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@Vortexeo Imagine how happy I am too! Lots to break down though.
Nia's in it, at least judging off of that diluted Core Crystal. So the world merge? There's a Monado or two in there as well, and I recognise some locations.
I cannot wait.
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Catherine: Full Body
Luigi's Mansion 3
Paper Mario: TTYD
@TheJGG DUDE I can't wait to get deep into the lore of this game! I'm gonna have to replay through Xenoblade 1 and 2 in the mean time while I wait lol xD
Btw High Entia were shown and Nia was in the trailer so it's safe to assume this sequel is much more direct. If you haven't played any of the games you'll probably be lost.
And I believe Vandham from Xenoblade 2 was shown which also had his voice actor.
Topic: Xenoblade Chronicles 3
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