Last week we reported on a statement from analyst firm Citigroup which suggested that Nintendo will eventually release a "Switch Mini" to cater for younger players, just as it did with the 2DS a few years back.
NeoGAF user jts has taken this prediction rather literally, and has created a series of mock-up images which make the concept seem even more real.
The hook of this proposed Switch Mini is pricing and size - it has a 5-inch screen and doesn't come with detachable Joy-Cons, ensuring that the unit is small and cheap. No dock would be included, but the unit could still be used with one, making it ideal for households where a Switch already exists.
Given Nintendo's penchant for iterating its hardware it's a fair bet that we'll see a new version of the Switch in the not-too-distant future, but do you think it will take this form? Let us know by posting a comment.
Comments 119
Funny. When people started talking about a possible Switch mini, I was thinking about a screen-less switch in a very tiny box to put under my TV (like the PS TV was for the Vita)
How could it be compatible with the dock? It would need to be as wide as the standard version otherwise the analogue sticks would stop it sliding to the bottom.
As for the concept itself, it has potential as Nintendo will likely want to keep hold of the low end cheaper portable market it has dominated for over 25 years. Whilst parents these days seem willing enough to buy £300+ phones and tablets for their little ones, a dedicated portable console may be a harder sell. A cheaper console could be easier.
Heck, even i may consider buying such a console if data could be easily transferred via an account system as a more portable console would be better for smaller trips.
However, would battery be improved in any way?
Oh yeah and.....D-PAD!!!!!!!!
At least it has a D-pad. But otherwise Im waiting for a Switch XL. It should be around the same size as now, But with a 7 '' screen!
It's a good mockup, but this doesn't look nearly as appealing as the regular sized Switch. It looks like a cheap toy.
@Wouwter that would kinda be the point, in the same way the 2DS was a cheap toy. Which would you buy for your 7 year old? The $300 Switch, or the Sub- $200 "cheap toy" version? Not everything is intended to be an upgrade. The whole point of this would be to provide a cheaper, more robust version that parents will buy for their kids, not for Mr. Pro Gramer to upgrade to.
The button layout looks an awful lot like the Wii U gamepad.
@daveh30 Somehow the 2DS looks better though.
For a mock-up, that looks pretty realistic. I could literally see that in stores. Other than it's design, the games quality will most likely be lowered too. But probably not by much.
Talking about the Switches future. I could literally see a new type of dock designed to play old Wii and Wii U games. The switch console requires a linking process to the dock to play Wii U. While the Joy-Cons are subbed in to be used as the Wii Remotes. It's strange how Nintendo hasn't said anything about this though.
You couldn't make a mini version without losing something from the console that is critical
@Tsurii Yeah, the detachable controllers were on of the biggest selling points for me. Being able to play multiplayer from the get go and on the go is really fun.
@DESS-M-8 If you keep the joy-cons, the height of the console must stay the same. Where else do you lose dimensions to justify the name "mini" ?
And I hope no-one is thinking about Mini Joy-cons. Make them smaller and they become choking hazard
"Compatible with dock"
If the comparative sizes in the picture are the way they're intended to be, I wonder about that. Wouldn't the buttons and most particularly the right stick get in the way?
Nintendo might have to design a cradle rather than a dock for the thing.
I don't think that smaller design would actually fit in a standard dock without the sticks getting in the way, so the designer's claim about it still being usable with a normal dock seems a bit ill-considered--but it's possible I'm the one who's wrong. If, however, the console came with a little dongle you could plug into the back of your TV that acted in the same way as the dock, i.e. letting your play your Switch games directly on the TV, then I could see this being a very cool idea (despite much of the Switch's functionality basically being thrown out the window since you can't use the Joy-Con for all the games that require properly waving about and stuff). In fact . . .
If this is real, will it still come with HD rumble? An IR camera? NFC or top of the right stick?
And what about the games that uses the Joy Cons off the main console? Will it still work, or will the games regiter the player is using the Pro controller that the player have to shut down the console and turn it back on again?
@neufel it makes sense that Switch retain its portable and TV aspects in any form, though. Otherwise it would be a Gameboy Ultra that plays Switch library. It's enough that this proposed "mini" ditches the local multiplayer and likely most of the motion controls.
And before everyone clicks on the link that @impurekind had put up, the info was at the time the Switch is known as its codename "NX".
