@Solaine Aonis? Alrest-Bionis? Makes sense to some.
@Vortexeo So happy for you that this is real. I’m over the moon and am barely putting a lid on my excitement. I’m still shaking a bit! Xenoblade games are top tier RPGs. It will be worth the wait.
Currently playing:
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Baldur's Gate 3
Catherine: Full Body
Luigi's Mansion 3
Paper Mario: TTYD
I just really hope the combat ends up good, and the voice direction. The game already takes a page from Definitive Edition's art style, and it looks amazing. Please... no gacha.
"It is fate. Many have tried, yet none have ever managed to escape it's flow."
Very interesting, so maybe the main party mixes up with characters coming from 2s and 1s world while the protagonist comes from a third one.
And the future of both games... ah jeez, so much to theorize about. I gotta play the old games as well to know half the stuff again, will i be able to sleep with this much excitement?
"on a scale of 1 to 10, she's an 11, and she'd give herself a 12" ~The Burst, Furi
Insanely hyped for this!
Considering X1&2 are kind of parallel games, this is probably a soft sequel. Some of the characters are most likely reincarnations of the ones from the previous games, so not exactly the same ones. My expectation is that it will be a very stand-alone game with some hints and moments to tie it to the previous ones, similar to how X2 was connected to X1.
@Solaine I imagine the Third protagonist is from 3's world. 3's world is (Spoilers for the first two games) Shulk's new world, and the world that Klaus led Rex and friends to before he died and before the conduit disappeared to an entirely new world.
They renamed it to something else, given that it's no longer the the Bionis nor the Mechonis.
"It is fate. Many have tried, yet none have ever managed to escape it's flow."
Mario Maker 2 Maker ID: YT1-0Q2-YFF
Please ask for permission before using my FC! Currently Playing: Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies (3DS)
@Matt_Barber I just hope armor changes character appearance like in 1. They know people wanted that with 2, and made it DLC... so hopefully it's included in 3 again.
"It is fate. Many have tried, yet none have ever managed to escape it's flow."
There's little doubt XC3 will be my favorite game of 2022.
Expectations are high and the game is looking great.
Switch Physical Collection - 1,274 games (as of July 10th, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay
Gotta be honest, I only really started on XC1 when the remaster came out and am slowly getting through it, but it doesn't suck me in the way XC2 did. The second game was amazing, one of the best I've ever played. Really have to finish 1 before September. SO stoked, my dudes.
@pinta_vodki I'm right there with you. I never actually completely finished the original, because it didn't engage me like XC2 did. So it's time for me to stop slacking and actually play the digital copy of XCDE I've sat on for almost two years now.
I've only beaten Xenoblade Chronicles, which was mind blowing on the Wii. I own the entire series so far, but in comparison have barely played X, 2 and Torna. I still haven't beaten XC:DE either. I'm thinking of beating at least XC2 before 3. Even if that doesn't happen though, I'm still very excited and will be buying the third entry. Monolift Soft is and has been incredible. After playing Xenoblade Chronicles on the Wii, each new announcement within the series has given me chills. I can't wait for September.
"The secret to ultimate power lies in the Alimbic Cluster."
Topic: Xenoblade Chronicles 3
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