I think I'm gonna take a wee bit of a break from the site for a spell. Now that the Direct hype has settled and news looks like it'll be slowing down for a while, I'm gonna spend some time enjoying the summer while it lasts. I'm gonna spend some time with my family, chip away at the backlog, and enjoy the warm weather while it lasts. (I've started some casual birdwatching lately, it's so relaxing!) I'm sure I'll post now and then, and check in on some news that intrigues me. I doubt I'll be gone for too long. But a break could do me some good. Besides, once next-gen hype officially starts, I'll have to pry myself away from my computer XD. You all take care, have fun, and remember to be nice to yourself. Life is hard enough as it is, the least you can do is give yourself the kindness you deserve. Be back soon!
im off with the wife to the bahamas in 2 weeks, cant wait. Trails by Daybreak will be out still going to take the switch with me for downtime at night. im a nightowl anyways =)
"The pleasure of a dream is that it is a fantasy. If it happens, it was never a dream.” - Old Grandfather
I won't be leaving Nintendo Life, but I've been taking a break from the site. I haven't been feeling well, mentally speaking... and I've been through a lot lately, too. So a break might be good for me. I probably won't be posting here as much, at least. I know there are folks here who like me, so that's why I wanted to give this update. I hope I can feel all better real soon.
You all take care, have fun, and remember to be nice to yourself. Life is hard enough as it is, the least you can do is give yourself the kindness you deserve.
As someone who's been trying to do self-love, I thank you for giving us this reminder of yours. I'm definitely doing my best to love myself... I do know that mental health is very, very important, too. Please be nice to yourself as well. I'm sure you are, but I wanted to give this friendly reminder anyway. The same goes for everyone else... please keep being good to yourself! And I hope you all have a lovely day.
@MarioVillager92 hey man!
Hoping you feel well soon! If u ever need someone to chat to, we are always here.
I know life can be really difficult so my prayers go to u bud. <3
"I don't live for the world I live for the King" ~ NF
CaleBoi25 is PEAK
Switch Friend Code: SW-5348-4240-7813 | My Nintendo: ZeldaNerd
@MarioVillager92 Just saw this…sorry with how you are feeling. Mental health is a very big priority, and I often tend to neglect it myself, so it makes me happy to see you take care of yourself. I think it’s also important to sometimes take breaks, so take as long as you need. Hope you feel better soon!
Banjo is the best! I love Rare and 90s-00s games a ton.
Currently playing: Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Playing soon: TBD
Xbox Gamertag: VividSkies1778
@Yousef- Yeah it's mind boggling. I can understand not liking M games and not playing them yourself but to expect a gaming site not to cover them at all and then get mad at the site when they do. Obviously the only choice to make is leave the site if it bothers you that much.
RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.
Topic: The Goodbye/Vacation Thread
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