@TF-Warrior HD Rumble and NFC are probably meant to remain in this mockup as it seems to parrot the controls as simply undetachable joycons. Even IR camera might be there, although I'm not sure if it would be as convenient when on the console itself. Backwards compatibility with stuff like ARMS or Just Dance, however, is a different question. You could pair separate joycons with it, of course, but that brings us back to fans' Ballad of Costly Accessories.
@TF-Warrior Dat is true.
@FX102A That's the point of the system, it's cheaper because it's not supposed to be compaitable with the dock. It's exclusively for handhled gaming.
It doesn't look very nice, reminds me of the 2DS which is another ugly yolk. The XL is what I'd like to see. Bigger screen, a proper D pad and a big boost in power so it can compete with XB1 and PS4. So that we can get proper AAA 3rd party support.
I would buy three for my kids if it had cloud saves and a family sharing library. If it doesn't have either of those things, then I wouldn't bother.
@neufel i wouldrather have that to be honest but what if they released BOTH versions?, One that just hooks up to the TV and one that is wholly portable then you can get whatever version you wanted
@AlphaJaguar Except the text in the mock up image actually quotes dock compatibility.
No way Nintendo will do this in the short to medium term. Mainly because their whole marketing strategy says it's a home console that you can take with you. This kills that concept. (And compatible with dock and joy cons won't cut it.)
Much as people like to hate it, 1 2 Switch is one of their core games. They are not going to release a Switch that can't play their core games out of the box.
It looks nice, but not going to happen. Nintendo has a too high stake on the Joy-Con concept.
Releasing a Switch Mini without Joy-con's would instantly kill off the Joy-con's and no developer would be making games that use Joy-con, since they would want to maximize sales and be able to sell across both Switches.
So bad idea. Just look at Microsoft with their Camera on the Xbox One.
They got heavy critique when it was forced included in the earlier packages as it made the XBOne too expensive at launch, but when they started selling the XBOne without the camera, it instantly killed it off and no developer bothered making games for the motion camera anymore.
PS. How can it be compatible with the Dock, when you can clearly see it's too small to fit the current dock. Fail! /shrug
Something like this really seems likely. I wonder if they could cut costs significantly by making something like this not compatible with the dock by using a slower cpu than never has to upscale to 1080p.
Not sure if I prefer a Switch Mini or a Switch Pro. I guess a Pro, or both ( like the PS Slim and Pro).
Switch Mini ?
I can't help but think that they're missing the real point here... the 2DS and Wii Mini stripped out features to make the console cheaper for younger players, not just reduce the size... the only time they've reduced the size has been a result of technology advancing enough to allow it, and they actually seem more interested in making handhelds larger nowadays so that they are more comfortable to use.
If they were to make a budget version of the Switch for younger players, then I'd expect them to strip out the portability first... removing the screen and batteries would substantially cut the cost of the console, and they would be able to use cheaper non-portable components within the console itself to further cut costs.
@neufel I'm still expecting a $169 SwitchTV in a couple of years, and I'm expecting it to be called a SwitchTV. Maybe Switch TV with a space.
For everyone else -
This can be compatible with the dock if it comes with a cable to plug into the bottom of the dock. I don't think it will, I think they'll drop the specs and the fan so it only plays the handheld mode versions of games to make it cheaper, but it could plug into the dock. There's nothing important about 90% of the dock, buy a USB-C cable and try it out.
1 2 Switch, and every other Joycon game, could work with extra controllers and Bluetooth, so that's not a problem. Every home console before and including this one has worked with extra controllers. They could put a little physical switch to turn off the built in controls if need be, but I'm guessing just a patch or firmware update would do the trick.
I don't like the name Mini b/c it implies everything a Switch can do just in a smaller form, and that's misleading. I'd prefer:
SwitchBoy, harkening back to the Gameboy, though the gender term may irk some people today.
SwitchKid, b/c they could bundle it with Splatoon2, kid or a squid, and Slip Kid would make a nice commercial jingle.
Switch Pocket, b/c well that's what it is, a sort of Switch that sort of fits in your picket. Bundle that with... well you can figure it out.
So I think they are working on this design as we speak and they'll launch it if and when they need to replace the 3DS family. Or, if they can hold off long enough they can just release the Switch and Joycon without the dock, Grip, or HDMI cable for $50 less, call it "Switch: The Portable Bundle".
