I'm leaving. I have a lot of stuff going on, and I'm almost addicted to this website. I might comment every now and then, but for now, I'm gone. I'll miss all of you!
even me?
3DS Friend Code: 1891-1165-2008 | Nintendo Network ID: pikmaniac
Just to let those of you who didn't see my other thread know what's happening, I'm leaving. It's not permanent, and I may drop in occasionally, but for now I'm outta here. Ciaonara, y'all!
"Pay me 20 Rupees and I'll talk." CHINK
"Never forget the comfort of freshly-washed shorts."
Well, I have decided that I am taking a temporary vacation, due to the recent events of the past few days. I'll still be on BL, my other forums, stuff like that.
Something's happened to the YNLC! It's been replaced with a site entirely in Chinese!
Hey, you don't mind if I use that as my signature, do you? 'Cause that was one of the funniest things I've ever heard on here. You have made a bad day good by saying that. (If you don't want me to use it, I won't. I will wait for your reply before taking action.)
Topic: The Goodbye/Vacation Thread
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