Not sure when I'll be able to between my gaming and non-gaming schedule and timezones, but I'd love to try for the first time and occasionally play Four Swords in multiplayer (have only played it in single player thanks to the DSi version) so feel free to ping me when you arrange a session and I'll see if I can join!
I also have Discord if needed, my username is johnnymind there, too.
By the way @Yousef-, I've just accepted your friend request on Switch!
Switch Friend Code: SW-1690-6099-6315 | 3DS Friend Code: 0774-4371-1504 | My Nintendo: Giovanni | Nintendo Network ID: JohnnyMind
I added a bunch of you guys. I guess I'll just send a random invite if I see you guys online.
My discord username is suphomeygword. Add me and let's play!
@Suphomeyg Accepted your friend request on Discord! Also sent you a friend request on Switch, didn't see your post where you mentioned your code at first.
Not sure when I'll be able to between my gaming and non-gaming schedule and timezones, but I'd love to try for the first time and occasionally play Four Swords in multiplayer (have only played it in single player thanks to the DSi version) so feel free to ping me when you arrange a session and I'll see if I can join!
I also have Discord if needed, my username is johnnymind there, too.
By the way @Yousef-, I've just accepted your friend request on Switch!
Thanks, friend! Just saw it! =D
Steam Friend Code: 1176431257
Switch friend code: SW-7391-1388-5607
Xbox Gamertag: ForgetMeNot3495
(text me on the Xbox Messenger so I see your FR)
Current Switch Physical Game Count:26
Switch Friend Code: SW-7391-1388-5607 | My Nintendo: Yousef
Just had a game with QCArkangel. Was fun! We played one stage then it closed due to a communication error . Hopefully we can play again. He won the most rupees, but we beat the level anyway. Having no VO chat or text and trying to communicate to each other is quite funny. I really enjoyed it.
@Mariofan41 - you can do it with 2 players. Does not have to be 4 it turns out!
@Mana_Knight Okay, let's start a match at 4 today to see if we can get it to start up.
I'm Jay, your average Nintendo fan(and clean freak lol) My adjectives are he/him, and that's all the info you need, right?
What? You want my Nintendo FC on Switch? It's on my profile. :)
Topic: Zelda Four Swords (NSO) Gathering Hub!
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