At some point in the future they will release a cheaper Switch with a portable focus for kids. Every kid in the house will need their own Switch when Pokémon Vanilla & Chocolate releases in a few years, folliwed by Swirl, but not every house needs 4 docks.
Don't you kinda need detachable controllers? Otherwise, games like 1-2 Switch are completely unplayable.
@FX102A True, but I think that's more to the artists imagination as opposed to practicality. A Switch Mini is pointless if it can be docked because the regular Switch is far more powerful to begin with.
@neufel exactly what I meant, you can't shrink it as it is already small as it can get.
An XL version would be a better option if they were going to do anything?
That design is terrible. It would never fit in the dock. The hardware inside the regular Switch is compact enough. I don't see them making it any smaller without lowering performance. One of the top selling points of the Switch is having two detachable controllers for multiplayer, and this mini version completely blocks this. Given the price of extra controllers, smaller screen, and not fitting in a dock, this mini version isn't practical at all.
I'd buy it.
This seems kinda pointless to me: No local mp anywhere, no switching, no motion controls. this would fracture the user base's abilities (lego city, Shovel Knight wouldnt be co-op anymore)
My girls (2, 4 & 6) dont have any problems holding the Joy cons as they are so making them even smaller seems crazy. I'm much rather an Switch mini that still had the same detachable controllers and have dock support as the full switch but make the device less wide (whilst maintaining the height for Joy-cons) and move all the function buttons to the new space on the front (power/volume maybe even an SD slot)
This mock up however would be good for when Nintendo is preparing a new "home" system near the end of switch's life to transition the console to 'handheld' status
This needs to happen,I would so buy it.I don't care about the joycons and the dock.The things that makes me want Switch are the games and the portability.
They would have to change the name of the product line, though. The 2DS is called that due to missing the 3DS main point, and I feel you called "Switch" something that cannot Switch between all the offered modes, you would have confusion among the costumers (more likely parents with little idea about video games).
If they offer a cheaper, little Switch, they'll change the name.
@abe_hikura Local multiplayer with each person having a screen is possible if the price is cheaper and more people own one. Also, if you can take the big Switch you can bring a JoyCon pair with you for that (which will, of course, bluetooth connect just fine).
Same goes for motion controls. Most games so far use them as you hold it traditionally. If you want to play arms, grab a JoyCon set (or use the built-in traditional controls for that game)
Though this mock-up isn't quite right, it could be made to work with the dock (or a dock), but I think @rjejr has it right: that's a feature this one maybe wouldn't have to save on cooling space. No up-res when connected to TV or no connection to TV at all.
All games could work the same though. With the (only slightly) smaller screen, it would be nice for games to be aware and allow for interface zooming. That would be a nice feature in the current Switch actually.
I was thinking similarly to you, though, that a GameBoy Advance SP configuration could work and be more durable and protect the screen.
@subpopz It would be immediately obvious why it's different. Much more obvious that 3DS XL vs. New 3DS vs. 3DS vs. New 3DS XL vs. 2DS for instance. Well within bounds of Nintendo marketing. Those things sell just fine.
Especially since it would run all the same games and if you want local multiplay or motion control free of the system, you can add a JoyCon set.
Oh look it's a Switch for "Jimmy" to take with him in his pocket. Switch Pocket. Not rocket science even for gram and gramps.
I think these mockups are actually quite bad. The way the controls are aligned make the control portion of the mockup take up far too much space, so this could be much smaller still.
If the switch mini ever does happen, I don't think it will have a different screen. I think Nintendo will be too wary of changing the end user experience, as menu navigation can already be a bit difficult on the small screen. I think if we see a small device, we will see only a modest size reduction. There's quite a bit of empty space around the current switch bezels, and removing space needed for the removable controllers would allow the current switch to shrink a bit, once technology allows the internal electronics to shrink, that is.
I wouldn't be surprised. I wouldn't buy one though. The Switch as is remain good enough to me.
I'd buy that tomorrow
Getting rid of TV capability is key in making the Switch smaller, because the fan would have to go as well. It will probably use a substantially underclocked X2 chip to achieve this fan less design in my opinion. Remember, corners have to be cut to make this affordable and small at the same.
@aaronsullivan I was meaning to give you credit for the Switch Pocket name in my post but it was pre-caffeine early and spelling your name, well, have you seen my mistypings of Nintendo?
