.99 alone)

NIS's website now shows less than 5% stock remaining on Disgaea 5 complete L.E. That's the next physical release so get on that now!

GameStop has pre order bonuses for Cave Story + (1 of 3 character keychains), & RIME (cloth map) even tho RIME still doesn't have a switch release date yet.
I preordered the yellow joycons too!!

Edited on by Darkhuman



Monopoly is getting a physical release? If so, this is both good and bad news. Good in that it's a physical release. Bad in that it's possibly going to cost more money than what I'd prefer to pay for it.

Shame there doesn't seem to be any fast-paced third person action games outside of Splatoon 2 and one of those god-awful Warriors games.



Darkhuman wrote:

@Evergrey I did thanks much! I managed to pick up the Target Puyo Puyo Tetris with the extra stickers! I opened it but kept the plastic on it as that's where the target exc sticker is. (The outside marker sticker not the actual bonus stickers, those are inside the box)
Target also had a bonus Mario Kart 8 deluxe free Rubiks Cube with purchase (or 5.99 alone)

NIS's website now shows less than 5% stock remaining on Disgaea 5 complete L.E. That's the next physical release so get on that now!

GameStop has pre order bonuses for Cave Story + (1 of 3 character keychains), & RIME (cloth map) even tho RIME still doesn't have a switch release date yet.
I preordered the yellow joycons too!!

Thats some nice info you got there! Thanks for letting me know! I´m from Brazil, so it´s difficult to get some infos about all of this, and I wanna go full set on the Switch, but since Nintendo is no longer oficially in our contry, I have to import all, so that´s expensive as hell! hahaha

I order the Disgaea 5 L.E, and I will put the Cave Story and Rime on my priority list, but I will have to wait these come up on ebay, since GameStop don´t send to my country. Do you know if Cave Story it´s going to have and exclusive Box like the Puyo Puyo Tetris? Because on gamestop website, they do tell that the item (keychain) it´s going to be packed with the game, but it´s not clear if it is something bundle.

If you know more about this exclusive editions, please share with us!

Drummer inside!
Going full set on the Switch!


Okay, now I'm mad, because not only did I not get the stickers and manual in my Binding of Isaac but I didn't get the MK Rubik's Cube when I bought MK at Target. They were right there, too, but I didn't know they were supposed to be freebies, and I guess the woman on the register didn't know either.

Switch FC: SW-5152-0041-1364
Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.


JasmineDragon wrote:

Okay, now I'm mad, because not only did I not get the stickers and manual in my Binding of Isaac but I didn't get the MK Rubik's Cube when I bought MK at Target. They were right there, too, but I didn't know they were supposed to be freebies, and I guess the woman on the register didn't know either.

But your binding of isaac is of the second print?

Drummer inside!
Going full set on the Switch!


Happy to help @evergrey!
I'm not sure yet if cave story + will be in a big box but according to the company's twitter the keychain will be inside the packaging. So possibility.

NBA 2K18 comes out 9/15 and has 3 different versions. The Gold edition is a GameStop exclusive and will go for $150!

Touhou Kobuto v Burst Battle drops on 9/5 and NIS has another limited edition up for preorder on their site.

@jasminedragon is you still have your receipt or you paid with your target red card go back and get your free cube!!

Edited on by Darkhuman



@Darkhuman Nice!

Do you will get the exclusive gold edition of nba 2k18?

I was thinking about getting the 99 dollar one.

150 dollar seems a lot for what comes in the package

Drummer inside!
Going full set on the Switch!


Updated with Sine More EX and that other thing that is coming out on Sep 5th. I'm really excited about these THQ games, and I'm very happy that they are going physical. They even put out Darksiders on Wii U just recently, so whoever is running that company now definitely deserves some love from us Nintendo fans, given the current (but not recent) 3rd party problem.


Nintendo Network ID: McGruber


Thanks for keeping it updated @mcgruber! @evergrey I'll probably break down and get it. Anything that's a retailer exclusive I'm not missing out on this time .
Speaking of : square enix's online store has the physical version of Lost Sphear for preorder (2018) it will not be at retail only their online store.
Also according to bestbuy and target .coms RIME is dropping 8/31

Edited on by Darkhuman



@Darkhuman Are you sure that it's a physical release? Has Square done this in the past? This looks like a must buy for me, but do I have to pre-order?


Nintendo Network ID: McGruber


Hahahha, going full set on Switch, living in a country where we don´t have Nintendo official representation it´s a challenge for sure! The Square Enix shipping to Brazil it´s US$42, hahahahahahaha.

I will have to use one of those package forwarding companies, like shipto.

Drummer inside!
Going full set on the Switch!


Updated to include all currently known release dates and boxart. I hope I can add quite a few things on Tuesday!


Nintendo Network ID: McGruber


There's a Gold Edition of NBA 2K18 now? =/

For those ridiculous asking prices, you'd expect ALL of the content to be included on the cart, although that seems highly unlikely.

Porygon did nothing wrong.
Pokémon GO Friend Code: 3186-9043-9218
Pokémon Sleep Friend Code: 1158-2327-1187

Switch Friend Code: SW-1910-7582-3323



Couple quick things

  • EA Sports FIFA 18 releases September 29th
  • Lego City Undercover has a Toys R US exclusive mini bundle
  • Puyo Puyo Tetris has a standard sold everywhere and a exclusive at Target. Not sure if that's what you mean by limited
  • Cave Story + does have a big box bundle exclusive to GameStop. Look in the Bonus section on their website

Great list! Keep up the awesome work

Edited on by MrCIB




Any plans to do a UK list? I would really appreciate it - I can't find one anywhere!

You are doing a brilliant job on the US list.

Thanks in advance - keep it going.


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