gcunit edit 21/09/2026: Changing the thread title as this has become 'the' NX speculation thread and hopefully it will help prevent other threads popping up that would be best suited to be discussed here.
gcunit edit 20/10/2016: updating thread title from "The NX: the Pre-Reveal Speculation Thread".
There was no option for "maybe we should stop speculating about something we know next to nothing about and wait for Nintendo to say something" so I didn't vote.
If you add me, I need to at least know you or I won't add you back.
There was no option for "maybe we should stop speculating about something we know next to nothing about and wait for Nintendo to say something" so I didn't vote.
It is about peoples beliefs, not the truth.
And why are you reading the NX-forum if you don't like speculation?
There was no option for "maybe we should stop speculating about something we know next to nothing about and wait for Nintendo to say something" so I didn't vote.
It is about peoples beliefs, not the truth.
And why are you reading the NX-forum if you don't like speculation?
I wasn't. It was on the NL home page.
If you add me, I need to at least know you or I won't add you back.
@TeeJay: Still, you're coming into this section at your own free will. Don't like it, don't go in this section. it's the internet and we're a fanbase. We discuss, we speculate, we hype, etc.
Anyway, voted for the portable and console option, though i suspect one will be out before the other.
3DS Friend Code: 4296-3217-6922 | Nintendo Network ID: JTPrime
My gut feeling is that it's going to be an app store similar to Apple's centered around games you can play on your Wii U/3DS/Mobile while also having it's own hardware to play these games on the NX (a thin client of sorts).
What I want it to be is a return of a classic cartridge based system. But I'm not holding my breath.
A new home console with a controller that in no way bears resemblance with the PS4.
Nintendo has always made the best controllers and Sony the worst, imo. So I would like something similar to the GameCube controller or even the Wii U Pro. Not the DualShock, please.
The NX is a Robotic Dog toy that can learn new tricks either by the user teaching it or by downloading them from the internet (extra memory sold separably to cut on cost) This new "game system" will make you feel like you actually own a dog in which to play games with the dog. You can play fetch, chase, and hide & Seek. This will be the next major move for the future of gaming, building androids to play with instead of stationary machines. The Robotic Dog can sense hand gestures to preform certain actions but it also comes with its own GamePad which allows the user to control it more directly. The touch screen offers simple inputs while the buttons allow for more complicated actions. The touch screen can also display what the Robotic Dog sees which makes for easy navigation if you aren't in the same room. Welcome to the FUTURE of playing games...
Heard from my Uncle's neighbor who visits Japan sometimes and had a conversation with Miyamoto.
People keep saying the Xbox One doesn't have Backwards Compatibility.
I don't think they know what Backwards Compatibility means...
3DS Friend Code: 2621-2786-9784 | Nintendo Network ID: DefHalan
It will be Nintendo's version of the ipad. Not a 3DS or Wii U replacement.
NX was confirmed to be dedicated video game hardware iirc. Even if it wasn't, I don't think anyone would buy a Nintendo tablet (or phone for that matter). Why would anyone choose that over Android, iOS or even MS?
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