Currently I am playing World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria Remix on PC. I just got my shadow priest to level 70. That two characters I now have at max level. I just need 3 more to get the 5 characters at max level achievement that I have been trying to get for years now and with MoP Remix I feel I have a good chance.
Other then that I am just grinding out guns on XDefiant since the new season dropped. Still enjoying this game alot and it gives me that old school CoD feeling best of all it's free.
@dmcc0 I remember playing Smash TV on the NES and SNES when I was a kid didn't realize they made a Game Gear port. I remember seeing a Genesis port advertised but never seen it myself. Still one of my favorite games to this day and it still holds up well to this day.
RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.
I went ahead and got Super Monkey Ball: Banana Rumble after hearing all the hype, and it's been a really pleasant surprise. The level design feels just like the classic games, and the Spin Dash does so much to bring back that experimental feeling of trying out whatever crazy shortcuts you can think of in your head and just barely managing to clutch them out. There's so much here too in terms of content and while it's not perfect, this is easily shaping up to be my favorite game in the series since the original duology.
Went back to BS Special Tee Shot after I got it working on my Miyoo Mini. Turns out I just had to plunk the BS-X BIOS on its SD card.
Always enjoyed Kirby’s Dream Course, but I prefer this as there’s not as much reliance on powers, and the shots are more technical. KDC has putt, long putt and a lofted shot, but the angle of the latter is fixed. In BSSTT it’s hugely adjustable, from a low punch shot to a skied wedge. On top that, the ball is smaller, so it feels more like golf than Kirbo abuse.
I’d like it to appear on the NSO SNES app at some point, see how people take to the difference.
If you're not scared, worried or furious, you're not paying attention.
'Dun Wanna' is not a valid medical reason. Get the jabs, mask up, and back the hell off.
Mario Maker 2 Maker ID: YT1-0Q2-YFF
Please ask for permission before using my FC! Currently Playing: Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies (3DS)
Just wrapped up Case 1 there now and I gotta say: I'm having a pretty good time! Ace Attorney games are always fun to go through so it perhaps isn't too much of a surprise but it feels great to finally be back in the swing of things again after having to put the series on hold due to school life getting in the way. The transition to 3D, while it definitely looks a bit rough in places (particularly in how characters jut from one pose to the next), is mostly pulled off really nicely, the music is as catchy as ever (with Athena Cykes ~ Courtroom Révolutionaire and Cross Examination ~ Allegro 2013 being personal highlights for me so far) and Case 1 was a pretty fun one with a very good climax, even if it didn't blow me away too much (which, given that the name/premise of the case, feels a tad ironic XD). Still, I'm very excited to continue on tomorrow and can't wait to see what happens next!
One criticism I do have though: why the f*** is everyone so mean to Apollo 😭
Mario Maker 2 Maker ID: YT1-0Q2-YFF
Please ask for permission before using my FC! Currently Playing: Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies (3DS)
@Tasuki I used to play a lot of the arcade version when I was younger and I played it recently on Xbox (Midway Arcade Origins) and its still great fun. I remember having the Commodore 64 port of Smash TV when I was a kid too, but I think the single button joystick meant you could only shoot in the direction you were facing - it been a while though, so I could be wrong. Game Gear version is OK - it looks a bit rough and I'm still getting to grips with the controls, but it's still a lot of fun.
@dmcc0 I too have the Midway Arcade Origins just for that game alone, although there are other great games on it too.
The shooting in one direction was the same on the NES you could only shoot in the direction you were facing. Although with the NES there was a way to play with two controllers using one dpad to move and the other to shoot, but then it meant you couldn't play two players. I figured that the Genesis port probably has the same set up, shoot in the direction your facing since there is only 3 buttons on the standard Genesis controller.
RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.
@Tasuki The Game Gear version uses a 2-button control system. Button 1 is a 'lock' button where the initial button press shoots in the direction you are facing, but locks to that direction as long as you hold the button - so if you're facing left, you'll keep shooting left as long as you hold the button regardless of which direction you move. The second button shoots on the opposite direction to your movement. It's a decent compromise, but it does take a bit of getting used to.
I haven't played the Genesis (Mega Drive) version yet but from what I've read the 3-button pad uses 1 button for the direction you're facing, 1 for opposite direction and the 3rd uses the same 'lock' method as the Game Gear above. There doesn't appear to be an option for the 6-button controller, but looks like you can use the 2-controller method as per the NES too. Would be pretty cool with 2 arcade sticks, or even create a custom controller. I'm not sure I've come across any other games where you can use 2 controllers for a single game, so it's but it's probably too much effort for one game. Would make a great lockdown project though. Maybe the next time we have a global pandemic I'll give it a go 😅
Warframe - Feels like my homebase for the past three years since returning to the game after Update 22 (Plains of Eidolon) gave me burnout.
Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - About 22 hours in, maybe close to....halfway through the game. Not sure.
Master Detective Archives: Rain Code - A few hours in. Fairly by-the-numbers storytelling. I do appreciate the excessive use of neon around the world. Feels like a Danganronpa-flavored Blade Runner, which is cool.
Switch Physical Collection - 1,274 games (as of July 10th, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay
@dmcc0 LOL that would be an interesting project. I know with the NES Advantage you couldn't use two of those on the NES because it took both controller ports which is one thing that I didn't like about the NES Advantage, having a younger sibling meant we couldn't play two player simultaneously games like TMNT II for example.
I have always wondered if you could use one of the NES adapters like the NES Four Score or Satellite to use 2 two controllers for each player on the NES Smash TV, I never tried it since I didn't own either of this adapters.
Now that you mention it I do believe that other button on the NES controller when you just used a single one mind you was a lock as well. But as I said very rarely did I play that version I mostly played the SNES one mainly due to the cheat codes. It always surprised me that they never did a true sequel to Smash TV.
RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.
It always surprised me that they never did a true sequel to Smash TV.
Yeah, but probably more likely to get a reboot or remake these days. To be honest, I'd be happy enough with a Switch port at this point - Arcade Archives or a full Midway Arcade Treasures port. Xeno Crisis is the only other Twin Stick shooter that I've come across that has the same vibe, although it's obviously thematically very different. I hate the phrase 'Spiritual Successor', but it probably applies in this case.
Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy (Switch) - 54 puzzles in with four cases solved. So far, this title is episodic compared to previous Layton games, all of which have an overarching plot. Not a bad thing for pick-up-and-play sessions. I quite enjoy the main characters and all the punny names in the game. The puzzles....Some of them are good, others are meh. The visuals still exude the charming world of Layton. Plenty of extras to do as well, including all the daily puzzles.
Kirby's Dream Land 3 (NSO) - I'm not far in at all, only partway through the second world. A fairly decent Kirby game so far, but I'm already seeing why it's divisive among Kirby fans...especially after Kirby Super Star. The game brings back and adds to the animal friends from Kirby's Dream Land 2 and combines them with Kirby's copy abilities. Even so, the power-ups are somewhat limited. I've found the heart star missions fun and occasionally unique. The pastel world has aged well for a SNES title. I just wish the game played at a slightly faster pace.
Currently playing: Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy (Switch), Kirby's Dream Land 3 (NSO)
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