So, if they go with the clamshell design, then can we call it SwitchBoy? That design seems like a no-brainer for a kids version, but the 2DS, the kids version of the 3DS, ditched it, so, I have no idea what a SwitchLite looks like.
I just hope they don't call it Switchi. Maybe Switchy.

Congrats: You made a Wii U gamepad.
This is like 3 years away at least. The cooling tech is no where near what it needs to be to make this work. Also even if we were to get everything in there, battery would be like an hour because the cooling would take up the most space.
It also would be like twice as thick.
It's perfect for me! I dont't love actual switch...
U wouldn't be able to play arms with no joycons or other motion based games at least the way they were intended
Yeah, I can see how Nintendo will release another version of the Switch, but not before another 6 months has passed.
I've actually been thinking of it myself, knowing Nintendo it will happen.
Maybe it will be something like the Switch mini. But it won't be called "the Switch Mini", Nintendo will definitely go for a more confusing name like "the 1DS" or "the New Switch" or maybe even "the New 1DS Switch"
I hope this stupid idea never comes true. Haha
I am not sure how this can happen if they don't shrink the die.
If this mock up ain't compatible with the dock, than it's no longer a Switch = confused branding = bad idea.
The mock design illustrates the inclusion of such compatibility, but previous comments addressing the dock's size and analog sticks getting in the way makes that feature moot.
No joy-cons + no dock = no point.
If they made a switch XL (larger screen) id buy it again.
I think together with a mini dock or something.
Am I the only one that thinks a Switch Mini is one of the stupidest ideas ever?
@Turbo857 How is it "confused branding"? That's like saying that the 2DS confuses the 3DS brand because there's no 3D.
There's no purpose in designing a Switch Mini that's entirely identical to the regular Switch. It has to be a cost-effective alternative, otherwise there's no purpose for it in the market.
4 inches is a laughably small screen size in 2017.
EDIT: Nevermind, the mock-up was updates. Yeah, 5 inches is a pretty good screen size for a "Switch Mini", if it is ever exists in the future.
"How is it "confused branding"?"
Calling a handheld a "Switch" when it doesn't switch isn't confused branding to you? We'd have to call it the Switchless mini.
A win-win cost-effective alternative is to simply drop the dock from the package at a later date. No need for a hardware redesign + save consumers money = no brainer.
Heh-heh, not by a long-shot. I think it's redundant
I'd be more inclined to buy something like that. but I wish Nintendo would bring out a new dedicated home console as they currently have nothing but handhelds.
lol notice even in these mock ups the right analog stick is pushed more to the inside of the console (WHERE IT F*&%KING SHOULD BE).
But really, what would this mean for the Joy Cons? The fancy super expensive entire reason to own a Switch?
And yes, the Switch Mini will be a thing.
@Turbo857 @AlphaJaguar
I don't think brand confusion matters any more.
iPad, iPad 2, "new" iPad, iPad, iPad Air, iPad Air 2, iPad Pro (not to be confused with the previous iPad Pro which was 12.9")
3DS, 3DS XL, 2DS, New 3DS, New 3DS XL
Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One
As long as Nintendo calls it something other than "Switch" it doesn't have to play all of Switch's games b/c it isn't a Switch, it's something else. As long as they do a better job distinguishing between the 2 than they did between Wii and Wii U b/c they did a horrible job at that.
It will be fine, it's years from now, everybody will know what a "Switch" is and that this cheap kids toy isn't a "Switch", it's a "Sorta Lika "Switch". Maybe they can can all it "Switchish"?
@subpopz I'll still work with joycons but they'll need to be bought separately.
Doesn't matter. Even if they were working on a switch Mini, they won't produce enough to shat upon.
@gspro15198 The home console market is an arms race, and ever since the GCN failed them, Nintendo has backed out of the arms race considerably.
@gatorboi352 "But really, what would this mean for the Joy Cons?"
It would mean Nintendo would sell more of them b/c more people would own this and would want to play multiplayer on it occasionally.
"entire reason to own a Switch"
I thought it was "Zelda on the go"? I think that's the official Japanese translation of Switch. Joycon will be as in game useful as the Gamepad screen in time, though they will always be more useful than TVii and the built-in Gamepad camera. A new color every month.
