
Topic: The Chit-Chat Thread

Posts 81 to 100 of 96,649


hey @theblackdragon sorry for that "pokemon post" the other day!
you really like cats huh?

goodbyes are a sad part of life but for every end there's a new beggining so one must never stop looking forward to the next dawn
now working at IBM as helpdesk analyst
my Backloggery

3DS Friend Code: 3995-7085-4333 | Nintendo Network ID: GustavoSF


DeviousCrossing wrote:

GuSilverFlame wrote:

hey @theblackdragon sorry for that "pokemon post" the other day!
you really like cats huh?

What Pokemon Post?

long story.... I was a little mad because of that story about religions saying pokemon is bad and let out more than allowed in this site...

goodbyes are a sad part of life but for every end there's a new beggining so one must never stop looking forward to the next dawn
now working at IBM as helpdesk analyst
my Backloggery

3DS Friend Code: 3995-7085-4333 | Nintendo Network ID: GustavoSF


Gioku wrote:

DeviousCrossing wrote:

GuSilverFlame wrote:

hey @theblackdragon sorry for that "pokemon post" the other day!
you really like cats huh?

What Pokemon Post?

Here it is:

I'm always caught off guard with these posts heck I really LOL'd!

goodbyes are a sad part of life but for every end there's a new beggining so one must never stop looking forward to the next dawn
now working at IBM as helpdesk analyst
my Backloggery

3DS Friend Code: 3995-7085-4333 | Nintendo Network ID: GustavoSF


Doesn't anybody want to ask me a question or something, what should I/we chat in the chit chat club, or should I just chat to myself?

I made Sheldon & Mr. Randoms back on Flipnote Hatena, now i'm a kangaroo mod that has a funko pop collection!

I'm not keen politics since that stuff is spooky, I'd rather watch SpongeBob over Fox News anyways!

Fortnite Creator Code: SheldonRandoms

Switch Friend Code: SW-2240-6609-5332 | 3DS Friend Code: 5429-9754-3617 | Nintendo Network ID: SheldonRandoms


SheldonRandoms wrote:

Doesn't anybody want to ask me a question or something, what should I/we chat in the chit chat club, or should I just chat to myself?

What kind of sandwich is Ristar eating?

Backloggery. Now playing: 3D Dot Game Heroes, Donkey Kong, EarthBound Beginnings, Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams, and Pac-Man Championship Edition DX+.

3DS Friend Code: 0216-1196-2417 | Nintendo Network ID: Electricmastro


@Electricmastro Ristar is eating pancakes, he's gotta fill the void somehow.

I made Sheldon & Mr. Randoms back on Flipnote Hatena, now i'm a kangaroo mod that has a funko pop collection!

I'm not keen politics since that stuff is spooky, I'd rather watch SpongeBob over Fox News anyways!

Fortnite Creator Code: SheldonRandoms

Switch Friend Code: SW-2240-6609-5332 | 3DS Friend Code: 5429-9754-3617 | Nintendo Network ID: SheldonRandoms


i gots a questun, cawz im tawlkin' in meh western accent, so im gunna askr.

screw dem questions. How bout from now on we just give ANSWERS instead.

real Italian meatballs are made by real Italian meatball men.

Used to be Doge

3DS Friend Code: 3394-3778-3936 | Nintendo Network ID: Gansano


SheldonRandoms wrote:

@Electricmastro Ristar is eating pancakes, he's gotta fill the void somehow.

Where you get that avatar.
and why is it always eating >:[

For you, the day LordJumpMad graced your threads, was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday.

3DS Friend Code: 4167-4592-9402 | Twitter:


time for people to ask me questions!


tumblr's better...

-Kurt Cobain
X&Y safari: Fire; Charmeleon; Ninetales; Growlithe

3DS Friend Code: 4441-9172-6626 | Nintendo Network ID: BigBoyChubs


@LordJumpMad I made this avatar/gif, and Ristar is eating pancakes because..........the void, he's gotta fill it.
^Also, here's a bigger version of the avatar/gif.

I made Sheldon & Mr. Randoms back on Flipnote Hatena, now i'm a kangaroo mod that has a funko pop collection!

I'm not keen politics since that stuff is spooky, I'd rather watch SpongeBob over Fox News anyways!

Fortnite Creator Code: SheldonRandoms

Switch Friend Code: SW-2240-6609-5332 | 3DS Friend Code: 5429-9754-3617 | Nintendo Network ID: SheldonRandoms


SheldonRandoms wrote:

@LordJumpMad I made this avatar/gif, and Ristar is eating pancakes because..........the void, he's gotta fill it.

How did you get this quirky personality?

Was Mariobro4. No, I'm not taking off my's important.

Switch Friend Code: SW-1530-1570-5053 | 3DS Friend Code: 3566-2311-3009 | Nintendo Network ID: Mariobro4


@Mariobro4 Maybe I was born with it, or maybe it's that maybelline I've been using lately.

I made Sheldon & Mr. Randoms back on Flipnote Hatena, now i'm a kangaroo mod that has a funko pop collection!

I'm not keen politics since that stuff is spooky, I'd rather watch SpongeBob over Fox News anyways!

Fortnite Creator Code: SheldonRandoms

Switch Friend Code: SW-2240-6609-5332 | 3DS Friend Code: 5429-9754-3617 | Nintendo Network ID: SheldonRandoms


@Dark-Luigi I have been random for 12345678910 years now.

I made Sheldon & Mr. Randoms back on Flipnote Hatena, now i'm a kangaroo mod that has a funko pop collection!

I'm not keen politics since that stuff is spooky, I'd rather watch SpongeBob over Fox News anyways!

Fortnite Creator Code: SheldonRandoms

Switch Friend Code: SW-2240-6609-5332 | 3DS Friend Code: 5429-9754-3617 | Nintendo Network ID: SheldonRandoms


@Dark-Luigi Yeah, I got a question, I was wondering if you still have the deal here, where I can get a triple bacon burger with swell wait, i'm not ordering at wendy's, alright, here's the question I got for you, what do you think is Luigi's best moment ever.

@KiDasharus Same question, what do you think is Luigi's best moment ever.

I made Sheldon & Mr. Randoms back on Flipnote Hatena, now i'm a kangaroo mod that has a funko pop collection!

I'm not keen politics since that stuff is spooky, I'd rather watch SpongeBob over Fox News anyways!

Fortnite Creator Code: SheldonRandoms

Switch Friend Code: SW-2240-6609-5332 | 3DS Friend Code: 5429-9754-3617 | Nintendo Network ID: SheldonRandoms

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