Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl launch exclusively for Nintendo Switch on Friday 19th November and just like all main series games, the first decision players need to make isn't which Starter Pokémon to choose, but which version to actually buy.
In these games, which serve as remakes of the original Diamond and Pearl DS entries, the main difference between the two is the list of Pokémon exclusive to each version. If the different box art alone hasn't already convinced you one way or the other, read on to learn all about the different Pokémon you'll only be able to catch in each game.
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl - Version Exclusive Pokémon
Below, you'll find complete lists of Pokémon exclusive to each version (with special thanks to Serebii):
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond - Exclusive Pokémon
Pokémon Shining Pearl - Exclusive Pokémon
Ramanas Park - Version Exclusive Legendaries
Revealed just ahead of the games' launch, Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl feature a new area called Ramanas Park, an "expansive new facility" that lets you encounter a variety of Legendary Pokémon.
You won't be able to access Ramanas Park until you reach the post-game (after beating the Elite Four), but when you get there, you'll notice that some Legendary Pokémon are restricted to a particular version. We've already included these in our lists above, but here they are again should you need them:
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond - Exclusive Legendaries
- Raikou
- Entei
- Suicune
- Ho-Oh
Pokémon Shining Pearl - Exclusive Legendaries
- Articuno
- Zapdos
- Moltres
- Lugia
Which version are you going for? Brilliant Diamond or Shining Pearl? Or are you eyeing up both? Tell us below.
This article is part of our Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl walkthrough and guide series, which includes every version-exclusive Pokémon in each version of the game, advice on the best Sinnoh starter Pokémon to choose, and all the old and new Pokétch Apps, plus how to get specific Pokémon such as Mew and Jirachi, Rilou and Lucario, Manaphy and Phione, Arceus, Eevee, Leafeon And Glaceon, Cresselia, Rotom, Ditto, Spiritomb, Heatran, Regigigas, and — of course — the mighty Feebas.
We also cover how to catch 17 Legendaries in Ramanas Park, where to find the Defog HM and chain catching (or how to increase your chances of catching Shiny Pokémon), plus how to earn money fast, how to beat the Elite Four, how the Trophy Garden works, and how to get the DS sounds and Catching Charm. We also have a full and updated list of Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Mystery Gift codes, plus we tell you how to unlock the Mystery Gift function, too.
And finally, Where to Buy Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl on Nintendo Switch, if for some reason you haven't yet picked up the game!
[source serebii.net]
Comments 16
Houndour line and Spheal line aren't exclusive, can be found underground
There's a handy guide on twitter that shows all the version exlcusives, but that porbably counts as spoilers.
Don't forget that when you buy a cart it includes roms for both "versions" of the game.
@Bluerangervegeta why does that matter though?
@Classytagz because 13 years ago in 2008 they released a combined version of these two games called Platinum that added a bunch of stuff and had all of the exclusives. And instead of making that one game they made the two inferior versions. If they wanna keep the two versions crap up that everybody has hated since the 90s they can do it for the mainline stuff but I see no way to justify doing it to the remakes when the superior versions exist.
@jb91 who has hated this? All the remakes have had two versions.
I've been at Brilliant Diamond for two days, now, and...I'm reminded why I didn't like the DS games.
I remember loving the Underground and digging, but the rest of it just felt like such a circuitous slog of backtracking to the same places, over and over again, and an annoying friend who keeps running.
Now, it's a Chibi circuitous slog with blurry landscapes and soulless characters.
I guess that, after the progress made in the series from HG/SS through SW/SH, with each set of games getting better (and even the enjoyable Let's Go games), to see BD/SP take such a parachute drag backward has been both annoying and depressing.
Beyond that, it's freaking 2021. You've created this "Home" infrastructure to connect multiple games. There is absolutely no excuse for not incorporating compatibility with games on Day One. It's the highest example of "lazy devs."
@jb91 I would argue that the "superior" versions always had drawbacks, particularly when it came to Pokémon availability. Platinum was a great example of species of creatures missing that had to be traded over from Diamond/Pearl.
entei is my favorite pokemon, but pearl has way better exclusives in total. what the heck, man.
Fantastic games, and their sales are through the roof. The future of Pokemon is clear, and I couldn't be happier.
I kind of hate it. More specifically, I hate some of the trading interactions the game tries to force.
@Kiwi_Unlimited that's been a staple of the series from the start. With all the stuff they hand you from mystery gifts and such you don't really need to worry about it
You're not wrong, but some of it feels outdated. What once was cool no longer feels that way, to me.
I especially dislike pokemon whose 3rd evolution requires me to trade them, but when I get them back, they no longer realize I'm their original owner.
That feels absolutely stupid to me.
@Kiwi_Unlimited have you ever played any pokemon games since they started?
Blue, sapphire, pearl, black, shield. . .x, (I think?) . .Let's Go, pokemon coliseum, pokemon snap.
I think that's all I've played.
I never played gold/silver.
Still, the game failed to evolve some of its outdated stuff. . .it was clever in 97. Not anymore. . . Now it's just annoying.
I don't understand why release 2 versions in 2021. I understand the gimmick back in the 90s and early 2000s because it made you get together with friends who had the other version, nowadays you just go online and get the other version's Pokemon, aside from that the games are EXACTLY the same.
Brilliant Diamond leaked on piracy sites and they found out that you only had to change 1 line and you could load up SP, still Nintendo has the audacity to release 2 separate games and a "pack" with both games. They could have simply release 1 game and give you the in-game option to load SP or BD but...money, right?
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