I think this mock-up of the mini is supposed to be a refresh of the existing Switch for another audience... seems some people aren't seeing it that way.
The current Switch is their 'home' console, as Nintendo like to call it. It's a bit more premium in feel, caters to the core audience with the TV-out, has the Joy-Con, dock etc... it's the full package for a solid gamer or someone with disposable income. It's the one I'd buy, and I did happily pay £279.99 for all that.
The Switch mini, is 'handheld' only. It's cheaper in quality, plasticky, can't TV-out, no detachable Joy-Con, no dock. It's basically child-proof. Say it's £179 at most, £150 at best.
When it comes to buying for my kids, which one would I buy? The premium version, or 2 of the cheaper ones for give or take the same price? Kids don't need to play on the TV, they don't need to worry about any of the other features, except playing with their friends which I'm sure can be done locally.
. I just want them to play games on a device I don't need to worry about breaking. That, and those that don't care about playing on the TV, are the audience.
@rjejr yeah, my questions were very tongue in cheek lol
I'm a facetious a$$hole around these parts.
I'd buy one for $149. As someone with multiple kids, it would solve the fighting over the switch when taken outside the house without the need to spend another $300.
Nintendo: Thanks for beta testing our latest system, everyone! BRB while we make the real thing.
no dock included because it can connect directly to the idiot box by itself, a feature that will also be included in the new switch xl.
"As long as Nintendo calls it something other than "Switch" it doesn't have to play all of Switch's games b/c it isn't a Switch, it's something else".
Which kinda makes it.... pointless. Why come out with a smaller iteration that can't play all of the original variants library? Just for the kids? They should be content with a budget 3DS.
@gatorboi352 Don't be so hard on yourself, you're not facetious.
I would've preferred a clam shell design opposed to the Vita-esque design this mock up was going for, however the Joycon analogue sticks would be a challenge to make something like that work.
That doesn't look like it's much more portable than a full size switch, and the industrial design makes me think Gamepad. Kill it with fire!
I think MiniSwitch will be more like a 2DS as in "so radically designed nobody saw it coming." Not a shrunken Gamepad that runs Switch games
@gatorboi352 Only in Koizumi-land are the Joycons the reason to own a Switch. I feel like I'm being hard on the guy, I keep bashing him all day. I like him a lot. But I don't like his obsession with Wii-ifying the Switch and focusing all company efforts on the Joycon instead of the hybrid machine. Switch is and was all about being a hybrid until the moment Koizumi picked up the January presentation and made it about the Joycons. You can tell the warring factions in the company that wanted to unify console and handheld versus his faction that could care less about that and wants to remake the Wii. Can't blame him, Wii sold incredibly, and in Japan probably still could. But it's just poison outside Japan.
Though I do still love the side-by-side controls that are the Joycons. Just don't ask me to wave them around like an idiot or pretend to eat them.
I 100% agree we will see a Switch Mini and it will not have removable Joy-Cons and it will be a single solid unit like the PS Vita. This will keep cost down and make it more durable for kids. Yes Joy-Cons will still work via Bluetooth, but the dock will not. With the smaller size, the controls will get in the way of docking it. So we will likely see a Mini dock or maybe just a dongle sold separately. But if they could find a way to make it work with the current dock, that would be great.
This will not happen with the current Tegra X1, it's too power hungry and hot to shrink it down like this. So the Tegra X2 will be needed to achieve this. The X2 will be more powerful, so they can clock the chip even lower reducing power consumption and heat output while still providing X1 performance. This will allow them to remove the active cooling, allowing them to hit the smaller size and lower price. Since it won't have active cooling, it likely won't run faster (or much faster) when docked. So I would expect it to run games the same when docked as it does in portable mode, so max 720p. Which will not be a huge concern as it won't come with the dock and will primarily be sold as a portable kid friendly Switch.
Since it won't launch till the Tegra X2 is available. I would be willing to bet we see a New Nintendo Switch with an X2. With the same dimensions as the current switch, but with a larger 6.8" 1080p display (so less bezel), more RAM and more storage. In portable mode, this New Switch will provide the same visuals the original could only provide when docked and when docked this New Switch will output in 4K. Yes games won't be able to do that natively, but utilizing checkerboarding and upscaling it will still offer better picture quality and apps like YouTube and Netflix (inevitably be on Switch by then) can take full advantage of 4K.
