@Matt_Barber Thanks. I have no intention of doing much if any postgame stuff. I never bother with superbosses in RPGs, they are always much more work than fun. But I will probably stick with switching around just for the heck of it, it sounds like it's useful even if I don't entirely understand how. And it switches up the gameplay a little it. I definitely prefer fighting as an attacker rather than a defender, but it's something different to try for awhile.
And I just unlocked the ability to do chain attacks last night while playing. It is definitely a different system than in past games. I think I understand the gist of it and how to pull one off, but it seems like there are probably deeper strategies to really maximize a chain attack's usefulness that I don't quite get. I know someone in these forums posted a really good video for Xenoblade 2 that helped a lot, so maybe I'll search Youtube for a similar one for this game. Because if past games are anything to go by, I'll be fine for most of the game but you really need to know deep strategies to take down the bosses.
Just finished up Chapter 2, and I know it's still early in the game, but my initial thoughts so far are it's probably the weakest in the series so far. It's been a lot easier than previous games, likely due to having six people in battle rather than three. There has also only been, I think, one side quest so far (other than the ongoing one of having to visit every Nopon seller), and it was of the worst kind where you just have to find random items that add up to some arbitrary 100 "points." And I know every game has had a lot of cutscenes, but this one seems to take it to the extreme. It feels like it's been 75% cutscene and 25% just walking to the next area. This has also been the one RPG series where I don't usually battle every enemy I see because a) there are so many of them, and b) they are usually just cute animals minding their own business so I don't want to fight them. But in this game, most of them run and attack me even when I try to leave them alone and even when I am higher ranked than them. I know it will get better, but these are my initial thoughts.
Topic: Xenoblade Chronicles 3
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