I don't expect to see these hit till 2019, March at the earliest, but more likely Holiday 2019.
And for people saying this is stupid, and you would rather just have the regular Switch. By all means get the regular Switch, I would to. But I'm also a father with kids, and in two years my son will be 6. The Switch is too expensive and fragile for my comfort to give to a 6 year old. There is the 2DS and 3DS but they will be fairly old by than. I would also prefer to get him a Switch as we could share physical games and play multiplayer together.
Lastly Nintendo needs this. They need something to replace the 2DS and 3DS's price point in the market so they can put all of their effort and development behind the Switch as a platform. This will mean more Switch games from Nintendo. So even if a Switch Mini doesn't interest you, more games should. This move is a no brainer.
I happen to think when the Switch Mini does drop, it'll have detachable joy-cons still.
This will never happen. What could happen is a TV only Switch, that comes with no dock, but a joy-con charger, and a weird console thingy. You could only play on TV and there would be no tablet saving a lot of money for the people who are poor. Of course there would be a few games it couldn't play that are touchscreen only, but that's the same with the 3DS and New 3DS
The Switch really couldn't be any smaller. The motherboard is already packed as it is, and the only way to reduce size would be to use a smaller battery, which isn't really a good idea considering the Switch's already short battery life. A Switch Pro is more likely, with a 7" screen and a more energy efficient X2 chip, as well as a beefier battery.
It already is using an X2
A customized one, but it is an X2
I'd link to a video but the one on youtube has recently been set to private.
@Gold_Ranger No. Definitely an X1.
The description specifically says it would be dock compatible. Of course, it wouldn't be the right size or shape to work with the current dock, so it would have to be a specially designed one... (Clearly, Damien McFerran didn't catch on to that fact though, since he mistakenly claimed it would be ideal for households that already had a switch) Much like the charging cradle that came with the original 3DS, the 3DS XL wasn't compatible with it but Nintendo still made a special one sold separately, so this is very plausible.
If the "Switch Mini" is designed like that Neogaf concept art, it would be impossible for it to fit in the current Switch dock. Nintendo would probably have to bundle the "Switch Mini" with a dock designed specifically for its smaller form factor. Either that, or the "Switch Mini" won't be compatible with any docks at all.
Even if Nintendo made a Switch on par with the PS4 and Xbox One powerwise (with a 30 minute battery lmao), that will not guarantee better 3rd party support whatsoever.
Games like 1-2-Switch would be impossible to play on this without separate Joy-Con, but I guess that isn't a huge disadvantage. I would love a more portable "pocket-sized" Switch, but I suspect that that won't happen until it becomes significantly cheaper to manufacture.
@westman98 This design definitely wouldn't be compatible with the current dock, but there's no reason to think if it's not bundled with its own specific dock, it won't be compatible with any dock at all. Remember the charging cradle that came with the original 3DS? The 3DS XL wasn't compatible with it and didn't come bundled with its own, yet Nintendo still made a special one for it exclusively sold separately. If they were willing to do that for a far less practical feature, they'd definitely do it for this one.
I can see what the designer of the mock-up was thinking while designing it, but there are several issues with it, mainly 2 of the biggest features of the Switch are stripped away, being the docking since it wouldn't even fit in the darn dock correctly, and the joy-cons, although they would theoretically be compatible you can't slide off the sides, this essentially makes it a Nintendo PS Vita, but marketed mostly at kids, that although could potentially be successful doesn't have a big enough audience
@NintenNinja16 Just because it wouldn't be compatible with the current dock doesn't mean they still wouldn't make one specifically for the Mini and just sell it separate. Clearly, the idea is that it would be compatible with separate Joy-Cons, they just couldn't attach (and wouldn't need to). No features would actually be lost-- they'd just require separate purchases.
That's a TERRIBLE idea.
Given that they called the thing 'Switch', I would suggest that Nintendo aren't planning to make versions that can't, you know, switch forms any time soon.
Looks like something that got thrown out of a brainstorming session early on in the Switch's concept stages.
@westman98 "Even if Nintendo made a Switch on par with the PS4 and Xbox One powerwise (with a 30 minute battery lmao)"
It'd be funny to have a Switch as powerful as a PS4 in your hands - althought they'd probably have to give a pair of oven gloves away with it to stop people's hands getting burnt.
Probably just a wire connection to the dock?
@gatorboi352 You could run around here naked, nobody is going notice as SLIG seems to public enemy #1 these days. Skipping over his posts would be easy if I wanted to, skipping over all the posts about him is nigh impossible. After reading about 15 posts half the time I forget what the topic is. Like now, I have no idea.
the only way i see ninty doing this is if they are convinced that thier actual handheld market is dead and they stop making the 3ds and any new handheld at all and make the switch thier only system....i dont see them doing that to many eggs not enough baskets. if the Switch failed for some reason in the case of quitting handheld they would be screwed handheld is what has kept them in the game in the tough years.
I don't think this will work. New-IP first-party Switch exclusives (1-2-Switch and ARMS) need detachable Joy-Cons.
Detachabale Joy-Cons also help for anything multiplayer (which again, are big first-party Switch games like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Splatoon 2).
And I personally only play Zelda BotW with a Joy-Con in each hand.
I would redesign the Switch, the Dock, the Joy-Cons, to XL and SP, but not to Mini!
@rjejr yeah that dude is insane.
It's an adorable design. I'd actually love a dedicated handheld Switch that looked like that, especially if they found a way to improve its battery life.
With that said, I feel like Nintendo should focus on establishing the hybrid nature of the vanilla Switch first before even thinking about something like this.
A chromecast type of device to connect to tv's, then you can use the joy cons or pro controller for tv mode
hate it.
@Turbo857 "Why come out with a smaller iteration that can't play all of the original variants library?"
I don't know, why did they come out w/ a newer Wii called, well just Wii they didn't even bother to change the name, when they removed the Gamecube compatibility from the Wii which meant there were some Wii games that it couldn't play.
Here's the official Nintendo statement when they came out w/ the Wii remodel removing Gamecube compatibility. They gave a list - not 1 or 2 games but a list - of Wii games that wouldn't work on the Wii. Yes Wii games that wouldn't work on the Wii. So there's a Nintendo precedent.
the following Wii titles are not compatible with model RVL-101:
Active Life: Explorer
Active Life: Extreme Challenge
Active Life: Magical Carnival
Active Life: Outdoor Challenge
Ultimate Party Challenge
The following titles will have limited functionality when used with model RVL-101:
Dance Dance Revolution
DanceDanceRevolution II
Dance Dance Revolution: Disney Grooves
DanceDanceRevolution Hottest Party
DanceDanceRevolution Hottest Party 2
DanceDanceRevolution Hottest Party 3
Walk It Out
Did you follow the release of the PS3? First PS3 could play all PS2 games as it had the CPU and GPU built in. Then they took out 1 but left in the other leaving it to play some games. Then they took out the other leaving it to play none.
Or think of it this way. Sony has always had a console called Playstation.
Playstation plays Playstation games.
Playstation 2 plays Playstation 1 games and PS2 games.
Playstation 3 played PS2 games for a bit, then it didn't.
Playstation 4 didn't play PS2 or PS3 games. And it can't even play all PS4 games, some require the camera, some require the PSVR headset.
But they are all called Playstation now aren't they? People have to figure out which console plays which Playstation games, b/c they are all Playstation games. When Aunt Sue goes into Walmart to buy nephew Jimmy "Madden, the football game" for his "Playstation" Aunt Sue almost never knows what Playstation Jimmy has, or what year Madden to get him besides "the new one", to her it's a "Playstation".
People survive that numbering system, they should be able to figure out "Switch" and "Switch Pocket" are not the same console. Nothing is ever cut and dry.
I hear ya but your explanation is missing the mark. If I understand correctly, you're talking about console variants (released after its original version) dropping backward compatibility for previous gen library = that's not what I'm talking about. The Wii games you listed aren't playable on the later released smaller variant because they require Gamecube controllers to play them. Also, this variant came at the end of the console's lifespan, hardly an offense that would disappoint customers.
Backwards compatibility with a previous gen library is not a requirement of of newly released hardware, it's just a bonus/nice convenience. I just believe (and I know I'm not alone) that multiple variants of the same console (that share the same name) released in the same console generation should share the same gen library. Which is why the PS4 and PS4 Pro share the same library. And if Microsoft is smart... the Xbox One Scorpio will do the same with Xbox One.
Your point would've been better illustrated if you used the New 3DS as an example. I still think the I idea of making exclusives for New 3DS that are incompatible with older 3DS models was/is a bad idea. Granted, the New 3DS doesn't have that many exclusives.
My point is that for all the tech that's crammed into the Switch already, a Switch portable is going to come with unnecessary compromises.
I think its current design is perfect the way it is and should ultimately kill what we know as a "dedicated" handheld. But that's just me, Nintendo will of course do what it wants.
@gatorboi352 You ain't so bad gaterboi352. Some people just can't handle you dropping that reptilian brain knowledge. Sometimes tho, it sounds like you need some more of that human brain power. Maybe you should evolve or something, you gator reptilian thing. You Gatortillian. You ain't no Goomba I know.
@CosmicLight Go Gators.
@Turbo857 "Nintendo will of course do what it wants."
Yeah, they always do. New 3DS was too easy of an example, I prefer the insane 2DS. Sure, it plays all 3DS games, but not New 3DS games, but the fact that it took out the option to play in 3D really surprised me. The fact that they took out an extra speaker and made it mono, probably just to save 85 cents per unit, proves they can take out whatever they want from a New Switch and still call it a Switch.
And my point about all of the PS models was that to an ordinary consumer, one who doesn't follow blogs, is that it's all confusing. It's a very confusing world. Nintendo can do, or not do, whatever they want, but at some point there will be a Switch variant, there always is. Every PS model has had a variant of some sort. We live in a "new and improved" world. They can't sell the same Switch as is for more than 3 years.
Fairly realistic, but I just can't imagine Nintendo making a version without speakers.
So Stupid.
No Joy-Cons, No Dock, No Point.
In THIS world, it's SWITCH or BE SWITCHED. Why would you create a consle SO STUPID like THIS? That switch mini really is an IDIOT.
-Remade quote from Flowey
switch mini arrives in stores.... "BUT NOBODY CAME"
@subpopz I think every current game except 1, 2, Switch works without the JoyCon being detached (even Arms and Just Dance). If you want to play the games that only have the separated JoyCon icon on the back you'll need to buy separate JoyCon and pair them (pairing might be a little more annoying as I love how current Switch makes it effortless).
You can add the hardware you want if there are some games you really want that use motion controls primarily or to play local on one (smaller) screen, so this isn't completely exclusionary.
Ultimately, I think the whole idea of this becomes far more understandable if one accepts that the 3DS must be replaced and the Switch is not a replacement. For some it's perfect, but for kids they are going to prefer something more portable and durable.
Personally I think most people, and Nintendo would prefer that this new device could run the same games that the current Switch does and avoid a split in resources and a split in attention from 3rd party developers.
I don't think these form factors are right, though. I also don't think it's impossible to integrate detachable JoyCon into a different more pocketable configuration... maybe.
@Tsurii The Switch Mini would be the 3DS replacement, for single players who want a super-portable version. I would definitely buy it.
@neufel Maybe that could be a "Switch Micro" for the future. It would makes sense too, being smaller than both the Switch and any potential Mini, but also because the PSTV (and all small consoles around that time) were called 'micro consoles'.
@neufel Nintendo could release a "Switch TV" and sell it for $150-200. Nvidia already has a Tegra X1 based Shield TV so it could be easily done. I doubt they will though because Nintendo tends to not do stuff that consumers would like. (Switch VC, anyone?) They're quite stubborn about such things and I've pretty much given up on Nintendo lately
I want Joy Con XL instead. Made with Pro Controller sized sticks, buttons and triggers.
Nah, that would be a gimmick not a real sale maker. The NSW is where the scale should be and non removable joycons is a no starter. I can see the crazy for it but the price would not make it worth to get since it will probably be unprofitable to Nintendo to make it. The current NSW is already small for what it is already. Making smaller screens doesn't improve gameplay. And worse if it can't DOCK forget it - it will die a thousand Zelda sword cuts. If made would require a new DOCK and it probably won't be cheaper then the current NSW DOCK.
So it's effectively a 2DS? take all the good stuff away, reduce the size by an inch here, an inch there and -2" screen size, no tv hookup? yah, it's just a graphically upgraded 2DS, pointless, the idea would suck and most would probably rather pay the extra $100 for all the goodies, I hope Nintendo does NOT consider this an idea
i think a switch xl that’s the same size with edge to edge screen would be awesome.. and with 1080p... wud kill the battery i’m sure!
The mock up is so accurate lmao 💀
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